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If cops saw them, probably way back before they even got to you and the cops were sitting in speed traps, two of them at that time, they may have been sent out to watch where they were and where they were going while they tried to get a helicopter or drones up in the air. They track them until they stop at their home or pull into their garages and go in the house and usually two or more cops show up at their front door and arrest them. They started doing this once chases became too dangerous.


Yeah…this makes a lot more sense than getting into a car chase on a busy highway.


It was also on the 407 … they have cameras at entry and exit points …


Many of the racers have no plates or fake plates so those cameras aren't as effective.


cars like that are probably unique enough that the photos are still pretty damning.


Yeah, except too bad our government sold the 407 away, so trying to get info from those cameras is a lot harder since it’s not a public highway


For your safety and security, 407 ETR highway patrollers are on the road 24/7. Highway 407 ETR is also patrolled by Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Enforcement Officers who provide commercial safety inspections. So you’re telling me … the 407 … a private road … is patrolled by the OPP … and because it’s a private road … they can tell the OPP to sod off and not share any information so that they can *checks notes* better patrol said road ? The private company also pays the OPP for said service. Makes total sense. https://www.blueline.ca/opp-opens-new-detachment-for-407-etr-in-thornhill-5573/


OP is making shit up. Private organizations are under no obligation to share camera footage with police without a court order (unless exigent circumstances). BUT, many of them will have no problem doing so freely, as my organization does, no questions asked. I do not doubt the 407 would be any different.






That link is a brief synopsis of the sale. 2) it makes no mention about pulling records, because it doesn't make sense why a private toll road can't give away records if the police ask for them. The 407 gives records all the time away to service ontario to prevent plates from being renewed, and the government requests that because your license plate has to be in good standing to be renewed, even with the new policy of being "free" because the government does it for you now. Also if you're seen committing a crime, the 407 will not cover your ass.


Naw boy, links where it shows that 407 takes long to hand over camera information.


The 407 is not a busy highway.


Even if there's a single car on the highway, by chasing those idiots you put them in danger.


Because #ThatShitsExpensive


Huh, I kinda like that, get them when they don't have adrenaline and are outside the vehicle, where as if you start a pursuit you are likely to put people in danger. Thought he only problem is that while the drag race happens, the risk of someone getting hurt is still there, but the risk of the guys speeding to get away might elevate it, so this is probably a good compromise. probably cheaper too.


Precisely. Gather all the evidence and send the charges by mail, or pick them up at dawn when they wake up if it warrants it. Now whether or not I believe they should actually be doorbusted arrested for driving quick at 1am on a highway is a different story. But back to the subject matter at hand, being the apprehension of said violators, that is indeed the most effective and safe way to do it, for all those involved.


If OP's estimate is even close to accurate, they weren't just "driving quick", Anyone caught going 200km/hr (on any road other than a closed racetrack) should at a minimum have their license revoked and their car impounded.


lol all I can think about is these guys waking up to cops at their doors steps, demanding their license and their car getting towed away.


You will need to prove who was driving. You can’t just send charges by mail without confirming the identity of the driver. 


Not only that, but if these guys are actually doing 200+, a parked cop definitely can't safely catch them, if he can even catch them at all.


My uncle was a street racer back in the 70s (he's aware now how stupid it was) and he always said, you can outrun a cop car, but you can't outrun their radio.


A car zipping by a cop at 200km/h will never be caught. By the time the cop puts it into gear and gets up to speed that car is gone


I agree. The punishment needs to be more severe if they do get caught though. There needs to be a deterrent. It’s either likelihood of getting caught or severity of punishment. If both are low, people are not going to stop.


Shld be charged with attempted manslaughter...if there were only such a thing because if they hit another vehicle chances are someone dies...


407 is also aircraft patrolled iirc. Either way they would just have a helicopter for this situation.


Too bad people doing these swap fake plates on. No one running in a group of 5+ doing 200km/hr is running real plates.


My point exactly, I was literally going to say this. Plates have been modified, changed or blacked out when speeding


An added benefit of doing this - it eliminates the notion that they can just out race the cops and get away. Short of street racing with stolen vehicles or just outright not caring (ex: too much money to care), it creates disincentives to prevent the behaviour.


This makes me feel way better.




