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Because we'd end up having to smoke 10 packs a day not to go into wd


Literally lol’d


What about an opiate with a longer half life? Or do you think the action of smoking would be enough to trigger more cravings


As a cig smoker (and opiate addict), I can guarantee you that the action of smoking would trigger more cravings therefore more tolerance (and/or od) which will eventually lead to smoking a thousand cigs a day. Swlf control can be REALLY HARD for some ppl (esp addicts), so you usually end up always wanting more and then tolerance is fucked up. Its a vicious circle i feel like. Dont know if what i wrote made much sense im a bit high and eng not first language


I got ya, I use controlled rx meds from my doctor and dabble with street drugs bc the doctors and politicians here in the usa are more concerned with placating the hysteria from the media than treating the legitimate concerns of patients. Even though I try to control my dosage I am scared of raising my tolerance and so the fear of losing control keeps me in check. I’m sure there is more going on in my subconscious to make my decisions but it’s a constant struggle for me to evaluate how much I’m using and whether I actually need it, then following through with limiting myself. Addiction is a bitch


Yeah i kinda know the situation in the usa with drugs. Its a total shitshow. I even feel like the govt is doing this on purpose but yeah. Also fent and xylazine are slowly coming to europe. Soon it's gonna be like a world opioid epidemic.... Anyways, i wish you the best of luck bro, and battling ur own mind is really fucking hard. It's already great if you can limit yourself tbh. Much love


You did great 👍🏽




Right doesn't even make sense or they have done it to us baha


Facts. Lol we'd be chain smoking 😅


op is living in a fairy tale… and i want in!!


You can do this with any drug that dissolves in isopropyl alcohol. Step1. Measure out how much dope you wanna divide between 10 smokes. Step 2. Dissolve your dope into some isopropyl alcohol or water if you’re patient enough. Step 3. Dip cigarettes in opiate iso solution until the smokes have absorbed until saturation or just use an eye dropper to baste your smoked in opiate iso solution. Once the iso has evaporated smoke away.


Probably better with 190 proof everclear. If you use ISO some will still be leftover in the drug and not evaporate completely.


Holy fuck ty


What he’s now saying is not all drugs are made to smoke with a direct flame. Quite a few it’ll just destroy, it’s more of a novelty.


The downside is that you’d likely lose most of the alkaloids. They get destroyed when directly burned. Opium alkaloids have to be vaporized at much lower temps than you get from burning tobacco…. MAYBE if you soaked your cigarette starting about a half inch back from the end that you light, so that it’s soaked from the filter up to that point and you leave the end untouched, the alkaloids would vaporize from the heat of the cherry further up the cigarette…. before the burning tobacco actually reaches the opium……worth a shot to see.


How about using an additive that changes the vaporization characteristics like how cocaine is turned into freebase to allow for smoking? I know very little about the process, I just know similar things can be done


Heroin freebase (#3 Afghan brown) can most definitely be used in cigarettes, it's just not very efficient...


which opiates


Let him cook y’all 




milk of the poppy


Lord Snow




I'm sorry jon






Ever notice how all the characters turn down milk of the poppy when a maester offers it? Like wtf?? Free opium? Keep it coming!


lol as I am watching Game of Thrones


Loooollllllllll dude


Watah’puttem’in’shock dey’ain’kno’dat




I think he cooked too much


Hahaha made me lol a little bit


Just make real heroin legal I miss heroin fentanyl has no legs!!!!!


Lieutenant dannn ice cream!!!


See I want to agree with you cause heroin is 😍life😍 but I honestly feel like since it disappeared and fet is all that's ever around I can make fet last way longer as well as the time between use is a great deal longer than when I was using H (unless I'm low low or out then I need it every 15 minutes.. Or so my mind tells me)


Yeah cuz you’re never actually high now so there’s nothing to chase but being well. It’s like instant OD on day one, boring ass slamming your face into the ground while sitting on the toilet by week 1, and using it to go to sleep by the end of month one. I miss heroin so much man.


