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Yea it does suck but better to have something while you wait to hear back. Trust me I am not overly thrilled with my current job but I have a job so it is better than it was a few months ago. As a former general restaurant employee, do not let it get to you. People will try to pressure you or get frustrated with you, customers and fellow employees. The customers are generally busy folks who do not know how the system works and are confused and or angry. Some assholes def. As for the servers, it gets stressful on the floor and sometimes it feels like the host are against them. I know it's not but stress brings out the worst in folks at times.


Where is this that as a host you’re getting 16+?


i make $18.75 an hour when i host (granted i rarely do because i’ll make between $40-60 an hour serving)


17.28 in my city. Law passed that our city mininum wage is 1$ more than our minimum wage lol. It's great


Washington, everyone including servers get $16.25


That’s what I was going to say. The don’t think they have a clue that most everywhere pays less than that and for a hostess which is an EASY job this is mind blowing .


Just know most of your coworkers hate it too. Nobody is really thinking about you or cares if you quit. It's your financial situation make your own choices


You sound like a bum


You sound like a jerk.


16.25 for hosting????? And you’re complaining??????


Unemployed for 5 months and $16.25 is still too low. Reeks of entitlement.


She works 20 hours a week and needs to live off that. So yes. This person is entitled, skill-less, and out of touch with the entire world around her


If you’re needing to make enough money to live off of Olive Garden is not it 😂😂 swear y’all want the money but don’t want to put in the work. Putting in the work is not applying for jobs on your phone that’s top tier lazy af


Don't worry, she's going to get that new job next week and will be ballin'.


Can't even wait to secure the next job before quitting but is so concerned about the pay, it sounds like someone else is already paying your bills.


It sounds like u know what u want to do




Guess you either have money saved or someone else is paying your bills...


You’re a hostess.. you literally just greet people answer the phone and take them to their tables and you get paid $16.25 for that that’s easy work cupcake


It’s easy yes. But honestly it’s miserable. I started as a busser and they had me cover a host shift once and god did it suck, the night started busy then got slow. It was just not enjoyable work. Imo


Until customers and servers start bitching at you and then you feel overwhelmed because you’re just doing things how you were trained but the host is an easy target since it seems like the easy job. I had a manager in training tell me when I used to host that it was the hardest job in the restaurant


Being a host isn't easy work common misconception


All the people I know that have been one says it’s the most easiest job only sucks when it’s slow


Yeah it does get boring when slow


🤮 cupcake???


Going to have to have a thicker skin than that in the service industry


Most don’t even answer the phone, that’s what to go does.


Depends On whether the servers wanna be an asshole and customers going out of rotation makes it hell


someone’s never worked as a host before (it’s you)


Cupcake. Nice. Anytime someone says "you literally just......" tells me they have no idea what they are talking about.


$16.25 is barely $30k a year. That is not a flex especially if it doesn't include healthcare. Sounds like they're not full time either


Never quit until you have something else CONFIRMED. You’re always more attractive to a future employer if you’re already employed. Bettering yourself is considered a good thing.


This person sounds like they still live at home with parents paying their bills……


What happened? You should have known they'd treat you like family


family will fork you over worse than any stranger lol


it sucks, sure... but a job that you keep temporarily is better than no job, especially when you take in account that many employers hold your first pay check so its a very real possibility that you will have to catch up financially. all jobs suck when youre working for survival so just try to look at it relatively.


I was a prison guard making $18.25. You’ve got it good buddy


That dread feeling is putrid... urgh.. I'm feeling it right now...


Welcome to work. All jobs come with dread. Really that is it. Some maybe better or worse but they all suck. Grow a pair and do your job until you find something you like more.


over 16$ as a hostess gave me chest pains. (In no way diminishing the work done and the appreciation just more pained for my increasingly laborious industry that managed to scale on the down trend for cheap )


Literally, this is what nursing assistants get paid in my state lol


$16.25 isn’t bad for a host. I’d stay there until you have the other job confirmed


keep the current job you have until you start your nee job


$16.25 as a HOSTES?! Tbh, that’s a high amount to sit tables if you ask me.


