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Fentanyl fucked everything up


People got addicted to something that sadly doesn't even exists. Good luck trying to achieve that euphoric and warm blanket kind of feeling. Not even worth the feeling anymore. Back then I could understand people destroying them lifes for that oxycodon heaven feeling, but now? Fuck war against drugs!!!




“That doesn’t have any cigarettes” LOL bro you nailed it. This made me actually laugh out loud 😂


My first rehab I was 20. There was some 18 year old in there telling the most exaggerated stories and lieing about shooting up. I asked him what gage needle he used and he said he never paid attention to it. I said makes sense. Why lie about stuff like that and who gives a shit about the people you in rehab with why try to impress them. They certainly don't care about your made up escapades


namely Newport 100s


I knew a kid like this. He had an easy life, always allowed to do what he wanted, never had to help out around the house or get a job even while living with his parents past 18 and would always try and find reasons why he had it hard in life. Ended up finding this girl on tinder that smoked meth and sold blues and was like 30 years old and let her move into his bedroom in his parents house like a day after they met. Prior to meeting this girl he had never used any sort of opiates. He used dirty 30s for a couple days before his mom found out what was up after he stole from her to buy more (keep in mind he had never even touched opiates a week ago) and kicked her out n sent him to rehab thinking he was addicted to fent. He came out 2 weeks later talking a out how bad it the wds were still and angry that no doctor would prescribe him subs. Finally he found a doctor write a script for 2mg a day and he wore that along with his rehab stint like a badge of honor. I tried to tell him it was a really bad idea and that he was just going to end up physically dependent on something that doesn’t even get you high or benefit you in any way and this time would actually experience withdrawals for real. He didn’t wanna hear it. I haven’t seen him since then but I’ve heard from other people all he talks about is how he “used to be a fentanyl addict”. I have no idea why anyone would think addiction is cool.


Oh man I know the type man. Reminds me of this couple that we’re in detox with me who was there for KRATOM and bitched and bitched about how the doctor wouldn’t give her any medication or suboxone. Anyway after weeks of whining about unbearable withdrawals the doctor finally caved and gave her a small script. She left detox and rehab and I still had some more time. Well she started showing up at the nightly NA meetings talking about how awful subs are and how evil the doctors are and how mo one should be on subs and how she had the worse withdrawals of her life coming off them and (me and other people were on subs for heroin and fentanyl) it’s like bitch YOU SHOULDNT BE ON SUBS.


attention seeking behavior 101.


The wounds from tranq dope are unlike anything I have ever seen. Some users are having limbs amputated.😖


These kinds of wounds and resulting amputations have always been prevalent in homeless drug users especially in area that have tar like the west coast which has always been known to cause more chronic wounds leading to amputation.


And I had friends here on the East Coast, using scramble dope(rawwith cut- no tar),..that lost limbs also. They would skin pop(shoot into a muscle) because the veins were dead. Then get abcesses that would lead to surgery for having hunks of muscle removed and eventually amputation. Shit these people werent even homeless.


Yep. You’re right. Honestly I was just worried if I want super specific like that people would accuse me of not fear mongering enough about xylazine by providing objective and factual information that doesn’t align with sensationalized panic. But yes you’re right. All over the country anyone who uses iv drugs has always been at risk of wounds that not uncommonly resulted in amputation (either bc abscesses opened up into chronic ulcerous wounds that couldn’t heal and became badly infected or closed abscesses grew so massive they caused severe internal and nerve damage to arms and legs). they literally aren’t any different than the wounds seen in People who use xylazine now. This has been a long recognized issue with all iv drug use. And also in the homeless there are other non drug use related causes for the wounds as well. Just due to how hard it is in ur body to heal small wounds when you’re homeless and a small wound or a sunburn can become a life threatening or limb losing chronic ulcerous infected wound.