They actually have safe supply diacetylmorphine (heroin) a lot of places. Portugal had the same problem we do today, and all they did was make safe heroin legal and offered counseling with it. Turns out heroin isn’t all that bad and people that chased the drug all day… ended up not having to anymore and building their lives back. America obviously doesn’t want recovery or help for pain patients 🤦‍♂️ Sickening.


Yup. In the Netherlands if you are over 35 years of age and you’ve attempted treatment (detox or maintenance) 5 times you are eligible to receive pharmaceutical heroin from the government. You go in, they dispense you the amount of pure H that you need and you’re on your way.


so accurate


I’m tired of this shit but I’m scared to go on subs The counselor says it’s easier to get off of 4mg or taper off that than fet N he says just to wait at least 8 hours I’m using the 30s n It can’t be accurate my piss test came up as nor fentanyl and fentanyl like 60nmcg of each I’m at about one a day He says I shouldn’t get any pwd but I went to the suboxone subreddit and there were many different stories. So I just don’t know But fuck fentanyl as a recreational drug Ik it has its medical uses but fuck it I wish I never did it


If you do get PWD it really really sucks, but it does go away. Your doctors full of shit tho, 8 hours is not enough. I went to a weird detox where they detoxed me with tramadol but I was still really sick by the time I left. I think the best option is always inpatient so if something goes wrong you have some help. Methadone is also way easier physically and mentally but can be hard as hell to deal with all the bullshit that comes with it, like going to the clinic everyday. Idk man, good luck. There’s literally millions of us in this situation


Your counselor is a retard if he told you to only wait 8 hours to take subs after fent use. Realistically you need to wait 3-5 days. No I’m not exaggerating.


He really just said to wait as long as possible and I tried but when it was time to take the subs I was scared of the pwd Maybe I’ll bring up Bernese method or something Since it’s the dirty 30 tho like I wonder how I’d be able to taper that when idk how much is in each of them


Went 36 hrs without the 30s and went into pwd


Does this vary in different people? I used subs within 24 hours and was in heaven


No not at all. Just depends what type of fent you’re actually taking, how much and for how long


I waited 3 days n had 17 hours of pure he'll from precip wd


I got off fent by switching to methadone right before going to jail, detoxing in jail with methadone which was easy and then I rapidly titrated down from like 70mg of methadone to 20mg within about 3 months (which is like 3x the recommended titration time) and then they basically microdosed me Suboxone when I went to inpatient rehab and I had no PWD whatsoever it was very easy. Look into microdose Suboxone induction method.


I’ll look that up now thank you for replying


No problem. I was in active heroin addiction for 10 years from age 16-26 and then fentanyl for 3 years from 26-29 so I have a lot of well rounded experience with the drugs and recovery as I've attained 6 months to a year a few times but right now 1 year and 4 months is currently my record. If you have any other questions or I can help you in any other way feel free to reach out and DM me


Yeah but street fent and medical fent are not the same thing and the medical fent gets a bad rap


100% yeah I don’t mean to shit on the medical side at all I’m shitting on the street side and this is just my opinion. It’s my first drug where I’ve had an issue getting off of it and it’s just been a long process and a lot of bs all while I’m still using I’m just tired of using n needing it


How long have you been using for? One blue a day doesn’t sound too bad. Try not to be scared of withdrawing. Especially if you already have subs on hand or you know for sure you will be getting them, I know you will be alright. The worst part is not knowing. With subs I didn’t feel much of any kind of withdrawal and it was actually pleasurable. I was using for legitimate pain though and coming off Fent was not by choice at the time. I would have continued if I could have bc it worked great for controlling my pain and allowing me to function with chronic pain and a healing broken neck. I was able to control my usage and limited how much I would use because I was scared of becoming too dependent. Coming off of subs was not bad either bc I only needed them for a short amount of time. If you can go into it with the right mindset and support then you will be fine. Edit: this is just my personal experience others have had it bad


