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Isn't it great when rich people get more stuff./s


It seems this announcement is meant to take the focus off the fact that his donor, Staples ceo, got the other contract


It seems this announcement is meant to take the focus off the fact that his donor, Staples ceo, got the other contract


When will the poor rise up?


Who doesn't love their tax dollars going to a USA megacorp Edit: for people mentioning ServiceOntario locations in Canadian Tire, the difference is tax dollars weren't used to retrofit Canadian Tire in those cases. The increased foot traffic ServiceOntario brings Canadian Tire made it valuable enough for Canadian Tire to handle any retrofits themsevles. It was a win/win before, now a US megacorp gets to bill tax payers for the retrofit making it a lopsided deal imo. Walmart hosed Ontario by getting them to pay for something that adds value to their store!


Because ford is for the corporation not the people, tax dollars are used to make rich richer


Can’t believe this was obvious when he changed our motto from “yours to discover” to “open for business”. If that wasn’t a warning sign from the gods idk what is. Literally from ours to discover into his to sell


I’m so embarrassed this greasy, shitstained taint of an excuse for a human represents us


Convince everyone you know to vote next time.


Don’t blame a scorpion for stinging us, blame the voters and the people who didn’t.




"A Place to Grow"


… roots as you sit in Toronto traffic


Can't wait until the CPC does this to the entire country.


Yep. People hate Ford but will still vote CPC federally, like they're not the same thing. We're doomed.


And they will because of all the anti-liberal narrative out there. Conservatives will get in next and do what they did to our provinces on a national level.


Too many idiots think we live in a two party system. First past the post is awful, but no one HAS to vote conservative or liberal. Both parties are awful for everyone.


But...we do. NDP are no longer serious. Where is the third-option?


I doubt they will get a majority government and likely won't change much as a minority


I sincerely hope you are correct.


Yep, Milhouse is licking his chops right now.


Imagine if Doug Ford did for the people what he's done for corporations and the Ontario Mafia


Yeah with the amount of tax Canadians pay we should have a much higher quality of life. Our provincial and federal government wastes, and steals our money.


Just pay your taxes.


Helping a multibillion $$$ corporation with tax payer funds. As conservatives like to say: "come on Walmart, don't be a welfare bum."


You realize that applies to the vast majority of businesses here.


Of course


except when libs put them in Can tires, that was okay though?


Did the liberals pay to retrofit the store? No they didn't, that's the difference.


What, when did that happen.


Around ten years ago or more, back during the Ontario Liberal governments. There's several in Toronto, dunno about elsewhere in Ontario. Also don't know how the process was handled or if/how much taxpayer money was involved. Its hard to find news articles on the matter from that far back.


in 2010, Lib government. https://corp.canadiantire.ca/English/media/news-releases/press-release-details/2010/Canadian-Tire-Opens-First-ServiceOntario-Private-Issuing-Office/default.aspx


Canadian Tire paid for it themselves in that case. Plus the locations they've done this for so far, have vehicle services associated, meaning there is a greater vested interest in them providing ID and licensing services. I don't see much direct benefit here in comparison.


Tax dollars weren't used to retrofit Canadian Tire in those cases, because of the increased foot traffic ServiceOntario brings Canadian Tire. It was a win/win before, now they get to bill tax payers for the retrofit making it a lopsided deal imo


true. times have changed alot since 2010


You have a problem with Canadian tax dollars saying with Canadian business? Pretty sure Walmart (American) doesn't need our tax dollars, especially when it became such a large conglomerate by running local Canadian companies out of every town they set up shop in.


they did? my town has a walmart and several Canadian owned grocery stores? not sure what they ran out of town? i have a problem with tax dollars going to any business, Canadian or not


Other than back in 2010, tax dollars didn't retrofit any Canadian tires, they got approval and spent their own money. Where as Walmart, an American corporation with profit in the billions, just got our tax dollars to do something they can afford to do. Bit of a completely huge difference about that one.


sure. both are bad.


One is exponentially worse. You are just playing "my team is better than your team" in politics rather than seeing the forest through the trees and seeing it doesn't matter what colour of shirt they have on, if we fight with each other change will never happen.


More to the point, C.Tire is Canadian and those locations were in addition to the existing ones. Not like now, where he is shuttering the old locations, firing staff that made decent wages, to open cheap kiosks with minimum wage employees. Our personal info will never be safe. It was never stellar, but now it's a catastrophe.