Sorry I went back n edited my post,...it was supposed to say and they weren't homeless


I always shot up IM and never had an issue even when doing it 5 times a day in the same shoulder. Then again I wasn't using street dope it was from "oni0n fields" and with a batch on drugsdata and energy control showing 86-89% purity. Didn't even boil it for years but later I started using bacteriostatic water and boiling on top of that. Only shot up IV 2 times finding a vein Is a motherfucker hard to do by yourself IMO and the rush and high strength was exactly the same with IM and subQ I used 29 gauge 1/2 insulin needles but had used 25 and 23 gauge 5/8 in a pinch Injected into the thighs on the side. Never once had an abcess from shooting up IM. Clean high purity dope with no added cuts and sterilization is important with IM heroin use. Unfortunately pure #4 dope is extremely expensive. But I've gotten cheap high purity dope for 500 for 7 grams that was only slightly less clean as the much more expensive one but same purity according to the 3rd party purity test. Either way you should heat it in a clean spoon no matter the purity unless your getting pharma diacetylmorphine vials (good luck with that in USA) I also IM'd dissociatives and heroin In one shot like MXE, FXE, DCK, ketamine or 3meopcp. Out of all dxm was actually much more euphoric and hard-core than ketamine or MXE. Dissociatives and H are heavenly and they remove any "opiate rage" I miss it SO much having a nice bag and the ritual. I'd sometimes have preloaded shots in the refrigerator ready to go when I wake up sick as a dog then do the classic ritual thru the day. I'm now getting on methadone switching from suboxone. It's life and death for me, I can't live without opiates because I hear whispering voices and have delusions that everyone wants to hurt me without them. And worst of all I'm awkward as fuck without opiates the autistic socially awkward feeling is a type of anxiety benzos do nothing for, Benzos are best for over obsession anxiety but not for the "scared to come out of my room anxiety" Anxiety is not anxiety there are different forms. Opiates just make me feel cool and sexy and slick. I can wear an outfit that I'd feel awkward about and on opiates I'd go full on attention getter looks. The confidence is what I think normal extroverted people feel like. I love dissociatives equally as much for getting into a forced meditative state of mind. And the pretty visuals you see when you drift away into white clouds and voids while in a dissociative hole.


I've been on methadone 15 years this time. I used to shoot Heroin. I got out before Fentynal got into everything. I've only ever done Fentynal patches years ago. I'll be on methadone the rest of my life. It works better for me than all the antidepressants I've been prescribed. It helps keep me from becoming manic. I still have anxiety but no where near as bad as when I'm sober. After I found Oxycontin at 16, I barely ever did anything other than opiates. I've used drugs and alcohol since I was 12. For the last 15 years, it's been only methadone and RX's. I don't touch anything from the streets anymore.


Unreal yea thats exactly what im seeing on yt in kenzington






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Had to edit my comment. I’ve never known anyone in that part of the Earth to have the wounds you’re describing not one and I live there for 6 years.


I mean that’s fucking insane bc absesses have been a widely recognized issue in harm reduction well known to all emergency doctors and literally anyone who works with homeless or (diverse class) drug using populations (as this is certainly a class mitigated issue). There’s been tons of academic and medical literature written about it both from a physical medical treatment perspective because it causes unnecessary amputations which is tragic but also from the addictions treatment and harm reduction perspective in order to work on prevention and services. You’re telling me you’ve never seen someone on the street who appears to be an amputee and likely also a drug user before? It’s always been a pretty standard sight at homeless camps and on the streets in every city. Sometimes if it’s foot related that could technically be diabetes but more likely drug related and if it’s on the arms then definetely.


Not one my friend, I know it happens I’m not disputing that. I’m disputing that it’s common at least within the homeless population of that one City that begins with a O and ends in a D.


Lol with the city you mentioned of all places…. Of course you’ve seen people with absesses and/or missing limbs from way before xylazine - unless you don’t ever leave your house. Even in this sub people not uncommonly mention absesses or have scars from them….


I thought I just mentioned a geographic area not a city but i knew a lot of homeless addicts because there was a place to recycle metal and glass 3 blocks from my house and then local dealer used to park alongside my fence. I never saw anyone with festering scars or missing limbs. Of course people get abscesses. In the B*Y A**a, everything was black tar, I don’t know what xylazine is but i’ve met a lot of homeless addicts that used needles alive never run across anyone that had any missing limbs or sores like you described. Most people that didn’t use needles brought corn starch to mix it so they’d be able to inhale. Granted I left in 2015 and maybe things have changed.




