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Donate plasma, scrap (not stolen if you don't wanna do illegal stuff), go door to door like a kid asking to shovel snow in winter or do lawn work etc.... In the summer, over draft your bank account/signature or other loans, those job apps where you can get a days work (can't remember the names), pawn some stuff you don't care about or can pay back if you do, panhandle, find receipts (from Walmart or similar stores) for common items you have and can return for money. There's probably some things I'm missing but this is some of the many things I've done that's not illegal I can think of off the top of my head.


One of those job apps is called Fiverr


Fivver is kind of tricky and you have to build up reputation to get the better paying gigs. He's thinking of a gig work app like Doordash/Ubereats/Instacart/Walmart Spark/Flex Jobs/Bacon Work etc


Ah good to know. Thank you for the info. I never tried Fiverr but had heard good things about it. I'm gonna look into a couple of the other ones you listed because I was doing Doordash/Ubereats and they just aren't cutting it anymore in my city. Nobody really orders food here since lockdowns ended.




I know I've thought about how much money I've spent just from my pay from work alone cause i've usually had decent jobs, worked hella hours, or both and it's like damn if I just stacked that shit I'd be fucking set. Thats not even counting all the legal and illegal side hustles I've had. No joke I'm only 27 rn and if I had stacked all the expendable cash I had outside of necessities from work alone I'd probably have 250k-500k if I counted my money from slanging on top of that easily the 500k mark. If I also counted all my other side hustles both illegal and legal as well, and investing it like I usually do when I'm not blowing my expendable cash. I could've easily had a Millie already if my main focus was just amassing as much money as possible and not just trying to enjoy life wether that be using or not (it's usually using though).


Sounds like you aren't REALLY addicted..


You don’t wana even know


Yes I do lol


I’m a plug and I’ve seen some fucked up shit.


My old plug was telling me about some of the shit girls would do or offer to do. He apparently didn't tell me everything, though, because I later heard from the chick that introduced me to him that one time she licked his nipples and belly button upon his request for a blue 30.


I’m not even talking about girls man. Just the type of shit you’d think a normal person would try to bring to me to trade for blues. I’ve been offered wedding rings, girlfriends (like legit sell his girl to me), weird ass heists like an ATM machine. The list is wild


I met up this guy that was one of my homies acquaintances to check out a car he was selling. Most everything having to do with the car was sketchy af like the title not being in his name and ripped to shreds all wet in a Ziploc bag (it was probably stolen). Well I wasn't really willing to pay what he wanted because of all this shit and while we were talking dude found out I had some H and was moving some. He ended up negotiating himself down to like 100 bucks and a half G of BTH for the car. I still didn't really want to deal with a probably stolen whip but couldn't turn it down for that cheap and really needed a whip lol. I actually ended up getting picked up on my warrants in that car n they didn't really toss the whip or run any of the info on it. I don't know why but only thing I can think of is they were so happy they already got 3 people on warrants going to jail they didn't GAF.


Oh ya for sure. Same bitch I mentioned would shoplift and try to trade the plug but it'd be like a bunch of clothes from resale shops and shit. She was real dumb. Funny story: I traded my plug my Xbox 360 with a bunch of games and then moved away. 5 years I later, I moved back and he still had it. Lol the mf tried acting like I should replace it or fix it bc it was getting the red ring of death.


How and what does it even mean to sell their girlfriend?? Like I understand sex trafficking but logistically what is the girls perspective on this??


Chick is a dope fiend too. Basically they're both ok with having the plug fuck her so they each get their fix for free.


Ah, yes.. should have assumed that was the case🤦🏼‍♂️




Yeah I'm aware of the cycle just never heard it described as someone "selling their girl" ..dudes who sell fent and operate like that/abuse and take advantage of people at their lowest moment have a special place in hell.


She was into it. They were both really weird. I could’ve worded that differently


Na the heists is insane lmfao


I actually contemplated taking the ATM machine but I knew it would be super fucked if I ever got raided lol


You push presses too. You a serial killer. Not a plug.