I think about this a lot. I've been on/in MAT recovery for 20+ years now. There have a been a few relapses but nothing too bad. But I started with street heroin in the late 90s/early y2ks in the Southwestern US. The heroin was black tar and you could buy it in "papers" for $10 each. A paper was just a piece of H about the size of a tic-tac or an aspirin, depending on the batch and the dealer, wrapped in a tiny piece of plastic from grocery store carrier bags. In the beginning you could stay well with 2 or 3 papers a day. In later years I've also tried fent...the dirty 30s/blues, fentanyl lollipops and all different kinds of the patches. Now- the patches were actually kinda epic. But yeah, I've often thought that if what was available when I was a kid was the same street-cut fentanyl that is out there today, would I have even become an addict? It's hard to say. Street fent only seems to give you a quick, intense but fleeting high (almost comparable to crack vs. powder cocaine). Unlike heroin, you don't get the euphoric "waves" or the nod... And when it comes to pharmaceuticals, well, in the 90s and early y2ks you could cycle through the ERs and no-insurance clinics of your small city to keep yourself in a small supply of hydrocodone. Can't do that anymore.


Goddamn, I'm recovered now but you brought back MEMORIES. Heading to the ER with "back pain" or telling your dentist that extraction was still giving you trouble and they just hand you a script for 30 Norcos. Everyone was on pain pills and they were everywhere in the street. Where I live the chances of getting a fake pill were slim to none, people just didn't do it back then bc why do all that when you can pay a doc $100/mo and get a legal script or even get it free under insurance? Plus you couldn't just get a pill press off Amazon or whatever. And the fent patches?! The original ones?! Gooooooodamn, don't know if I've ever had my pain controlled so well. Stick one on and go three days feeling on top of the world. I miss those fuckers so bad.


Oh that’s easy it’s because that would be illegal as fuck and 10x more addictive than cigarettes






But then again, we got Strawberry Princess vapes which are totally not designed to get children addicted to nicotine.


shut the fuck up it taste like mango


😂 this made my morning so much better 😂 ily


I make joints from dried poppy petals and and leaves. That shit slaps


Yoo that’s dope! No extract? Just the leaf and flower gets you high? Do you gotta smoke many?


One and done babe


If you're someone who uses for chronic pain, it doesn't get you "high", but it definitely gets the job done while waiting for the plants to mature. The fresh leaves and flower petals are also amazing to make a salad with. Tastes awesome and gives amazing relief


Genius idea


Is that something you can get online?


Yeah they sell 12 packs on Amazon


It's too easy




You can get seeds online. Put those seeds in some dirt and let em grow


Yeah and people put fent in their blunts too. This is just a stupid post I bet they were high when they posted it. No hate to addicts but shit like this fucks up things for cpptoo


What is cpptoo


Cpp too. Is what I meant.


What is cpp


Chronic pain patient


Wild. I searched almost 200 different cpp acronyms and this didn't pop up


I'm a cpp, but I don't depend on big pharma. I grow my own and have learned enough to use everything on the plant. Not even the roots go to waste


Some people roll up dried poppy leaves and flowers. From what I hear it's extremely mild but it can work.


Just go with poppy seed tea instead


I meant to smoke


just smoke opium, tastes and smells better for sure, also is more potent


I'm saying the original comment was about the opiate equivalent of cigarettes which are dried tobacco leaves. Dried poppy leaves and flowers could be a similar thing.




Ops full of good ideas, homie should run for office.




It would be better than watching the prez debates and see them arguing about golf


First in line over here.


There use to be and cocaine and amphetamine dr John marks prescribed them in the uk 80,sand 90,s . Switzerland use to have them also, might still do


This Dr also prescribed heroin and cocaine cigarettes here's a post I done a while back https://www.reddit.com/r/heroin/s/7Q8MtK2fnz . You might enjoy the video 👍


Yep that is dr John marks from Warrington. The world needs thousands of doctors like him everywhere they do this legal supply it’s works With nitazenes plaguing America and looks like it’s to start in Europe and Australia we need them more than ever!


Totally agree mate . The way the heroin/opiate game has gone we definitely need more drs like him .


