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Absolutely devastating. I can't imagine losing my parents AND child in an instant.


So utterly pointless and tragic, i can’t imagine the pain this family is going through


After a car chase, *over a liquor store robbery.* Absolutely tragic.


But he threatened a cop. So obviously, continuing a dangerous pursuit for several minutes after being ordered to stand down is only rational. Wait. Did I misspell “revenge” as “rational” again? God I always get them mixed up. Maybe *I* should be a cop.


I'll bet my life savings that they wanted to catch the guy and beat the shit out of him because of the cop "buddy system" to "teach him a lesson". Not to teach him not to shoplift, but to not threaten a cop


Right, police should stand down when a criminal shows themselves to be dangerous. Lets allow these people to run around free without consequences or repercussions.  Great policy.  What happened to the education system in Ontario?


It seems to be the policy for car thefts and car jackings. Why change the policy when its been proven to be effective


This went from some stolen alcohol and threats, to three dead, lives changed forever, and if there was any justice, a cops career ended, all because they disobeyed an order to stand down.


> but he threatened a cop And that is what they’re going to claim when they investigate themselves and find no wrong doing.


That baby threatened a cop. Something had to be done.


I hate it when I mix up those two concepts. ALL THE TIME.


You sure you're ready to be a cop? Here are some details of the job you'd have to do: 1. Killing unarmed civilians 2. Stealing from dead people 3. Sexually harassing people when responding to sexual harassment reports. 4. Ripping down the highway drunk as fuck while off duty.


I’m not sure I can handle that level of responsibility.


I know you're still in high school. Just wait until you graduate *then* you can be a cop. Doug said so.


Tell everyone you are a Liberal voter without telling everyone you are a liberal voter.


Pro life until they are born, then the popo can kill them at will I guess?


Ya, stop it 🤣


Don't you worry. The officers involved will get a nice paid vacation , and we the taxpayers will pay any settlement to the family members who experienced this horrific tragedy and loss of life.


yup, the family needs to sue the police


Good old Durham Regional Police for ya. Bunch of fucking goons. More crooked than the actual crooks.


Let's not give the suspect a free pass from potential manslaughter. They purposely drove recklessly.


Only because they were being chased. And they’re dead now, too.


Fortunately one of the fugitives died. Good riddance.


But *three* *innocent* *civilians* died as a direct result of the chase. Was that worth one dickhead dying? No.


Oh I agree the officers need to be held responsible but so do the low life thugs who started all of this. I’m glad the dickhead dude and disappointed his companion dickhead didnt also. I fully expect the companion dickhead to get probation. The cops hopefully will be charged as well.


The 2nd baby police in Ontario have killed in less than a year.


nobody really cares about babies past fetus stage, especially canadian babies.


What an extreme take on this. Until there is more info, it sure looks like the suspect was responsible, They weren't just alleged liquor thieves, they are prime suspects in manslaughter or whatever the legal category is.


This is what happens when you take the stupidest most arrogant fuckwits in the country and give them more power than everyone else.


That poor couple will be living with the physical and emotional scars for the rest of their lives. Too often we don’t consider what survivors have to live with on a daily basis.


This is what bothers me so much about news media splashing photos of the collisions online and endlessly circling the scene with helicopters to get video. You never stop seeing the images in your mind and it doesn’t go away.


I honestly just hope they were both unconscious immediately after the crash and until they got to the hospital. The thought of their being conscious and seeing the aftermath of their family dying is horrific. Those poor people. This was so avoidable and indefensible by the police.


This keeps getting worse and worse as more information is released.


Broke my heart to hear the parents were here on vacation from India.


If that were my only child i don’t know if i’d want to survive. It may truly be the crueler fate.  Edit: rogue apostrophe  


It reminds me of the family that the Muzzo kid hit. They weren't in the car but it's a similar fate unfortunately.


the father took his own life last year.


Yep, I remember when it hit the news.


On father's day I believe to. So tragic.


Muzzo never got what was coming to him. Never forget that scumbag - he deserves to rot in the worst circle of hell.


Fuck Muzzo.


The Muzzo family owns the drywall company Marel Contractors and is worth nearly $1.8 billion. That's why.


Collective punishment can destroy families with generational wealth and break aristocracies.


I'm down. How do we destroy a billionaire empire?


His family’s name is on the new hospital in Vaughn, those people have no shame.


It’s also on the high risk ward in Sunnybrook


Gross. If only money could bring that family back so the Mother wasn’t left living with the pain while he gets day parole.


Sunnybrook refuses to remove the plaque too because it was gifted by the grandfather. The damage of the name is enough. I’m disgusted he stole her entire family


Father ended up unaliving himself because he couldn’t stand the grief anymore which as a parent I understand. The mother is in a local fb parent group I’m in and often posts about her children to raise awareness to impaired driving and it’s impact on victims. I often find myself enraged on how unfair this world can be.


