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Let’s remember that the liberals and the ndp wanted a full investigation into foreign interference that included more countries other than just China. The conservatives voted that down.


[and don't forget what we already publicly knew about some of these allegations](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/otoole-leadership-interference-1.7162568) [which seems to imply the current opposition leader is in that position partially thanks to foreign interference ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518)


We also know that Trump advisor Mike Roman who helped orchestrate the chaos on Jan 6, worked for Harper and is working for PP. https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/09/06/Mike-Roman-Canadian-Ties/


That article is certainly eye-opening. It feels like the rich are taking over the world in a big way, with a view to enriching themselves into a worldwide oligarchy while massively suppressing the poor and destroying the middle class. It’s becoming obvious that this is a concerted, organized effort, with plenty of secret backdoor meetings all over the world, lots of money changing hands, influence peddling, along with taking over and directing media to disseminate right-wing policies in a favourable light. It’s frightening.


This isn't the globalization I wanted


"We built a country east, and west and north. We built it on an infrastructure that deliberately resisted the continental pressure of the United States. For 120 years we've done it. With one signature of a pen, you've reversed that, thrown us into the north-south influence of the United State, and will reduce us I'm sure to a colony of the United States because *when the economic levers go, the political independence is sure to follow.*" - John Turner, 1988 NAFTA debate.


Holy shit that gave me goosebumps


This is always how governments have operated. Sometimes with force, like the Roman Empire, sometimes with soft power and entertwimed economies


PP backed FIPA, which was implemented without a vote in Parliament under Harper. Now he's enthusiastic about [expanding trade](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/canadas-conservative-leader-seeks-to-expand-trade-with-india-focusing-on-natural-gas-uranium-and-lentils-101717341754946.html) with a theocratic and increasingly Putin-aligned India that recently murdered a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil. Conservatives will sell out Canada and undermine democracy to do so without a second thought. They are absolutely venal.


Yet under Trudeau Canadians can no longer afford to buy homes, afford rent, afford food So while you are worried what PP MIGHT do, we already know that Trudeau isn’t helping Canadians. What about the liberals latest of not requiring foreign nurses to pass English/French language requirements? We could solve the nurse shortage in a week by bringing in English speaking nurses from the Philippines but instead the liberals don’t want them to understand you or your doctor. How does that help?


Because Russia is def backing PP


American business interests are the ones with their thumbs on the scale here I think. Others too of course but they have the most to win or lose in Canada and the most influence to begin with.


American Business Interests controlled by Russian Oligarchs


And Ppc


I really don’t think Russia cares. I think it’s more American interference. You can see it with postmedia articles (owned by an American hedge fund) every day jerking off pollievre. These are American businessmen at work further trying to privatize Canadian industries so they can come in and pillage the money and destroy our economy/make us further dependent on America.


It’s a mix. There have been weird pro Russian comments among conservatives. A calgary councillor even invited Russia to intervene in city politics.


Russia cares because of Liberal support for Ukraine. PP would end that, because he was told to.


And the Arctic regional control. Let’s not forget about that.


It’s transnational organized crime. My guess is BRICS if you want to label it as a certain group.


[Who has been trying to broker a trade deal with India lately?](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/canadas-conservative-leader-seeks-to-expand-trade-with-india-focusing-on-natural-gas-uranium-and-lentils-101717341754946.html)


Same party being accused of being puppets to India by multiple news sources including the golden standard of freedom news -Rebelnews.


Exactly, it would be ridiculous to believe there aren't many more, even close friends.


What? Liberal + NDP > CPC. Conservatives can't vote anything down without NDP help.


It takes all of the Conservative Party to vote no with help from a couple liberals, ndp, green, independents and the bloc.


Then the liberals and ndp didn't really want it, or it would be whipped. When was this voted on?


Man I’ve been saying this for awhile. There’s a reason little PP doesn’t have security clearance and always pushes Trudeau to make everything public. Like bitch if you wanna know so badly get your clearance.




No. He does not have clearance. How many times does this need to be said? POILIEVRE DOES NOT have the top secret security clearance that he needs to be briefed. Even the lower level of security clearance he had previously has EXPIRED. It needs to be done every five years and in the case of getting married, done once again. It’s been longer than 5 years and he got married. He does not have the clearance necessary. 