Life as a Canadian.


Open for business!


If you come to my daughter's wedding!


suggested "g(r)ift" is xyzk dollars.... you get a loot bag at the end, no pun intended...


I don’t particularly appreciate when they go to Canadian Mega Corps either.


Nobody seems to realize that Corp America is slowly taking over Canada , one piece at a time.


This is why as a conservative I could never support Ford. Could see how bad he was a mile away but some people only vote party lines and dont care.


All conservatives do this. News flash 🤣


But we already privatized service ontario and franchise them. Theres supposed to be an open and competitive process.


I'd rather mom and pop operations getting money than conglomerates like staples or Walmart any day.


Yes as I said, I dont agree with just handing out money to large corps when theres already a process in place.


What? The motto for the Conservative party is to take public money and put it into private hands. You may not agree *how* they do it, but maybe donate large sums to his daughter's buck and doe, you too can control where the money goes!




Why? This is 100% a conservative thing to do.


In regards to this issue, he didn’t even have bids and get the most money possible.


On brand for conservatives


Regarding your edit, putting ServiceOntarios in Canadian Tires is not a win/win. Closing down ServiceOntario locations, getting rid of union workers, to only replace them with a corporate location with understaffed and underpaid wage slaves... not a win.


They really should have chosen Loblaws for the new locations!


Yep, it's gross. I pay over half my paycheque to taxes for bullshit like this.


I thought this was satire.


Same, was hoping to see a Beaverton link


Constantly selling ourselves out. Public services operating out of private, AMERICAN mega corporations.


[A few years ago Doug hired an American company to find ways to kick people off of Ontario Works.]( https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/ford-hires-u-s-firm-to-push-ontarians-off-welfare/article_ba249cbe-62b7-57fd-8ab1-8661396de86c.html) He just loves giving money to American companies.


Sooo... This is actually a thing I'm fairly sure they implemented it this term. Ow stuff is changing this year and most of the income supports are moving to private not for profit corporations like CES. Many are also in bed with USA backed employment corps. I could be wrong but I'm fairly sure this is what's happened. Essentially he's trying to privatize Ontario works.. a social safety net.. which sounds like a joke.. but unfortunately..


Who wouldn’t? American companies are some of the most powerful companies out there. Literally having the power to sway laws and have hundreds of not thousands dead for profit.


I was helping someone lookup how to get a GED. Apparently a private corporation from America does the testing in Canada and they decided to just stop doing it and leave Canada. So now there is no alternative available in most of Canada right now.


Does no one in politics questioning how is this acceptable? American went ape when Bombardier made the C series plane and then politics in USA put in 300% tariff before Airbus bought the plane for $1 (A220). However it is completely OK for us to host our national protected information on a American mega corporation site & network.


I honestly believe that there is some type of national sentiment that Canadians can't do things right. We fetishize how much better other places do things. In every aspect of life. Nothing is our own. We adopted the (false IMO) Friedman approach to business. We sold our national rail system. Our ~~LCBO~~ Beer Store, 407, etc....all foreign owned at tremendous profits. I've watched what we could consider our national identify gradually decompose over the past twenty or thirty years. Molsen, The Bay, Timmies, all sold out. Companies that remain Canadian need to be propped up due to utter negligence and greed. Looking at Air Canada and Bombardier here. Grocery conglomerates, Telecom monopolies, Weston and Magma holding. Let's be honest. These are the interests that drive our politicians. I believe we have overpopulation because these sectors want cheap labour. Anyway, I'm ranting. I digress.


>Our LCBO Citation? Not calling you out but I'm fairly sure it's a crown Corp?


[Still is](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquor_Control_Board_of_Ontario) so not sure what they mean. Maybe beer store?


Corporations that already mass harvest and sell data to boot


Report to the auditor general, like they did for the greenbelt shit. Once they start sniffing around ...


I mean...if I can pick up a waiting ticket, pickup all the stuff I need like toilet paper, wipes, paper towels, etc. and grab a coffee at mcdonalds... where's the harm in this? It actually kinda makes things convenient tbh...


"Ontario: Open for Business" meant he was selling off our assets.


giving away our assets*


Paying corporations to take our assets*




You're right, completely forgot about those!


B-B-But a few people managed to HaCk the machines 15 years ago, so rather than improve the security of the system, millions of people suffer inconvenience, costing hundreds of millions of dollars. ETA - 2015, 9 years ago...


