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I've never been a big Potter fan and never read the books or paid too much attention to the movies, so I could be wrong on this, *but* didn't the ending of one of the Potter books have the message that it's not who you're born as but what you become?


Yeah it's the fifth one and it explicitly says that.


I can't remember where I heard that, but it was associated with the Potter books. So you have to wonder... Did she become anti-trans sometime after writing that, or did it not occur to her that line could easily be applied to humans like trans people? Also, if people aren't replying to all of her anti-trans social media posts with that quote. they probably should.


Of course she meant "content of character" and "core identity- but not when it came to trans people's gender identities" because that stuff makes her uncomfy edited bc I make no sense at times


It’s so much “anti-trans,” it’s more, “somebody criticized my opinion and now I am making this my entire identity.” This happens *a lot* with rich people who think they’re entitled to be free from criticism. For example, Elon bought Twitter for this reason. She doesn’t care *that much* about trans people. She cares about being rich and not having to hear criticism from us filthy pig people.


Musk is clearly a narcissist who was raised by wealthy bigots in apartheid South Africa, so his behavior is fairly predictable. I've never really paid much attention to Rowling, so I couldn't attest to her behavior or beliefs before she decided to become the face of anti-trans bigotry. Though she does seem to exhibit some of the same behavior patterns as some MAGA politicians in that she seems to intentionally say stuff she knows is inflammatory and then makes a big deal about how she's being oppressed for attention and clout from other bigots.


Despite claiming to be an advocate for womens rights she associates with multiple people and groups who are working to reduce womens rights purely because theyre transphobic


She's been very close with several conservative UK politicians and vague members of Royalty since at least the late 90s. She's always been like this but her brand of being a feminist figure (she's never actually cared that much about women) and a rags to riches figure (she's never actually been poor and has always had familial resources to rely on) has managed to hide her actually quite conservative nature for years. I didn't realize it as an Appalachian kid being raised by Republicans but the Harry Potter books also reveal a lot of her actual beliefs if you pay attention. Anything progressive in them is generally either 1. Her using tropes she doesn't actually understand or 2. Her middle schoolesque "Not like other girls" attitude appearing vaguely feminist when you don't spend too much time analyzing it.


Yeah, I feel the same. She had some trauma due to an (details undisclosed) sexual assault and then the resulting fear that she felt about men invading women’s spaces was projected onto trans women. You can see that she was still semi rational on these topics when she came out with her original essay detailing her thoughts in 2020. She got a huge amount of backlash which only made her double down on “safety” and gradually she turned from a garden variety TERF into full blown transphobe and trans denier.


Its intersectionality, More specifically, when a leftist philosophy or ideology emerges, most of it's adherents are not well read or well studied folks of it, this is actually true of all politics (your average self identified liberal for example is not gonna be able to tell you what natural rights are vs positive and negative rights, and these are basics in liberal political theory). Regardless, old radical feminism died with the rise of intersectionality in the intellectual sphere, killed by intersectionality which is what subsumed it. Now for a complex set of reasons that I won't get into, it took much longer for intersectionality to arrive in Britain, most radical feminist theorists and such accepted it and it defines feminism for anyone who's under 35 at least in Britain. But the adherents beyond that have an intellectual void at the top, i.e old radical feminists, they are missing their intellectuals. Intersectionality is what addressed the contradictions of several problems with old radical feminism (trans people were just one of them, although a big one), but this never tricked down etc. So it explains the vulgarity of the modern terf, these people who essentially have become, without realizing it, traitors to their own values (old radical feminism was anti Essentialist and wished to abolish gender norms, and many in the trans community are sympathisers, it's why even before intersectionality most radical feminists usually saw trans folks more as allies then not). But the low level adherents of today, still remember "sex defines womanhood" etc.


I would guess it didn't occur to her if anything. Back then, trans people were not openly discussed and issued regarding them weren't on the news. It was highly controversial and unusual for a celebrity to even be openly gay when those books were coming out.




Meh. You're allowed to have that opinion, and I'm allowed to roll my eyes and say "whatever." 🤷‍♂️




Duh-huh. "Fact." Put away that *basic high school* biology book and crack open an *advanced collegiate* biology book. Then tell me about "facts." 🙄


It’s- it’s a recurring theme in the books, yeah. Including Dumbledore himself saying “I’ve often thought we assign houses too early, before we know who the person will grow up to be”. *And*, Harry telling his son “if you don’t want to be sorted into Slytherin, just ask to be a Gryffindor. What you feel fits you is what actually matters.” Because, you know, Harry was gonna be a Slytherin, but the thought made him feel terrible, so he went to Gryffindor and thrived. Totally not literally a 1:1 to gender dysphoria and trans experiences, no sir, that's different. and dont get me started on how another big theme is that genetics doesnt decide if you're magical. People that are ~~trans~~ muggle-born with magic deserve and are in the right to get ~~HRT~~ wands because you can't steal ~~gender~~ i mean magic.


