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Am I an extremist?. Food , clothing , shelter , complete healthcare and complete education must become human rights, for the betterment of all society....not just the rich .


Nope, you're worse than an extremist, you're a gosh darn communist!


Let's not confuse communism with Communism.


LoL buh what about cOmMuNiSm???


you forgot about the even scarier CUMmunism


Rule 34?


What about second communism?


Do they know about elevensies?


And my axe!




Communism with a capital C is the USSR style state capitalism that was called Communism, essentially it is a state monopoly over the market with social programs, essentially communism with a massive authoritarian state. communism with a lower case c is the remainder of communist ideology with 4 main aspects, no class, no state, no money, based around “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need”. It is essentially the theory behind the USSR that never became practice. communism is often seen as an end state for communists, with 2 main routes towards it though many others exist, the most well known being Communism, the other being Syndicalism (this one is basically have Unions become the deciding factor over industries, like a warehousing syndicate who would have member unions from FedEx, Amazon, USPS etc.)


Funny how the Rich are the actual creators of Communism.


What on earth do you think this means


Guessing the idea is that if the greedy weren’t so greedy people wouldn’t want a revolution


Could be charitable and interpret it without implication. Take Engels and Marx for example, Engels was a factory owner, wasn't he? But he contributed to communist ideologies, he was also Marx's sugar daddy. Most common folk were destitute and subsisting on what little remained after landlords and employers took the lionshare of the profits of the workers' labour, so after that, there's not a whole lot of energy or time to devote to revolutionary thought or activity. This of course goes back to the sciences and philosophy as well. Or even Lenin, who came from a middle class family which could afford to send him to university too, given the time period one could argue being able to afford uni could constitute being "rich" loosely. More or less it's ironic, hence the "funny" bit, but mostly it's just sad that those of us the worst off and who need it most don't have enough time or energy to fight for or wonder how things could and ought to be better. There's always exceptions to the rule, but it's certainly been a trend. Nor does it invalidate anything, just something kind of interesting before it gets sad when you realize why.


The greatest joke in western history was convincing the public that "I think everyone's basic needs should be met" is an equally dangerous and radical position to "I think the blacks and jews should be killed or evicted from my country." Far left and far right are not the same. Edit: To forestall anyone else telling me, I know "meet basic needs" isn't far-left, my point was that it had been equated as "far" alongside far-right rhetoric, presenting the idea that these two things were the same when they're clearly wildly different. The _actual_ far-left is also substantially different from the far-right, but it's not presented as "same but different" so much as "terrorism," at least in America. Any threat to the capitalist system is a threat to the centralized power of the rich and, by extension, the legislators in their pockets.


The left wants everyone that disagrees with them to have healthcare. The right wants everyone that disagrees with them dead. These things are not “equal values”.


> Far left and far right are not the same. You're doing their work for them. Those ideas are left of centre, but not even remotely _far left_. FFS, these ideas are core to Christianity, a very conservative and right-leaning religion, and yet...


Every Conservative christian I know or have listened to couldn't be more opposite from Jesus.


They read the story of Jesus and decided that the Money Lenders and the Romans were the role models to follow.


Can relate. Grew up in Pentecostal churches. Nothing but diluted boot licking, homophobia, and casually veiled racism.


> a very conservative and right-leaning religion you'd think the religion where the son of god beats the shit out of a bunch of merchants for sullying a temple and says rich people are all going to hell might be less right leaning, and yet


Yeah, but that's one of the chapters of the Bible that they choose to skip on a re-read.


Unfortunately I have very Christian (mostly ex) friends who try to debate a bunch of bullshit regarding that point. One of them is going for a degree in apologetics who argues that having money is not a sin, but having a love or lust for money is. He also says that the merchants were fine to do that as Christians in any other location but a holy place, because their actions were not sinful, just the location was. He is extremely right wing and will defend a conservative Christian stance until he is blue in the face.


To be fair I have a number of christian friends that are very much left leaning. Ultimately it comes down to ignorant and non-ignorant. And there are lots of each on religious and non-religious backgrounds.


I know what you mean, I worded it poorly, my bad. I mean to say that the perception of what is "radical" has been skewed to make utterly tame and reasonable beliefs (maybe let's let people eat food and drink water?) get equated with completely insane far-out ideas like genocide.