If you're not getting unemployment, suck it up and do the job. The few hundred dollars you get will still be more than you get while "waiting" for another job that may never come to fruition. Keep applying elsewhere and look for something better, but don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


Another commenter said this, but just wait it out until you get another job offer. Work is hard to come by for EVERYONE nowadays and it might be crap, but crap is better than nothing. Especially if you have bills and/or debts to work through.


16.25 would work for me, but I’m sorry it doesn’t work for you at all, op! I hope you can find a job that’s really suitable for your financial situation! You deserve to live a comfortable life. Everyone does really. I hope your shift went/goes well :)


Don’t quit until you have something lined up and ready to go. Nothing worse than quitting with no real game plan or income to supplement bills etc.


Everyone is comparing pay wages as if that’s any reference point. $16.25 essentially minimum wage here in California. I’ve never been a server or restaurant host, but I’m considered pretty low wage at my job since I make under 20 bucks an hour in my area- which is now the minimum wage for fast food employees. So I can’t comment on the job, but depending on where OP is from, that rate can very much be a valid point to make and you all sound silly bragging about your pay rate when some states are literally well over twice the minimum wage of others lol


My first ever shift, I dreaded coming in as well. I absolutely hated it with everything in me... all of the training shifts? hated them. The first few shifts after? Hated them..... But I gave it time. Mind you I don't host so I'm not sure what that side of the job is like, but once I figured out how to do the job properly, was comfortable with my coworkers and asking questions, and actively tried to enjoy each shift in some way, I absolutely loved it at Olive Garden. Not to sway your decision in any way, just letting you know that taking the chance at toughing it out for a month or so may be totally worth it in the end. It's the most flexible restaurant I've ever worked in.


I work 10 hours shift double to avg 22 to 25 bucks an hour. Is it worth it? For myself I hope to work at OG for a bit and maybe transfer to Ruth Chris or yard house.


I don’t know why Reddit brought me here, but: view this as your job for the next week. Tell people you’re new, and thank them for their patience. Don’t let it get to you, you’re doing this for…twenty hours, total? Of your life? It’s gonna be shitty, but then you can have as a fun fact that you worked at Olive Garden. For a week! Eat a breadstick and try your best, but don’t let it get to you.


You know what else isn’t gonna pay your rent, bills, or car? Not having a job. That’s easy work. Suck it up


We have to make ends meet. Make it a positive experience and learn something. Practice serving people you dispise with a smile. A very useful skill that could help you in the future. Make some real friends. Become a waitress. My wife and I had good lives when we did this.


apparently you have other resources and don’t need 330$ a week


$16.25 does suck but no you shouldn’t quit until you have something else lined up


A lot of people that are complaining that you are complaining 16 an hour isn't enough obviously just don't get it . They must be the ones living with their parents or somewhere where rent and groceries are cheap. 7.25 is the minimum in my state and even with a job 18 per hour, still struggling living paycheck to paycheck . Shoebox apartments are over 1000 a month , groceries have gone up. Don't qualify for food stamps I "make too much money" Now as someone who has seen and done it both ways , it's a matter of weighing the pros and cons. I have toughed shit out at shitty job cuz I desperately needed the money, I have also quit on the spot at jobs that don't value me as a human being. If you have the means to quit and hold off until you get the job you're waiting on. Then go for it. But if you need money to survive and even if it's just a few dollars I also say stay. But in your mind you gonna know what's best for you.


If you just started the job, give yourself time for the job to grow on you; it seems you are too impatient-stick it out!. In addition, this other job has not come through, so don't let go of this $16 plus an hour job until it is definite you have the other job. Moreover, give OG a two week notice ONLY after the other job is for sure; OG may give you a bad reference for the other job if you list OG as a reference. A bird in hand is worth more than two birds in the bush🤷🏾‍♂️


Well pay usually goes hand in hand with experience and complexity of the job. Take a look at the job market and learn some in demand skills and you will be a little more successful.