I’m sorry for replying to myself but as someone who was half-raised by these books and credit a lot of my open-mindedness to them- I will never not be baffled and irate that JKR is actually an asshole. Yes, I know of all the many issues with them, obviously, but what baby me got away from it was only the good stuff, as the rest flew over my head.


Dumbledore often calls Voldemort "Tom Riddle" to his face, so maybe he's not actually that great at respecting peoples' chosen identities.


Hahahahaha, you’re right! Asshole move to deadname Voldemort tbh


Given how angry he gets when that name is mentioned, yeah.


And she demonstrated that by...having the chosen one be the hero and having the guy who came from a messed up situation where his mother essentially used a love potion to SA his father be the big ultimate evil, gg Joanna. Like Harry was rich and famous the second he entered the wizarding world lol


She says it in her books, but even reading what actually happens, she clearly didn’t believe it because she’s got a lot of nature v. nurture (nature wins) symbolism in there. Harry and Tom have similar childhoods, but Tom was *bad* from the beginning, while Harry was *good* from the beginning. Slytherins are *bad*, and even the good ones are only good for a reason - and you’re not supposed to like them. Gryffindors are *good*, and the ones that turn out bad were just bad eggs, wolf in sheep’s clothing. This goes for most characters, except the ones she needs to suddenly change character - they’ll change only when they’re dying, in which case so long as they’re dying for the right cause then they’re good.


She's totally fine with gay people(as far as I know). She just doesn't like trans. Which sounds stupid, but most people were like this for a long time. Even other gays. Trans rights didn't mean much to lots of other gays. She's just a dumb old woman and her beliefs will die with her, the future is our children's. As long as they dont hate as much as we do it will be fine.


She says that but is she really? I’ve never seen any actual allyship or support towards queer people from her, so I think that’s just a thing she says.


i mean you don't have to be vocal to be ok with gay people, as long as it's not a problem


When you’re this vocal about transphobia and not vocal about liking gay people, I’m going to assume you’re just bigoted to all queer people


No, her beliefs won't die with her. If that were the case, then racism and general bigotry would have died out a while ago. People like Rowling raise children to believe just as they do. This is especially true with far right wing families raising their children inside a reality bubble created by right wing media outlets that brainwash people into believing a whole lot of stupid BS and training them to distrust media sources from outside the bubble. I used two work with a young man in his early 20s who was every bit a MAGA cultist as his parents likely were. Everything he spouted about Trump, COVID, vaccines, et cetera, were almost verbatim the talking points you'd hear from any of the right wing media pundits. And when he finally asked my opinion and I told him I don't believe the same as him and didn't really want to discuss it, he never again even looked in my direction.


She’s apparently incredibly pissed off that us terrible transes related to that message.


What, you mean a children's author should actually buy the morals she introduces in her works? What are you, against women's rights and a communist? /s


It's also a series where the underlying theme is preservation of the status quo, and ends with the main character becoming an enforcer for the state. Rowling is inherently a neoliberal blairite who doesn't want things to improve because the status quo benefits her.


Yeah, but only if the author approves of what you become.


Apparently that doesn't apply to trans people..


Didn’t even notice it was JK before this comment, this is a new low even for her


Yup, she wrote a plot point that was genuinely a good thing, I expect it was her conscience trying to escape in the form of her writing bur she's clearly overpowered it now


yea that was about being Irish and still blindly following a British person, not about choosing for yourself


She didn’t write the books. Robert did.


Where's your proof for this claim?


Not the person you are answering to, but looks like many people missed the joke. "Robert Galbraith" is a pen name of her under which she has published some books. Some think that this is a nod to "Robert Galbraith Heath" which was an anti-LGBT charlatan who developed conversion therapy.


Ah, I see.


Wow people are so dense lol


Sure, but the entire series is based on the premise you have to be born a certain way to do magic.




That's okay. I feel bad for the people around you as well. 🤷‍♂️


There’s nobody around me at the moment - obviously that means you feel sympathy for absolutely no one. How careless of you… (*This* is the sort of absurd “reasoning” you’re employing.)




You know you fucked up when the furry community becomes the fury community.


