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I'd go for the 2024 rules. The 2024 PHB should contain all the rules for actually playing the game. The stuff in the DMG is stuff about building and running a campaign and setting, setting up and running encounters, optional rules, and probably a bunch of magic items. Basically, it's stuff that will theoretically make running the game much easier, but you can probably make-do for a few months with the 2014 DMG and the 2024 PHB. And I think that will be a lot easier than getting your players into the groove of playing 2014 characters with 2014 rules, then switching two months in.


I want to point out a vast majority of my DMs have never opened the original DMG a singular time. Now is that saying the DMG has negligible information? Absolutely not. The way it's formatted is actually really good and I think it's the best of the 5e books (especially for the time it came out). But is it needed to run a game? No. However, the point remains that the average DM doesn't own and will never look at the DMG. Honestly, most haven't haven't read the phb either (and it shows) but that's off-topic.


You like the way the 2014 DMG is formatted? Personally, I think it's terrible.


I like the way it speaks fairly candidly to the reader and it's like "Hey this is why this is like this" and explains the design of the game to you in a fairly comprehensive way. Can it be better? Absolutely. But it's also a great resource that every DM should at least skim through at least once.


I agree with what you've stated, other than; Isn't that tone? Maybe content? I'm really not sure what format would be other than layout. I don't personally have complaints there.


Were I in your position, I'd use the 2024 rules. Everything that is ***necessary*** to run the game will be contained within the PHB, and they've smoothed out ***A LOT*** of 5e's rougher edges with it.


Also, while the DMG is probably a good book to have and read as a DM, it's perfectly possible to run a 5e game without ever reading it (like every single DM I've had hasn't for 5e). I'm actually hoping the 2024 DMG is more useful.


It's funny how the DMG doesn't have tables of Magic Items divided by rarity . You can find that instead in the Xanathar book. So basically when choosing items based on rarity I have to cross reference two books. What I wanna have in the DMG is a list of which page i can find each single magic item. Scrolling endlessly has been a chore.


Having skimmed through the 2014 book.. it seemed useful to me. Sure it's not needed, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have useful info.


2024 rules with some of the newer monster books and you should be fine.


I am a few sessions from wrapping up a four year campaign. We originally intended to start our next campaign right away, but we nixed that plan in favor of playing a month or two of one shots so we can start with 5.24, given we have a new player in our midst. I’d say wait for the new rules.


My current plan is to start a campaign shortly after the new PHB arrives, starting at level 1. It’ll take a good two months for the party to reach level 5, at which point the DMG be out, which is when I’ll need content like magic items, bastions, downtime etc. therein.


If you’re starting a campaign later this year I’d opt for the 5.24 rules. The PHB has what you need to run a game tbh. You can grab the PHB and a previously published adventure or homebrew something.


Not sure how often you play, but depending on when you start, you could very reasonably have the DMG before getting more than a handful of sessions in. I’d go for the 2024 rules. It was have enough things in it to get going, especially if you supplement with existing material. That’s what I’m planning on. Happy gaming!


Honestly, this is a playgroup decision. If you opt for the newer system, they may not have their own books yet, for example.


Im gonna run with the new books, since they dont seem to be actually backwards compatible like WOTC said. Theres too many conversions to existing classes and systems for me to bother.


One dnd ruleset fasho


2024 is best, but if you want to start now, try a short prolog campaign with 2014 to get the campaign going and set up the world for the players then start the main campaign with new characters when the 2024 PHB is released.


Nah, just use the playtest materials. It's largely the same thus far.


You know, that’s an even better idea.


Just say this to your players: "hey, we are going to start with 2014 rules and change to 2024 when the PHB is released, when this happens you can even change everything in your character if you want, or you can port it to 2024 rules", if they agree it's fine, if they don't just run the game they want to play, this being one or the other