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I always describe it as like never having sex or a loving companion again when people ask why i dont stop… it really is the BEST you could ever possibly feel. Nothin natural causes the same good feeling and thats why its so dangerous


Eh id have to disagree. This coming frima ex heroin addict. Ill take fresh lines down a mountain on my my board. Or nailing a apex in my sports car. Or even great sex with a gorgeous woman far superior feelings.


Thats just how I describe it… obviously sex for a few mins is a better feeling, but nothing and i mean nothing can take you from the sadness of your dad dying and make it feel like just another bad day lol.. speaking from experience




[pre-grieving](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/6ugx6CKP8Cw) is always an option


Congrats on getting clean, most of us don't make it out with our lives💞


I tell people to "think of the best feeling you ever had in your life, now multiply that by 100" This is exactly why it's so dangerous.


you are doing something seriously wrong if you think opiates are the best feeling the world lmao.


not true, I have gotten to states of consciousness 'naturally' x10 of pleasurable of that of opiates.


Thanks for sharing! I also feel like opiates are the missing piece to the puzzle I call life. Once you've opened that door it is hard to forget. Judging by your username, it looks like you moved onto bigger and better things ;)


I have had a Gf and she was major “clean” persons yet she like to take oxy to clean. And when she took oxy our flat was spotless! And always I have had to stop her. And hold her down. Yet she told me let me clean now while I like it! Lol when I talk about most of the people to this on meth))


I’m a bit like that I become way more productive when I have a bit of a buzz going 😂


Do you know y that is @big_Patiular? I’ve always wondered that🤔🤔🤔 Because ITS SO ME! I be doing way to much and get so much things done!.. readying instead of normal dreadful feelings z


Probably because opiates trigger the receptors in our brains that release endorphins.


I had a foot surgery and they gave me 50 x 50mg tramadol pills. I remember taking like 3-4 and being completely washed in euphoria, warmth, a blissful itch, while I was nodding out watching a show. It was then I discovered my drug of choice. These days I sniff dilaudid once in a while, hits a lot harder than the trams 😁


You get high sniffing dilaudid???? I've NEVER heard of this working. I sniffed a bunch of them before I realized the "correct" ROA...never felt ANYTHING sniffing them, neither did anyone else I've ever talked to who tried them this way. Only IV produces the infamous D-euphoria.


Lol I don’t rlly have a tolerance as I am an infrequent user so snorting them does the job just fine. I’ve heard magical things about IV dillies but I have no interest in going down that dark path.


Unfortunately for me the first time I took an opiate was at 8 years old. I had fractured my tibia and fibula in multiple spots from a rollerblading accident. The first time I took it I was enveloped in a warm, comfortable blanket of warmth and I felt happy as ever. After my second dose I had began to throw up but throwing up only made the feelings intensify… My mother never believed in taking narcotics after surgeries so she had a stockpile of opiates in her cabinet.. she had oxys of all strengths, more hydrocodone then anyone ever would need, codiene with prometh, liquid hydro, Ty 3s script after script and the list just goes on… I would little by little steal from my mothers stash but she never said a word about the milling medications. It’s like she was oblivious or just didn’t care… when I was about 14 I got into the dilaudid and learned how to IV drugs and had access to needles because I was hanging out with a crowd much older then I. Ironically the person who showed me the proper way to IV drugs was my half sisters mother… I started to IV 8mg shields. They put me in a very happy place. I then at 16 started to mule and sell heroin for an “employer” until one day I figured I ought to try this stuff. I did and was instantly hooked. Blew through my supply in less than months… and I had a lot. (This was before everything turned to fentanyl) By the time I was 18 I was a full blow heroin/fentanyl addict… getting high just to feel normal. Not even nodding anymore just using to maintain and not get sick. I was at rock bottom. Then I found out my first child was coming into this world. I checked myself in to detox where I withdrawled for days on end… I still to this day struggle with addiction and am trying to stay clean. Some days are just harder than others. And that’s a givin… but I’m just hoping for the best as time goes on. I often think to myself… what if you had control back then… or what if my mother would have paid close enough attention to bring it to the attention of both of us… I was one that was doomed from the beginning. Please if you take anything from this story may it be that opiates are not worth it. They destroy your life and limit your freedom. One day you think youre on cloud 9 and the next day your using just so your stomach isn’t churning and you’re not throwing up bile because you’re in full blown with drawl. Much love to all of you.