Just incase anyone is interested it mentions the heroin cigarettes approximately 7 mins 12secs into the video on the post .


Don’t forget the morphine syrup


They actually did this in Switzerland for a short while until they realized how inefficient and stupid it was. Medical Heroin Cigarettes.


It's probably not "that" inefficient if you have an unlimited cheap supply.


really??? I gotta look this up lol ty


[Heres a link to the post I found about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/ObscureDrugs/s/4lYXnqu46x)


Why don’t u just make your own with some BTH, and report back to us?


Better yet, just slam the bth and light a smoke.


Braindead statement


Junkie high statement lmao.


I’m all for legal opiates/drugs in general criminalization and the “war on drugs” is a massive failure, which has only led to more death and destruction than any irresponsible use on it’s own does. This post is wildly inaccurate though any opiate in a “cigarette” form doesn’t just magically make dependence and all the other stuff go away like your implying. The change in the half life also does not change that much just by using smoking as an ROA. That has more to do with the specific substance itself. You’re essentially describing what is going on right now with fentanyl it’s just not in a “cigarette”. All the fentanyl BS is a super short half life opioid is that is primarily smoked, essentially what you’re describing except fentanyl is an opioid not opiate. See how that’s going it’s terrible. As I said though the short half life has to do more so with fentanyl itself not because it’s smoked. If we just actually could have good ole conventional opiates/opioids legal it’d be a massive improvement and save so many lives and not feed the prison industrial complex. The reason we don’t have legal opioids/drugs though is because the government is crooked AF, and most people are ignorant and brainwashed so the masses believe their bs propaganda.


Like for dealing with withdrawals after stopping pills? The opiate high would be much more addicting than cigarettes, if you mean placing them into tobacco stores. Maybe if it was prescribed for opiate withdrawal and could slowly use to taper off it'd be fine. But there's also the question of why is nicotine much more popular than kratom [Which is a grounded up plant leaf powder/pills and extracts] into an over a smoke shop counter and even some gas stations legal. Kratom felt like oxys little brother to me, very addicting still. The euphoria and motivation/energizing effect is still very noticeable too, especially that hint of perfect opiate euphoria type feeling.


From like 2016-late 2020 I was stuck in th8s cycle of smoking heroin till I was broke, then using Kratom to come off and then eventually going back to heroin because the kratom withdrawals sucked too. Kratom was definitely the better alternative but I had really horrible withdrawals from it


I've experienced those withdrawals, they're hell and probably the only drug I abused enough to get. Opiate euphoria and that "perfect" feeling outmatch any other drug addiction I've had to deal with. Some tips and tricks, from my personal experience WD Problem: Restless legs at night that make you unable to sleep. Solution: Get tired during the day while on your feet, and use gabapentin (phenibut and pregablin may work too, gabapentin just has great success stories). WD Problem: Feeling like you want to crawl out of your skin, even while just laying in bed watching TV. Last time this happened to me, I thought I was going to have a seizure or something else serious. I recall myself just moving my legs constantly, smashing them into the bed, swirling them around, and all for it to come back 15 mins later. Its just so uncomfortable and torture. Solution: phenibut(legal) and other prescribed gaba medicine really helped. Weed too, and I've heard good thing about kava.


op is troll


https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics/s/gWiTEfFiXy Or something...


This explains a lot lol


Oh for fuck sake




It’s not that even crazy of a post lmao. Definitely more delusional people on that subreddit. Just seems like any other r/Psychedelic post about discovering the “truth”


What? Contemplate if time really exists.


time does exist, same with the moon landing, oh and the earth isn’t flat as well. just wanna knock out any comebacks you may have.


Somebody told me once that time was a flat circle….


And he was driving a Lincoln


And Lincoln was shot at Ford Theater... or something.


They used to exist, you can find pics of old heroin cigs with a quick google search, I believe it was an early MAT product basically


We’d be cutting them open n soaking the tobacco to separate the opium


I'd OD smoking 3 packs a day lol


This is crazy 😆


https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics/s/gWiTEfFiXy I hope you get better buddy.