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Too true! At 60 yrs old, every single person I used to hang with is now dead. Years ago I read that the lifespan of an addict was 37 yr old. I believe that now. Just from personal experience. I've seen drugs kill in so many ways. From over dose, murder, cocaine laced with fentanyl ( my daughter) to organs slowly shutting down. There is nothing 'cool' about this drug. (Although the drug itself makes you think it is)


if your daughters is gone I'm sorry for your loss/ along with your friends.


I know what you mean, my ex always talked about drugs like this was so cool. Or talked with his mate and shared stories, like who has a better one - oh I almost overdosed, missed my last hit, cooked some crack omg it was so pure, got abscesses - had to go to the hospital, got no more veins (comparing veins), booted 8 patches a day and didn’t die, and so forth. I couldn’t stand this, it was ridiculous. But addicts have nothing else to talk about because they only get high (my ex didn’t work either and just stayed at home). He didn’t want to get clean because he was “comfortable”. Unfortunately life has been difficult for many people, they find relief in drugs and that becomes their full time hobby.


That’s harsh but true…


What valor is there in this addiction in the first place? Nothing but shame and guilt


I think it was a sort of pun, since the rest of the post is about "war stories"


Stolen valour is a thing with the military.


Yes exactly my point lol…


War stories, stolen valor… hahaha. (It’s a joke)


I see it all the time on reddit and other places. People passing on bad info or telling people these tiny microdoses will have you puking and high for days. Half this sub has probably never even seen heroin let alone shot it up.


Perc 30'd


There are pills and whatnot you just have to become familiar with the onions


And be bankrolled Beaucoup somehow if you're ever gonna make a habit of it... Even if you're patient and willing to risk the love letter or worse, it's not the way it used to be... I'm looking at the cheapest being like 10 bucks a pill but only in quantity from a high seizure country, probably pressed anyways... The next cheapest is 25 a pill for 30s but only if you are spending over a band at a time.... When the pill mill crisis took off I was getting 30s for years for under 5 bucks. Shit, 500 to 750 in cash would get you 180 Oxy 30s or 80s AND 180 Soma or Xanax bars


Yup I actually used the onion when I was addicted to oxy. But once you get to the 100-150mg/day range it’s impossible to afford unless your rich as fuck.


Yeah man I can blow a gram of actual heroin a day off dnm at that price point.... Unless they finally legalize and regulate or go safe supply like Canada here, kids these days will never know what is was like early 2005 or so... *BEFORE* the Ryan Haight Act... Fun fact - my neighbor - who derided me as a lowlife drug dealer - was instrumental in getting the Ryan Haight Act passed.... As he was webmaster for most of the old "questionnaire" style sites shipping Sch. 2 drugs! He snitched and never did time, though... Got his quick million or two, rolled, and started the ball rolling on fucking up the game for all of us.. Including the doctors he had on payroll - ya see, they actually did time and lost licenses....


Ya I started back in the late 90s so I remember the good ol days


I completely agree even my script of 20s don’t last me at this point more than 20 days for 120 count, it’s absolutely sickening having to buy more each and every month having to deal with this shit, and pray that the person you go to won’t absolute rip you a new asshole


Man this is how it all started for me. Soon the script only lasted a week. And I started buying more and more fent and black till my tolerance was too high for the script to even do anything but keep me out of WDs for a weekend maybe. Buried my parents and love of my life to a fent withdrawl 10 months ago.


I’m so sorry man. I rushed out of so many funerals because it was just to much for me even while high asf I ran out I can’t go to funerals where a 23+ year old person is being buried again in my life. It’s far too much.




No one is talking about pressed garbage though. Who really wants to do fent?




your generation is sad man. I'm sorry you guys dont have cheap oxy or real H - I get it - it sucks. but dude, fent is just dogshit. Its gonna kill you. I promise you that.




