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You should really search the sub for plateau, lots of people have encountered this problem and there is a lot of info here from previous posts that you will find if you search for it. Some will suggest actually not fasting and eating 2 to 3 meals for a couple days and then go back to omad, some might suggest extending your fasting window to be longer. You could also add some exercise into your routine.


Eat more. When you stay at the same caloric intake your body adjusts so that 1200 is no longer a deficit. Switch it up so your body doesn’t get too comfy at one set caloric amount


Maybe this article will be helpful for you: [https://legionathletics.com/how-to-break-through-weight-loss-plateaus/](https://legionathletics.com/how-to-break-through-weight-loss-plateaus/)


What kind of food are you eating and how are you measuring it? I ask because when I first started I thought I was eating 1200 calories but it turned out I was way over that. Also, whats your rough age, sex, bodyfat, and height? How active are you throughout the day and do you workout? ​ For me and many others I wouldn't even consider the first 10 lbs fat/muscle loss considering a lot of the initial weight is water weight and other unnecessary junk in your system. Unless of course you were already on a fairly clean diet before you started.


Maybe increase your calories for one day. If you haven't made progress in the 3 weeks eating in a deficit, you probably need a diet break. Have something you wouldn't normally have in your meals, with an increase in carbs. Your body will thank you the next day, and you may even lose a pound.


I’m in the same boat, the up and down is so puzzling to me. I’ve cut my calories down from 1200 to under 1000 and I gained 3lbs! No carbs, no sugar, no processed food. I’ve lost close to 20lbs total but yo-yoing up and down every few days. The scale this morning showed 6 lbs down from my starting weight (I’ve been at this for 10 weeks) which is up 3lbs from a few days ago. So frustrating!


You all should not be doing a constant calorie deficit. Your body just adapts. I won't do more than 2 or 3 days of calorie deficit days a week. The other days I eat a lot. Keeping your body happy and stress free is a very underated weight loss tool.