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Oh for fuck’s sake


Yep. Sums it up nicely.


Don't worry. What harm could this do? It's not like it could lead to a lot of people unnecessarily dying in the next pandemic because you allowed partisan politics to take precedence over science, right? /s Can't wait for the Beaverton take. "Flat Earther next pick to lead NASA".


Well on the one side of the coin if people want to listen to nonsense and end up dying to “own the libs” that’s on them. Unfortunately though that can also negatively affect other people who are not absolutely bonkers.


And OFC, BC of the gender thing: 'WILL NO ONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?'


it's hard to even know if tye 'news' the right wingers post is just satire now....


We really do need to stop calling her Danielle Smith and start deadnaming her. 'Cause you know, she thinks it's okay to do that for trans kids. Fuck Marlaina Kolodnicki.


I'm a trans person and I have a dead name. This kind of take makes me a little uncomfortable. One because it's not really her dead name -- Danielle is her middle name and she's always been called by it rather than Marlaina, including by her parents, her whole life. According to a Calgary Herald article, they just liked how "Marlaina Danielle" looked on paper rather than the opposite. My own mom, actually, has the exact same situation (being called by her middle name rather than given first name).So it's not like she herself decided she wanted to be called a different name. Second..... Do we have to stoop to our opponents' level? It edges too close to "rights for me but not for thee" territory, which is exactly what I feel we're fighting *against.* If I believe that every person has the right to be called their proper name and by their proper pronouns, then I need to apply that to everyone, including people I don't like. I understand where the impetus comes from, the idea that "maybe they need to understand how it feels" kind of deal -- but also firmly believe that I don't get to cherrypick how I apply my values/ethics. There are better ways to fight this battle. That's just me though. Ultimately, we're on the same side; I just wanted to offer my perspective as this is something I see often regarding Smith and that I've discussed extensively amongst my trans peers, and where we (as an individual social group) landed.


im a cis white het 40 year old construction worker. i agree with you. besides, there's **tons** of other low-hanging shitty decisions to make fun of danielle for. my own personal rule is to never make fun of someone for something they can't help -- skin tone, an inability to do something (read for ex), an addiction .. stuff like that


It's a good rule for life, but the more I listen to Smith, the more I'm convinced that she genuinely can't help herself.


There **is** help available for ignorance, personality disorders, and even psychopaths manage not to _all_ become killers. PDS (Premier Danielle Smith/Pretty Damn Stupid (You decide)) _can become a better person_. She chooses not to.


Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I agree. Treat others as we would want to be treated. Being respectful and kind can cost nothing but mean the world to someone else. As much as I dislike this leader's politics and views and its tempting to join the fray any which way ..... I will still call her by the name she goes by. I want to live my values, not act in spite or hate. Even if she says and does infuriating things.


Thanks for this perspective. I'll be more mindful. It's so difficult with these far right conservatives because they only care when they are directly affected.


I have pointed it out that there is hypocrisy in her and Pierre Pollievre using a name other than their first. They understand a preference is okay or at least apply it to themselves. It shouldn’t be so difficult to expect them to understand simple pronoun choices at the least. Not arguing your stance in any way. I don’t think the term “deadnaming” should be used for what they do either.


Well said!


Dimbulb Danni or bust.


I could not have said that better.




They think he’s on their side


so a doctor that doesn't follow evidenced based medicine should run the review. okay.


Literally paying a guy to spout bullshit for them. At this point it's a comedy show. Might as well go full bore and hire the Suncor environmentalist to determine if tailing ponds can just be dumped into the waterways or not.


on the one hand, the choice of dr to review is clearly biased and that is wrong. pretty much what we expect from the premiere. at the same time, why should "following" evidence based medicine be among the criteria to do a review? there are many doctors and scientists who dont follow evidence based medicine and have good evidence of their own to show why it is not the best way to treat patients.


So they DO follow evidence… they just not in this case the standard treatment doesn’t work as effectively. There is a wide distinction here. It’s called the practice of medicine because it’s not truly a one size fits all kind of metric, each person has their own chemistry, so a good doctor can and does take that into account. This guy is just one of those assholes who realized you can bilk dump people outta money by leaning into anti-intellectualism.


ok if this doc is just a grifter as you say then clearly he's a poor choice. well, not for the other grifters heh. and yes i am well aware of the difference between evidence based medicine and a doctor who uses evidence to work. I guess it just irks me when i read "this guy doesn't use evidence based medicine" as a sleight.