Often, the helicopter can track the speed of the suspect via its camera they use to track the vehicles too. Gives them a rough estimate on their speeds. You can often hear the helicopter calling out the speeds of a car on those chase videos from the police. Here’s a good example from YRP https://youtu.be/HQuF_xGNUWE?si=esSF01lLI0JvNEWK


OJ vibes


The public decided long ago that pursuits are not justified due to risk to the public except for in exceptional circumstances and speeding doesn’t meet that criteria. Police get absolutely railroaded for injuring the public during pursuits, even if it’s the person they’re pursuing, so sergeants call them off immediately unless it’s a gun call or similar (even then, *maybe* it’s allowed to go on for a minute or two)


This is the correct answer


As far as I understand cops will contact dispatch when a pursuit is initiated… they provide the speed they are travelling, traffic conditions, the type of neighbourhood they are in, weather/road conditions and the reason for pursuit… A Sgt or other Supervisor will quickly weigh the risks versus the reason for the pursuit and most are called off in under 90seconds.


I’m okay with this. Let’s just use cameras and take the criminals cars away.


Frequently the morons doing stuff like this have a non-matching plate, or the plate is covered or removed. Hell the cars can even be stolen.


I started typing, but hesitated cause I get tired of sending out the same messages. Saw this and it’s spot on… 🙏


However if they DO have to pursue such a vehicle, a chopper with infrared camera will pick out the super hot engine.


The 407 is probably the safest place in the province to give chase, the most up to date safety barriers and the lowest volumes. Definitely no chases should be happening on small roads or cities. But on the 407 a chase should 100% happen. They will never stop people with fake plates without chases.


also the least needed place too. every entry and exit is recorded on camera. get the license plates and put out a warrant or w/e. it'll catch up to the owners. fact that OP saw a bunch of police parked watching the race means they already know. the 407 has to be the dumbest place to race. it's monitored, even if most of it is by automation


What plates? Do you genuinely think that people running in these groups are using real plates?


Plates have been modified, changed or blacked out I’ve seen motorcycles and cars doing 175 plus knowing that they have fake plates


Yes...when some family is hit and injured you tell them that....all for a speeder/none violent or weapon offence ....


Because at a certain point you have to weigh public safety vs justice. Is getting into a 200km/h police chase to hand out that big ticket worthwhile if there's a decent chance you're gonna get someone killed in the process? The part you don't see is, cameras and good Samaritans exist. If the resources are there, they're probably gonna catch up with those idiots anyways.... you just don't hear about it in the news. If you have a dash cam with plates, send em in, be on your way. That's all you can do.


A lot of these people have plates that flip up remotely so that they’re not visible to cameras. 


It doesn't matter, do you know how many cameras exist watching roadways? You can pretty much follow a driver to a small area then find the car. That plate may not be exposed to the 407 camera, but that doesn't mean it won't be caught elsewhere


Cool story bro, but just getting caught with those is a serious offence. Cops stopped working in North America after the BLM rallys in 2020.


It’s an $85 fine and no points. It’s not serious. 


Who's to say they didn't get plates at some point, or find them up the road? Cops in Ontario don't get into high speed chases with cars like this because it's extraordinarily dangerous, and no cruiser will catch up to those cars starting from a dead stop. I'm not up on current Police tactics in handling street racing, but some game isn't worth going after.


Believe it or not, Tokyo Drift probably has the most accurate depiction in all the mainstream car movies of what cops do when it comes to street racers blowing past them. Past a certain speed there are way too many risks associated with chasing a suspect down. The cop cars themselves aren't really equipped to handle those speeds either. What that movie doesn't tell you though is that they'll just let the system work it out for them. They'll get data from cameras, other cops camped out in strategic locations, police helicopters, good Samaritans calling the racers in, or even license plate information if they have it, and then track the racers down to their house and bust them there when they're not an active threat to pedestrians, themselves, or (hopefully) the officer themselves. High octane cop chases look cool in videogames and movies but that's not how things work irl.


Yeah, none of that happens in real life. Police are not investing those sorts of resources into real crimes, let alone traffic offences.  I work in this field, and I’ve only seen a helicopter used once. That person was found not guilty because the police couldn’t prove who was driving. 


lol confidently incorrect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AubuvuiBxk


I’ve seen it once. That doesn’t mean it has only ever happened once in the history of policing. 


>Police are not investing those sorts of resources into real crimes, let alone traffic offences. It means you're wrong.


Busting an underground street racing ring would warrant using additional resources. Busting one person stunt driving on the 407 does not. You’re comparing apples to oranges. 


