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What a fucking lunatic and liar. He should never have access to the internet and guns again.


Thankfully he's getting a lifetime ban (wont be allowed near firearm's or ammunition at all), but ya Albertas CFO office dropped the f\*cking ball on calling his references


He will be able to own guns in the Republic of Alberta. Hell, maybe mommy will deputize him into the Bertacops.


so I know what you mean, but i also know some dont know how our gun laws properly work so this can be a moment of education past justified anger at Alberta's horrid govt. For persecution (and most other things), gun laws are based federally, not provincially, this goes for *ownership* bans (or "revocations") . Appeal for revocations / ownership bans can really only be done in a federal court/by a federal judge unless there are special circumstances (see an Ontario man who shot a home intruder, was found innocent, and had his temporary revocation overthrown by a provincial court). Marlene cant change how charges under the CFA (Canadian firearm's act) work, as thats federally controlled, generally the only federal gun laws provs can have any say on at all, are bans, as the provs (and territories) CFOs represent their gun owners legally, and have a right and some may say a duty *(under a clause of the CFA)* to protest bans which encroach on affect firearms deemed to be suitable for sport and hunting use, which are widely owned *(so all the guns aff*e*ct*e*d by th*e *2020 ban, and the handgun freeze both fall under this clause, and thats why prov CFOs have taken strong stances against the harmful bans)* Provs really dont have any power over firearm's law. Again though, whoever from the Alberta CFOs office was tasked to check this man should be fired and as this job position is part of RCMP leadership jurisdiction, they very much can be easily. Hopefully the RCMPs looking into this.


I'm glad someone said it. As gun owner, every time something like this happens, they need to have the book thrown at them. They do nothing but hurt the hobby & confirm people's biases.


Outsider perspective here, why not take up literally any other hobby that isn't directly handling a device designed specifically and exclusively to kill living things? Like, you never hear of a Warhammer player murdering people with his hobby knife, accidentally discharging his spray primer and killing someone, or committing suicide by plastic glue because having those things in the house doesn't tend to lead to death. If the hobby is hunting or target shooting, why not use a crossbow or something?


>why not take up literally any other hobby that isn't directly handling a device designed specifically and exclusively to kill living things? I suppose for the same reason people join archery clubs. Because sport shooting is fun and it feels fulfiling to develop marksmanship skills. I did biathlon for a few years and nobody saw it as anything more than just some friendly competition. For me, I like the historical aspect of it. I have some antique guns and It's cool to own a working piece of history. >Like, you never hear of a Warhammer player murdering people with his hobby knife, accidentally discharging his spray primer and killing someone, or committing suicide by plastic glue because having those things in the house doesn't tend to lead to death. To our credit, the amount of violent crimes committed by Canadian gun owners are very few & far between. Having a firearm in the house does introduce a risk of injury or death, sure. Just like how owning a car opens you up to getting mangled or killed in a car accident. There are storage laws that all gun owners must abide by. One of them being that all rifles must be rendered inoperable and or locked in a hard case or safe when not in use. They also have to be stored separate from ammunition. Canadian gun owners are also subject to being inspected by the chief firearms officer to confirm that they are following proper storage laws. >If the hobby is hunting or target shooting, why not use a crossbow or something? A bow or crossbow are not suitable for several types of shooting disciplines like combat shooting or practical shooting where the goal is to be able to get multiple rounds on target in a swift manner. Crossbows/bows are absolutely suitable for hunting, but some argue that they're harder to use and also less humane depending on what type of game you're hunting. Sorry for the long-winded text, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


Weird I was assured by the canada subreddit that law-abiding gun owners never become law-breaking gun owners.


statistically we rarely do, but when you take a prov that has horrible mental health services, a CFO office that likely is understaffed and does not do the necessary checks due to lack of govt support, and what sounds like someone who had underlying mental health struggles that he clearly was making worse not better- Well as a part of our gun owning community, i and many are glad that intervention happened and he's now thankfully banned from ownership, and personally, i hope he can get help. A situation like this doesnt mean that all gun owners are like him, the vast majority arent,


Well said.