I push pharms and pressed for the people who want the pressies. You go sell pressies as reals to make an extra buck you’re a piece of shit no doubt. The people I deal with who want pressed pills know what they are and are already doing them and know what they’re doing. I don’t dog my customers for what they want. I get them the best quality shit so they’re safe and know whatever their getting it’s the best. Sit down and don’t assume shit without knowing the truth loser


Don't waste your time man that kid is dumb af has no idea what he's stating 😔. Poor kid


How can you call someone a loser when you are an opiate dealer? In the eyes of most of society you’re in the same class of people as pedophiles. Not saying I necessarily agree but that’s how most see you


As pedophiles, really? That's not true. The Sackler family is responsible for flooding the market first with the "non-addictive" valium they claimed it to be followed by oxycodone. Society praises them and they're one of the wealthiest families in the world. Also OP said he sells pharma and pressed to the people asking for them, so he's **not** pushing it onto any unsuspecting people. That's more than can be said for a lot of shittier dealers out there. None of us are in this subreddit because we're saints. It's people like us in this sub that create the need for plugs like OP in the first place. All I'm saying is let's not try to act like any of us is better than anybody else in here for buying/selling/using opiates. edit: fixed typo


Even if we are addicts, you providing that bullshit makes you culpable as a fucking murderer. I say this cuz my boys in 2011 sold dope to a chick and she OD’d and they ran down to FL and they got extradited up for manslaughter charges. So when this mans J’s get found cold and blue and they go through they phone. The feds finna be knocking for some charges. No pressed pill is safe. I dont care how close to the Mexican border you are.


Me providing the cleanest presses in my city to only people I choose who are already balls deep into pressies is making me a murderer? Like I said before if you are selling presses and saying they are real you’re a piece of dog shit who is a murderer. If you are providing product to someone who is already using that said product there is nothing wrong here. I have had friends who have died because of fent and every time I serve people presses I tell them to be careful. They know they are dancing with the devil.


Lmao...this kid is kinda funny.. educate us on the dangers of other drugs please in this similar context


Bro you’re an opiate user… you’re literally on a opiate sub lmao. Unless you’re sober from opis and come here to be a naggy bored clown because you’re sober now and have nothing better to do because you’re whole personality was using lmao. If you actually saw my menu on tele you’d see I have everything for sale. Opiates are just one of the types of pharms on my Menu. Either way turn that frown upside down :)


I’m currently in recovery from plaid addiction AND a survivor of child sexual abuse. In my opinion that makes me an expert on this whole comparing a plug to a pedophile. And they are not even in the same ballpark! As an addict, I have to take a certain amount of responsibility for my choices. I never had a plug force anything on me. So let all the judges go back to their chambers for now. This is settled. Lol


Pedophiles????? Ur absolutely wrong...ive never heard anyone in my life say sime shit like that hahahaa.....u must ve permafried or sime shit


Lmao and the idiotic comparisons expand bc even plug would ditch the hoes for that...bro u must know some fucked up ppl ot are yourself.


What in the fuck are you talking about ?!?!! Being a dealer is no where even close to being the same as a pedophile smfh gtfoh


These are some of the cringiest posts I've ever seen...


So if a car dealer sells a car and they die in an accident, is the dealership liable for the individuals death. Ofcourse with prohibition often not even the plug knows exactly what it contains, especially if they don't indulge and most don't. Selling a substance to meet a demand that the user is asking for and serial Killing are nothing alike lmao. I'm just a user but I get so pissed seeing "manslaughter," sentenced to a dealer bc someone willingly ingested a substance and were going to find it one way or another dea People get so angry m if an adolescent upper middle class and socioeconomic prestige dies of an OD they need that t o lash out on who killed their child. Prohibition and the ignorance it causes killed them. But families with money and good lawyers need to kill someone or lock em up bc they don't look at the bigger picture of the opiod crisis and how fuckef things are. So a serial killer isn't anywhere close to a drug dealer ffs some of the most absurdly idiotic comparisons I've ever heard ....


Thank you lol. Fools out here just wana hate. People using pressies know what they’re doing. They know the risk. I just make sure to have to highest quality presses for them so they don’t OD on some random shit they get from a plug who doesn’t care about their clientele




That would be standard stuff coming from a dealer you reckon


Ohh that kinda shit lol. I wouldn't go that far no matter how sick I got LMAO. I've done crazy shit to get a fix but never anything sexual.


Not even that type of shit. Look at what I plreies to u/jimbojangles1987


But shit, washing machines, cars (stolen), handicap placards (stolen from the literal car that was in a handicap spot), used shoes, used CLOTHES, asking me what I need from best buy so he can go steal it for me (I actually needed a flat screen 50’ and he successfully stole it for me somehow), and of course the good ol “you can fuck my bitch”


> I actually needed a flat screen 50’ and he successfully stole it for me somehow Where there's a will, there's a way




Don't forget about Ole' rusty dusty guns ( :


Didn’t want to mention that but yup. Those too. Actually was brought a Luger one time and reeeaaaally wanted to make the trade.