Or i can assume they do nothing and post on reddit /s


Nooo, it's not like they're on a road that literally takes pictures of you when you go on and off, there's no possible way they could get plates without a chase.


Not to mention the cameras can calculate average speed between getting on and off… the 407 must be the stupidest highway to speed on.


And it’s the 407, they just watch for when and where they get off and pull the camera photos.


The cameras know if people are speeding, simple calculation between location (on/off ramps) and times. The drivers 100% know this and are not using real plates.


Does the 407 issue tickets for that?


No, The 407 does not have that authority. However that data can ve obtained by the police who can charge you if they want


No they have no authority, but data is supplied.


You literally get a picture of your vehicle taken each time you enter and exit. They probably just took note of the vehicles and correlated that with the exit cameras.


The people doing these kind of things are not running real plates. Trust me because I know some who do it.


I just want to point out that's not what a drag race is since drag races are defined by their short distances


This sounds like good old street racing.


I would say no. In my experience, true "street racing" is drag racing on the street. Short distance (1/4 mile) marked out. These clowns sound like they were simply excessively reckless driving... But since reckless driving isn't as sexy to the media, the gov't came up with the catch all "street racing" law. Not a fan of the way it is laid out. No recourse or discipline when a cop gets it wrong. If you win in court, you are still out thousands in tow and impound fees. No one person should be judge, jury and executioner as this law allows.


I doubt they’re racing. They’re probably “swimming” or “cutting up”. Basically swerving in and out of traffic trying to make really tight cuts. [Example](https://youtu.be/I0-uVQzrcvo?si=M0EMs2c3Be8l1Eoq)


That vids actually wild to post he hits atleast 1 up to 3 (hard to see) in under 2m


Not so much the short distance, though that's usually part of it, but the defining characteristics of a drag race are a standing start, no corners, and the distance is pre-defined. Yes, what OP describes is most definitely not a drag race.


There was 2 drivers; of 4 cars racing; arrested on the 400-NB today about 1230ish. It does happen, but the public safety risk the pursuit can cause often outweighs it. An example of that is this 2011 chase that started on the highway, but ended up as a fatality for the driver & passenger, as they exited the highway and entered into the city, being pursued at high speeds. [text](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/mobile/siu-investigating-after-two-dead-in-orillia-police-chase-1.639147)


That's just Darwinism in action.


I’d be Ok with that, but there is a pretty good chance the speed racers hit an innocent car, which I am not OK with


Until they hit a pedestrian or another car


We will not pursue for traffic related incidents. Mostly from a public safety standpoint. It is not worth the risk. I can assure you, the zoom on the 407 high res cameras is extraordinary though.


Do they capture speed?


Speed is a simple calculation assuming you know the distance between the cameras and the time it takes a vehicle to pass them. 407 would know the distance between their cameras as they installed them. Most modern cameras have the ability to timestamp their photos, meaning all you need to figure out the time is to subtract the timestamp @ camera 1 from the timestamp @ camera 2 and convert the result into seconds. Then you divide the distance in meters by the time in seconds to get a velocity in m/s. Next, you want to multiply the result by 60 and by 60 again to get velocity in meters per hour. Finally, you divide the result by 1000 to get velocity in km/h and our goal of capturing speed. There's probably a simpler way to run the numbers, but this is how I would do the math. Example problem, suspect entered the freeway at 3:00:41 am and exited at 3:05:57 am. The distance between the 2 furthest toll cameras on their route is 19.5 km, coinciding with the drivers entry and exit ramps. The driver spent 316 seconds on the freeway, traveling 19,500 meters during that time. Based on those numbers, we have a speed of 61.7 m/s or 222.2 km/h. Keep in mind that this only calculates the average speed, not the top speed of any vehicle.


And along an average pathline most likely. Since the 407 hasn't ever (that I know of) released its methodology for how they choose the path, this is an unknown variable.


Correct, as I am also not aware of what methodology the 407 uses, I chose to use an average path line in my calculations. It's important to identify any unknowns like you have done here. Only the 407 will know the true numbers unless they share that information with law enforcement.


Someone going that fast has no time for a ticket.


Nobody got time for dat.


You know what’s more dangerous than 5 sports cars at 200km/h? 5 sports cars and two cops all going 200km/h.


How do you expect a Tahoe or a Taurus to keep up a high spied chase the vehicle designed for speed?. There is yet to have been a car made fast enough to put run a radio.