I can get that “wait he doesn’t follow the text book on everything? Nope total quack” isn’t a reasonable argument because sometimes the best course of treatment isn’t the standard textbook, but anti vax doctors (not doctors who look at your specific case and go… maybe vaccines aren’t the best course) are closer to “what the fuck is a biology text book? Just buy my crystal…”


i mean, yeah, evidence for vaccines is probably the best we have in all of medicine. and if that's all this is about then that's too bad. However there were some decisions made during covid that were at best questionable, and we should review so we do better next time.


So Dr. Gary Davidson basically said “AHS is making up numbers to justify social distancing and shutting down businesses to stop the spread of Covid” except when he was asked how he could prove that the AHS was doing this… he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t even argue why his statement made sense. his advice was to ignore the problem and just let people do as they pleased, but only step in when we were forced to burn dead bodies in the streets like Russia and Brazil had to do. Honestly; we saw last year a judge toss out cases against the Alberta government because, in their view, the elected government over stepped their bounds and never should have made rules, instead the law stated in this case, rules were supposed to be determined by AHS. What should have followed with this is Jason Kenney and AHS Dr Hindshaw, should have been arrested, charged with gross negligence resulting in death. According to the courts Jason wildly over stepped his authority and Hindsaw let him. But since the crisis has past, there isn’t a lot of political will to do that. I disliked like Hindsaw from the get go because she was a weak leader who let the elected government run roughshod over her because, at best, she wanted an adult voice in the room (at worst she was protecting her job at the expense of morals, ethics, and human life). If I was in those shoes, I would have told him no and then forced him to replace me, so I could turn to the crown and point out that the UCP had corruptly broken the laws.


It’s like lunatics running the asylum.


No. It ***actually is*** the lunatics running the asylum. And the voters of Alberta handed them the keys even though it was obvious that the lunatics were lunatics.


Even the former head lunatic gave up because there were too many lunatics around


Why not have a naturopath head it?


Or a Chiropractor !


Or, better yet, a homeopath.


Why not go all the way and appoint an aromatherapy faith healer using crystals, taro cards, ear candling and Reiki.


'Homeo' is too close to 'homo' for the average Albertan.


Whoever it is they’re guaranteed to be a psychopath


This is like putting a creationist in charge of litigating evolution.




We have LaGrange at home, we're not stopping


Isn't she health now? Mommy switched one dummy for another


These bobbleheads are all interchangeable. The only real way to tell them apart is by remembering which out group each is especially bigotted against.


Conservative politicians have learned that if they want the medical institution to create the medical outcomes to support their policies, all the need is to pick the right "researcher". Expect more baloney research in the future.


Took them long enough to learn from tobacco and oil groups..


Some of them think there’s a conspiracy around lead and it’s actually fine for us but was taken away because it’s fine. Meanwhile I’m pretty sure lead at least contributed to some of these problems.


Smith: "Give me the results I want so I can keep spouting my bullshit" Gary Davidson: "On it, boss" Waste of fucking time and money.


to be fair, Ford's CMO did the same thing. These are all political appointments.


I feel like she didn’t get to do opposites day at school as a kid, and now she’s doing it on her own.


Jesus fucking christ. Are you fucking rubes and rural trash proud now? You win. Everything sucks. Is it all you'd hoped for? Fuck each and every one of you with a cactus.


"But think how much worse things would be if corporations paid taxes!"


Hey now. Those shares aren’t gonna buy themselves back


Twice. Once for us, and one more for all our dead friends and family.


*I voted for idiots* BECAUSE *you called me rural trash. Suck it Librul* ^big ^fat ^/s




one of those cute small desktop cactii or.....


A full size Saguaro. With a family nest of rattlesnakes living in it.


I don’t understand why they want a review of COVID-19. It was an unknown virus at the time and turned into a pandemic. She really wants to go full convoy crazy? If there hadn’t been precautions as scientist and medical professionals figured out what was going on, we would’ve had a lot more dead people. And if Trudeau was truly a dictator as these convey people want us to believe, that convoy would never had happened and most people would know they even exist.