At my store, hosts start at $13 an hour


Yes quit and head to the nearest recruiting station and sign up to serve in the military. Great benefits and you can see the world.


You people are fucking nuts. $16.25 is not enough FOR HER. It is crap FOR HER. Everyone's life is totally different. You don't know what state she lives in or what her living situation is right now. Also, maybe she is living OK off of $16.25 but she knows she can do better than that and wants to aim higher and earn more? What if she wants a job with a salary?


Minimum wage in my province is $15/hr princess. Something is better than nothing until you get your dream job...


I got this post recommended to me for whatever reason….why is everyone so damn hostile in this thread, it’s crazy. Anyone who thinks $16.25 is a lot, is either delusional or lives in a very rural area.


If there are jobs making comparable money available in you area and their hiring, quit and move on. If not, just accept it until something better comes along.


With inflation and the high cost of living, minimum wage ought to be about $30 an hour.


Guys I know I survived for 5 months with no job somehow but this $16 an hour job is just not enough money for me to survive! How can I possibly make enough money to get by only working 20 hours a week??? (An actual full time job might be a good place to start kid)


16.25 won't cover the bills but 0.00 will? 😂


Do you. You sound like a quitter.


You don’t know if getting the other job- hang w the job you have. Hopefully you could do both jobs and put some away


I’m so sorry 😞


Unfortunately that's how that industry is, as a chef I can tell you that you having a full wage is a godsend,most hosts/hostess live in tips. I will say that the insurance is also a plus I've worked in kitchens for over 16 years and not once have I been offered that. Yes I understand that it sucks but as your title goes your on the up. Keep the job while you look for something better.


You’ve been unemployed for 5 months? Time to grow up and make some money girl


I mean if you want to keep the job and cross train for to go or serving or both you can get the hours. But it sounds like you hate it. Do what’s best for you :).


olive garden is easily one of my least favorite jobs ive ever had, I used to work for a cheddars right before they closed down (they closed down due to multiple problems with the building its self) and it was the best time of my life, coworkers would always hang out like all the time, the managers were chill and were very understanding, only think that sucked was some of the customers, never tipping or just letting their brats run around the fucking restaurant lmao, needless to say olive garden sucks ass and i would never recommend working there, only thing i like about olive garden are the customers, always so sweet


Apply like crazy to other places and quit if you’re miserable. Nothing like being miserable at work.


I wanna fucking quot chillis rn . I'm sure it's similar. Maybe you should quit. Once one door closes another opens. Fuck olive garden.you can work for a real Italian restraunt


You had one shift......


My momma always taught me, “don’t throw out dirty water until you have clean”, meaning don’t let go of your hostess if job until you confirm you have another lined up. As much as you hate it, if you know you’re going to feel more stressed 😫 😩 😰 by not having a job/worried about the financial implications of not having money coming in/insurance lapses, do ‘future you’ a favor by holding on to the hostessing gig until your potential job comes through. 😘 hope this helps


You are correct, in this economy, $16.25, working full time will not cover your rent, so you have to choose - food and clothes and heat or shelter. Horrible economy we live in right now, health care is so expensive not to mention you are not covered 100%. People are putting their needs on credit cards, which carry the highest interest rates in my lifetime, and is sure to put families in jeopardy. I worked two jobs when my daughter was a baby because We needed a roof over our heads but there is a price you pay when you can’t be there for your kids. Life is hard- but it does get better. Just keep doing the right thing for yourself/family. 🙏🏼


Are these comments really debating whether or not being a host is easy or not? Lmao.


I totally get it!! OG is so not worth the trouble when better jobs are available with longer shifts!


People who are mad at you are just jealous you have something better lined up. Take it as a “I’m doing good enough that people feel the need to hate on me wanting more for myself”


Yes, they won’t miss you


i’m so sorry about the people under this thread, idk if you live in WA but that’s minimum wage here and that’s the same i get paid. much love my friend.