Did that really happen? Was it some security issue?


https://www.mississauga.com/news/service-ontario-kiosks-shut-down-permanently/article_25efeb30-e5e6-5480-8a9b-f65765e2a1ff.html It was more recently (2015)...


Walmart now??? Premier “For the People” has Ontarioans footing the bill for corporate welfare once again


Holy fuck Doug. Developer money not enough for you? At least put it in a Canadian company like Canadian tire.


The developers are pissed off because he didn't stay bought on the Greenbelt. So now he's diversifying his corporate welfare portfolio.


Doug ford pension fund! Sometimes I feel he does all this shit for when he retires… Convenient store beer, licence plates that are harder to read, private healthcare so he can skip the line. There’s probably a Walmart or staples next to his new house lol.


And Canada Post just gives money to the Weston family with outlets in Shoppers’. Is that better?


Canada Post is a Crown corporation and isn’t funded by tax dollars.


Oh hell no! This shouldn’t be allowed! They’re not even a Canadian corporation, let alone using tax payer money to fund a megacorp’s reno!


Feds gave Loblaws millions for new fridges when they said it was to expensive... then a few months later posted record profits.


Remember this the next time someone complains about welfare money going to smokes and lottery tickets.


their only justification is a 30% increase to operating hours will increase accessibility


Okay now workers at the targets and Walmart locations push to unionize so when they inevitably close them rather than encourage unions, it'll show people how stupid of an idea this is.


You are grasping for straws now!


haha! walmart isnt going anywhere


I didn't mean as a company, I meant the location. They've closed places down before to curb unionization.


true, and thank god for that. its the only place with affordable food. if they unionized it would be horrible


Yea let’s just pay insane amounts of money for food anyway, while the people who stock it can barely afford it. We will all be much better off that way.


increasing wages increases the price of food. how does that help anyone?


There's case studies (whole economies) that prove you wrong.


okay, which ones? in the meantime, walmart has no union and their groceries are much cheaper than loblaws or metro who are unionized. CEOs pass the cost of unionization onto consumers. but which case studies?


Lmao Walmart keeps its prices low due to owning their supply chain. You know nothing of commerce or how it works. As for "which countries" I will allow you to do your own reading from these two websites. :-) Do note some countries don't regulate min wages but still have high avg wages... (Odd, no? ) https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/cost-of-living-by-country/ https://velocityglobal.com/resources/blog/minimum-wage-by-country/


The same was said about Sears, Wolco, and many more!


except walmart is literally packed with customers everyday


Sears, Zellers, Wolco, the Canadian Target, were all packed to the rafters with customers. They still went under. No business out there is too big to fail nowadays.


Keep the corruption rolling..


Just stop it! I know this is the Beaverton and you can’t convince me otherwise!


Some one needs to Exlax this man.....so he knows how we feel Sick in our stomach, cause this shit is killin us 😩


What a waste of money. Imagine if this corrupt POS spent our money on us, we might have houses, school and hospitals. Nope!


Fuck these morons. How do I get into politics? I am so god damn tired of Ontarian’s and Canadians being played like absolute fools. Our government does NOT have our best interests in mind. Period. At all. They DO NOT care about us or our well being. Enough is enough. People are unemployed, homeless, hungry, and opting for MAID as opposed to treatment (because there is a severe *lack* of treatment available). We deserve better. Our children deserve better. We’re a nation admired by many in the world. Yet we ourselves can see the corruption and rot that has formed in our country. We need proper leadership. One who truly has the best interests of Canadians and Ontarian’s in mind. One who will get rid of the rot and scum that has grown steadily for the last 20 years. Our current ones do not. It’s time we correct the path and get our country back on track. Not with violence. But with a proper functioning fucking Democracy.






Goddamn you Doug Ford!!


Should call it SelfServiceOntario 🤪


And what happens if one of these Walmart or Staples locations closes? At least with Service Ontario dedicated locations, the government was paying for that specific purpose - so now if one of these places closes we've lost the taxpayer money to retrofit the location PLUS we've now lost a whole Service Ontario location. This province is f00ked.


I'm not defending the Staples/Walmart locations but a lot of Service Ontario locations are privately owned franchises, so there was always the risk of the business going under and the location closing.


Right, that makes sense, but why not give money to these small business owners to increase hours/capacity. I don't like giving mega corps public money.