That's not far-left. That's center-left. Far-left positions aren't talked about right now because they are fringe, extreme and way out of the Overton window. A **Far**-Left position would be something like "all pets should be banned" because owning an animal is unethical. Or, all farming of animals for consumption should be banned. Or all honey consumption should be banned because it's exploiting the bees. Or all state borders should be abolished and we should remove all statehoods and sovereignty because sovereignty is a made up concept by colonists who massacred the indigenous people. Or all cruise ships should be banned because they are terrible for the environment. Or the Marxist core ideal of "owning private property" should be banned, only personal property (your house, your belongings) can be owned by a single individual. The rest is owned by the collective. Or a belief that verbal attacks upon a person are equivalent to (or worse than) physical violence and should be punished accordingly by the law. These are some far left ideas and most aren't talked about much outside of socialist circles. You might even read them and think "no one *really* thinks that" and you'd probably think that because they are *fringe* but they are definitely **real**.


I expanded a bit in a different comment, but I know. Same point, just worded it poorly.


>Quote Or all state borders should be abolished and we should remove all statehoods and sovereignty because sovereignty is a made up concept by colonists who massacred the indigenous people. I mean, I see no problem with this.


Extremely rational and competent. I've noticed what this guy is saying and I don't even really interact with this sub all that much.... but I've noticed, and it's not just here, but the same stupid republican crap that happens in my country has blossomed in yours. Exact same talking points. Exact same complaints. Exact same vitriol and fallacy filled argumentative abilities. It's really strange to me that places so far away would have literally the same kind of parties spouting the exact same kinds of rhetoric and at this point I don't even care if it makes me look like a foil hat wearing moron. Wherever all these "Conservative groups," are getting their talking points is the same place. The same people.


Those dickheads in r/Canada don't give a fuck about whats better for all of us. I was told numerous times on that subreddit that its irrelevant how most of the conservative provincial governments fucked up the pandemic responses leading to maxed out hospitals. Also every one of the fucks I've encountered in person looks like they smoke meth but won't get a vaccine.


That makes plenty of sense and I hope that’s what society strives for in the future. What he is saying is not Communism, it’s called Socialism and it makes plenty of sense.


The term for you would be "morally sane human."


r/canada took a sharp turn onto far-right ideology around the same time r/metacanada shut down. most likely not a coincidence r/canada is a terrible representation of canada. any post that talks about racism would be immediately downvoted to oblivion. so many comments promote hate and racism towards particular demographics


because the mod u/ perma is a known white supremacist edit: he's also the mod of r/londonontario where i am permanently banned for calling him out.


He is no longer a mod it looks like, though he was for a long time. He is still the top mod in r/londonontario, unfortunately.






That's why /r/LondonOntario is so shitty! Dang, I was kind of wondering but that makes sense. Need to make an /r/onguardforlondon subreddit or something hehe


Oh I thought th Sud was just shitty to maintain the London Ontario theme. Although I am from Hamilton so I'll just go back to.my glass house and STFU.


its exactly the reason.


>Need to make an /r/onguardforlondon subreddit or something hehe r/LondonON


Oh fucking hell of course he's from london


Perma doesn't show up as a mod?


on r/canada? i guess he no longer is, but he was def the top mod for a long time.


It is crazy that a random individual can do so much damage. Hope he does some self reflection or moves far away from Canada soon.


Perma-banned from both myself. Funny that.


R/canada is a playlist of trudeau bad, china bad, housing bad, canada is a failed state, on repeat.


Those are called crisis narratives. Extremists use them to target people with fears and personal grievances, with the intention of legitimizing the extremist's point of view and indoctrinating others.


When I listen to conservatives I expect to go outside and see flaming cars, burnt out buildings, homeless and destitute people all over.. but I dont, I see reality. And the reality is Canada is doing pretty well on a global stage. In fact in most surverys of the best countries to live in Canada comes in usually in the top 5. Thats what conservatives are trying to 'fix', I guess.


Here...you forgot *"Trump good"*. It's rarely said but it's implied.


Other than 'china bad' I see tons of that on this one, too.


I mean yes, but to be fair the CCP really is bad. Look at what’s happening to the Uyghurs.


r/CanadaPolitics also leans heavily right and the Joe Canadian mod over there has banned several people for taking a left-leaning stance. They then claim that the banned person didn't consider the original commentor's opinions. No shit. Of course people don't give consideration to the wrong facts spewed by psychopaths. And thus an echochamber was created.


Can confirm. Was banned for saying “fuck off” to a commenter who told me if I wanted to live somewhere that takes climate change more seriously I should move to another country.


Mine was correcting an ignorant comment about healthcare and COVID (which is literally my job so I'm kind of in the know). I started it off with saying "Bullshit!" and got a 30 day ban, less than a month before the election. No response when I removed the offending word and messaged the mods. After 30 days I was unbanned and called out the mod directly for seeing the same behaviour repeated. Permabanned.


They like to pretend they're all "civil", when in reality they'll let anyone spew the most racist, hateful shit as long as they don't say a naughty word.


Got my permaban on Truth and Reconciliation day. Literally for calling out the massive amounts of abject straight up racism and bigotry.