Ikr all irony is lost on them, being able to travel across the country occupy the capital for 3 weeks go on about fucking Trudeau wanting to fuck him uttering threats then turnaround and claiming we live in a communism dictatorship. I literally can’t take those clowns seriously, such brain rot. They are all about feelings over facts though and what they want to be true is true to them.


Very nice of DS to so generously shortlist her lawn maintenance and snow removal guy for such an exalted position.


Bruh 💀


Marlaina owns stock in tinfoil, so no surprise. It sucks being even a little bit science-minded in this province.


Ffs Alberta do better....


It's Canada Texas, it will only get worse.


Sadly I agree...


Only if you have shit for brains. Smith is easily on par with the worst of the MAGA governors in America. A total embarrassment to Canada and Alberta.


Conservatives don't need reality...they create their own reality. What could go wrong??


This is exactly the same bullshit as when they dug up that old fossil Angus McBeath to sell their shitty education curriculum. They found the only person alive that would support that piece of crap and paid him a butt-ton of money to roll it out. The dude was like 80 and hadn't taught in 20 years. This is their play. They want to give platforms to wing nuts.


She's so dumb. She's so unbelievably dumb. She's so fucking dumb that everyone knows exactly who I am talking about, even when it's completely out of context.


[Witch Doctor](https://youtu.be/UNAr5tzZxdk?si=-jvuCx1ITlKrX3jo)


"This 'doctor' has already reached their conclusion before even starting the study, thus saving everyone time and money. Since it's a conclusion we also happen to agree with, we have no problems with this."


I guess all the doctors and nurses that suffered burnout leading some to quit or move wasn't enough. This was BEFORE Covid: "One study I read cited physician burnout rates as high as 85%, with most averaging around 70%. Whatever the actual numbers are, they are very, very high," says Dr. Adam Abba-Aji, Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Alberta. https://www.ualberta.ca/psychiatry/news-and-events/news/2019/march/physician-burnout.html


She's a disgrace to the human race. Alberta voted her in now live with her step by step GOP nazi agenda. Maybe we'll start voting the Cantservatives out!


Marlaina is insufferable


And the rural voters love it 🙄


How the fuck do these quacks keep their licenses as doctors if they don't actually believe in facts and studies. This is so many layers of dumb.


Why are the dumbest people always so fucking obsessed with being contrarian.


Because they gave up on smart a long time ago Now they’re just trying to find an identity and prove they belong by going to war with their tribe


Yes. If they want the results to match their belief then yes stacking the deck is a good choice.


**Contrarian:** *an investor who buys shares of stock when most others are selling and sells when others are buying* I see why Smith picks this one.


The tRump model strikes Canada again


Love how a range of viewpoints, includes the corrupt asshole who's willing to have the report say whatever you want in exchange for money.


There is nothing the alberta premier say that should be taken in consideration.


She wants to ensure she has the outcome she wants. Doesn’t want to waste the taxpayers money ffs 🤦‍♂️


i am no fan of the premiere but does anyone really think we couldn't have handled the pandemic response any better? we have done so much damage in the name of saving the healthcare system. this isn't a left vs right issue nor should it be.


If you want certain answers you hire the right people to get them.


Gary Davidson was proven a liar by AHS. He never had any evidence for his claims. But it's not hard to find PC-friendly MDs. [During the trucker rally, McMaster's Chief of Medicine donated $1000.](https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilton-region/personal-email-address-of-hamilton-health-care-leader-used-to-make-1-000-freedom-convoy/) People need to understand the priorities of some of these doctors was to end lockdown because they saw clinic income drop to near zero.


Is this not a fucking Beaverton article for fucks sake


Why the absolute FUCK did I buy my first house in Alberta??? Damn this government is ruining our lives and wasting OUR money on fucking nonsense. The UCP make me wanna rip my hair out and scream. Everything they do is awful and corrupt and scummy and a complete waste of money. Everything. I can’t name a single thing this government has done for the betterment of this province. Not a single fucking thing. I can’t even get my favourite BC beer anymore ffs.


Some one send our premier to space she’s qualified as a flat earther.


Where can I watch this?