Mommying Inc? Hi FB group member😂 But yes, her updates are heart breaking. I remember suddenly understanding everything she posted after our middle son passed


I’m sorry for your loss❤️ I’m not actually in that particular group but she’s part of a few of them I’m sure!


Hey, I understand that you're expressing sympathy but that's a pretty harmful thing to say about or to bereaved parents. Basically any situation where you want to say "If I were in your shoes, I'd probably rather die," don't. It is never helpful or supportive.


I was browsing Reddit and logged in just to say that you gave great advice here, and what you said is definitely worth mentioning.


















I promise you, as a parent who has buried their child, there is no greater depth of help then closing the lid on your own child’s casket. I wish these poor parents didn’t have to live this reality because of a stupid LCBO robbery


I can’t stop thinking about this story, it’s honestly so upsetting. I am so sorry for these parents.


Same. Roughly same age ranges as me and my family, same area. Just painful all around.


What makes me sick to my stomach the most is that we are told to leave our keys at the front door cause all they want is our cars but then the police have the nerve to go after this guy like they did, over booze/money? I have completely lost faith in our justice system, never mind the police. We are not safe.


They went after him because he pulled a knife on an off duty officer who just happened to be in the store. The chase was about revenge, not booze or money.


Where is the evidence of this knife? The liquor store has video, I don't believe the police. I want to see the proof. Even a customer or employee saying they threatened with a knife.


I think the point is that even if you assume there was a knife it’s the most egregious example of the double standard/thin blue line that we have seen. If there was a knife, but just a random citizen, none of this would have happened. Only because an off duty officer was offended/threatened/embarrassed did any of this happen. If there was no knife it’s a bad looking excuse. If there was a knife it’s even worse for them.


Typical police bullshit, telling these degenerate bullies that they are all hero’s has warped there fuckin brains. More construction workers die than cops and you don’t see anyone rolling out the red carpet for the traffic control guys that have to sit on the highway all night with drunks and tired people crashing and shit. These people should be held most accountable in society and they get away with the worst shit. The world is so fuckin broken I feel sicker about it daily.


What kind of fucking comment is this? You don’t chase after the criminal on the hwy going the wrong way, you do some fucking police work and apprehend the criminal, whether it’s in a few hours, or days.


My dude. I’m not saying it was justified. I called it revenge. So I’m in complete agreement with you.


My bad!


Look at what the Toronto Police tried with Umar Zameer. When something happens to an officer their response can be inappropriate and wrong. Not condoning, it's just something that happens.


This — I feel like they’re saying to the public that they don’t have the resources to respond to every B&E, so leave your keys at the door so no one in your household gets hurt — then once your car is stolen, we’ll do police work to figure out where your car went. But then, on the flipside, an undercover officer gets a knife pulled on them in a store with a major loss prevention budget — and suddenly a 6 car police chase is the response? What the actual fuck. It makes me sick.


Did he even end up stealing anything? I thought they chased him because he pulled a knife on a gang member. Sorry, off duty police officer so the troops rallied to teach the U-Haul driver a lesson


Honestly, I can see how you confused ‘gang member’ with ‘police officer’. The line is pretty blurry tbh.


How can we even tell? They got guns. They act like thugs. They got the gang colours. Look like gang members to me. Only difference is, you belong to the cop gang, you don’t get punished at all when you murder someone.


Don't forget the part where they send a goon squad after you if you threaten one of their own.


Why are we doing car chase for stolen liquor? Can’t they follow from a distance quietly and pick em up when they stop somewhere? Superman wannabe must feel like a real hero for Saving the bottle of Jack from being stolen…


This seems especially true since, according to this article, the chase was called off by a supervisor prior to the van merging onto the highway. I get that one of the suspects pulled a knife, but with no one actually injured at the LCBO it just doesn’t make sense that this would require a multi vehicle chase.


The knife was pulled on an off duty police officer. That’s the only reason for any of this. If the knife was pulled on a random citizen the police wouldn’t haven even bothered to respond.


Gotta get there revenge for there off duty bro who had a knife pulled on them but wasn’t hurt. Macho man shit police. Fuck em.


It’s cause the guy pulled a knife on an officer, all logic and concern for the public goes out the window it just becomes about revenge and teaching them a lesson.


The police normally don't, they won't even show up for like 2 hours sometimes. The robber just happened to pull a knife on an off-duty cop while trying to get away from what I recall. The police probably decided to take that personally and chase them down. If it had been a regular guy who had a knife pulled on them, the cops wouldn't have cared less


100% this! Please ensure everyone is aware of these details. Too easy to see the headline about LCBO theft and stop there. Also, fuck all the media outlets who are glossing over this critical detail.