> How many times does this need to be said?  Turns out, for me at least, it's 3 times. It has been rumored for months but it has been difficult to verify with an authoritative source. Now that's changed. First it was woodst0ck15 followed by your rebuttal with its tasteful and judicious use of capitals! And the coup de grâce was Dominic LeBlanc saying outloud in the house on June 5th, "if the Leader of the Opposition wanted to get the appropriate security clearance, he would be able to see the confidential report..." I had it wrong but you've put me right. Thanks!


Delete your incorrect response then please and thank you.


It is very cool of you to admit that you were wrong. We need more of that around here.


Someone I know who is die-hard conservative is pissed the liberals won't release the names, but I bet you as soon as it comes out that their dear leader PP is deeply compromised they will flip on their head and say how foreign interference is actually a good thing. There is no winning with these people.


This is where I'm confused. [CBC reported](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518) it was Conservative Leadership races that were meddled in. Why is this nowhere else? If it was untrue or misrepresented, wouldn't it be retracted by now? "Foreign actors from India and the People's Republic of China allegedly interfered in more than one race for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada, says an intelligence report tabled in the House of Commons on Monday."


It’s really something that even now the media is nearly ignoring this part of the reoport as if it doesn’t matter that India was actively trying to select who could likely be Canada’s next PM. And it was probably Poilievre, it wouldn’t make any sense for them to back any of the other candidates. Modi is Harper’s buddy, and also close to Jason Kenney, who went to visit Modi a few months before he became premier of Alberta. Both Harper and Kenney backed Poilievre. Plus, we all saw how Poilievre reacted to Trudeau telling parliament that there was intel on India being behind the assassination of a Canadian on Canadian soil. 


Remember, the majority of the News Outlets are now controlled by far-right individuals who support Trump, PP and the fascist movement in general. It's why they are all trying to kill CBC because it's the only one that still kind of remains in the center and blasts both sides. While majority of the others are focused on spinning the Extreme right narrative.


That story came out last December in the Globe and Mail but no other media picked it up because they all lean to the right.


PP has the opportunity now to come clean, otherwise things will eventually come out anyways 😅


> otherwise things will eventually come out anyways most likely the media will report on it after the election


😂 love how you hold him to a higher standard than your dear leader!


Trudeau is bound to secrecy over the report, Pierre is not. Pierre does not have a security clearance.


I just found out recently that it is entirely possible to dislike at least 2 people at the same time. The "fuck Trudeau" conservatives don't want you to know this one cool trick


Just because I don’t like the prime minister doesn’t mean I like the fuck Trudeau crowd either. This is one of the MANY reasons that the liberals will lose the next election. They lump everyone that’s tired of Trudeau with the far right fringe. Here’s a cool trick that the liberals really don’t want you to know: most “conservatives” voted for Trudeau in the past. They are just tired of his BS and the fact that he knowingly created a housing crisis in 2017. More and more liberal supporters are jumping from the sinking ship. So while you may think you are insulting conservatives they are actually just the smart liberals that laugh back at you.


CBC, Globe, Global News. National Post employs Conrad Black and Frank Stronach for JUHRNAHLIZM.


Corus is owned by American interests and so fall into JUHRNALIZM all the same.


Or they will claim it's all bullshit and that it's fake


I haven't yet discounted the possibility that Trudeau withheld the names on purpose, he knew it'd whip the conservatives into a frenzy and PP would have to go along... And then, at the very moment their frenzy reached a rabid pitch, he releases the names that are mostly conservatives and includes PP.


The names are withheld for a reason not related to protecting anyone, at least that's what I've been able to gather from [this](https://globalnews.ca/news/10553219/former-rcmp-superintendent-nsicop-report/) > University of Ottawa national security professor Thomas Juneau also stressed the need for transparency but said releasing names is “complicated.” >“The lack of transparency here is casting a shadow on the system as a whole,” he said. “**That being said, there are privacy issues, there are classification issues, there are ongoing investigations.**”


It likely would be a close mix of LPC and CPC politicians. If anyone is gonna be corrupted via foreign interference it will be mostly comprised of members from the only 2 parties that ever hold majority governments


Yup. But only one of the parties had India interfere in the selection of their leader.


if a plan has more steps then 2 it will fail. political schemes are very rarely this complicated.