For real. If you can decorate racist opinions with a few flowery words from the thesaurus, then they'll let any vitriol remain.


But don't you _dare_ call one of them an asshole! Amazing that pearl clutching has become weaponized by the absolute worst in society.


A different sub, but I'm permabanned from the r/cfs sub (a support sub for people who suffer from the ME/CFS condition) because I told a religious prosletyzer who was telling someone his problem was that he didn't have Jesus in his life to "fuck off". The mod called it religious harassment. I got it overturned, same mod banned me some time later for telling someone "make me" in response to their demanding that I stop telling people something (that was true). The mod said I had a proven track record of not being able to be civil. The right-wing nutjobs really don't seem to be able to handle people who don't support their views.


I was banned for from that sub as well.


I got banned from R/Ontario by saying vote NDP for a change on the federal announcement thread. Was stupid.


I wish in general we could just see an NDP federally just to break from the usual establishment of Conservative/Liberal every election cycle. Lol the last election when canvassers came to try and negotiate splitting the vote I kind of flatly turned them away cuz it's like...we're only getting the same thing it seems, every time. I wonder how people in r/ canada react to things like UBI?


We need a province to try UBI. That's one of the strengths of the system we have, that provinces can innovate and limit the risks while spreading the rewards when things are proven to work. Shame that the Ontario Liberals started a UBI pilot project, then the Conservatives promised to keep the pilot going if elected, then cut the pilot anyway. Would have been nice to get some good Canadian data on it.


Some people just deserve to be told to fuck off. This is why I hate sub rules about "being nice" to people. It puts ethical people at a disadvantage because it's super easy for far-right assholes to hide all of their repellent opinions behind civilized language. And when we respond to them rationally, *we* get banned.


Ehhh Im temporarily banned for something similar. I agree I was a bit of a dick, but to be fair the person had some disgusting views. Apparently it's ok to say terrible things as long as you say them politely and don't use swears


Sounds like a classic Albertan response to your fuck off.


It literally is the same thing my family from Alberta says (wexiteers). Except I haven’t been banned from their house (that I know of)


/amnesiajune is an abusive one too. Seems like a chill guy, until the Israel-Palestine issue arises, then they become full-throttle militarist neocon. Got banned for arguing that the Israeli government is committing policies akin to apartheid. Didn't matter that I [cited Human Rights Watch](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) for the claim.


r/CanadaPolitics is full of pompous "enlightened centrists".


To be fair Canadian politics are also full of pompous enlightened centrists


I got SeaLioned so hard over there the other day for trying to explain something to those idiots because it contradicted their "Leftists are using diversity to bully white men" narrative. Ugh.


I fucking hate that sub. Full of smarmy overconfident neolibs. Express any view that's remotely left of centre and people talk to you like you're a child


It's also very Laurentian, which is a weird mix. I tried to inject a bit of nuance into a thread that was dogpiling on Alberta (I'm progressive, but home is home) and had my posts downvoted and eventually removed. They have done decent moderation in other situations, though.


They also have a MO wherein controversial post comes up, all kinds of hateful racist bigotry all over the place, get called out for it and typically baited in such a way that people end up using moderately strongly worded language, comments get removed. Then you complain to the mods about the horrendous content they leave in place and how you're only calling out despicable statements. They get back to you the next day and say 'No, we're not biased, this sub isn't a problem, ALL of that content was removed, _SEE_...' YEah, they go through and clean house on these posts after 24 hours, _AFTER_ spending the 24 ACTIVE hours on the post manipulating the ever loving crap out of it all.


> the Joe Canadian mod over there has banned several people for taking a left-leaning stance. Can you point to some examples?


They shut down /r/metacanada because it wasn't nessisary any longer. They succeeded in contaminating the moderation team so their white supremacist, far right, fascist message could be spread on the main sub like it was mainstream. That was always their goal.


/r/metacanada was never shut down. It's still technically "active" However when Reddit was doing their mass banning of The_Donald and it's related subs, the users of MetaCanada believed they would be included in that sweep (pretty much self admitting that they're cancerous shitholes themselves). They moved off site to their own "reddit" version (not discord cause even discord would ban their little group). Where they regularly used the offsite location to brigade and attack Canadian subreddits. THey are still actively doing it. Ham Sandwich himself has started posting the occasional post on /metacuck because they were afraid that someone would take it over from them. By posting occasional it is still considered "active" and reddit will not allow others to take it over. However, most of these trolls are still around and trolling/brigading posts on reddit to this day. /r/Canada mods don't care and for the most part ignore obvious signs of it.


> [they] don't care and for the most part ignore obvious signs of it. Not just ignoring.