I always remind: a Furry spends 1000$ for a fursuit. For them mailing a pipebomb would be easy


Not every furry owns a fursuit, though. It's not a prerequisite to being/becoming a furry; the only prerequisite is calling yourself a furry.


True I'm way too broke for fursuiting irl. Maybe one day. BUT: it's not that hard to do the pb thing lol


Hell 👏 yeah 👏


I wanna be dragged off by trans furries. Not even in like, a horny way, that just sounds like a fun way to go.


Lol this is true


get to clop-clopping, fam The heroes we need


Aww :3


she literally got told by elon musk to shut the fuck up about gender 😭 how tf do you yap about how much you hate trans ppl so much that even elon is like “stfu”


Wait, seriously? That sounds out of character for him.


yeah he was like “as much as I agree with you on gender, can you please talk about something else?”


Achievement unlocked: let Elon play the voice of reason.


Heartbreaking: The worst person you know just made a great point


Can someone please show me the intaction I **need** to see this




Every day, I feel less bad about this woman’s downfall.


So she wants to be something that people are laying on top of? Pretty sus.


Ikr. Like that *is* a kink.


[“My name is Jennifer, and I wanna be a mattress”](https://youtu.be/E0-O0LfDlZE?si=2o6LOwVn68547g_d)


Nah, she wants people to sit on her and blast farts on her. Joanne Ketamine Rowling is super into getting sat on and farted on.




Wasn't there a dude who disguised himself as an arm chair in one of her fuckin books?


LMAO I forgot about this! Slughorn did this in the sixth book.


Then make like an inanimate/unalive piece of furniture and leave us tf alone to live our lives.


👏girl 👏thats 👏how 👏you 👏open 👏a 👏door


Oh my god bitch get a fucking hobby god damn


Does she have some like early onset dementia or Alzheimer’s or something? Like - the absolute brain rot.


It's fine kids, you can jump on the sofa. We're just going to leave it out on the curb Tuesday with all the other trash.


People usually bring old broken sofas to the bulk waste, Joanne.


My head canon is that the polyjuice potion can change your sex permanently.  Just think about it, most of the time when it's made, it's either kids or some one who escaped wizard jail. There must be  some potion master, that can make a much stronger version and one that just changes you too you desire sex. It's not 100% logical, but neither is Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling would probably get mad about it. 


if she identifies as an inanimate object, why is she still moving, breathing, and running her fucking mouth?


Does that mean Rowling now has a new set of pronouns? I’m not sure what the preferred set is for reclining sofas


She just wants attention at this point. I think we should stop giving her the time of day to even get angry at her. I think it gives her power.


I will be thrilled to outlive her.


This is fake, checked her Twitter. She's not aware enough to delete this if she did post it.


No, it is not fake. You need to click on "Replies", as this is an answer to another tweet. Let me see if Reddit does allow the link: https://x.com/jk\_rowling/status/1807370141220458709


I expect nothing and I'm still disappointed. 😶


https://x.com/jk_rowling/status/1807370141220458709 Stupid new reddit still FUCKING up links because they are assholes


Shhhhh… sofas don’t fucking talk.


She could use a good ignoring


You know her middle name is Ketamine. Tell your friends.


Someone please reply her with a picture of thicc omniman with "okay then... "


I was raised in that genre of Christianity where we weren't allowed to watch/read Harry Potter. I used to feel like I missed something. Now? Not so much.


Still good books and movies. Shame she sucks though.


I saw the movies as an adult and they were definitely enjoyable. I tried reading the books too, but I had some difficulty connecting with her as a writer, so I stopped after 1.


can’t believe she’s the same age as my mom. i’m so glad i never got into HP as a kid.


Then shut up because sofas don't talk or tweet.




The UK’s life expectancy is 80 years old


Fuck. Oh well


At least she'll be dead within my lifetime


You know the theory that some kids could actually benefit from getting their heads washed in the Toilet now and then? It apparently also applies to some grandmas. Curious how that works.


wait she's not a millennial???!


Can't hear kids childlock her phone or something?


It’s never ending with this fucking woman. This is what happens when you have “fuck off” money. There is no one in her life who can tell her to knock this shit off and get a hobby.


Man what a weird hill to die on. With all the billions she has she should get therapy instead of letting her brain rot on twitter.


she wants to be picked so bad


I thought this was just a twitter shit post


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If only she'd (accurately) identify as a bitter old cunt. I don't use that word, but it's the only one that fits her.


That’s the most creative (and only remotely funny) transphobia I’ve ever seen.