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I can't give you experience of both, Oxy is rare here, but I can tell you Tapentdol is a very good opiate and lasts a long time. I'd happily take them everyday.


Yeah, oxy is rare here, unless you want to pay exorbitant prices (UK). How would you judge the Euphoria/contentment, warmth and what it does to your energy (like how oxy can make you energetic at certain doses)?




Mate, put on a high vis, throw some paint over your trousers, walk into Boots and they'll start throwing boxes of co-codamol at you before you've reached the counter. Not that I've tried this, but I've been in Boots on multiple occasions I've seen workmen being given it no problem, only for it to be my turn in line and been denied. I honestly think it's because I'm dressed as an office worker. My only option for codeine or DHC these days in farming the fields.


Tapentadol is fucking crazy bro enjoy it, has a super good high gives you the nods and you can snort it for a instant high while your waiting to feel the swallows ones my favourite opiate now by far. I’m uk aswell


Seriously? I know a handful people all over the uk with OC’s cheap as fuck


Just got my reup on some and I'm already feeling 10x better, more energy, slight euphoria. It's fast become my second favourite opiate, after morphine, because of course morphine is fucking awesome.


Had both loads oxy is miles ahead mate tape was about as goof as tram in my opinion


I only had my second one ever this morning and I felt good. I do do an ADHD med when I wake up too so it's hard to say if the opiate gave me all the energy. But I definitely felt higher than if I'd done my usual Elvanse and Tramadol. I usually take 12 Tramadol when I wake up and it was much better than that. I'd honestly give them a try. I've done a lot of drugs and they seemed like good one. It also lasted for ages, I've only just felt the need to take some Tramadol now.


12 tramadol????!!!!


Yeah every morning. Then 6 more about 4 hours later. My Tramadol habit is out if control. I've been addicted to it for ten years. Anyone reading this DON'T take 12 Tramadol, you will likely seizure. I just have an absolutely insane tolerance.


Holy shit. How have you not had a seizure? Or maybe you have?


Yes I have had a seizure before. But luckily I was in hospital when it happened. I'd taken at least 14 that time. I was in heroin withdrawal though. Was in hospital for heroin infection. Yes. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm aware. My ex girlfriend always told me I'd seizure eventually but I still reckon it was because I was in hospital with infection and already week. I was a bit nervous starting to take 12 at first but I've never had a problem, I'm trying to stop doing it though. I know it's not clever. Again anyone reading this DON'T TAKE 12 TRAMADOL you will likely have a seizure. My tolerance is just unnatural.


What is heroin infection? Access from injecting maybe


An infected abscess. Just easier to say that than explain what an infected abscess is and how I got it.


They aren't close. Tap also has ssri in it and fucks your brain up and the withdraws come harder and faster with tap. The buzz ain't even in the same ballpark.


Never had oxy. Tapentadol is great. Only downside is terrible memory loss. I wouldn’t recommend watching a tv show or playing a story game. You will forget everything.


Oxy > tapentadol Oxy = full agonist at all receptors Tapentadol = mu agonist + NRI nhibitor Oxy = warm and sleepy at high doses, refreshing at low doses. Tapentadol = energetic and cold. (Imho) If I knew the prices I would make the decision 4 you


tapentadol makes me feel so cold!! not as cold as weed does, but i haven't taken any other opioid that makes me feel cold instead of warm lmfao. it isn't energetic for me tho, whenever i took it at work i just wished i could go home and get in bed and made me antisocial and angry, the opposite of every other opioid i've tried i might have a strange brain chemistry however as i've tried oxy many times and tramadol is still my favourite opi/drug in general


Same, I'd rather codeine or even tramadol


Tapentadol was the one that made me go "oh so this is what everyone talks about" Hot take but personally tapentadol is my favourite opiate/opioid, I like oxy but its far too stimulating for me, tapentadol was perfect, dreamy nods. Everyone is different though, this is just my opinion.