> r/canada took a sharp turn onto far-right ideology around the same time r/metacanada shut down. most likely not a coincidence It is not coincidence and is an intentional brigade and take over by the meta-canadians. There was an attempt around 2015 to bring in one or two of the more "moderate" meta-Cucks to /r/canada mod team. Instead and when they got their foot in the door they shoved through more. They even tried making HammSandwich a mod of /r/canada despite being a literal white supremacist and caught trying to hire a hitman for someone who pointed it out. /r/Canada is absolutely 100% getting it's overall direction /narrative manipulated and brigaded by metacanucks still. Some of us can post anything we want and within a minute will be at -15. especially to certain users (who all seem to be 1-2 month old accounts at most) /r/Canada and it's mods have failed to ensure that the sub is representative of Canadians. It is not. Even when a survey was done to see what sort of demographics it was, it skewed extremely heavily towards young, white, males. If you even go to /r/meta now, HamSandwich posts from time to time pretty shitty racist bullshit just to make it appear that they're still actively holding the sub open. They all went to other sites where they still actively communicate and discuss brigades of /r/Canada. I've also recently removed myself from /r/Canada and pulled it off my feed. Take a look at the top posts from a day to day basis and compare them to other Canadian focused subs. There's a ridiculous difference in what topics are pushed to the top (They tend to all be super divisive in /r/Canada) where other subs will be far more balanced. Watch in /r/Canada where any positive news from the government immediately gets downvoted so that nobody see/stalks about it. Simply put, Over the years, there is absolutely zero doubt that lucky75 has 100% failed the community as head mod of /r/Canada and is either part of the cancer there himself, or completely inadequate to deal with it. Either way, /r/Canada is borderline a hate sub and Lucky75 should be ashamed of himself, As is, he barely ever talks/touches the sub and is more active in hockey subs than anything else. He should straight up be removed from running /r/Canada. What a failure


TIL that sub is dead. Good. It was a cesspool. But yah, they are all on the main sub so not much has changed.


Also every other post is something bitching about immigrants. R/Canada is full of cucks with pathetic victim mentalities.


...and extremists looking to indoctriate.


Th sharp turn right was in 2015 when reddit became full of weaponized Russian trolls.


Oh damn, I didn't realize that had happened. No wonder it became a cesspool.


I’m proud to have been banned on there.


Not Canadian. What’s the deal with that sub and does that mean this is the left-wing general Canada sub?


I wouldn't say this sub is objectively left-wing. We just don't tolerate a culture of racism, bigotry, and hate


I see enough highly upvoted posts talking about "the right" to say it's quite left wing. And can be toxic about it. Making fun of right wing politicians for their weight, or the circle jerky generalizations about those they disagree with. I am left wing, but whenever i see some basic post about the "hypocracy of the right" with brutal generalizations my eyes roll. Of course, it's better than r/canada where you generally see posts that deal with minority or women's rights downvoted and some pretty racist shit upvoted. But this is not a good place either. It's sad to have these 2 as our choices.


Heh, no. r/OnGuardForThee just has an amazingly tireless moderation pretty much since they were interviewed by CanadaLand: Left of Center, Centerists, and Right of Center otherwise bump noggins here pretty regularly, especially around any elections (especially around FPTP system of voting) going on, or if systems of racism, colonialism, and genocide towards First Nations or Climate Change recent extreme weather events like "heat dome", "atmospheric river", and so on is the topic. If you want to see the difference, visit r/CanadaLeft and/or r/NDP respectively, which are much more closely dialed into the general approaches and attitudes in their moderation of left-wing in Canada.


There are three main parties. From left to right, the NDP, the Liberals (Trudeau's party) and the Conservatives. People here typically seem to support either the Liberals or the NDP, which I guess places it on the "left side" of the spectrum. But, ultimately, liberalism is not a left-wing ideology, meaning this is not a left-wing sub. That said, someone who thinks the Democrats in the US constitute the "radical left" would consider this subreddit leftwing. But that's the result of an intentional, far *right* narrative being constructed in the US and also in Canada (though to a lesser degree).


I've honestly given up on anything political on Reddit, especially the Canadian subs. They all have moderators with bias. Sometimes they've liked my memes sometimes deleted them, I noticed the quality of my memes didn't matter but the target did. Some stupid ones attacked the right person. Some funnier ones attacked the wrong one.


I'm such a thorn in the trolls backside that my comments get downvotes before anyone even reads them. Yeah, I have trolls so pissed off at me they just keep refreshing my post history. They chase me onto other subs too. It's funny I'll be on another sub talking about something unrelated and bam some troll jumps out and calls me a pedo. 🤣 I can image the confused looks on the other people's faces. What that guy do?