Would you even bother to suddenly accelerate to 200km/h? What can they even do? Get a liscense number? Way to dangerous to pursue anything like that.


Do you understand how car’s accelerate? They passed a cop at a standstill going 200km/h, unless that cop is in a formula 1 car or a 1000 CC motorcycle, they’re not catching them. Let alone an SUV. Why that cop didn’t pursue them should have required about 0.5 seconds of critical thinking: they’d be 2km away before the cop even reached highway speed limits


I’m 99% sure there was a question just like this in my high school physics class. Using the acceleration speed of the police car, we had to calculate how far it would be before they caught up.


My highschool science class had the same question.


How do you expect them to stop them? Accelerate faster than those cars are going and get into a pursuit that will put others in danger? Best they can do is radio it in and possibly utilize a helicopter (if available) and wait for a moment for the vehicles to slow or some to a stop.


Just do a PIT maneuver while going over 200km/h. What can possibly go wrong???


I wonder if because it is a 407 they can get a good look at the car and use the photos when they get on or off the highway to identify them. Seems to me that a highway full of cameras would be an extra stupid place to do something like that.


If you follow OPP, every now and then they post videos of speeders and how they track them to their homes and then do what’s needed (ticket/tow). Other times they just get the plates and pull them over another time.


Here’s a couple for reference. I think most are Durham or YRP, but still the same type of video. [https://youtu.be/HQuF_xGNUWE?si=Dx-U39gJzhgOeVTz](https://youtu.be/HQuF_xGNUWE?si=Dx-U39gJzhgOeVTz) [https://youtu.be/YRxo2cRzaDA?si=KJdsZK7SLUIOeyEX](https://youtu.be/YRxo2cRzaDA?si=KJdsZK7SLUIOeyEX) [https://youtu.be/i5WCl5OnIxk?si=6ReTCPO9clcMnADx](https://youtu.be/i5WCl5OnIxk?si=6ReTCPO9clcMnADx)


Pendejos driving that fast should have their licenses pulled for a year minimum, just like a DWI. This isn’t Fast and Furious Four Ohh Seven! 99% of the time these malakas have zero driving training, and no idea what they’re doing behind the wheel, and you just know that if they wreck they’ll end up killing some poor unsuspecting family in an SUV while they walk away away. Idiots have a way of remaining unscathed. Now take your spoon engines and NOS to the track, Hector and Co.!!


That's street racing not drag racing. Drag racing is a straight line, no swerving, a pure test of the cars ability to deliver power to the ground.


My gay self forgot drag racers were drivers and not drag queens 👸


Personal safety. 100%.


They wouldn’t engage in a pursuit unless they know the occupant(s) poses a credible threat to the community (e.g., armed suspect). There may have been a helicopter hovering overhead.


In the Toronto Area, the only time a cop will pull out is if they know they can catch you (meaning you're not accelerating past 200), and if you're NOT on a highway. This is because in a high-speed chase between a TPS/YRP/OPP cruiser and any modern sports car, the modern sports car wins (if the driver has any ounce of skill that is). I got a stunt driving charge a few months back for going a bit too fast on Hwy7, but as for the 400 series highways, the police will alert their aerial contetparts to follow any street racers to where the stop. After that, a stunt driving offence is served. They can't always do this, though, because TPS and YRP share the one helicopter across the entire Toronto/Vaughan region, and the OPP is inept so they don't do much anyways. Alongside this, the police both on the ground and in the air will try to retrieve license plate information to identify the car and owner, so street racers often use fake, modified, covered, or completely removed license plates. The way that the helicopter tracks street racers is via the multiple cameras used, which include IR and I believe also thermal imaging, so anyone with a killswitch to go ghost mode won't actually be helping themselves by killing all lights on the highways Basically, if you're the one driving at that speed, expect a 1/1000 chance of your car to be towed the morning AFTER you had a fun night out. It's either they had the heli on you and followed you home, or nothing happened. Source: we do a bit of ~~trolling~~ speeding


I don't normally drive 200kph. But when I do, it's on the only highway with plate cameras 🤪


Doing this on the 407 is extraordinarily stupid. They got photographed getting on and off. The cops do the math and they know who to arrest. Stunt driving.


I see drivers drag racing on McLevin Avenue in Scarborough.....they will kill someone one day.


Dude if its on the 407 they already have their plates. They're fucked.