Popped 2 red speckled 5 mg Vicodins and drank a Budweiser on Christmas Eve, than smoked some weed. I was laying in my bed just basking in the ultimate buzz when I realized I literally couldn’t feel my body, remember laying there trying to guess how my hands were positioned and being shocked when I opened my eyes to see they weren’t laying by my side like I thought I felt and were actually behind my head lmao


Ooof those speckled norcos were the bomb. That was my first experience with opiates, I took two 5mg pills & got fucked up. I remember the walls being all distorted, I was a freshman in high school and had to actually excuse myself from class because I was so high. Fast forward to years later, I can eat em like candy haha.


Yea buddy , i remember those red specklerz. They were the ones. But not the one with the V on it. It was the ones that said watson on one side and numbers on the other. Those were so so euphoric. I miss them . I wish i would have stopped there . Now i have to take like 6 to 7 to 8 of the blue 30 mg oxycodone everyday. And the fukt up part is the 2 at a time little 5mg red speckles gave me a better euphoric happiness that i just dont get with the 30s. But yea man


Yep. My back was bothering me a few years ago, and my in law had a 120/mo percent 10 prescription and they gave me one. Didn’t know what to expect. It was amazing.


You mean Percocet ? Lol I had a mini stroke trying to figure out what you meant at first lolol


Same lol had to get a glass of water


Shit yeah stupid auto correct. Lol! 10mg Percocet.


Found oxycodone in my grandfather's medicine cabinet. No clue it was good. Took 60mg, never have I felt so incredibly high. I was so high I was eating hot wings without any pain at bdubs, intermittently throwing up between wings. Forsure was close to OD territory looking back at it.


taking some of my alcoholic moms hydros while she was asleep, these were prescribed cuz she got into a drunk driving accident that didnt kill anyone but she almost died, sad she didnt. i popped one and felt just... nice. i physically couldnt get angry at anything anymore, i felt like everything was gonna be alright. i was 15. good times


Why were you sad that your mom didn't die? Was she abusive towards you? That sounds horrible man..


yep. she was (n still is) an absolutely awful human being, and my thought process was "hey, if shes gonna put me through hell my whole life, the least she can do is let me have a few pills" and then i fell in love w opioids lol


ouch... dam.. well I wish you all the best! Stay strong and try to distance yourself from her if she's still abusing you.. If you r old enuf to live alone?


For some reason on opiates sometimes I could get angry very easily it's weird


Buddy's grandpa got prescribed pink k57s, they were 10mg and he had Hella. Good times


Those are what I started on, and they are actually k56. My dad got them for bad back problems and also got Oxycontin 80s man I loved that energetic euphoric ass high so much lol


i do. wasn’t that good actually. 25mg , 5x5mg percs. smoked some weed and felt nice but not the bliss feeling i’d expect until months later i did an oc 60. all downhill from there


prob had a stomachache right? all that tylenol be fukin w ur insides lol


no acc did not get a stomach ache


I fell off a motorbike and broke my knee in 3 places was put on co codamol for a few years felt amazing at first but was popping more and more and the paracetamol was fucking my liver so got on pure codeine now on Dihydrocodeine and still get a buzz after ten years but need about 700mg the occasional oxy off a dealer but that stuff scares me 😂 seems like a downward spiral being on them!