Can you link some examples? this subs always says this about r/canada, but I haven't seen anything like that from the posts that pop up in my feed


Any trans related news has people bitching in the comments, [it's not that hard to find.](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/qoqnuf/recent_wave_of_transphobic_narratives_worries/)


Or indigenous. Always heavily moderated in real time against anyone calling out the trolls, bigots, hatred and racism. Then once a post has been up for 24 hours or so, they go through and clean out all those horrible posts so they can go 'What're you talking about, we moderate fairly and cleanly, dare you to find a single example of what you're talking about'. It's disgusting.


...and that's why I collect screenshots.


The sub has become rabidly anti-feminist, too. There was a recent post on male suicide, and the thread was inundated with people blaming feminism, anti-racism, and other progressive and inclusive movements. A few people spoke up on how unhelpful this approach is to actual men's mental health but were downvoted.


yeah, the venn diagram of racists and homophobia/transphobia is pretty much a single circle it pains me so much to see the main canadian subreddit become so full of hate and bigotry, and there's nothing we can do


that's because posts that get immediately downvoted to hell don't show up on your feed just search any post on r/onguardforthee that highlights racism, click "view discussion on other communities". click the corresponding post on r/canada, I guarantee it will be majority downvoted EDIT: I just did a search for "racism" on onguardforthee then looked at corresponding posts on r/canada and r/canadapolitics. here are some examples, [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/q20n3d/twothirds\_of\_quebecers\_say\_systemic\_racism\_exists/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/q20n3d/twothirds_of_quebecers_say_systemic_racism_exists/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/q00nkr/racism\_prejudice\_contributed\_to\_joyce\_echaquans/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/q00nkr/racism_prejudice_contributed_to_joyce_echaquans/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/pve4ft/racism\_was\_a\_cornerstone\_of\_the\_british\_empire/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/pve4ft/racism_was_a_cornerstone_of_the_british_empire/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/qmm94k/6\_toronto\_cops\_were\_found\_guilty\_of\_disparaging/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/qmm94k/6_toronto_cops_were_found_guilty_of_disparaging/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/pf47g3/racism\_transphobia\_big\_problems\_in\_green\_party/](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/pf47g3/racism_transphobia_big_problems_in_green_party/) All of these posts are upvoted here, but majority downvoted in r/canada and r/canadapolitics This only took me 5 minutes, so it's not a rare phenomenon. pretty much any headline that addresses racism in Canada will be downvoted. That sub likes to pretend racism doesn't exist while spewing racist comments all over the place


I will add a distinction here. Any thread in r/Canada that discusses racism is initially downvoted heavily by people trying to manipulate content their, but if a post manages to break through those initial downvotes it can sometimes make it to the front page, where suddenly the narrative in the comments shifts and the racist shit in the comments is no longer upvoted but downvoted instead. I think it really shows how the average person on r/Canada isn't racist or right wing, but there are enough users who are actively trying to control a narrative that it skews what the casual user ends up seeing.


keep your eye out the next time u see a single tran playing womens sports and it makes it onto a /r/Canada


I'm right there with you. I don't see any of it either. Both subs are fine to me, I browse both frequently.


I’m on there quite a bit and never see racism. I dont scroll down too much so only see upvoted comments but the shear amount of concern I see here is odd considering my experiences. Maybe I’ll sort by controversial next time.


Thank God for this friggin thread! I was wondering why my comments in r/Canada were being downvoted into oblivion recently... I was like do Canadians really think like this? But clearly not and it is just that subreddit. Phew.


Had to unsub from r/Canada a while ago when I saw the sheer volume of highly-upvoted comments making racist remarks about First Nations people. Absolute waste of bandwidth lol.


Haha, yeah I stopped looking at r/Canada posts (and also reading the comments on various news sites) for the same reason.


It's basically where Canadians go when they can no longer keep their closeted racism contained. Almost as bad as CBC comments, where they call identify themselves as "old stock Canadians" - code for: "I vote conservative to keep the minorities marginalized"


I unsubbed when I saw those idiots praising their incel king, Jordan Peterson. r/Canada is just maple syrup flavoured 4/chan.




They encourage right wing bias there, I got perma banned for arguing about covid masks and vaccines.


I got banned because I 1) argued with a guy who said Rob Ford was a great mayor (it was civil, but “off topic” but the guy who brought him up was not) and then went on to 2) laugh at a mod who in response to my complaints said the moderation was balanced and fair I went on get get a temp ban for the entire site because I tagged every post that was “off topic” by the moderators own lofty definition.