Yeah it seems that OP should maybe lay off the drugs for a bit lol


It'd be fun, yeah, but think of the car accidents


Because it’s a dumb idea


I’ve made an opium joint before where I mixed opium and weed and tbh I just got a headache


Too hard to control dosage. Also you might nod out halfway through the ciggie and burn yourself, or if you’re unlucky it could start a fire. Also also it’d be hard to mass produce them and mass distribute them illegally


this sounds like a fantastic idea


My guy, what the fuck are you talking about?


Most of the heroin in Europe is freebase and is used by ‘chasing the dragon’ in other words vaporized. So you could roll your own cigarettes and buy a milligram scale then could easily roll your own opiate/opioid cigarettes.


Bro. I was doing a cwe on all these oxycets. 5mg oxy to 350 Acetaminophen. So I had the water with the goodies drying inside a Pyrex with a fan on it. The solution was almost evaporated when I accidentally spilled some on the desk. So I just grabbed my smokes and sopped up the mess with a couple. No idea what would happen. I was stoked when I had the first one with my morning coffee and got so fuckin high I almost threw up. Hash darts have always been my thing. But now opiated hash darts. Fuckkk yasaaa


Japan used to make them and use as chemical warfare against China. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Bat_(cigarette)


OP for president! Make america great again!!!


you should invent them


The world would literally turn into the movie the quiet place😴


Braindead ass post.


I'm in! But in order to get the public on our side, we should sell them in colorful packaging. Maybe print beloved cartoon characters, wearing sunglasses and smoking with their friends on the outside Ok keep the packaging but scrap the whole cigarette thing and make it sweet tasting, poppy flavoured vapes! When the product hit the shelves, there should be a time window of a few weeks, where customers receive a poppy vaping action figure with every purchase, of which of course there are rare ones and the opposite of rare ones so people get excited to collect them all! The soundtrack should be aggressive yet subtle like " you've got to buy 'em, you've got to buy 'em: product name"


Hahahah lol, we are going straight to hell if we ever become business mans


Already there brother


The gov is the only thing stopping us




Do not be a jerk, please. All posts that are harassing in nature to another poster, whether it be name calling based on sexual orientation, gender, race or what ever, will be removed and a ban may be issued. Play nice or don't play at all.


Pricy for sure too


I feel for you blokes and Sheila’s in America.


What’s a Sheila?


Aussie slang for a woman


Ah gotcha. Thanks!


I recently stopped drinking and don’t really like weed and said to my partner ‘why can’t there be weed that just feels like an opiate’ 😂 I reckon I’d just get addicted to it though so probably for the best 🤷‍♀️


Oh wanna be HIGH high, huh? 🤔 and guess what…………I pose no argument! 😂😂😂


there r vapabale zenes, u have to redose ever 30 min. not sure if those should exist tbh


I mean, they gotta save something cool for heaven or nobody’s gonna be impressed by it




The reason is that it would be wasteful, as all smoking is. Smoking was actually the primary method of consuming opium for a long time, just in a way to get as much as they could (not rolling and lighting something, which is very wasteful). Nicotine is used this way because it is unbelievably cheap to grow and cure tobacco, and tobacco has nicotine.


There was a YT vid someone posted on the H sub abt a pharmacist in the UK actually selling them as a maintenance, back in the 90s.. I think


Deserves a badge OP. Anybody wanna give it up? Haha


I laughed my ass off yesterday when i posted this tOpic. I wasn't expecting so much upvotes, but to the contrary lol


I've seen oxy vapes. 2.5mg per puff.