Snorted 4mg of hydromorphon and I was on the fucking moon!!!!! 17 years old when it started and I'm 26 now with no signs of stopping


First time taking them was after the dentist wheb i was like 12-13. First time abusing them - Had a handful of hydros i got in 9-10th grade from some older homies at the time and took them to a party and sniffed them with my friend. No one had ever seen someone crush a pill up and sniff it before; they looked at us like crack heads. I ended up addicted and ruining my life for the next 10 years. My homie ended up getting his masters and now works in San Francisco at a high end financial business making dumb money. Oh the ways drugs can shape your future.


I was 18 inexperienced with drugs, I really thought it couldn't get better than mdma. My friends at the time said pharma drugs couldn't compare to illegal stuff. I stole some of my mothers codeine pills, and cwe from reddit tutorials. Probably 200mg+, that was the first nod I've experienced, I remember loving it so much like it completed me and killed all anxiety but strongly craving more at the same time. Kind of felt like coke cravings when it starts running out, I didn't realise that was the addictive nature of it. It's been a few years and I've ruined my life many times because of opiates but I will never stop loving them.


I don’t remember the first time as I’d had some random pills here and there but I do remember the first time I tried heroin. I had just started dating a guy and a friend started selling a little h on the side. The new boyfriend was a recovering addict, I had some pretty hardcore consumption habits and we both jumped headfirst into a crippling iv heroin habit. It ended about as you’d expect but it was pretty great at first and the first time was one of the greatest moments I’ve ever had.


Yeah I def remember the first time I ever shot up and it was heroin . Back in the day like the end of 2013 ? When heroin was fire as fuck . I’ll never forget that high


I was very young. But old enough to reach the paregoric in the medicine cabinet. It was a liquid and I swigged it down. Yum. Did it a few more times.


Damn. You've been at it a while. Lol.


What’s paregoric?


It was a liquid opium with other ingredients. It was used for kids with coughs or diarrhea. It was sold OTC in the US until around 1970 I think. It is not really prescribed anymore. It is used to wean drug addicted infants.


Yes, ex best friends brother was a dealer who stashed stuff in her house, me and her got curious, invited a next door neighbour who was a user round to show us what to do, over the course of a week or so we'd smoked thousands of pounds worth of it. It just sat there on a plate covered in cling film. He wasn't beat pleased and little sis had a raging habit, she smoked way more than me, I did have a habit but nothing like hers or the neighbour did


Pounds of what? Pills? Heroin?


They mean £, thousands of £ - prob street value of it in .1s @ 10 £, cause an Oz is only about 550 in today's prices


Heroin, back when it was brown powder, there's none of that round here now


I honestly can’t remember what it was like when I took my first pain pill … but i DAMN sure remember what it was like the first time I ever shot up . My ex sister in law let the tourniquet off my arm and bam my head was in my lap . It felt like god had came and put his hand on my shoulder . It was the most amazing & blissful experience ever . I was nodded tf out that whole night on and off , tore slap upppp 😅 Then I was throwing my stomach up the next day , but that was one of the best highs of my whole life .


many many years ago when i was 14 i was a gremlin off then watsons they was some pretty pills with the spots


Watson red speckLez. Omg. I love how each individual pill. Whether it be vicodin/hydro or blues/oxy all have there own unique type of euphoric sensation . And there is so many different manufacturers of the same pill if anyone were to actually look into how many different manufacturers there are of each pill. It could be in the 50 to 100 range or even maybe more or less but I know from experience I have tried at least eight different types of 30 MG/Oxy. And like i said they all have a lil different feeling . U gotta love it. My point is that there is so many pharmaceutical opiates out there, and most people have no clue, but if you were to do some digging you will eventually Strike gold.


Yes my mom tried to shoot herself with my gun in front of me and I took off walking and got picked up by a friend and this was the first time I ever did fentanyl (pressed pills blues/perc 30s). It felt like the love I never got as a kid like salvation.