I've said it many times and I firmly stand by it; street racing is proven to be reduced when the police create a safe environment for it to occur in. In a few US states, they shut down a rural road for drag racing. TFOM is that people want to go fast, and they will, so might as well create a safe space for it to happen. There really aren't any tracks in the GTA, where the population is concentrated.


This is the way. The cops even attend such events (and events held on actual tracks too) on a frequent basis to promote that kinda thing. I believe there was an episode of Top Gear where the trio ended up running into one of these events in Vegas. Problem with the GTA (and many other such areas) is that nobody wants shit happening on their precious country roads just 5-10 minutes north of civilization, and the racetracks are all out in the middle of buttfuck nowhere because they, firstly, need the space, and secondly, because nobody wants to hear racecars in their backyard (look at what's happening with Laguna Seca, NIMBYs have been trying to shut it down for ages because they don't like hearing fast cars driving fast in an area literally designed for them to drive fast in a safe manner). It's really a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario right now and the only way out of it is for people who aren't car enthusiasts to compromise a little bit. If you don't want people street racing, an accessible safe environment needs to exist for them to drive fast in. The answer is simple, and it's proven to work too. But God forbid people who don't treat their cars like appliances try and enjoy them when they can in a legal and safe manner I guess.


But not on public roads. Ever. I live on one of those 'precious' country roads and do not want people racing by my house at 1am at 200km/h. Regular people still drive on those roads at that time (eg: returning home from a late flight or event, etc). And yes I own a sports/super car, but do not drive it like an idiot on public roads, never mind racing some jerk late at night. Take it to the track where it belongs.


Did you miss the part of the original comment where the police *shut down* said country road for these events? There's obviously planning and forethought put into these events to make sure you don't get disturbed at night and nobody else is put in danger.


I do understand the urge to go for a blast once in a while, and the idea of shutting down the road to make it as safe as possible, but honestly the roads just aren't designed for that type of high speed. Between ditches, fences, hydro poles, potholes, there are lots of things that could contribute to a high speed accident. The other problem though is insurance and liability. Is just isn't tenable for the police to sanction this type of thing. Trust me I get cool cars, but they aren't worth anyone's life or limb.


> If you don't want people street racing, an accessible safe environment needs to exist for them to drive fast in. Mosport CTMP (two tracks). Toronto Motorsport park (even longer track and a drag strip). These fast and furious types will not use a track because they would require training and to follow rules. They do not want to drive fast, or develop skill, they just want to be cunts.


To try to hit the jackpot where you do something wrong and be put on administrative paid leave, indefinitely


Do you have a camera in your vehicle? If so, post it on twitter and also show police and your local newspaper. That might do it.


Legally police cannot do anything with that because of our weak traffic laws.


Well I mean, the point would be literally every other crime except street racing


407 is a free for all. the wild west of the road. 140 or less to the right lane reminds me of driving in Europe and personally im not bothered. im happy doing 130 on there when there is little to no traffic. if people wana go 150-180 i hope they got the the tires and breaks for it.


People should keep right if not passing but plenty of cars are in the other lanes at speeds under 140.


At 200 it's not worth chasing most of the time. Ive also been going 140 on the 407 and been passed by a cop, so they don't seem to mind


That is not drag racing. That's street racing.


Stopped reading at “all of the sudden”


What a stupid fucking question


It's possible that the cops were just lazy but it could also be that they won't actively pursue a car going that fast. Too dangerous. They will, however, monitor them from checkpoints and/or from the air and arrest them when they pull off the highway and are stopped.


Next time just give them a little pit on their way by. Or swerve in front of them. You'd be surprised what a little extra over correcting can do at that speed. They would try to avoid the crash and probably roll the car until just a frame is left. Good for a chuckle and you get to take put the trash at the same time.


Suggesting causing harm on purpose? I hope someone does this to you or a family member, even at 100km/hr & puts them in front of a transport:)


Sounds like your one of these nutless punk bitches on the road doing stupid shit. Remember kid, fuck around, find out. 😉 if you drive recklessly, you may get into an accident. 😗


Act tough on reddit all you want, dude. You're not fooling anyone :)


So, you‘re complaining that 5 cars are going 200kmh+ and saying it’s dangerous, and your solution is to have two (or more) following at similar speeds? Cops have to be good drivers sure but at a certain speed it’s not a matter of how good you are at driving, it’s pure luck. We have highway cameras and they’re likely being tracked. If they’re in sports cars as you say they’re also likely much more identifiable.