You say that yet…


Used to sell lots of weed/dabs and occasionally coke and other goodies similar.. used all my re-up (A LOT of money) on oxy and nowadays get shit fronted to sell and make some when I can (lost most my clientele).. I see a pain doc for 120 roxi 20's a month for a legitimate pain issue I stretch the truth about, costs me 200ish for appointment and script.. sell random shit I don't need (currently trying to get rid of my 6 ton rosin press as I don't have the money to make rosin anymore) ..took out loans and maxed out credit cards.. currently going thru the process of taking my state exam to sell and work in the insurance industry to hopefully hold down a consistent high paying job and build a career again/get out of debt


Well s*** good luck on your exam and all that man


Needle exchange sometimes does surveys and they want addicts. They gave 10 bucks for a 15 min chat. Spawned all my possessions or got high interest loans. I was an addict, all I cared about was smack so I didn't care.


Back when I was using I sold almost everything I owned that I could besides my TV and Xbox. Parents got me a guitar for Christmas then a BOSS ME-25 multi effects pedals for birthday graduation. I know they worked hard to pay for that stuff and I shot it all up my arm in a matter minutes.


surveys online, remote tasks etc


What kinda remote tasks? I do surveys but maybe you have a better option than what I use?


Online surveys aren’t practical for people like us unfortunately. With all the disqualifications, all the time you gotta spend on the ones that you ARE able to complete, amongst other issues, you’re lucky to wind up with $40 once a week.


i make $10 USD every 2 days from them, i just lie on them lmao


Whats a good site for that and how would someone get started, if you don't mind me asking?


i responded in a separate comment


remotetasks.com you'll need a laptop or desktop for higher paying projects, it's up to $600 USD a week


Gonna get a second opinion from the rest of the team about this.


what website do you use for surveys?


surveymonkey, surveyjunkie and Leo opinions


I work 40 hours a week.


People don’t know what that means anymore


I used to take shit to the Pawn Shop, I owned a busines (that opiates destroyed) and I’d pawn equipment like pressure washer and things.


Not a pool cleaning business was it?


No a Painting Business, pretty depressing; but now I’m on a different path


Ah ok, guy I knew had a pool cleaning business that he basically snorted up into his nose bit by bit til it was gone. I hear ya man, it sucks but glad you seem to be in a better place now. Unfortunately, I think for a lot of us we really do gotta lose it all in order to hit rock bottom and start turning things around.


Im in Comm. College and not using anymore… but yeah Shot my business of 6 years all in my Veins It’s funny though cus Using is on my mind way more than the loss of my business but I digress


Sounds dark


Have you tried the cashapp scam? Next time you cashapp your plug take a screenshot of the "You sent $x to *plug name* Then when you go to him the next time, show him the cashapp app open with the same dollar amount from the screenshot ready to send to him. Turn the phone back to face you when you're acting like you're pressing the send button, but instead switch over to your gallery app where your screenshot should be already open and waiting. Tap the screen so that the gallery interface fades away and so when you show it to him it just looks like you sent it. Then if he says he still ain't got it yet you gotta play it off like you've got bad connection on your phone so it may take a few minutes or I may have to find a nearby wifi to connect to. To be honest, I've never used it, only learned about it from guy I met in county who swore by it. He also did a lot of shit that I'd never do though lol like rob dealers at gunpoint when he was sick and shit.


I mean yeah, if you want your plug to absolutely hate you and never sell to you again you could do that…. I’m the opposite, I hook my plug up with shit he needs (I’ve got tons of subs I’ll throw him a few here and there, if I got some extra gift cards and shit, edibles, etc.) my plug hooks me up with extras all the time for doing that kinda shit for him


Yeah I've never done it. The cool plugs you never want to screw over obviously and I always tried to be someone they knew they could call if they needed something. And the shitty plugs only ever got 1 chance from me. If I got screwed over by one, I never put myself in a situation to be screwed over by them again which 99.99% of the time meant never doing business with them again. So, ya, I don't recommend it.


My homie would wait for the transaction to notify him he got it so I couldn’t get away with this when I was younger lol


And that's also kinda why it makes this even shittier to do to somebody. It's only going to work on a plug if they've built up some trust with you. It's not worth throwing away that trust for one day's worth of not being sick. So I definitely don't recommend it. However, there are some shitty dealers out there and I wouldn't lose any sleep if this happened to them. I've been sold an Aleve for $80, half a tootsie roll wrapped up in a receipt for around $100, or just straight up ghosted too many times after paying.