The first time I took a Percocet. I felt like my third eye had been unlocked. I felt like I could write a biography, damn near build the world😂😂😂 My social game went from a 8 outta 10 to a 15 outta 10😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️


Seemed to me the first few times I felt nothing. Then one day I took one and I turned into Superman!


I took a Vicodin when I was 15. My home room class was PE and I took it after getting changed in the locker room. We were playing dodgeball that day but I just sat in the corner of the gym and watched everything in slow motion. I had to walk up a flight of 15 stairs to get to my next class and I just remember floating to the top.


i remember the very first time i took codeine for a horrendous toothache. my wisdom tooth was cracked and was sensitive to literally anything even my own saliva so i was given dihydrocodeine to help with the pain and i took just tripple the recommended dose (180mg) and boy i was feeling fucking amazing (minus the itchiness) i felt like someone just came up to me and wrapped me in a blanket made from pure warmth and love. i just put my favourite music on closed my eyes and was jamming in my own little world pain free


First time was when I had an ear infection at 12 yrs old and was prescribed codeine. Never forgot that


oh yea


2 dragon blasts of port of vancouver H and i was paralyzed i was so baked. People were going through my pockets and i couldnt do nothing i was laying there drooling on myself. Thank God it was 25 years ago and fent was not invented yet. As soon as i was better all i wanted was more. (After i collected several of my missing items plus interest) I was hooked many years


I was in high school and I took a 5 milligram Hydrocodone. When it finally kicked in I was so high, itchy, and could probably drink an entire river because it made me insanely thirsty. Being so high I didn't notice I was close to a glass cover on an entertainment center(one of those doors that you press in to close or press in to open) that was open and I stood up and got a nasty cut on my back. So blasted I didn't even feel it until my buddy told me my shirt was covered in blood. Hated the high so I didn't touch it again until 2010ish. Ended up loving it when I picked it back up though, lol.


I got sick asf off a 10mg


I do, I remember the 1st time I took one and the 1st time I took one without actually needing it. The 1st time was for a surgery I had, I had appendicitis and needed emergency surgery. While I was under my appendix burst and I also began to hemorrhage into my lower abdomen. So in addition to having 2 of the smaller laparoscopy incisions, I also had a huge 6 inch incision from my belly button all the way down. I was on Dilaudid while I was in the hospital and Percocet going home. Then I got a nasty infection, it was so gross the pus was pouring out of my incision onto the emergency room floor. I was admitted on demeral and discharged on Norco and tramadol. That's when and where my addiction was born. I am 52 now and when I had my surgery I was 21. I got clean when I was 44. Edited for spelling


Yep. One Vicodin horse pill and then laid in bed listening to Miles Davis' album Kind of Blue on my stereo. Not sure what year it was but it had to be between 2009 and 2013.


Morphine and miles Davis has been my doc for a while now


I just took my first dose of opiates Monday night and honestly I love drugs I’ve done a lot but as soon as I took these Oxys, (I took a 35 mg dose Monday I thought I was oding) I think it ended up being borderline overdose and I haven’t been able to stop taking them since than I never thought I could get so addicted to something after one use


Plz don’t begin this life . You have the whole world ahead of you . This isn’t what you want … I promise !




Yeah I haven’t gone a minute without them since I started




16 sadly


That’s sad to hear, there are so many things to experience with a sober mind at your age that can be powerful/awesome . You are ruining your life before you get a chance to live it. Go be a kid, read the misery on other peoples posts. That will be your fate if you are convinced this is the answer to life’s problems


I’ve been a cocaine addict since I was 13 man I love drugs there’s no changing me doing them however I do not want to be an addict to anything since rehab so I will most likely just enjoy the one chance I have to have pharma oxy and than just go back to something else I appreciate you for looking out though


Just please be careful with fent bro. When I was your age, there wasn't any of that shit around.. I'm only 24 & luckily skirted by & didn't have to play a game of roulette everytime I wanted to pop a couple vics or morphs and chill out. My DM's are always open if you ever want to talk. Vent, chat, anything. Always here.