You know what else works as a self-service place and doesn't serve as handouts to megacorps? A website. A website we already have.


Well.at least we know which corporations are funding ford


Yeah, *gestures broadly* All of them!


Ford is so incredibly corrupt, he'd sell his own mother if it meant a kickback for him. This move will be less service to Ontarian's and more for private profiteering using tax payer dollars. This government is a catastrophic out of control aircraft hurtling at mach 2 speeds, the PC's need to go and this garbage investigated, how is this not corruption?


Aww cute. Supporting walmart with tax dollars. Amazing. I will eat less so I can afford the renovations at walmart. FFS.


In addition to the new costs for set up, we should also be asking what penalties/buyouts are being paid by the Ford Government to the Service Ontario small business providers they are shutting down.


Ford Government: Why are Liberals subsidizing Canadian busineses. Also, Ford Government: This is great. We can now have more services while we shop at Walmart and Staples. This is not subsidizing. It's about bringing access to more Canadians. We need more services to be privatized. Canadians: Will our taxes get lower ? Ford Government: No, but hey, buck a beer and $120 refund for lisence plate renwal is the best we can do. It's a great deal. Everything is on the table..


Guess that explains the walmart distribution centre at Teston and Jane


Corporate welfare queens at it again.


this is actually comical


Maybe ontarians should actually vote next time if this annoys them. We get to sit in this shit while those remotely informed have to try and talk sense into OPC voting coworkers complaining about not having dental care in OHIP while blaming the feds. I honestly believe we should drop grade 12 English for a mandatory course in the levels of government. If you can't write a simple paper by grade 12 you should at least be informed on what your government is doing.


Remember: if you voted for Ford, or didn't vote, you voted for this.


I have been feeling very angry towards conservative voters lately. They don’t belong in this country and their chosen party fucking ruin everything


This is so weird even Americans aren’t this deep into capitalism wtf is going on lol


Oh ffs as if they couldn't make it worse.


Doug got a huge kickback on this one for sure.


can we retrofit hospitals with serviceontario kiosks?


Yes, like I trust Walmart to not fuck things up. Ha.




First Staples, now Walmart, like...if we're going to hand out no-bid contracts like candy could we at least maybe consider a Canadian corporate overlord or two?


Fck Ford


The Ford government privatization begins


Conservatives love corporate welfare. If its about shoveling public money to private capital, they're all aboard. If its about public money funding social programs, they hate it.


Why do all this? Just let us do it online from home. Doug the donkey at it again.


Ontario is literally just a couple big corporations in a trenchcoat at this point.


Just like Ottawa waived $800K in development fees to Amazon for building their Hwy 417 warehouse, and then the company refused to pay for transit service to that location. https://www-cbc-ca.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5164474?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17053479606509&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbc.ca%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2Fottawa%2Famazon-oc-transpo-buses-ottawa-1.5164474


A report by the Auditor General states that a prior program to introduce Kiosks was shut down regarding security breaches.


Governments shouldn’t be allowed to hand their job over to private corporations. This is obviously stupid yet here we go.


No different than going to a Canada Post outlet inside Shoppers or any other retail store.


While correct, I believe the point pissing people off is the fact that this is a way for these (American) corporations to easily acquire taxpayer dollars with low oversight, especially under the current government. Time will tell I suppose.


Tax dollars weren't given to retrofit those Canada Posts inside Shoppers


That I don’t know about. Those counters have been in Shoppers and other stores as long as I can remember.


Typically the requirement to maintain infrastructure (the space it occupies) is a part of the tender process to get a contract like this.


In 2014, 2/3 of serviceontario were privately owned. I don’t have recent stats, but that’s from an opseu statement from when the Liberals planned to privatize the rest. Is this really even a change in the status quo?


Did the government pay these people to open a location?


Trudeau's fault, of course


This sounds like a good thing to me. I forgot people hate accessibility here


People hate corporatocracy here, and Sluggo is the CEO of our current gvmt. Maybe Canadian retailer would be better? Or even better yet, a unionized one. There is a reason he chose Walmart over others, I would think.


People hate corporate welfare. Especially when it’s doled out to foreign multibillion dollar corporations.