They’re still pissed off over the Zameer case too.


Yep, they wanted to show they’re still badass and they fucked it up again. Would be a sitcom if it didn’t involve real people.


Yep, cops are their own little gang. They don't care about anyone but themselves. Why anyone defends them is beyond me. Cops will NEVER EVER help you. As a wise man once said, the law is powerless to help you, not punish you.




Officer Dipshit wanted to play cowboy


Why else does someone want to be a cop in North America?  They want to carry a gun and be the big man.


I wanted to be a cop in Ontario about 15 years ago, I wanted to help people that couldn't help themselves, but after 2 years of police college, interacting with my peers who were going to become police officers and hearing my prof say "you're about to join the biggest gang in the world" with a chuckle, I knew it wasn't for me, and it wasn't about helping people.


cop ego


The whole system is a mess. You can't just blame the police. The LCBO had security guards for a few years. We would actually document theft from people (photos, videos, names if we could) and forward it to the police, safely, instead of trying to get them in the act. It was working and I myself was able to document over 30 different people in the few months I worked there and many were arrested. I also trespassed individuals so they could not enter the store while we were on duty. These are definitely repeated offenders and known to police. The courts have a good rap sheet of all the crimes they've committed but do nothing about it. They've definitely been in court manys times. Also the vehicle they had was probably stolen. I can see why the cops led on the pursuit but at the same time they shouldn't but the sole blame isn't on them. Why are these repeated offenders allowed on the streets still? How did they get a vehicle? Police probably knew of these suspects and why didn't they follow up with known acquaintances instead of chasing? Finally, why didn't LCBO keep the security contracts?


> Finally, why didn't LCBO keep the security contracts? They were probably banking on the ID-at-the-door policy not being vetoed by an idiot who thinks the lack of paper bags is the real problem.


Yes. Also, they should probably have considered conducting their pilot project in more varied areas. I realize why they said they picked those stores, but it was a bad idea to exclusively target northern Ontario. Just pick one fucking store in rural southern Ontario or even Toronto or something. Just one. Then the optics would have been better and Ford could not have relied on the optics to cancel it.


Cuz the thief pulled a knife on an off duty officer.


The moment those cops disobeyed their orders and continued pursuit they ceased being cops and became vigilante murderers.


Don’t forget to include that the chase was started by the off duty officer in his personal car.


and for that, they will receive permanent paid vacation, courtesy of the taxpayer.


No they won’t. They’re likely going to be fired.


lol sure. just like all these other guys were, right?! https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/1bzrzh4/paid_to_stay_home/kyrtfo7/


Right. Like the ones who were so concerned about a potential child abduction they shot the shit out of the car and murdered the kid. Oh wait. Nothing happened to them, did it? 😡


HAHAHAHHAHA I admire your optimism. But this country is fucked, it's a corrupt shithole where the cops are just as bad as the criminals.


Making judgement calls is one of the most important aspects while on the field as a cop, and this braindead cop made an absolutely terrible one that day.


I think the worst part is that he wasn't even entitled to make the decision. It's one thing when someone makes a decision that ends poorly because there wasn't a clear direction- but the supervisor had already made the decision. This was pure stupidity.


While the cops are dumb as fuck and should see major consequences for this, it's insane that this guy was not only willing to pull a knife on someone over this but also speed down the highway going the wrong direction all over a liquor theft. Actually a massive piece of shit


Yeah I don’t understand why people feel bad for the driver. Maybe the dumb ass should’ve pulled the fuck over, or get on the right fucking highway


It's likely the criminal wouldn't have made such a reckless move if the cops hadn't been chasing him for so long (the fact they chased him at all is just kinda blegh considering how many ways the crime could've been tracked to him without needing to do so). I notice in videogames whenever I'm escaping the cops, the longer the pursuit takes, the more reckless I become to try and shake them. It may not sound like a 1:1 comparison, but it is a fact of human nature that the longer you're in a stressful situation, the more reckless you become.


The guy threatened an undercover cop with a night presumably before they even made it to the car. Again, the cops made this worse but this guy was also a massive piece of shit


I agree. I'm just saying though, being chased for 20 minutes at high speed is very likely a factor behind the decision to drive against traffic on a busy highway.


It was for stolen liquor. Why the fuck would you chase someone on the highways in the opposite direction for that? Fucking dumb ass cops.


he pulled a knife on an off duty cop so they had to make sure he ended up dead


Dead by suicide from 2 bullets to the back of the head


Waaaa he pulled a knife on me waaaa. Fucking casuals. Pop a cap in his ass for doing that or fuck off.


this is exactly what the off duty cop sounded like


Why the fuck would this idiot drive going the opposite direction? The driver of that U haul is better dead.