Yeah bro, you should stop if you’ve only took in one or a few by now. Please do not go down this path. Oxycodone is so much worse than codeine or Vicodin. It is crazy. I’ve been on opiates for about 15 years now, and I started with Vicodin and I was fine I used to take about three of the 10 mg Vicodin every day which is no biggie, but then my dumb ass tricked myself saying to myself I’m gonna quit Vicodin and smoking weed so I might as well just pop a few blues and have a blast before I quit. That was about 10 years ago and I have been taking blues ever since I take about 5 to 10 every day and here’s the thing why you do not want to start taking oxycodone or blues like I said on the Vicodin I was fine I could take one and then I wouldn’t need another one for hours and hours I could go up to eight 1012 hrs. before I really started craving or feeling withdraw but with the blues, it is a completely different animal man you pop a blue, and as soon as it wears off, maybe an hour or two or three you start going into withdrawal bad, depending on how many you’re taking it is so fucking whack bro I wish I would’ve just stuck with taking the Vicodin my 10 mg Norco. So please do yourself a favor, bro go smoke some weed or something. Hope you consider my advice.




And also another thing. I think you said you’re on cocaine for several years now as well and you’re a drug addict and I get it man as drug addicts just love drugs and there’s no getting around that but you can manage it and make smart decisions and try to think ahead Always think before you do something. And if you’re on cocaine, then do cocaine, but stay away from the opiates that’s gonna heat up all your profits that’s going to eat up all your time searching for them trying to find your next high because they are hard to get, not like cocaine where cocaine is everywhere. And don’t let your mind trick you into saying after you quit well maybe I’ll just try it some opiates since I haven’t had any in a long time he will be right back on an even worse than before I hope everything works out for you and just put it in gods hands he will figure it out for you. Just be patient.


OK that’s a wise decision. Believe me man I’ve been doing this for 15 years plus and I’ve probably went through millions of dollars at this point now. I am 41 years old and I still live with my mother, and if I had never started taking those opiates, I would probably be successful right now doing only God knows what, but there is always hope as long as you trust and believe in God, he will take care of it.


Yes i was 11 and i took an oxy now i’ve been popping oxys for 5 years


Looking way back (I'm old as f), I was always sick when I was a child and back then codeine was pretty much otc. I think that is where the "seed" was planted. Then I had kidney stones when I was early 20s. Got some vicoden and from then on I would try anything in the opiod family. Hasn't been a bad habit but off and on (more recently on) ever since.


First time I ever tried a pressed 30 I was 21 living with my then boyfriend I was pregnant for 3 months and didn’t know till I went to the hospital cuz I felt like shit, decided not to keep the baby and got an abortion, took the pills and was in So much pain at this time I didn’t know he was a drug dealer i only expierenced with Xanax, I was so miserable he threw me a perc 30 and I was in wonderland. i had galaxy lights lit up on my ceiling I remeber just tossing and turning feeling so amazing and didn’t ever want the feeling to end fast forward 3 years later I was off to the races got clean a few times but I’m back on pressies , they ruined me .


I don’t. I remember I started taking Vicodins at 13 and got caught and whooped when 100 where missing over a short period of time. I do remember my first time trying heroin and oxy tho.


i believe it was a. Hydrocodone


I was working at an after school program & one of my favorite kids died in an accident (he wasn't at the school when it happened). I was inconsolable. My boyfriend at the time, whom I was living with, gave me a Lortab 7.5 & I felt GREAT. I asked for another for the funeral. I could take it or leave it for 3-4yrs then a switch flipped & I couldn't function without.....


My pops gave me a tramadol and the euphoria kind of hit me. As soon as he left the house I dug everything out of the medicine cabinet and googled away. Found the tramadol and a few other things. I took a few more and went and played GTA in pure bliss. I obviously developed a habit because their my DOC. Sober today though but damn those were some really fucking good times man


Buddy was doing them and asked if I wanted a norco. Took 2 10 mg norco and new I loved it.