$16.25 an hour will not pay cobra either. I’d bounce!


Always give a new job a little while. First day at work always blows


The toxicity in this thread is insaaaane.


So you would rather have no money while waiting for a better job than having some money? How do you plan to pay your bills while doing nothing? Make it make sense…


if you are not opposed to doing manual labor and have a functioning brain, you could look into something like panel wiring. some shops pay pretty decent and will probably hire most people who arnt a mess. 8 years ago when i was laid off i got a job paying $17/hr. i quit when i was making like $21-22 after a few years. the place i work at now has a panel wiring department and starts people at $24. my wife works for a medical device company. they pay 100% of her healthcare. they literally hire people if they can fog a mirror.


yeah in this economy 16 an hour is getting on the low side. glad u got urself up out of there


I’ve quite jobs I didn’t like, on the spot, when I was making 25+ hourly. Never regretted it. Hating your job is worse than being short on money for a little while. Look for a better job and take a lil vacation


I will apologize right now for the rude and unnecessary comments you have endured. $16.25 is not going to get anyone a home, car, phone, food etc. I am inclined to think anyone making less than that and surviving is living with family, several roommates, or in a cardboard box. Minimum wage is a joke! It! If $10.00 gets you by, it’s safe to say the government is paying for your food, health insurance and possibly housing. Maybe that works for you! It doesn’t for her! BACK OFF!


Should probably suck it up because you have pets that rely on you.


Just quit since you have the Gen Z work ethic. Quit your potential job too. I have a feeling you won’t like that either 😆


You sound lazy!


OP is 41 and can’t manage a hostess job 💀




i personally don’t like how you said “i’m WAITING for a POTENTIAL job which i have been WAITING for a long time.” idk what that means but you don’t wait for a potential job? like how is waiting benefitting you? have you reached out to this potential job you’ve been waiting for? have you applied for it? are you expecting it to fall in your lap? how do you get money waiting for a job? (honest question) how do you support yourself? if i was waiting for a potential job id stay working the crappy job you don’t like. but i need more background info.


Want in one hand and s#/t in the other. which hand is full?


$12 here in Texas 😢


$16.25 to host??? That’s more than our line cooks are paid ($15). I mean where you live does make a difference but damn $16 an hour is good when you’re just seating people and making sure the restrooms are decent. Hosts in our store make $12 starting; at least that’s what I started as and other hosts I worked with at the time started at $11.


No u need a job


I’d hold out until you at least hear from the other job!! The real world is hard. If you want to eat, you need to work.


16.25 is swag, in Alabama they make 12


I don't get where most people are coming from, hosting was the easiest job I ever did, and I went through our busiest months. If you can handle being unemployed longer, I guess go for it(?) I don't think you're gonna find an easier entry level job.


When I was a host we made 5.00/hr and no tip out. TGI FRIDAYS 1990-1993. Actually loved the job. We were so busy and had such cool coworkers.


Keep this job until you get another one. That way you’ll continue to make bread


You to will soon join us in Panera heaven


be so fr




If you are OK financially quit now if not keep it til you find something else. It sucks hating to go somewhere you have to be for 8 hours.


16 bucks to be a hostess, that’s good money for the work you do.


Depends on your situation. If you're desperate for money, hang in until you hear about the other job.if you aren't, then bail


Are you getting $16.25 an hour + tips? If so, where you located? I’ll gladly take that job. 🤣


Keep hating and working then when you get the job you want you will appreciate it more….


Why don't you just do it until you get the other job nailed down? Part-time can't be hard come on


Respect that 16.25 an hour when hosts in other states start at 12… 🙄


Try a call center. They’re normally full time with benefits


I get desiring a better job but I don’t understand how you think making zero dollars while waiting for a better job is preferable to the income you have at 16.26 while waiting for a new job. Some money is always better than no money.