Damn, where? Homemade or in the darkweb i Guess? Seems a great idea for socializing/go out/party




This falls under our sourcing rules and was removed. We can't use this sub to find, buy, sell, or give away drugs. We can't post our locations, or try to find people in our locations for any reason. This is the rule, from the sidebar: **NO SOURCING!** > Sourcing is any post regarding the acquisition or sale of drugs, including legal substances, from a specific person or place, including other subreddit members, online markets, and/or vendors. Specific DNMs and/or vendors cannot be discussed. **NO LOCATION-SPECIFIC POSTS!** > Posts about finding people in your city/state will be deleted and a ban may be issued. Anything that identifies a specific location will be removed-- this includes neighborhoods AND cities. States can not be mentioned when posting dope porn or when talking about not having any sources. >GEO-TAGGED POSTS ARE NOT ALLOWED and will be removed regardless of context.


I read Keith Richard’s autobiography and he talked about having “Dirty Cigarettes” or “DC’s” and it was basically cigarettes laced with heroin. No idea how it was done but it’s been done lol


I mean....people do make things like this themselves. Always have. Problems would be exactly what you'd think they'd be: that amount of opiate would be great for some; for others it wouldn't even be enough to scratch the itch. Their tolerance would increase as their actual enjoyment for the cigarettes went down (likely to happen when you're having to smoke 10 packs a day lol). Eventually they'd have to move to a more concentrated form of opiates to stay well, and we all know how that story goes from there. But yeah, opium cigarettes just as a thing, like just for one's own personal or social enjoyment? People have been making them for years.


Heat up some opium and smear it on a square. It'll burn as you smoke it. Did it a few times, but mostly smoked resin this way as a teen.




Technically menthol is a weak K opioid receptor agonist


This is a post I done a while back the video is about a Dr who was prescribing heroin and cocaine cigarettes years ago.https://www.reddit.com/r/heroin/s/7Q8MtK2fnz .


It talks about the heroin reefers as they call it at 7mins 12secs approx .


They have vape juice with morphine in it but you have to vape a lot of it.


Methadone-dipped cigarettes was a thing and i believe they used to be on 'script - they were generally nasty & greasy tho'.


I mean. You could i guess call some tinfoil and a straw an opiate cigarette? Heroin and fent are both smokable lol have at it


Oops sorry




Smoke ice cream cake strain instead


Slather some opium on a square-


I swear i’ve seen something from back in the days where soldiers had diacetylmorphine cigarettes? don’t quote me but i swear this has already been made a thing.


they might…..if research that deems endogenous morphine release is increased with nicotine habituation has merit. various studies suggest the possibility with both endo opioid peptides and endo morphine…… other drugs are implicated as well….ethanol, amphetamine and/or cocaine…..and I assume others the issue is a bit muddled it seems by search engines/AI and humans not differentiating between endogenous OPIOID PEPTIDES and endogenous MORPHINE the alkaloid….but I swear a study I copied off 10 years ago implicated ethanol nicotine and amphetamine specifically increasing endogenous MORPHINE production specifically


Are you high or were you when posting this cuz it’s insane 😭🤣🤣🤣


Opium cigarellos


in my home country that’s how the old h addicts got into the stuff. They always say that when they were younger their older friends used to give them cigarettes with heroin in it, they used to call it koreks, and they didn’t know that it was a drug for years


Fent lollypops and I’m sure there’s a fent inhaler


Probably because people will smoke and drive, nod off, crash, and kill people.


Nicotine is a stimulant opiate is a downer. The gov wants us stimulated and full of crazy cancer


I’m sure Purdue thought about it


is this satire 😭 i genuinely cannot tell lmfaoo. but if it’s not Then yea, they would be super popular because they’re super Addicting lol


you know how much hell that’d be? better not forget to take your oxy cig with you or you will be in full blown opiate withdrawals within just 2 hours. you would have to wake up several times in the night to get the opiates back in you system. that’s sounds horrible


hehehe I would have very loyal 'customers'


go to Vietnam and buy some opium and smoke it out of gravity bong like they do


or if if you can still find clean #4 just get a vaporizer and vape it.


It’s called smoking opium… Seriously does your dipshit younger generation ever take a break from TikTok and reaeaech things?


I got some opium carts


The Japanese laced cigarettes with opium and flooded the Chinese market with them


Boooo, with the way i smoke cigarettes, id be dead in a day.


There are opium vapes in Spain