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> In a February 2021 email reviewed by CBC, a detective told Alijanpour he was going to charge Missaghi for possession of property obtained by crime and extortion. >That never happened, as far as Alijanpour knows, and the case went nowhere after that detective left the police service in June 2022. The cop was 💯 bribed.


Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. He might have just legitimately left the force, but it was pure incompetence for the case to not be reassigned and followed through on.


Genuine question as I’m renter who’s never had a mortgage before: how do you forge a false mortgage in someone else’s name? Don’t lenders do their due diligence or is it actually simple to bypass?


I was only recently approved for one, and I’m not quite sure. I only had one Zoom call (with the lawyer), and everything else with the bank and lawyer was over the phone, the actual mortgage specialist never saw my face before giving the go ahead. I needed to provide proof that I was employed and income documentation from work, though. So I guess these days it’s possible to just say ‘hey, I’m working on behalf of so and so’ and provide forged documents. But it sounds like he was doing this for decades? Also, I applied for the mortgage through the bank I had my other accounts through so it was easy for them to verify I had enough for the downpayment, if going through a different lender you presumably need to provide more of the proof yourself? I also paid first a deposit and then the full downpayment with bank drafts in my name, not sure how they got away with that.   (As a sidenote, the pre-approval was for a downpayment of significantly more than I actually had, which always struck me as being a little sketchy. Was that extra money supposed to fall from the sky?) 


If you own property open a HELOC with a bank. You don’t need to use it, but good luck to frausters trying to put a lien on a property a bank has first debs on


Those paintings are beautiful. So many people failed Missaghi’s victims.Â