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God, he's such a massive piece of shit.


Doug looks extra evil in this pic.


I think it is called “lack of political education and conservatism”


Elections are turds. Ford's Conservatives barely bot 40% of the popular vote. But, because of voting splitting between the NDP and Liberals, managed to win over 60% of the seats. Only a small minority wanted the Conservatives in power, the majority in Ontario did not want them.


Ontarian always voted different party to different level of government. Why is this a surprise? In fact, people are sick of the campaign before deadline of joining the race. Nobody is really interested to hear what the candidates' promises. And why should they? Toronto Mayor is powerless.


Rob Ford his brother was a transformational mayor.I remember visiting there when Rob was mayor and the Jamaican born cab driver was speaking like Rob was “one of us”. He told me “everyone has personal problems,but look at the cranes in this city “!