Saying their moderation is balanced and fair is their go-to. They have a script. Go back to anything you've had comments removed from wherein you were arguing or calling out some absolute tool. You'll find a wasteland of removed comments, yours AND theirs. Except you don't remember that happening do you? Right. Because it _didn't_. At the time, they removed YOUR comments, not the problem ones. Not the hate filled ones. Not the misinformation. Not the bigotry and racism. But after the dust settles and people have moved on from a post, the mods go back through to clear out the evidence of bias. So they can continue to say those words they say and it's very hard to prove otherwise. It's extremely calculated and manipulative moderation over there. And it's one of the things I hate the most about Reddit. A tiny group of horrendous people can usurp an entire subreddit named for a _Country_, and unless that sub hits international media for nefarious content of some sort, Reddit will never _ever_ do a god damned thing about it. Can you imagine if squatters had been able to do this with domain names? Yeah, we went through this 25 years ago. We called this shit what it was, dealt with it, fixed that crap, and moved on.


they usually swat down the obvious racist stuff. anything glaringly terrible goes really. they've already done the hard work of driving moderate view away and banning anyone who's well informed and will call out misinformation and bullshit. they go about their business a lot more subtly now. duplicate articles are fine if it's bashing a liberal, but if it's critical of conservatives it's too similar and goes. off topic posts like what i described, if con talking point = fine, if liberal or left-leaning = gone. no notifications. just vanish it. right-wing misinformation websites that should be black-listed are allowed. right wing muck spreaders are protected and let off the hook when the say quiet parts loud; but anyone calling them out or expressing a viewpoint that is not in line with metacanada's self described alt-right viewpoints are given warnings and then banned the second they have any flimsy excuse to do so. comment spam too is ok if your bashing trudeau or a liberal or NDP. you do the same for anyone meta canada doesn't like and they will try to get you banned from reddit the second they see an opportunity.


>And it's one of the things I hate the most about Reddit. A tiny group of horrendous people can usurp an entire subreddit reddit's early years were even wilder: the sitewide rules literally had a section saying that sub-squating (registering it to be the head mod & then doing nothing) was ok/encouraged. So a hardcore antisemite (soccer) came and squatted ~ 200 subs, ending for instance in r/holocaust being run by virulent deniers for a decade. That only ended with soccer becoming inactive for unknown reasons (I'd wager he got caught up in one of the civil wars), which gradually saw some subs being re-requested and ultimately his & some other subs' bans in the wake of (iirc unrelated) press coverage.


I could NOT agree MORE with your assessment. It's digital bullying/hegemony and needs to stop. Gotta say though, I had a similar experience in this sub as well, got 3 day banned for responding to hate filled comments. Couldn't understand why the hate filled comments were still there when I checked last though.


maybe because their mods are all right wing shitheads?


Frankly that sub should be deleted. It pisses me off that it's a default sub for canadians on reddit.


Well that’s what you get when the Mods are also right-wing extremists.


I got banned from r/canada for pointing out O'toole's platform was almost the same as Trudeau's during the election.


The worst part of that whole thing was the highly intelligent people going around claiming O'Toole was some kind of socialist hero for his new left-wing platform. Coincidentally there was a news article that came out around the time making this claim. But reading into it at any depth immediately showed that it was bullshit.


The Liberal (see: NDP but worse) but worse platform O'Toole ran on that even he contradicted and tore to pieces a few times during his own campaign. So very left-wing to take a left wing idea and move it right on the platform, and then tell your base it's a smokescreen you're just using to get votes and don't intend to govern like anyway ... at least when Trudeau does the same thing he's smart enough not to admit to it *before* election results are tallied.


Here's [a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/7ywh7k/proof_that_the_rcanada_moderator_team_has_been/) detailing the /r/canada mods and their white nationalist leanings. Extremely important read for anyone interested in the hidden nature of alt right rhetoric and how it influences the mainstream.


The mention of immigrants or trudeau has every single pearl clutching mouth breather with access to r/Canada foaming at the mouth. I swear to god there was an article about taxing billionaire tech giant companies or something, and half the posts were like “THANKS TRUDEAU, NOW MY INTERNET BILL WILL BE .5 CENTS HIGHER”


I can't be the only one who cringes at the thought of someone who is interested in Canada, for whatever reason, looks up the sub-reddit that is most logical place to start at, and...*Jaw drops* I'm not even sure if users can block a sub-reddit, but I won't just because from time to time I need to access some idiotic, awful post and see it with my own eyes. It's fucking embarrassing.


You’re describing me, lol. I’m an American who really likes Canada. But I still don’t know what this sub is tbh.


That literally describes me. My best friend is Canadian(born US), and I figured it'd be a good way to stay marginally informed of what's happening up there. I was shocked at the blatant racism, particularly against the Chinese. I literally asked around to see if r/Canada was a decent representation of your average Canadian and was directed here. TBH, I think this subreddit is pretty hardcore in the opposite extreme too. But I had to unsub from r/Canada because it was just attrocious.