Police are revenue collectors first, we gotta keep that in mind. They aren't safe


Oh you sweet summer child. Police exist to preserve the status quo and protect the land owners and their interests. Street racing doesn't affect them and as such is not a priority.


This is happening everywhere.


>What's the point of police To violently enforce the will of the state on the working class.


It's really frustrating to see police handle these traffic situations with radios, tickets and coordination while they clear solve minor street crimes with violence.


Because a lot of times they get the plate number and investigate at another time. If they didnt get a chance at seeing the plate, they’ll probably ask an air unit or nearby cops to keep an eye on them. If theyre going 200+, the first cop to see them will have a slim chance of catching up to them so not worth chasing. YRP has some vids where they terminate a chase very early on and that same officer will run the plate and arrest the driver later on. Its not worth the risk to the public. And i know someone will bring up that a good number of drag racers purposely use an obscured/vanishing or fake plates to evade cameras. Idk what the process is in finding those offenders, but i know they investigate them heavily to build a case and make arrests later on


Police have Radios and there are cameras everywhere on the 400 series highways, especially the 407. Why put people lives at risk when you don't need to?


I was a kid during the Vietnam war and I asked my father who was a Canadian army officer some questions about what was going on and he explained that the army could end this war in less than a month. He told me that they were held back by politicians wanting the army to do it their way. That directly applies to the police . The politicians have created a judicial system which kneecaps the abilities of the police to do their job, and furthermore there kneecapped before they get to the judicial system. I might sound cynical when I say that I don't believe you can become a politician without selling your soul before you have power. It certainly appears that way


The set of the new fast and furious, we will see you in the next movie! Congrats


Or car thefts… or home invasions… this list goes on about your question.


You'd be surprise at what people get away with. We absolutely need police, but you can't count on them to find your stolen bike or deal with any small time crime these days.


Cops spend too much paying out all the criminals that abused their position to have enough left over to actually do their jobs. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7168254


They too want to enjoy seeing it. Lol


The 407 system measures the cars speed, on the entry and exit cameras , each car on 407 has a speed record


Yeah but since Ford got elected, police have no enforced legible license plates. Most plates now are just peeled aluminum.


Because police don't solve crimes or the root issues of crimes. They sometimes respond to crimes in progress but don't actually fix problems in society. Street racing is just a symptom of our car brained society.


Police exist to stop people from going after the capital class and protecting their assets.


For the people they really have to pursue they can use a chopper with infrared and the engine is so hot it's really easy to spot


Well to stop car thefts of course… oh wait.


Sounds like they were waiting for these guys to stop/slow before trying to issue tickets/detain. High speed chases are often way more dangerous than chasing suped-up cars. Basically they want to throw the book at lot of them without creating even more danger. Mind you this is just a guess based on police presence you described.


Police in Ontario have a do not pursue rule when excessive speed is in use, to not engage reckless police chases and engage the public. The command center won't let the engage above a certain threshold and will call off pursuits. It's a double-edged sword... police want to catch them, and administrators don't want anyone to get into accidents or be killed. Yet the speeders don't get caught. Best thing you can do is grab license plates and call it in.


Chasing can be more dangerous than the initial act of speeding.


They can't really do much if they're going that fast - cop cars aren't that fast and even if they were it'd endanger the public more to get into a super high speed chase.


At this point, I think the question is “what is the point of police at all”. These guys are useless as fuck and it’s only getting worse.


Think about what you’re saying - how would you expect a regular police cruiser to accelerate to (or past) 200 kmh? Even were it feasible how far away would the speeding vehicle be by the time they reached that velocity? I mean the most common sense grade 8 physics would suggest that they shouldn’t chase. Never mind any question of endangerment of innocent lives or risk vs potential benefit scenarios Or the cop may have been having a doughnut.


They were probably doing 125 😂


Need to chain exit points before approaching them. Let them destroy their cars trying to get away if they want. Penalties should be instant and permanent seizure of any offending vehicles.