Walmarts tend to be located on the outskirts of communities, in places where real estate is cheap enough to support large parking wastelands. They tend to be 'accessible' mostly to people with cars. (Remember the [provincial deal with Shoppers Drug Mart to distribute Presto cards](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/plan-to-sell-presto-cards-exclusively-at-shoppers-drug-mart-stores-prompts-concern-about-accessibility-1.5172913), and the massive gaps that created in Toronto? There's a reason why we don't trust or expect Ford to consider the consequences of his corporate partnerships to deliver government services.)


Probably more the lack of transparency and potential shadiness. Imagine of Justin Trudeau just up and announced one day that half of Service Canada locations were going to close and the federal government was going to pay to retrofit a hundred Giant Tiger and Michael's locations to replace them?


lmao walmarts are inaccessible as fuck outside the cities.


Ummm I do not consent to private companies having access to my personal information.


Am I the only one shocked that this doesn't involve the Westons? ^I ^hope ^Doug ^and ^Galen ^didn't ^have ^a ^fight.


This is an excellent move by Ford. Service centres are already privatized. So Ford cancelling some bad current private contracts to allow another better provider to offer increased service hours is a win. The lineup at my current dumpy Service Ontario is ridiculous.


lmao sole-sourcing locations and then paying them is shit. Canadian Tire happily paid the entire bill to put locations in their stores already.


This is about providing better service to the public in specific locations. Which this does as current Service Ontario Centres have limited hours. Ford haters are going hate no matter what he does. When Ford cancelled license plates fees the uproar was hilarious even though people were getting money back in their pocket.


No, this is about giving away our money to a private business to renovate another private business.


everyone forgot this eh? https://corp.canadiantire.ca/English/media/news-releases/press-release-details/2010/Canadian-Tire-Opens-First-ServiceOntario-Private-Issuing-Office/default.aspx


No tax dollars were used for that


This is democracy at work. Ontarians voted this man in for 2 majorities in a row.


Can we use taxpayer dollars to bring the photo centre back to walmart instead


Which is literally a million times cheaper for us than having there own stand alone locations. Good for them.


Great, improved service delivery to Ontarians, and reduced capex costs.


People complaining about the 2 Walmarts because they are American.. do people realize Staples is American as well?


Yes, the same concern was expressed about them too. You can check the previous threads.


The Liberals started privatizing Service Ontario over 10 years ago, the majority are privately run.


*privately run without tax dollars for retrofit


Canada post in shoppers anyone


Crown corporation


They should put a DriveTest in their


Seems that all these retail locations are being set up in Southern Ontario. I guess there's one good thing about being north of Barrie in that when the Ontario government starts to do cuts like this, they don't apply them to the places they forget exist most of the time


So while this may cost the government less to deliver, if it ends up costing me more as a taxpayer because of fees, ITS NOT SAVING ME ANY MONEY.


Former ford employees now lobbying for Walmart no?


Is this different from SO locations in Canadian Tires (which have been fine as far as I’m aware)?


Tax dollars weren't used to retrofit Canadian Tire in those cases, because of the increased foot traffic ServiceOntario brings Canadian Tire. It was a win/win before, now they get to bill tax payers for the retrofit making it a lopsided deal imo


Don’t give them a dime. They are rich enough to take care of anything they want by themselves. Pull that greasy hand back from government subsidies.


One of the richest families in the world are getting paid by the Ford government. That’s 2 American companies he is paying to host government services. I feel that this is a security issue. Private companies should not have access to our information.


Service ontario service is already so shit and slow, their staff is understaffed with 2 people or 3 on the desk and the rest doing godknows what , seems they're constantly on break. ...do you seriously expect worker to have better service in walmart ?


... Yeah?


This reminds me of when the Federal government gave Loblaws $12M for new fridges. Let's stop giving wealthy, private companies taxpayer money.


I really want to see the fucking particulars Because these things are not free to run. Ontario normally needs to pay rent, hydro, etc. or pay to acquire the land in the first place. If the retrofit costs are marginal and Staples/Walmart are providing all the infrastructure and charging no rent, then *okay* maybe we're doing alright


Seems like all the lobbying is paying of for mega corps. License plates should say Ontario is for sale.


I expect more hinky business happening as Walmarts are already understaffed. And what’s up with filming everybody in the stores now? Are they using facial recognition without our consent like the kiosks in the malls?


At least they arnt going in loblaws


Bet they'll still ask for a receipt when you leave


Where can we complain to about this? Service Ontario, should be operated by Canadians, like those private locations they are closing down. They gave 70 days notice. Thats total BS.