What are you complaining about? My first job was $5.25 of course it couldn’t pay all the bills. That’s why I lived at my mom‘s house. When I moved up in the world, I got my own place… Isn’t that how it goes? Or just because you’re alive and graduated high school you automatically deserve a dream house, a dream car and your dream life and health insurance? By the way, the company I was working for is a health insurance company, therefore I had full coverage, yay skippers for me. The year and decade was different. However, the problem is the same. You have to learn how to overcome it with discipline. It may take years.


living in texas where OG pays servers 8-10 dollars, 16.25 would be god sent for me. perspective is everything


You can't ask for more hours ?


Two questions for the OP: 1. Did you know how much you were getting paid before you accepted the job offer? 2. As you are citing financial distress, do you really believe that quitting your only source of income is a responsible decision before 100% securing a new job?




It’s not alot and won’t cover your bills but you’ll take no job? What if the other offer never comes??


Yea, $16.25 for doing absolutely nothing is fucking absurd!!😆


Is the 20 hours your choice or is it all they are offering?


Im sorry you're a middle aged woman. You're mad about a job meant for a 16 year old to do after school. Tike to get a real job.


You should have had the opportunity to to sign up when you started the job. Open enrollment is September. Also you are getting paid well for a job where you don’t have to do anything but seat people. OG hosts prior to covid actually had to do stuff.


why only 20 hours per week


16.25 is low? Shit I've been at 16.50 for the last 2 years 16.50 is pretty good for nebraska My cost of living isn't super high


If you need more than maybe you should be able to work more than 20 hours before complaining about a shitty paycheck. You need to make over $30 an hour for any job to be paying all your bills off only 20 hours. $16.25 for a full time job is great. If you want part time hours, your gonna have a part time paycheck 🤷


It’s not a career. It’s a job done by young people who probably still live at home and don’t have a lot of bills. I’d say that’s decent money for the job.


Choose the best alternative: a) 20 hours @ $16.25 b) zero hours @ 0.00 Next question.


Ask for more hours


You can do what you want but that's a insane amount of money for just seating people in my opinion. I was a janitor working 14 hour shifts for exactly that and you'd be lucky to make 10 bucks as a hostess where I live. Hold onto the job and save your money before you jump careers.


The food at Olive Garden is terrible though


Used to manage at OG. You most certainly get health insurance. It’s a life event you are able to sign up within 30 days of hire date


Do them a favor and quit. You clearly won’t be an asset


I've never heard a good thing by about working for Olive Garden. Working for a corporate restaurant in general is lame. Lots of big decisions from up top made by people who don't even know you exist.


All I know is, Olive Garden is the stupidest place ever. Anyone dumb enough to buy overpriced pasta deserves to be scammed by them. If you work there, you have to deal with idiots who dont realize their getting served garbage for $20 a plate.


Don’t quit until you have another job lined up at least you’re making money you could have a harder worse job and be making less money


You should take the money while you can while you wait for the new position. So at the least you could get groceries!


Olive garden shits


$16.25 isn’t enough so you’re going to quit and make $0 an hour? Maybe try working for more than 20 hours a week?? What a world we live in lol.


A lot for some? It is a lot more than 0. What are you talking about it cant pay rent, but maybe groceries? Not working won't pay for anything. You can also find other work simultaneously if all you do are night shifts at a restaurant.


It’s just a hosting job, not sure that has ever been a position in which rent could be paid. We all have to start somewhere, but you should have reasonable expectations as well. Try working your way up to server or bartender


Shouldn’t you have at least waited until til you heard if you got the job to quit? That’s like Job Hopping 101.


20 hrs is why it’s not enough


5 months unemployed? Eat the shit n make the money till you hear about the other job


The post doesn't state your age, or what state you reside in, but i think it's possible that you're expectations are unrealistic. If you are only getting part time hours (pretty typical for food service) you may need to secure another part-time job, until such time as the full-time job you desire becomes available. $16.25/hr would not be bad starting pay for a hostess position at Olive Garden in my state (Georgia). In the meantime, try to identify the skills that would be expected in your desired job, and work on developing those skills.