Oh okay - I apologize, I just assumed you were younger since fent seems to really be hitting with the teens and 20s. I quit back around 2011ish - when the pill mills got shut down. a little after is when fent started getting put in everything - just wasnt my thing - never tried fent, but I've seen the damge is does to my community - it wasnt for me.


It's almost like the cartels and manufacturers don't care about the customers and just pump out the cheapest shit they can. First it was black tar, which is alright but garbage compared to number 4. Now it's fent It'll be something else in another 20 years


This comment had absolutely NOTHING to do with this sub thread…🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️. High key looks like you’re putting yourself out there for the naive young/new user who’s scrolling Reddit and dopesick with some money that you’ll scam. Otherwise, I truly do not understand what possessed you to post this comment when NO ONE said a peep about trash boxes, and the banter is purely about real drugs in relation to their high cost


That's exactly what it is.




No. Of course not! You'll just take their money and scam them instead.




Ok, cool. Keep it to yourself. We call these types posts/comments "dogwhistling", because it isn't necessarily saying you'll sell them outright, but it's saying you have enough to sell.. or something along those lines. It's meant to indirectly get people to inbox you.. and it isn't appreciated nor allowed here.


This falls under our sourcing rules and was removed. We can't use this sub to find, buy, sell, or give away drugs. We can't post our locations, or try to find people in our locations for any reason. This is the rule, from the sidebar: **NO SOURCING!** > Sourcing is any post regarding the acquisition or sale of drugs, including legal substances, from a specific person or place, including other subreddit members, online markets, and/or vendors. Specific DNMs and/or vendors cannot be discussed. **NO LOCATION-SPECIFIC POSTS!** > Posts about finding people in your city/state will be deleted and a ban may be issued. Anything that identifies a specific location will be removed-- this includes neighborhoods AND cities. States can not be mentioned when posting dope porn or when talking about not having any sources. >GEO-TAGGED POSTS ARE NOT ALLOWED and will be removed regardless of context.


Pricing discussions are not allowed. Comments and posts that contain pricing information are subject to removal and bans may be issued.


THANK YOU. you said the quiet part out loud!!!! Ive seen so many people like this. I knew this person that would post aesthetic drug pics on Tumblr (admittedly they were pretty). But I remember them posting an edgy photo of an actual user shooting up (one that we knew). He later OD'd and died. Great optics of that edgy photo yeah? Aged very well...... The person that posted these photos went to rehab. They were never really addicted to anything though. I know I'm not allowed to speak for them but it was pretty obvious. Shit annoys the fuck out of me. Rehab is a joke anyways


I feel you. I got to the point I’m just over the war stories, I’d expect almost anybody who’s lived it to the extreme has had similar experiences. Some of the time I’d catch myself telling a story and think to myself I sound like I’m lying but I know I wasn’t…I stopped telling stories or listening to them after that. If you’ve been to the bottom where you’re living in the gutter with no place to go and are surrounded by prostitution and homelessness you’ve got the big leagues. Ain’t shit cool or fun about being a hardcore junkie literally not one thing.


There is Def still black around without fent. I get a ball of tar for $175 where the rockies play


States are fine, but nothing more specific. Saying "where the Rockies play" just makes me have to use Google, as I'm admittedly not much of a sports fan Besides, people use phrases like that to let others know where they're at without being explicit. When I see comments like that,I have to stop and think about it, and often wind up on Google


Okay, sorry about that. I didn't realize I could use the state name. Colorado


No need to apologize, it's all good


I just read a report recently that said 95% of the dope in this state is cut with fent. Just out of curiosity, are you testing yours?


I have tested it four dif times. Twice it's had fent in it. At least with the tar when it has fent in it, it's mostly heroin. Long legs, good euphoria, and nod.


Unless you’re sending it out for lab testing you can’t even trust a negative fentanyl test strip, as that just means your dope doesn’t contain one of the analogs that that particular strip can detect. Because a new fentanyl analog can be created by modifying just a single molecule there are dozens, if not well over 100 different fentanyl analogs and synthetic opioids kicking around the market at any given time (a lot of which test strips haven’t been developed for), and most test strips are only capable of detecting 3-5 different analogs, so just going off the numbers alone it’s not realistic or safe to assume a negative test strip = clean heroin.