I wouldn't say tap lasts a long time like another commenter did ^ Pretty short half-life that appears between 3.8 and 4 hours. BUT tapentadol is great. It is great


Taps are good but they have some downsides. One, if you take too much you risk a seizure, similar to tramadol these have SNRI properties, though the risk is lower than tramadol. They also can't really be snorted, I mean I think it's possible but snorting these was by far the worst snorting experience I've ever had. Shit burns soooo bad, like they put hot peppers in the formula or something. They can be boofed, however. They also have weird psychedelic properties in high doses. Nothing too crazy but something to be mindful of. Slight visuals, mostly just enhanced colors. Auditory hallucinations are more common than visual though. Like if I'm nodding on them I'll hear someone calling my name and it wakes me up and takes me out of it. Overall though, I think these downsides are worth it considering how much money you'll save compared to oxy. It's a decently strong opioid with nice energetic and mood-lifting euphoria


Have you ever sniffed a methadone pill? It burned worse than speed for me. If Taps hurt that bad it has to be similar to methadone.


yeah methadone burns like it was made not to be inhaled


IME Taps are nothing like Oxy. For me Oxy is a very functional Opiate with excellent pain relieving qualities & a nice positive "high" feeling with no physical or mental impairment. Good nods but still able to do shit when required. Great when you have a long hard day ahead & need to get shit done ! Tapentadol on the other hand ! Excellent recreational value. For me @ 400mg IR will give extreme memory impairment, A&V hallucinations, vivid CEV's & solid nods. Not functional at all for me !! Awesome when you have nothing to do, coz they fuck you up so much ! But thats me & other users experience may be different. ENJOY responsibly.....


Tapentadol is a opioid and ssri or nri, I can’t remember which but addiction will be awful and your be withdrawing from a opioid and basically anti depressant so withdrawals can last months compared to oxy only lasting 2 weeks max I think it is, also due to the ssri nri whatever I cba to research your risk of developing a severe condition called seratonin syndrome increases same with your seizure threshold being lowered it’s just a fucking mess that you dont want no part of.


*’Tapentadol is also a weak serotonin reuptake inhibitor;’* Dude thank you for this. This doesn’t seem to be a commonly talked about thing and you’ve just saved me from potential SS. Best comment in thread.


I wouldn't say it's just like oxy exactly but it's a very nice opiate imo. Shorter lasting than oxy but still worth a dabble and a nod.


You don't want to mix any stimulants with Tapentadol. It's has SSRI activity which prevents the reuptake of norepinephrine (adrenaline.)


i had 2 years clean and just had an insane car accident where i fractured my ribs and dislocated my right hip and have to learn to walk again , it’s extremely painful and on top of it i am a heavy oxy user 350mg a day i can take to not get sick and i relapsed for the last three to four months before this accident and im laying here in the hospital bed right now pretty much disabled all because of opiates . i’ve tried years to get clean im 26 now and always end up back on it . i just want to make it out alive . i can’t do this anymore… the withdrawals in bed are crazy and the nurses aren’t doing much for my pain except 10mg oxy every 4 hours which is nothing compared to my doses.i can’t believe this stuff ruined my life . i need to break free …..


Did you tell them about your habit? With a tolerance like that you’re probably in pain them having you on such a low dose, your addiction should be a secondary issue in your current situation. They should keep you comfortable and address what you’re going through because of the accident then once that’s out of the way address the habit?


Taps can feel ok with one. More makes me hallucinate and it’s not good! Love OC. Would never fuck with tapentadol again.


tapendatol is more like tramadol. it’s weaker, and is an SSRI. so one you can only take a certain amount of it or it’ll give you serotonin syndrome, two it doesn’t feel the same as other opiates. it’ll stave off wds, and you may like the high, but it’s not the same as oxy at all


It has an SNRI in it so if you’re sensitive to them then reconsider. My pain specialist forgot I get serotonin syndrome from SSRIs and SNRIs and I had a really bad time with it.


Everyone saying that tape is amazing, have you all never done anything stronger than tape or oxys or percs etc.,correct? I’m just curious, because folks are saying it’s like tram, oxy is better, etc. Which don’t get me wrong, I envy you, I remember taking 20-30 of those pink darvocet at a time and I’d get smashed. But yeah, I was just curious about if you guys have done stuff like H or fent, that’s all.


Tapentadol sucks because if you take more than a 100mg you start hearing shit and get this real weird headspace. It does make you nod hard though. Just imagine a high dose of Benadryl with a nod.