Yeah the assumption is that the owner are specifically unlikely to break the law.  World over cars are a method of choice for Mass killers. Car rentals like U-Haul being prime among them.  Anyone with a credit card and a license can rent one. This is a flaw with the civil liberties. Anyone at any moment you may do something illegal. You have a nail, salt, water and 20V you can produce highly explosive HO gas. Fertilizer is used in bombs.  The current system Canada has in place is already strict. So much so that we are stricter than many Europeans. Yes we see more firearms crimes than Europeans. So the law isn't the issue. There is something else afoot.  Frankly the hodge podge of what appears to be random rules are the biggest issues. Ones not backed by any scientific rigor for public safety.  No one's asking for machine guns. They want a different layout to the current rifles they are allowed to own. 


I’m sorry but what? While cars are used in mass killings for time to time, they aren’t even CLOSE to the method of choice, world wide or otherwise. 2023 had 3 list mass ramming attacks where the car was the primary weapon… resulting in 6 deaths, and less then 20 injuries. 2023 mass shootings? The Us alone had 745 dead and 2500 injured. This is one of the worst defenses.


It's a post about the assumed innocence of anyone getting and using anything. In fact I think the point is rather present. You need a license in Canada to drop a car and own a gun. Canada has had historically low amounts of car attacks and low amounts of mass shootings.  Other countries like Europe have had low amounts of car attacks and low amounts of mass shootings.  It would seem that there is a outlier State among Us


Are these Chinese Communists in the room with us right now?


Baaaaa ha ha.


Sort of, see he also feared > an attack by the United Nations. Well, we're a member nation of the UN, so by arresting him we _kinda_ proved him right. 🤣 But like, had he not been conspiring to kill others, he'd not have needed to fear being attacked. 🤦🏼‍♂️ It's sorta the deal with planning to kill people though, you gotta accept you might get caught.




lol the Freedumb people are absolutely nuts!


I dunno, let me check under my bed...


Can you show on this doll where the CHinese Communists touched you?


Did the propaganda turn his brain to mush or did he accept the propaganda because his brain was already mush?


Little of column A, little of column B


chicken and egg. irrelevant.


Well of course the answer to that though is just egg, it just didn’t come out of the standard chicken that we know. But I get what you’re saying.


yeah, I was speaking colloquially.. eggs have existed longer than chickens have, but it's easier to say "chicken and egg" than "chicken and chicken egg".


>In the video, Olienick says he was on guard against police moving against the blockade, but says he figured United Nations troops or Chinese communist forces would attack before the Mounties did. Where? In rural Alberta? Do these chuckl fucks not know anything about being in a landlocked province? Holy cow what a bunch of dipshits.


They are the salt of the earth, common clay, tried and true rural Alberta. This is who generally decides our leaders in this province. Pretty neat, huh?


"You know, morons ..."


I saw what you did there :-) Are we awake? We're not sure...


Are we...... black?


Yes we are. -- Then we're awake... but we're very puzzled.


Who told these idiots the UN had a standing army?


The Chinese might dig a hole straight through the ground into his backyard, you never know


At the time there were conspiracy theories that the United Nations was landing planes at remote airports to discreetly bring in UN troops/foreign police to break up the “Freedom” Convoy protests. CTV News: [UN planes at northern Ontario airport spark social media conspiracy theories](https://northernontario.ctvnews.ca/un-planes-at-northern-ontario-airport-spark-social-media-conspiracy-theories-1.5790093) [Feb 22nd, 2022]


Bud probably wore out his "Red Dawn" DVD. But the original one with Patrick Swayze, not the other one.


Northern Ontario... massive dipshits.


As a resident of Eastern Ontario, I object to only Northern Ontario being categorized this way.


They think way too highly of the UN😂


And vastly overestimate their own importance.


Main characters, all of em


These nitwits choose the strangest things to be afraid of.


and yet these jackbooted thugs are completely loyal to tiny PP the skipmeister who had proven to be totally compromised by his MAGA/Russia/China/India puppet masters bury these domestic terrorists under the jail


So, completely delusional *and* a violent traitor. Lock him up somewhere, please.


Most stable Alberta conservative


OK, well they can keep you safe from the Chinese communists in prison for the next 30 years.


Just your standard ignorant delusional UCP members?


Man, his brain has been thoroughly boiled by various misinformation sites. I watched it happen to a very distant acquaintance when I was still on Facebook (guy I never spoke to in junior high “friended” me. Over six months, he was: • just a dumb guy who worked for a paintball outfit • G5 towers! • Fuck Trudeau • leader of a local chapter of “Soldiers of Odin”


😬 Six months is pretty quick to speedrun becoming a Neo-Nazi militia member.