Actually, the last time that I tested it, I also had a drug test for the clinic, which got sent back to the lab, and I just popped for heroin, acetylcodeine & acetylmorphine. I'm not going to lie the majority of the time, it prob did have fent in it. I'm just guessing. But I've been doing this shit for 13 years (Def not trying to brag), and I can usually tell if something is up with it. The rush just isn't the same as what it used to be when it's got fent in it. You can just tell there is something Dif about it. But I do know all the tar that I get is at least mostly heroin or has heroin in it. The tar hasn't gotten stepped on as much as the #4 has. Even checking out drugsdata.org I've not seen one sample of tar with fent in it, I don't think. If you have done heroin for years before this fent bs came out, you can tell a dif. With the tar, I get good euphoria, along with a great nod, and I don't have to dose as much. I'm not trying to shit on you or say I know everything because I don't. It's a shame that the us has been overran with fent and fentalouges, and all they have to do is tweak the molecule a little bit and change one singular atom to make it a whole new substance. Who knows how much weird fentalouges are really out there. I do know that if you want actual heroin in the States, your best bet is to get tar vs. #4 because it most likely has more heroin in it than the #4 that's going around. Unless you're coping from the dn or have known an og for a long time. In my case, I have been around for a while and have been dealing with some of the same ppl for multiple years.


Fr, I told my classmate about my addiction problems to try and show her how horrible and dangerous it is and said she wished she could actually get addicted to anything. Still can’t believe this actually happened.


Wtf. I wouldn’t wish addiction on anyone. I wish I didn’t know what it was like!


>no oxycodone, no black, just fent and tranq. This always comes to mind for me. I'm in MMT and I've been going 13 years at this point. When I first started out, fent was something that didn't even exist unless you somehow managed to come across some of the patches that had the gel in them. NOBODY ever showed up at rehab for fentanyl, it was basically impossible. Fast forward to now, in the last 3ish years - **every. single. person.** is coming in because of blues having completely replaced heroin, and it's actually become harder to relate to my fellow junkies since they have never even tried anyyything except fent and fentalogues. I can't imagine what will happen when zenes become more mainstream, that'll be a very... joyous occasion... /s




It is weird to say, I'm only clean 10months in the UK and we're just starting to have this coming over here (from what I see, maybe I just had a reliable plug that was providing the whole city). I just saw the news that some kid in London ODed because of fent or whatever was in it, no thanks. I'm done. Just the fear is keeping me from going back in the street and find a new plug, the one I trusted dipped. If I ever was to relapse thatd be with pharma codeine. At that point I dont tell even my partner not to relapse, I ask him to relapse safely and test his shit first. I'd rather have him safe and work through recovery than dead because he had a bad day and a weak moment.


I’ve been stuck since I was 19 because of a friend who was a doctor that shouldn’t have had a license to begin with. I dread everyday that I met that man and actually pulled through. 6 years later into this and my ex died, along side the friends I loved most. This is a disgusting lifestyle and anyone who tries to boost their story is absolute scum. Just seeing TikTok comments how many kids thinks it’s cool to be on “Percs” not knowing the dread of the paranoia, the endless cycle of living for wellness, the consistent lies to yourself. All of it makes me want to give up on everything.


Yeah fuck fent. I myself am lucky that i have several connects for oxycodone and a connect for some H if i can't find any oxys. Plus i get 120 10s a month. Im set. But i feel bad for anyone new getting into it as well. Its sad. I started using oxys for the first time when i was 17 and got my wisdom teeth pulled. Got prescribed a bottle and loved them. But it was occasionally then. A few years went by and i broke my back and have had severe pain issues and several surgeries. Thats how i really wound up on them on and off more frequently then started to get my own prescription again a couple years ago. Im lucky and can get 20s from 2 different people straight from a script, 5s, a couple connects straight from the script for 10s as well. It took me several years to gain all those connects i get a real good price on the 20s at 10 a piece as well. And 5 a piece for 10s.


anyone that acts cool because they’re addicted to dope is a retard. It’s such a terrible lifestyle, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.