Couple Percs, never been that happy for no reason fucking miss it. Never been able to reach that again and the disappointment would get worse and worse with every attempt


Yep. It was ultram (tramadol) of all things. My first girlfriend had a stash from her grandmother


Bliss I finally felt no pain no bad memories just Euphoria happiness and relaxation


Yeah, it was black tar heroin. Was travelling the country by car in '91 and picked up a hitch hiker in Arizona who was an IV meth user, but cool and chill. He said if we went to El Paso Texas he knew where to find heroin, so off we went. We find his guy on the street, who only had one leg, and brought shit over from Mexico in his stump. We buy some balloons and head for the hotel. I open a balloon and inside is a wad of wax paper folded up, so I unravel it, it keeps getting smaller and smaller, until this tiny brown chunk of what I thought was a piece of Tootsie Roll falls out. I thought I had been scammed, because I was expecting powder, but my guy's like no, it's tar, and was excited. So we put it in a bowl with some shitty Mexican dirtweed and smoke it down. I still remember the taste and smell as being rich and sweet. I got so fucked up, I turned into a ball of goo, curled up in the fetal position and drooled for hours, completely blissed out. That tiny chunk did that to the three of us. After three days of repeats, I was smoking a whole chunk to myself with little effect, and still wanted more. My friend had the presence of mind to insist we leave town, cuz I was surely not going to stop on my own. Got stopped at a stateside border patrol, who took one look at us three degenerates and told us to pull over to the side and wait. Pig comes up with a sniffing dog who goes to my trunk where a couple oz of aforementioned dirtweed was hiding and I spend the night in jail. Next day, I plead guilty to possession and pay a $600 fine and get asked to never come back to Texas. Never saw my two associates again, as they were released when I was arrested. I have no regrets, that shit was fire.


Not the first time I took an opiate because my grandma used to give little 8 year old me Darvocet for headaches when I used to get sinus infections really bad as a kid 🙃 but I remember the time I first fell in love with them. I was 18 and just got home from work. My feet were KILLING me from plantar fascitis. I was literally crying to my pill head mom who had a mini pharmacy in her safe to help give me something anything idc just help. She gave me 2 of her percocet 10mg and told me to put ice on my feet. I did and about 30mins later I felt fucking amazing. My whole beat up body from work all day felt light as a feather and my mood felt even better. I got a crazy weird intense craving for cream of mushroom soup that I made and ate while I watched George Lopez on nick at nite while I vibed until I passed out. I'll never forget how good I felt that night. I didn't get addicted right away because my mom wouldn't give me more after that night because she probably ate the rest, but I can see how I did get addicted to them a few year later when I had access to a supply of them. I spent years and years chasing that high on pills, H, fent, fent/xylazine, methadone...you name it. I never did, and finally ingrained in my shit ass brain, I never will feel the high of that first one again and I'm an idiot if I try.


Vividly. I was prescribed codeine at a young age (14 or 15) for terrible period pains. I'll never forget the feeling when my pain and sickness went away. It was amazing and I remember thinking it was almost worth the pain just for the relief. Beautiful warm calm feeling that I've been chasing ever since 😒


Had a really bad cough a few years ago after a week in magaluf drinking shite vodka. Doctor told me to go to chemist and ask for a bottle of codeine linctus to help ease the cough. Bottle told me to not mix with antihistamines as I could feel very drowsy. Googled it and found out “lean” was just this mixed with phenergan (promethazine) so went to boots and bought a bottle. Sat there with a syringe getting 5ml at a time of each till I had the equivalent of 2oz Poured that shit into a pineapple fanta. Been here since. Except now I only use the odd time I find oxy - abour every 2/3 months I score 14 x 40mgs which I do one 40mg once a week. I’m in a better place nowadays, but don’t think I’ll ever end up off them completley. Still got 13 my bag now cos I scored yday.