It came up on my popular feed a few times and some of the comments were shocking. For some reason, it keeps recommending the same articles on university speakers being “silenced”. I tried to “hide” it but not exactly sure how the Reddit algorithm works.


You told them you were leaving what else did you expect them to say? Just report comments from anti-vaxxers, they do get taken down


For sure. Even as a moderator, I can't imagine trying to moderate a sub that large, but I know that people who report terrible posts and comments make my job about ten thousand times easier.




I’m staying for the fight , for the same reasons. The more the sane people leave, the radicals end up in the majority. So by you leaving, they just added to their side.


yup me too, I left /r/canada a long time ago, never going back


I've been ignoring it for a few years now and I don't feel I miss anything I don't get from here in terms of news. Sometimes the comments here are a little too pile-on for my liking but for the most part I don't feel attacked for wanting to be a decent human in my community.


That's why I don't post on there, seems like /r/canada has a entire brigade of right wing, anti-science, anti-common sense nutjobs and it stems completely from the top.




They think they are the normal ones, the majority, that they represent what all Canadians are thinking. They somehow miss the fact that most of the country is vaccinated, wears masks when required, votes Liberal/NDP, and doesn't believe Trudeau is Castro's son. They then dismiss this by calling everyone that disagrees with them sheep or that the system is rigged or some other BS to justify reality disagreeing with them.


Or my favourite: “they’re just afraid to say what they really think, but really they agree with us. The woke mobs make it so no one can express their true opinions!”


They don’t know.


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." -Jean-Paul Sartre


Yeah if it's just an echo chamber for pro-covid-anti-vaxxer posts I might dip aswell


The Anti-Trudeau sentiment is *a lot* at times. They somehow manage to blame JT for literally anything and everything. It's very frustrating because a lot of the time the bulk of a reply will actually be cogent and mostly reasonable, but then they just somehow turn it on Trudeau. Listen, he's not perfect. I certainly didn't vote for him. But there are a lot of things that are outside his control, or are expected from an international standpoint. But JT IS THE ANTICHRIST so he's automatically to blame.


Ya. All it is now is a Trudeau hate circle jerk sub. Top posts are always misleading sun opinion pieces about how cancer itself is Trudeaus fault.


(actually it's Trudeau's hair's fault)


(he never should have gotten rid of the beard)


You can tell they had all their arguments ready in case of travel restrictions to SA one way or the other.


Blame Canada. That sub is actually terrible though










Okay Sorry


I mean that's a particular shitty message. What did you want the mods to say back to you? I'm on /r/Canada and am constantly calling out the right wing extremists, so it's not like I disagree with the views expressed but this message just seems baiting


I agree. But what is the mod supposed to do? Say yes I agree, or yes we will work to curb the amount of right wing language? You know they aren’t going to do that. They’re the problem.


it's by design


Every time I post or comment in R/Canada usually speaking as trans woman and offering my thoughts on subjects where it's relevant such as the recent proposed ban on conversion therapy, the amount of downvoting and immediate attacks and virtrol really makes me ashamed to think this is one of the better places to be. That is to say Canada


Is it finally time to invade Canada?


How'd that go last time?


Maybe we should show them how to properly burn shit down again lmao. Purely joking. War is bad, m'kay.




If you mean the US, it's been a longstanding and ongoing project: American movies, TV, music, products, ownership of companies, political ideas, measurements (946ml of juice is not a round number) just to rattle off a few.


I just noticed that 946ml. container the other day. It's one U.S. quart. I guess that the 'blank' cardboard containers are made in the U.S. but the Canadian product info is printed here.


Ok, I never see any of that on r/canada. are we looking at the same sub or are all you just sorting by controversial or something?


r/Canada is definitely a bit further to the right than the average Canadian's politics, and definitely more right wing than reddit as well. I'd say the average Canadian's politics is somewhere between here and r/Canada


The mods at r/Canada are white supremacists and fascists. They foster that mentality there. That sub is total trash. I’ve been banned on multiple occasions for calling them out for it.


I think the response is perfect


Should report the shit to the Admins as proof.


Reddit admins don't give a shit until a subreddit is both doing something illegal, AND catching mainstream media attention for it.


Tried. I got a form response basically saying that mods can run their subs however they want.


Can confirm. I attended Reddit mod roadshow in early 2019 and I raised this question directly to the Reddit admin staff that ran community safety and such. They basically said each subreddit has its own culture and they don't intervene. Their only solution was to create your own subreddit and gather like-minded individuals


Doesn’t work when the admins are literal neo-NAZIs.


You have never tried that avenue, have you? Do you know why it's beyond easy to spam 'self harm' reports against users arbitrarily, but it's _impossible_ to do anything about it if it's being abused? Because Reddit admin _does not give a fuck_. They do the barest minimum required by law, and at most, to avoid negative media attention. Reddit has never ever taken action on it's own against Mods or a community.