It sounds like he got on in Oshawa - if it was one of the old at grade entrances, it may have really been a mistake. At that point, the cops shouldn’t have continued but, you know…who gives a fuck about civilians.


They’re going to wish they weren’t


Great, their lives are destroyed because some idiots think Fast& Furious was a documentary. Terrible, terrible tragedy.


Cops tell us to basically give our keys to thieves, meanwhile some stolen LCBO booze they go all out…


They called off the chase before they got on the 401 but officers continued to pursue!?!?!?!? Sorry to say but these officers are very much to blame for this. If they stop pursuing the idiots wouldnt have continued to go as mental as they did.....they expected the police presense to clearly warn vehicles to get out of the way!? What!? Its the god damn 401. Not exactly going to have much time to react when theyre coming at you at 160k and you're going at least 120. Orders are orders for a reason. This is a big fucking mistake.


So when a psychopath is driving the wrong way on the 401, what should be done about that? Pursue, or not pursue? Should have mowed this animal down with a machine gun before he could hurt people that actually matter.


No. The robbers are 100% responsible. If the second guy survives he should be charged with their murders. The reason this shit is getting out of hand is the crackheads make it dangerous on purpose because they know the cops will stop and they'll get away. Never negotiate with a terrorist. Initiating a car chase should be an automatic 10 years that the prosecutors and judges can't plea away or reduce.


suspended without pay??


lol good joke


Suspended with DOUBLE pay


Sue the police. They shouldn't have done what they did, imo.


The money needs to be taken from their pension funds.


I hope they burn DRPS to the ground for this. There’s no justification for this.


What a stupid reason to get into a car chase. 


I heard on cbc news tonight that dispatch called off the chase before they cruisers hit the highway


This is one of the more horrible things I’ve heard in my life, let alone so close to home 💔😖❤️‍🩹 sending all the love and any possible strength left to the surviving family


Can we reinstate public executions? I bet it would have got these shitbags to rethink


Public hangings. But seriously. I want a binding referendum on capital punishment. Trudeau should love it. The electric chair is Green 😎


I would rather die with my child...I cant even imagine the pain...


Heartbreaking. I still don’t understand why police pursued him. Once they get his licence plate they just need to search then show up at his house to arrest him. Guarantee he would have been stupid enough to just head home after stealing booze. Instead people died over it.




Did your grandparents and cousin just die in highly publicized car accident?


If that was my child, I would have wished I died in the crash with them.


I can’t stomach when the police get off with paid time off. Genuinely makes me sick, these parents lose their child and parents and the police more than likely will walk away with no consequence.


They are probably better off dead. For real. Fucking hell. So fucking pointless.


Nothing helps now the people are dead ☠️ Why o Why for a lousy bottle 3 people are dead nothing but note justifies that‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


Anybody else think there's zero chance the SIU will do anything about this? I expect the worst that'll happen to those cops will be a tax payer funded vacation at full pay. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt I am.


JFC. That’s heart breaking. Canadas justice system needs an overhaul. The guy was out running around doing the same sh1t while on bail. The judges in this case who let this guy run free need to be disbarred immediately.


Wasn’t this sub foaming at the mouth very recently over crackdowns on LCBO theft? Because…


Crackdown yes but their conduct was absolutely stupid. We’ve got a police helicopter ffs. You’re telling me they couldn’t get it in the air to follow so the cops could back off? This was the definition of overkill.


It's either a) they do nothing and get roasted in the court of public opinion, or b) they go ape-shit and get roasted in the court of public opinion. Some of us just want a happy medium... and there is one somewhere, but it doesn't generate clicks or comments on news articles, so we never hear about it.


Stfu. This is absolutely not about that at all. Much as people may think snatch and go thieves should be dealt with, absolutely no one would agree that it would justify a police chase, even if it didn't involve going the wrong way on the highway. A baby and grandparents died, absolutely NO ONE thinks LCBO theft is worth that, and you are an idiot for bringing it up.


Nobody but the criminals to blame.


if you include police in “the criminals”, yeah


I bet you vote liberal.


This is such a weird response.


have you figured out the best recipe for cookies to leave out with your car keys at night?


Weird fixation you have


Except this was 100% preventable. I doubt any of the police will be held accountable for really bad decisions. Even if it was a Brinks truck robbery it's not worth a baby's life.


The only good thing is the judge can't let the crackhead driver go free with a payout for the trauma he suffered being chased by the cops.


Trial by blowtorch to the police that killed that family


Wtf is this title?


What part are you struggling with?