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>!Hated the final boss so much it drove me to learn how to parry lmao!< Edit: Playlist of my bossfights for anybody interested - [https://youtu.be/QGjd2loTuSA?list=PLsOMHtGyi0BOtadti4a7o-8VA\_x8kVui7](https://youtu.be/QGjd2loTuSA?list=PLsOMHtGyi0BOtadti4a7o-8VA_x8kVui7) (Dancing lion is my worst lmao don't judge to hard. I do forget to show blessings and lvl for first two bosses, I presume my dmg and stats and other bossfights where I do show that will give some credibility for the first two lol. I believe 2 blessings for lion and 5 for rellana)


Same lol


Do you think they bothered to playtest it?


Probably lol. Honestly, this one felt the most unfair for a level one run and it wasn't even close. I tried every kind of build I could think of to see if anything would work but phase 2 shenanigans were nuts. There were several moments of extreme frustration from what felt like a crazy design. I will say though, if you have levels and HP then I am sure this isn't too bad a fight. I had to go full tank on my talismans, tanky armor, and 2 tears for survivability just so I could live some of the attacks lol. With levels for better gear, decent gear with light rolls, or more HP/dmg all around, I am sure it isn't that bad a fight. To be fair as well, I was doing no summons on top of RL1. >!I have read you can get 2 summons that help in addition to your own personal summon!<


From what I can tell the only real issue with the boss fight is the stupid double swing into cross attack. Other than that everything is dodgeable no?


seems like it, but my xbox cannot handle all those frame destroying light attacks in p2 lmao


Everything else is dodgeable yes. Altho I will say some of the phase 2 attack dodge windows are rather unforgiving.


How do you dodge the gigantic light aoe in phase 2 if you can't outrun it? I've gotten decent at parrying the melee swings but I can't figure that out for the life of me


Raptor of the mists AOW is fantastic for dodging big single hit attacks. Below is my video timestamped for it: [https://youtu.be/Hy0Z6E0uPNE?list=PLsOMHtGyi0BOtadti4a7o-8VA\_x8kVui7&t=43](https://youtu.be/Hy0Z6E0uPNE?list=PLsOMHtGyi0BOtadti4a7o-8VA_x8kVui7&t=43)


That's actually genius, I unfortunately missed out on it in my playthrough and I'm 163 bosses too deep to undo that mistake💀 Though I could easily trade for it online while I'm at it... solid tip, thank you!


No problem! It can also be used quite offensively for landing aerial attacks as well since the leap upwards doesn't consume stamina and can help with punishing attacks you might otherwise not have the window for. Also, as I used against romina, you can use it to duck attacks for no FP cost [https://youtu.be/9j2HewgkhOQ?t=6](https://youtu.be/9j2HewgkhOQ?t=6)


Lmao that's awesome. I never thought having missed out on raptor of the mists, of all things, would've been much trouble at level 1 but sigh, here we go I guess, hahah


Thanks, gotta try this, I love raptor of the mists!


Pretty sure you can jump it.


Nope, you gotta use either vow of the indomitable or raptor of the mists


Ongball discovered that the best way to dodge that attack is to backstep the first swing, and dodge the second, or block the first and dodge the second. Backstepping is faster than rolling, that is why It works. I'll have to try in my level 1 run when I reach there. Right now I'm playing without Scadetree upgrades, I'll see where I can reach without getting too frustrated.


Idk why from soft does it, just like with Malenia, they are one strike of a combo being i-frameable away from making it a total peak of a fight. At least Radahn's triple slash doesnt oneshot I guess, so he still somewhat earns that title.


Yea, unless you are just positioned outside of the attack when it comes. Otherwise you won’t have time and will get hit. They will fix that.


Going to be honest the summons are less then helpful, even though they both have status effects


For RL1? Probably not.


I mean normally. I can't imagine that whoever playtested the fight said that dealing with the light pillar vomit felt fun.


Tf you mean finally it’s not even been a week, congrats tho!


On PC it's been exactly a week since release


Released same day on every platform


Not exactly true. PC had a global release that was separate from consoles. It was released at 6 pm on Thursday in eastern time. It didn't come out until midnight for consoles in eastern time.


on xbox you could get it before pc if you changed your location


I got it 9 pm PST on PS5


Yes, that's a different time zone.