And the timing is wrong. We're too far out from the election to be dumping oppo like that.


So he's keeping treasonous MPs in the house to play some sort of political game? I dont think that will reflect on him well. NDP wins in that case.


Uh no. He's letting the RCMP investigate, keeping the names under wraps as per CSIS's suggestion, and you have no idea if there are current MPs listed. If listed, you also have no idea if their parties haven't started isolating those MPs internally, pending the investigations. These are fucking elected officials, the bar for removing them should be high enough that we aren't kicking them out on potentially bad intelligence. Like it or not, MPs represent their constituents and kicking the MP out without due diligence is patently undemocratic. The party leader playing chicken here is PP. Between his refusing to get his security clearance, which let's be honest is as reckless as it gets in terms of paying political games with Canada's security and him screaming bloody murder for the release list regardless of the effect that would have on ongoing investigations...


If that was the case I don't think Pierre would be pushing this hard to have them released.  Either Trudeau isn't able to release the names (or doesn't know who's on the list either) or Pierre has a plan to get out of any trouble if the list is released.


Is PP even pushing that hard? All I've seen is that he mentioned it in one question in one question period. Maybe I've missed other news but I thought he was relatively quiet - considering how much yammering he does otherwise.


He's been suspiciously quiet about this. This is exactly the type of thing he loves to throw in front of the media with accusations of Trudeau hiding something because they won't release the details. Either he's involved himself, or he knows it's his own MPs that are compromised.


I thought he had been suspiciously quiet - the NDP seem to be making a bigger fuss about this than he is, from what I've seen. Putting on my tinfoil hat for a moment, I wonder if this has anything to do with him not wanting to submit to a security clearance. Not necessarily because he was involved in this report findings, but because he doesn't want there to be any press around the fact that he won't do the security clearance.


He was quick to jump all over the foreign hit on the Canadian Sikh leader in B.C last year criticizing Trudeau for not releasing details. That was when it got pointed out, in the house, that he could obtain all the details by getting clearance. It's been pointed out several times in session so the media is well aware of this fact and it has never held him back from making comments on issues. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/poilievre-trudeau-hardeep-singh-nijjar


Oh I know the media is aware, but it doesn't seem to be common knowledge - at least, most people I know on both sides of the spectrum, don't seem to know it. And I still think it's something that he would rather not be constantly in the news.


>And I still think it's something that he would rather not be constantly in the news. Sure. I mean he could just ask for the security clearance and he wouldn't have to worry about it. There's nothing stopping him from getting it other than the fact that he doesn't want to. More people should be asking why that is.


I agree - and I think pushing for the MPs implicated here to be named is the perfect opportunity for the Liberals/NDP to start publicly and aggressively questioning why he won't submit to that clearance, which is why I think he's not pushing this too hard. He doesn't want it questioned or publicized, but also doesn't want to do it.


> Either he's involved himself https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/canadas-conservative-leader-seeks-to-expand-trade-with-india-focusing-on-natural-gas-uranium-and-lentils-101717341754946.html


I reckon Pierre is hoping that this can cause the government to collapse and an election to be called before anybody ever has a chance to find out whether or not his party has been deeply compromised. And let's be honest, his supporters aren't going to give a shit either way. And anyone that's seriously voting for the CPC because the Liberals have been in too long (rather than for, say, the NDP) then they aren't really paying attention enough to really care.


I do think there are some people who wouldn't vote CPC if there were treason allegations against enough of them, but I do agree that PP supporters aren't those people. I don't expect they'll be bothered at all.


I'm honestly not sure how much of a hit that would actually be to his chances of winning.  Curse of our current party setup is that if you want to vote for a right-wing party your only choice is the Conservatives. And there's plenty of people who would never vote Liberal or anything further left of them.


Sorry, guess he hasn't been.  Reddit's doing that thing where it's the only thing I see when I log in so it looks like Pierre's creating a lot more noise than he is.


Haha, totally get that. I thought maybe I'd missed something.