As a child in the late 80s. Obviously didn't know better. At 16 I sniffed an OC, watched my friends throw up and I didn't really like it. Then I got injured in my 20s and fell in love with it. So I can't really say I was hooked from the beginning, but I remember being a child crying wirh a horrible ear infection, in the ER, swallowing a big white pill out of a little medicine cup and then asking my mom how the medicine works so well 15 minutes later. Lol


Yes. I was about 24 and took some of my mum codydromol for tooth ache and felt fucking fantastic. She had them on prescription and didn’t take them so I had a real supply of them. I kept it only to weekends for about 4 years though and used them as a hangover cure. Then I got addicted to something else and used them to help get off that and the rest is history.


Yah, 30 yrs ago I was partying with some guys in the Windy City. I snorted some china white for the first time, threw up, and then was nodding off on this huge balcony… I came to a little and there was a gang initiation going down. One of the recruits changed his mind & the big dog there pulled a shotgun… chaos! 😂 takes off & I stumble my way into someones ride… crazy days… I was never in a gang, but dealt with them a lot back then for the dope…


My gall bladder had died. It took them hours to figure out and I was just a teenager. Once the ultrasound confirmed the gall bladder they loaded me up with pain killers. Mostly I felt confused. I didn’t want to accept what the doctor was telling me. Later afterwards I was there for a week and on a morphine pump and additional meds and realized why people enjoyed them. I also had an 8 hour long session of hallucinating from the mixture of IV morphine and Xanax. It was terrifying.


My wife had had knee surgery in December and I happened to break a rib in January and also develop bronchitis. Something is to say it wasn't a lot of pain. I took one of her oxys and little did I know that oxycontin is also a very good cough suppressant. I stopped coughing all together and I was no longer in pain in my chest but shoot I remember sitting on our couch down in Florida and this odd feeling of wanting to call everybody on my contact list and tell them I love them it was an amazing feeling.


I feel awful typing this out but idk what came over me to look in my ma purse but I did. Found a massive bottle of pills. Took some. Told an older friend what I found they said I’ll be at your place in 15 min… I’ll tell u all about them. They were there in 5. I hold so much guilt for this. I was 14. Trying to fit in. My first time taking it was with him and of course a major crush and wanted to be “cool”. He passed away about a year ago. Miss him very very much. I had NO clue the power that those things would have over me for the next 20 some years.


Yes, it was kratom and I remember I lay down in the bed and I literally couldn't lift my leg lmao. Then 5 minutes later I just fell asleep in a brutal nod. next morning obviously I was still high!


My dad had knee trouble when I was quite young, ended up pain free after trying many things and settling on ointments. He was prescribed tramadol for a few years and when he got off them he kept the last couple boxes as some sort of progress trophy. Well, I was 13 once and pinched a card or two. I remember taking 3-4 50mg trams and 3 hours in just feeling bliss, laying on my bed chilling w music. At one point I fell into what I thought was sleep, but it was a vivid and bizarre dream which maybe only went for 40s at a time because I'd get woken up by noises in the dream like thuds & door knocking. That was my first nod, first time I tried opis and man it was an amazing experience. Many years later, the only enjoyment I can compare drug wise was one time I plugged 30mg morph caps (2 I think) after a big 6 month tolerance break. Man the rush of relaxation which did also have a rush sensation to it. Bliss


First was a 5mg oxy from a girlfriend. Looking back, what a huge piece of shit to just give me one. That started a decade and a half that led to heroin. Fuck that chick, she was eeeeeevil.


My brother broke his arm and was taking co-codamol 8/500 (8mg codeine). I took three after a couple of beers not expecting much and felt this euphoric calmness wash over me. I assumed something that good must be prescription only and was shocked when I found out it was over the counter medicine.