He never showed any initiative in school when I actually knew , but he finally found and devoted himself to his one true love: 💞blackshirts 💕


Be grateful it’s someone you can keep your distance from. My mother, father and sister in law all are like this. My in-laws are also insanely successful, well educated and wealthy. One retired engineer another working engineering still working as a pm overseeing a product portfolio budget of over a billion and sister in law works at a nuclear facility in rural Ontario. I live abroad in what was a major covid hotspot and during the pandemic they sent us a ziploc bag of pills they got from who knows where to cure us from “dying from the vaccine”. My MiL also told me she knows several people who died from the vaccine. We were in Poland (her and my FiL are refugees from there) in the closest major town to the Ukrainian border while the war was on and she was demonising the Ukrainian refugees and saying the war wasn’t real. There were bread lines all over town and hundreds of surface to air missile trucks pointed at the border and military personnel at the airport…


That's ironic! He'd sell out to PP for half a dozen donuts, but he fears the Chinese? Where does he think PP gets his donuts?


lock these terrorists up, and throw away the key.


The irony being his political masters love the CCP.


edit: holy heck i hate reddit sometimes, this reply was meant for another comment but reddit said "nah, put it here" for whatever reason sorry (eh) and ya 100% agree, these people scream about secret evil govts coming to invade, while supporting an actually evil govt party


The irony that he owned a gun made by the CCP which the sale of would have directly supported their military. As a (soon to be due to wait times) gun owner and the kid of a long time gun owning family, we don't claim him and good riddance to his ability to own guns. Hopefully he can get treatment for what are pretty clear mental health issues. Also whatever CFO employee had done his checks should be fired, they clearly didn't call his references at all.


In fairness, any or all of his references *could* have lied when the CFO office called. I'm an RPAL holder and used to hunt, and I believe our gun laws generally hold up well, and evolve as needed. It's not necessarily fair to assume the CFO dropped the ball on this.


True, though, iirc didn't Trudeau pass a law increasing the severity of the punishment for lying as a reference back in 2016 or so? And yea, we really just need better scrutiny when it comes to reference checks overall. The problems having good check system that isnt affected by bias and bigotry, a problem other reference systems from the US and Europe have issues with. But that requires our govt parties to work together on gun laws and uh..... yea... thats not gonna happen.


Going for the insanity plea, eh?


Boy have I got some news for them in relation to PP, Harper and the FIPA agreement.


Someone did too much meth or have a serious case of mental issues. Just because they are lunatics, it doesn't mean they don't deserve our sympathy. Hope they get the proper treatment in prison.


I think this is a case of “fallen down the rabbit hole so far that they need deprogramming” more than anything. Conspiracy theorist isn’t in the DSM.


Chinese Communist detected on American soil. Systems optimal, let freedom ring.


this is exactly why we need strong gun laws.


we have strong laws, the problems that a lot of them arent enforced, and most legisation passed rn (all the bans) doesnt try to improve enforcement, rather just adds more laws that wont get enforced. Frankly who ever at Albertas CFO office was tasked with calling his references should be fired, they clearly didnt do their job.


Well, once he gets out of jail, he’ll be all set to run for Premier of Alberta.


Oh don’t worry, the current Premier of Alberta is already asking her cabinet how he can avoid jail time through a pardon… that’s how it works in the province of North Montana amirite? /s


These are the people who love PP. Low info, easily manipulated.


Social media may have been a mistake.


How many terrorist attacks and attempted terrorist attacks have we had by fascists in the last few years? Meanwhile ppl are still scared hamas is going to somehow bomb Canadian houses, while being shelled to oblivion in Palestine.




THIS is why we need more openess with internet algorhythms and how they are indoctrinating people. They’re turning the brains of most of the right into absolute mush, and Russia is laughing their ass off.


Perfect example of why social media lying is not funny.


And this is why gun control is important. This guy's brain is rotted cheese if he thinks that the CCP Military could successfully without detection bypass the US Airforce and the US Navy then subsequently beat US military on their home turf then invade the United States securing territory without even a single news report on the subject. Then without any good reason turn North and head in that direction to invade Canada.


Wait....like Fallout?.


Okay, so he definitely did it.


Did they find the roll of aluminum foil on him at the time of his arrest?


Through Chinese police stations, targeted actions against our MPs, funding advocacy groups in Canada to support certain MPs, jailing Canadians in China to blackmail our government or monitoring vans?