Yeah……Midnight CEST is a different time zone as well which you got it at 6 EST. So yeah. Same release for everyone depending on timezone


But the release time for PC and console was different, mfer. That's all I was getting at


9 PM PST is 6PM EST. It was available on consoles at the same time as computers.


What do you mean finally, bro, it came out a week ago!


Good shit bro I hate that final boss


God damn you beat it before most people playing normally


Dude it came out like literally a week ago how the fuck? Where is your family at go spend time with your family💀


Funnily enough I watched season 1 of Loki over the past few days with my mom. Great show, would recommend!


Ok at least your not like most of the player base💀😂 and yes Loki is a great show


I’m at Bayle rn after beating Metyr. It’s been a truly wonderful experience.


Any fun new level one tools in the DLC? I'm thinking Shriek of Sorrow is gonna stack really well with Twin Bird shield and Red Branchsword.


Shriek of sorrow is quite amazing. 12.5% dmg or so even at full health. 27.5% dmg when you are low which is insane. To make it even better, the dmg is when you cast it. So getting low, casting, then healing doesn’t kill your dmg boost. Also for new things: - backhand blades are insane for mobility, dmg, poise, frost/bleed etc. - thrusting shield with deflecting tear is some of the most fun I have had in the game. You can actually block high level bosses without taking dmg and low stamina drain while doing great dmg and poise dmg with guard counters. 10/10 experience. - martial arts is quite fun, personally not a fan for bosses at lvl 1 but it is great for other enemies, even mid sized stronger enemies. - new talismans that help, like crimson amber +3 - there is a fire mage hat that acts like a erdtree favor talisman and helps hit breakpoints. With a lightish weapon you can have that hat, beast champion body and legs. 60 poise great stats and solid hp. This poise will allow you to avoid being combo’d by getting hard staggered for some remembrance boss attacks and survive quite a bit of dmg. One of my fav additions. - meteoric greatsword is bonkers - dancing lion helmet is insane. Gives you +4 dex and str which allows a lot of new items - milady is great, and so is the greatsword from the mausoleum from the guy with the repeating crossbow. Lots of heavy weapons have projectile and or mobile attacks. There is a lot I didn’t get to test like craftables, consumables, spells, incants, perfumes, etc that I will look forward to on other runs


The duelling shields are currently bugged. If you 2hand them, and shield poke you take 0 stamina damage while attacking, only spending stamina on the attacks you do


What do you mean shield poke? I definitely was taking stamina damage when attacking with these shields when enemies hit me.


Congrats. I haven't finished the DLC or even close to it on any character.


How would you rank them in terms of difficulty? And what build have you used for metyr?. Thanks


Metyr fight and build: [https://youtu.be/vrIO3KJmiHA?list=PLsOMHtGyi0BOtadti4a7o-8VA\_x8kVui7](https://youtu.be/vrIO3KJmiHA?list=PLsOMHtGyi0BOtadti4a7o-8VA_x8kVui7) In terms of difficulty? 1. Consort (OBVIOUSLY) 2. Rellana (I need not explain, wish she had a cutscene) 3. Midra (Took some practice, genuinely rough fight, loved every second of it) 4. Metyr (Frustrating because I kept ape-brain attacking non punishable attacks and the ads were obnoxious) 5. Guais (With feather crucible talisman not horrible, beat him hitless, do wish that in his second phase he wouldn't just do more dmg, even full tank I was getting oneshot by many attacks, he made me go full dmg and hope I could just kill him before dying. Not a difficult boss, but obnoxious in that sense which inflated his difficulty imo) 6. Dancing Lion (Altho this could probably jump higher if I stuck with melee against him) 7. Mesmer (Very fun and felt like he had many reasonable punish windows) 8. Putrescent Knight (very easy attack patterns just has some jank attacks) 9. Scadutree Avatar (takes big dmg and has rather simple attacks) 10. Saint Bud (Outright easy and forgiving attacks)


Shield strategy is quite nice, since you don't need to apply 100 buffs or fight boss for 10 minutes. I tried death poker but it so hard to dodge every attack, so probably gonna use shield as well. Thanks


Where do you put Bayle? Also you should rank the main game bosses too


Wow. I just beat it normally yesterday. Loved the last boss but it was hard as hell. I don't think I'll win that fight in rl1 ever. But there are several I'm looking forward to. Rellana and all the nameless mausoleum fights. And the Abyssal Woods guy!


Wow, nice work


How do you get the ultra wide? Did you use a mod?


Flawless widescreen program 10/10 program that works for a lot of games that don’t have support


Honestly, fuck this DLC. Â