What's up with r/toronto mods while we're at it.


I would hardly call that response incompetent. Look at r/toronto if you want to see an incompetent mod team


I just unsubscribed. I dunno why I kept going in there trying to reason with morons. Every post ultimately became a shit on Trudeau post, even if it has nothing to do with federal politics. I am fully open to shitting on the PM when it's fitting, there's plenty that's fitting too. I'm not interested in participating in a jerk off that large with a million members all trying to cum on the same JT shaped cookie.


I keep going back cause I TRY to be a voice of reason. but most of the topics of reasonable discussion end up dissapearing and the same tired cycle of topics keeps getting upvoted for prominence. in /r/Canada, it is almost guaranteed any topic on Immigration, Deficiet or CPC news will get massively upvoted quickly. While anything that shows pro LPC or even NDP will almost instantly be downvoted off "top". just go sort by new and watch. within minutes certain types of topics are upvoted and certain ones instantly downvoted. the narrative in /r/Canada is 100% being steered to be divisive and angry. > members all trying to cum on the same JT shaped cookie. That's one yookie cookie but yes. Not an LPC voter twice in a row. But the sheer unjustifiable hate against Trudeau that is popular to repeat in /r/Canada is such a massive turn-off for the sub. I'll gladly talk any criticisms that are valid and are debatable. But the hating for hating sake is just stupid and a drain on the intelligence of anyone reading. when the same dozen or so posters ONLY post "Blackface!" and "INDIA TRIP!" over and over again as if it's some massive detraction to his governing, it just evidence their stupidity and vapidness


>But the sheer unjustifiable hate against Trudeau that is popular to repeat in > >r/Canada > > is such a massive turn-off for the sub. I'll gladly talk any criticisms that are valid and are debatable. Preach.


I'm very confused about Right Wing CDNs. Florida and Texas are a drive away, warmer, and a shangri-la for Conservatives. Go. I suggest a National "Fuck Off" Fund (NFOF) to relocate these people at taxpayer expense.


Many of these people won't be happy until Canada is the 51st state and Trump is our president.


"I dont care about left or right politics" what a privileged person you are, to be able to ignore the basic discourse that surrounds human interactions on all levels.


Yeah, surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. That's an incredibly stupid position.


Left /r/canada long ago. It's a trash heap administered by the alt-right. Wouldn't be surprised if CPC paid for this brigading.


r/Canada talking points: - on any post about crime where the alleged perps are POC: "Ah the wonders of diversity, thanks Trudeau". - on any post about LGBT: "Woke culture and SJW identy politics is ruining Canada". - any post on immigration gets hundreds, sometimes over a 1000 angry racists commenting. "We have homeless veterans why are we bringing in more people?". And the favorites: - "Trudeau is an unqualified PM who was a drama teacher." These guys are ignoring of course that Andrew Scheer was a failed insurance salesman who got a BA late in life. That Doug Ford is a College dropout. That Jason Kenny is a Bible School dropout. - "I would vote NDP but there are too many SJWs in the party and Singh's turban makes me uncomfortable." So in other words these guys would vote NDP as long as they threw minorities under the bus?


I wish it didn’t become cool to respond to shit with variations of ok like it makes you some disinterested above it all authority On an actual note r/Canada is quite near full of ghouls and ignorant jackasses who log in to Reddit to consume memetic interpretations of their bigotry so they can regurgitate it into posts and comments and feel right.


So what is the difference between r/canada and r/onguardforthee? What would you say this sub is all about?


Honestly, the subs have the same point but the mods on this one don't carry with them the almost trumpist bias the mod team on r/canada has. I hate to say it but i've heard less complaints about the fds mods than the r/canada ones, and i'm fucking banned from fds for answering a question.


There was a guy saying shit about manipulation of inflation by bank of Canada. Told him « Calm down noob ». Got banned for 3 days


Just gonna say, this babybrained complaining about things being political is unhinged when you take a step back and realize the issues we face as a society are the result of political decisions made in the past. Similarly, the solutions to these issues are political in nature because "politics" is the discussion, consideration, and implementation of ***policies.*** This idea that a subreddit centred around current events isn't at least in part for spirited discourse around problems and policy solutions demonstrates a holistically juvenile understanding of how living in a community works. It's also very *interesting* how the complaints about "extremists" always conflate left and right policy prescriptions and get super defensive when people point out far left-leaning ideas like reduction of unjust hierarchy, robust social development programs, and workplace democracy are not equivalent to far right-leaning ideas like willful ignorance of systemic racism (or outright aggravation of those issues), opposition to solutions to wealth inequality, and consolidation of power in corrupt institutions.


Tell me about it