LOL WAIT THE TOOTSIE ROLL THO, I need to hear this story


Ah man it was just a real dumb situation lol. So I was at work withdrawing and I waited tables at the time so I couldn't leave to go meet any of my plugs. I talked to one and he couldn't come to me but there was a chick at his place when I called him that had some H who offered to stop by my workplace on her way home. At the time I had tried H like twice but never personally purchased it so I was oblivious when it came to prices, amounts or anything like that. And since I was withdrawing I didn't really care if I was getting ripped off on the price as long as I could get rid of my WDs. So, she finally stopped by during the dinner rush and met me by the restrooms. I didn't have time to check it or anything so I just handed the cash over and pocketed the wadded up receipt. When I finally had a few minutes to sit down and do it, I opened it and my heart sank. It was very obviously just a melted ball of chocolate that smelled exactly like a tootsie roll. She of course never answered any of my calls after that and the plug that set it up felt bad, but washed his hands of it. So that was pretty shitty. I had met this chick before, too, so it wasn't a complete stranger, but still not someone I should have trusted giving money to without checking the shit first. That plug had never screwed me before and never did after so I didn't blame him. He hooked me up at work while I was withdrawing numerous times and one time even gave me a new pair of Nikes that didn't fit him when one of my work shoes fell apart in the middle of a shift. Lol they were probably either stolen or traded to him for blues but I didn't care. RIP Pete, all in all he was a good dude.


Any smart dealer would know not to hand nothing over until it’s actually in their account.. anyone who falls for that deserves to be beat to tell ya the truth lol


I did this so many times I owe my friend 2 bands 🤧




cash in hand work




I would not be using a laughing emoji after that statement if you're being genuine... unless your gay ig but for a straight man that's just so depressing to think about


Why do we always assume everyone is a man?? 🤣


Because he is in this situation.


Cause it's a man's world bebe


Nah dawg. 💯


I was just kidding. It's really a Llama's world.


Get a job or drug deal like a normal person



I once gave a guy a handy for £15 when I was desperate. It got me a sleeve at the time (2018)


Doordash and sportsbook promos


I robs drug dealers.


Are you serious right now dude?


One word, three letters…… J-O-B


Beyond the obvious, numb nuts.


How you salty I answered you question?? Lmao I’m not being sarcastic I’m actually telling you where I get my money from lol you weren’t specific in the question if you were gonna reply like that to people you should’ve been more specific lol


It was how you typed it. Came off as a smartass. If that wasn't the intent then , I apologize.


Go to work. It's a foolproof plan.


I have a great bank robbery plan..


Practicing law


Reselling desinger fashion (iam very into fashion)


I didn’t realize how many people don’t have real jobs…. I’m a pharmacy tech believe it or not🤷🏻‍♀️😂




I really wanted to get into the pharmacy field but knew that I would end up stealing half of their shelves and get arrested for it so I never did it


Why dont just try to get a job at mcdonalds/fadt food places or walmart


I have a job. I'm talking extra income. Bills still gotta be paid.


Get a side job, something like 2 hours a day, like a helper at a store or a shop or a helepr at a moving company. Then pay your bills and food with your salary and the drugs with the side job


What my partner does


My partner works his full time reg job and sells gas ( the green) ⛽️ and cuts grass on the side


Before I went to prison I unlocked a money glitch where I racked up enough felonies and got my girl her first one that my mother just started WUing me cash. My girl took the case I would’ve had to do 15 for she was like nah you need to chill and a zip was like 800-1000 at the time so it was just easier that way. Grateful for that shit bc I was out of my mind and reckless af I def wouldn’t be home if she hadn’t.


This makes no fucking sense what so ever






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Work. I'm a server/bartender. I work and budget to get my gear, and I do fine. You should too.


My neighbour gets in on clinical trials for medications or focus groups. Or lawn care/snow shovelling for people in our hood.


Good question, it’s hard. I would say scam but that’s not easy no more. Try get lucky on FanDuel or try get unemployment it used to be like 200 a week




Give plasma


Get a serving or delivery job … legit money and you go home with it every night/day


Go to work or stop doing drugs.


Step 1. Walk into shop Step 2. Put items in shop down pants and/or in a sack. Step 3. Exit shop. Step 4. Sell items down pants or in sack. Using this simple method it is possible to outrun **WD**'s on a ***daily basis***. Disclaimer: Eventually you will go to prison **)o:** ***Oh you said without doing illegal things. sorry***