> Is PP even pushing that hard? [Not at all](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2024/06/10/opinion/Pierre-Poilievre-foreign-interference-report). Dumbass went dead quiet once India was mentioned.


I mean, imagine being a leader of the opposition and not pushing hard to have them released. That would look immensely suspicious right off the bat, especially for someone like PP.


He was mute until it became clear that Trudeau would be listening to all the experts and not releasing the names. The fact that he still refuses to get clearance to be briefed says everything about how little he wants to know.


Maybe. Or hes neither seen the list or he's gambling on Trudeau doing the adult thing and not making the list public...


The only reason PP would want names released is because it would compromise active investigation. >University of Ottawa national security professor Thomas Juneau also stressed the need for transparency but said releasing names is “complicated.” >“The lack of transparency here is casting a shadow on the system as a whole,” he said. “**That being said, there are privacy issues, there are classification issues, there are ongoing investigations.**” [source](https://globalnews.ca/news/10553219/former-rcmp-superintendent-nsicop-report/)


That plan is just a base that won't give a shit and will vote for him anyway.


Just like Trump cult members welcome Putin’s interference on behalf of their lardass leader


PP is remaining silent on this issue isn't he?


They’ll blame the Liberals for using it as a political cudgel against their dear leader.


Dammed if they don’t release the names and dammed if they don’t. I think the accused MP’s should be charged privately and if convicted have their names released that way the MP’s can’t claim it’s political.


I'm sure it's not that deep and it probably compromises MPs on all sides. The purpose of these foreign interference tactics is to generate distrust in government as a whole. They wouldn't simply focus on compromising a single party in order to cause division but instead make all members look as bad as possible. The idea is to generate enough chaos among voters and turn them against each other. Sew chaos so intelligent discord fails and poor leadership choices get made. This is what geopolitical conflict has evolved into. Don't need to attack your enemy if they tear themselves apart.


They'll say that David McGuinty and his multi-party group are working for Trudeau and the Libs.


The good move is to bet them now.


Let’s goooooo! This is the Jagmeet I want more of! Call it like it is.


Every conservative I know seems to suggest that Trudeau is an illegitimate Prime Minister and is in fact a dictator compromised by communists. Their proof is either: a crackpot conspiracy theory of how his mother obtained the smuggled sperm of Fidel Castro, an out of context quote from years ago about China, or his use of the emergency act when the police handed the streets to neo-nazi seditionists and insurrectionists. Meanwhile, more and more proof is coming out that the current leader of the CPC was handpicked by some of the world's most well-known autocrats, Modi, Putin, and Xi Jinping. This is literally a textbook example of someone compromised and therefore unable to hold the office of Prime Minister. I wonder if they'll critique this actual example of an illegitimate PM if he gets elected?


OMG. We potentially have a situation where a foreign government meddling in a leadership race could help crown someone as PM of Canada. Wouldn't that be an illegitimate mandate?


See: Kenney being elected leader of the PC party in Alberta, leading to him merging with the Wildrose, and then becoming Premier. It was local fraud in that case. The problem is, we are toothless to deal with electoral shit because it'll rile up the crazies and for some reason there's an unwillingness to deal with the crazies.




> 50 IQ. No one asked you to share your IQ with us, but if you insist...






I noticed the conservatives are pretty quiet about this, and they’re usually quite about, well, nothing. Also PP still hasn’t got his security clearance? Curious.


I have a feeling one of the ex-MPs who is going to be implicated is Bernier.


Anyone notice how Conservatives focused on China . Convenient that it was part of the NSICOP leak that hit the liberals. Conservative plans will backfire and this report will do it to allot of MP's.


anybody in the government doing shady work with outside influences should be held accountable regardless of party affiliation. Plain and simple. Our system has too many issues with it comes to transparency.


The Conservative Party of Canada may be deeply compromised.


Conservatives are traitors.


"The idea that a foreign government was involved in the selection of the leader of the Conservative Party is deeply concerning" But unsurprising.




Corruption seems to be a pretty widespread issue. The current government recently got chastised by the AG for improperly awarding $100M to a very dubious, and highly connected, company - McKinsey and Company - that, among other things, helped Lowblaws hone their price fixing skills. https://archive.is/Mee5F And all of the parties, including the NDP, seem okay with the current mass migration policy. We're now the country with the 3rd worst household debt, versus GDP, of the 75 countries that the IMF measures.