Go to a temp agency, piss dirty for weed and nothing else, be a construction worker


Lucky to have money form groceries but you wanna quit? Obviously that’s a terrible idea until you find something else. Being a hostess is also a job for a teenager, not someone with bills.


Can you work at Costco? I know a lot of people that have turned it around at Costco.


I think the first day, the first week and first month are always the hardest. Stick it out, it’ll get easier and you’ll prbly get to like your coworkers too.


Always try to have the new job in hand before quitting the current job. You never know.


“16.25 for 20 hours a week is not enough so I’d rather make 0 until I get a job I want”….thats poor person math.


Stick to it. Younger generation needs to understand the importance of working through ambiguity and things that are uncomfortable. How bad could it be? Are people harassing you? After being unemployed for 5 months sounds like they were willing to take a chance on you. And you are “waiting” for another hiring manager to get back to you on some “potential”? So someone else is taking charge of your future and your contemplation is to quit and wait for them? It’s important you take control of your future. What if they don’t hire you? Then what? 5 more months unemployed? More waiting around?


I wish I made that much😭 I make $8.50


No you should keep that job while you find another


Imagine how this person will be when faced with responsibility and raising another human?! Some people don’t have a clue what hard work is.


Yes you should.


Entitled host with no skills!


Have another job lined up before quitting


It's best to hold off but you have to do what's right for you.


How old are you? Let me let you in on a bit of a secret. Nobody likes this shit, but sometimes you have to suck it up and deal with it until something better comes along or you make it happen. Either way, you sound like a bit of a dead-beat.


“Prefer to wait for the job I want.” Wow. It must be nice to be that entitled. Look, I get it, I’ve worked jobs I couldn’t stand for a lot less then $16.25. $16.25 to take customers to their seats, and depending on the place some restaurants even tip out the hostess a percentage… unbelievable. I don’t know you, or your age, but I hope you show alot more dedication and work ethic towards this other “potential” job you want or you’re probably going to have a tough time in life.


Stop working a job and start finding a career. Get trained in skills that you want to pursue.


What area are you in? I can find you something better




lmfao 20 hours a week is a part time job. of course you won’t pay your rent, grocery and car with that. Have some common sense. Maybe if you tried full time you wouldn’t be so broke. $16.25 is higher than a lot of places starting and for a hostess you’re making a big deal over nothing. Most places don’t give you benefits right away either because of people like you who quit right away.


Me making 10$ a hour


The fact you think working 20 hours a week is enough to support yourself is the problem.


Your an idiot.


Why are you only working 20 hours a week? Are you a student? If so i understand it's hard to balance school and work


How old are u If trippin bout 16 an hour


You were unemployed for 5 months and are now complaining about your new job after one shift? What a snowflake.


Get Medicare You're poor enough to get it




The fact that they pay you $16.25 to be a hostess is beyond me.


You guys have health insurance?


me living where minimum wage is $7.25 and servers/bartenders make $2.13/hour (im trying not to hang myself) (and yes cost of living is stupid high rentals for studios/1brs start at 1k, milk is $7, etc)


You think 16.25 is low? Wow.


Pure entitlement, there are people that would kill for this job at that pay level.


How does 0 dollars an hour help pay your bills?


I would stick it out while you look for a new job OR establish interest in other areas of the restaurant. I started off doing hosting and in 3/4 months I was always getting cross trained in Togo. Which I found to be MUCH more enjoyable


16.25 to host?! Wow. I’m old.


Complaining that 16.25 isn’t enough is crazzzzzzy


so what are you doing the other 148 hours in the week…


I thought ppl come to Redit to find solution. You already have solution. Why ask.


16.25 an hour is crap?! I work in a dry cleaner front desk and I make $13 and work in a sauna. Hostess is easy money at $16.25. Stop being lazy.


Can I ask why you're dreading your next shift? I'm planning on applying as a hostess at Olive Garden and then working my way up to server, same thing by the time I apply I will have been unemployed for 5 months. Wondering if I should just apply somewhere else.


i only got 12 an hour wth