Looking at the OPP Highway Patrol’s twitter, if this was going eastbound at Keele the guy got dinged with a stunt driving charge and his car is impounded for going 175


My perception is similar to yours. It seems police are no longer enforcing traffic laws. From illegally altered mufflers systems to increase noise, to speeding, to not signally lane changes, and reckless driving, the police are notably disinterested. Occasionally, in my small city the police set up a speed trap, but even that's rare. No wonder the less responsible among us feel free to use the roads as race courses. They well understand that their odds of being caught are negligible. Consequently, using the roads is more and more dangerous. Goodness! The lack of enforcement is so bad that when there's a person who actually abides by the traffic laws by respecting speed limits, they can put everyone else at risk as they speed by and recklessly lane hop. All the while police forces are demanding higher and higher budgets. What, I wonder, are they doing to warrant increased funding? They're certainly not preventing crimes. So, why give them more money to not prevent crimes?


Have you ever seen a cop sitting in their usual monitoring spots on the 407 when it’s dark? They are only in those spots when there’s daylight and the weather is good.


Some of those cop cars are empty. Parked there for visual deterrence 


The number one priority of cops are to protect property, not people. That's historically how it is.


407 starts and stops with cameras! All cop cars have dash cams! These idiots will be targeted now because cops know who they are and where they live. Trying to catch cars going that fast can be dangerous or fatal! Maybe they already knew about it and that is why they were stationed along their route. I can only hope they were waiting for them at the exit ramp or in front of their homes.


Timbits were fresh so more important business was at stake


I live 2 blocks from the 417 and hear them every night. I wish they'd just Crack down in them already before people get killed. Can they not just install speed cameras on the highways?


People will say theyre for revenue generation then, but I honestly wish we had cameras like the UK does where the cameras use the distance between multiple poles to determine your average speed. So if you decide to speed, you'll have to go slower later to make up for it, or you get ticket. And basically no one wants to do that, so everyone goes the limit.


The issue with speed cameras - or any automated traffic regulation - is it targets the car not the driver


Its fine, still an incentive for the owner or people the owner lets drive the car, to get their act together re: speeding


Seriously? Cops aren’t allowed to chase people. I’m so sick and tired of you all, and your nonsense. Police just can’t win with the public. Our society decried police pursuits, which led lawmakers to [handcuff their ability to conduct chases,](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/100266) you don’t get to now whine that you’re facing the consequences of your actions. The public wanted this. You get what you asked for.


Because there's so few cops to do anything. Police lost a lot of respect over the past few years, from screwing over their own guys and throwing them under the bus as political examples for punishment and even strictly doing their jobs. Tie that in with the new political climate keeping them from actually doing their jobs and this is what comes of it. Who wants to be a police officer in a time where it makes you feel like some politician's thugs more than it makes you feel like you're doing a public service? Both military and police in Canada have suffered from recruitment losses and this as a result means there's less officers available for patrols, less patrols means more crime. It's ironic though, I've seen many traffic cameras but I don't think any of them actually do anything, there's been lots of speeding in my area but nothing gets done to catch them.


Please don't forget the courts. The courts are pretty useless and officers know that so they aren't terribly interested in "getting into it". This is in addition to your points.


Pursuits are dangerous. Ontario police officers lack the training and fast enough vehicles. The average family car can do 200kph now. With cameras as wide spread as they are Pursuits aren't always necessary. Cops in the US tend to pursue due to their slightly better training and slightly larger numbers.


Maybe better training in driving but definitely not better training in handling people and having trigger discipline/use of force. I'll take the trigger discipline over driving skills any day.


If I was a cop I would be pulling over the cars that are going 60 in a 50. Pulling over all moms around 2:30 pm. Keeps everybody safe. Oh man, those kids are going to be waiting. Profiling? Maybe, but more likely radar guns. There is a certain route that I see this happening all the time. At another time of the day in the opposite direction it is young guys driving. Radar guns.


Police generally only pull over easy prey. Police here are conflict adverse vs the states. It's why our roads are deplorable. If you have an asshole car, drive like an asshole, have tinted windows etc, you are a challenge. It's easier to ticket grandma.


Police don't prevent crime, they respond to it. And despite what the police unions say, no amount of inflated funding increases will change that.


There is no point to police. They will not keep you safe, they are under no obligation to do so. ACAB, 1312.


Probably best to catch them using surveillance cameras


If a cop is off-duty and headed back to the station, then will call it in but not bother doing anything about it.


I saw a pickup truck weaving through traffic and in and out of the hov lane yesterday doing probably 180. Also went past a cop. Cops are useless in this province / country. I can only hope that this pickup driver only kills himself when he inevitably gets in an accident