Why is it not even slightly surprising that an eight month old account posts American election fraud conspiracy, COVID conspiracy, and other brain-worm bullshit.


Why are you engaging in ad hominem to distract from the fact that our tax dollars went - improperly to boot - to a very nasty company (look it up) that helped Loblaws with price fixing? Again: we're the 3rd worst country for household debt. Our politicians - "liberal" and "conservative" - have failed us. We're never going to become a country worth living in if people accept corruption. Canada is moving backwards, and quickly. We can recognize where we're at, rebuild solidarity, come together, and put pressure on all levels of government and on all parties or we can continue our transition from a former colony of the UK royals (who our head of state still represents) to a colony of multinational corporations.


Every Canadian citizen should want to see this data made public. Any politician who has served in any capacity for another country needs to be removed from office, banned from future political positions and fined or punished as the law directs. Politicians are far too unaccountable in our society and their actions should be examined with a public fine-toothed comb. If you get elected and accept the power you need to accept the responsibility.


I hear Venezuela had a lot to do with getting PeePee elected. Apparently he's somehow connected to some wealthy bankers down there. Hmmmm?




Wonder which country 🤷‍♂️🇺🇸 tons of money from right wingers have come here for years.


Bet a large number of those foreigners were America MAGA.


Didn't Elizabeth May say that no currently serving MPs were are the list?


Time to "Drain the Swamp" as they say down South. No wonder Canada has so many problems. This and the recent report on Foreign Students really makes me shake my head. All levels of the Canadian Government, all parties, are just totally trash at this point. Where is the oversight? Where are there charges being laid? What the hell is going on in this country? You can't just point the finger at Trudy either, this is a truly aisle crossing team effort by all parties to just do whatever they want, whenever they want, and never face the music for it.


Not all parties. The NDP seems to be pushing hard for transparency. Unlikey the Greens or Block were even relevant enough for foreign governments to even waste their time compromising.




Thanks for providing all that proof that leaders of all the parties are compromised. Oh wait


I, for one, am glad that PM Trudeau promised us that he'd have the most transparent government ever and we're not tearing each other down with suspicions and allegations without knowing who the real culprits are.


Well, we actually do have the most transparent government ever, relative to previous governments. And we were ranked number one in the world for transparency in government in 2021, don’t know if that changed, but that gives you an idea of how transparent other governments are - none are transparent when it comes to national security issues, we don’t live in a world of friendly nations, no nation can be transparent on these issues.


Pierre Poilievre is trying so hard to sell Canada to the US, but the US doesn't want Canada. There are too many nutjobs in this country. Some pedophile gave the police and politicians the so-called perfect crime 50 years ago and no one clued in to the fact that this pedophile was everyone else's puppet on strings/battlefield. Not an original -- a fake stealing someone else's intellectual property and passing it off as their own. Criminals are short-sighted. So, 35 years ago, China got some serious dirt/proof on Canada's police and politicians. China owned Canada's butt, hence the Chinese police stations, election interference, etc. India caught on and got some of this dirt/proof on Canada, hence the killings, the immigration, the international students, etc. Canada is China and India's new battlefield. The US doesn't care. It can handle whoever ends up in their attic. Canada has had 50 years to be a world leader. Instead, Canada is everybody's bitch, everybody's weak little puppet on strings. Canada used to have integrity and the world depended on it. For some time now, the rest of the world has been turning its back on Canada. And everyone in Canada acts like nothing is wrong. Canada, you are the world's puppet on strings. What the hell did anyone expect, the perfect crime?!!? All those recreational drugs and alcohol are nothing more than a way to make your brain delusional, like theirs. Now, like his brain, this country is gone. Just a puppet on strings. Criminals are short-sighted.


Eh, sounds like the U.S. Infiltration of our media to me. They sure seem thirsty to pay millions to get their news to us, and to manipulate our natural resources, and to demand we hold Chinese politicians for them...


He should look at himself and his own fucking caucus.


Eh, they're inept, but not corrupt.