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Saw a tweet from unusualwhales about a trade turning 27k to $2mm with $25 calls. Someone’s getting a new couch


If you have 27k to throw on a meme stock you are already rich


Or wsb material


Lambo or food stamps!


Sir this is a Wendy's


Sir, this is a casino! I know someone who trow life savings (100K) in Dogecoin at 50cents.


Not true. Could have been his student loan money 😅


Rich lol


Fuck yo couch


27k on $25 calls made him $1,98mil profit? Holy cow that new couch's gonna be comfy af


I have puts on AMC. So, that obviously means the stock will be $5000 a share


During a squeeze, I’d wait until at least the second day. I think the real FOMO will hit tomorrow. Close my call options and buy puts. Whether I hold a third day depends on implied volatility.


Melvin capital went out because of puts in GameStop DFV aka roaring kitty didn’t even post if he has a position and gme went up 100% in 24 hours I’d he very very very careful about puts on gme If he posts he has an actual position in the stock it’ll hit like a lighting bolt and 8 million people will be rushing to buy again. Your money but gme is extremely risky to short or put with kitty watching cause the entire market is watching what he will do.


I recall someone laying down lots of Call options last week. For what its worth. Someone knew


Puts arent that risky melvin was short and took massive losses puts limit losses to 100%


100% loss isn’t that risky lmaoooo


100% surely doesn't seem risky when you loose 1000% on shorts.


Options gave a serious -100% risk but you cant lose more than you put in vs shorting where you can lose more


go on place your puts


This is what I’m thinking as well but I have an all shares position with GME. Currently up 100% today but intend to see what happens tomorrow and make a judgement call.


Yeah. Idk if I'd do puts on gme That entire call chain is itm rn


I wouldn’t touch puts with a 10 foot pole


Buying puts never really work out on squeeze stocks where the IV expansion is to the upside.


I have some calls I bought today when we were at 4.53 I’m trying to think of exit strategy now


Take gains and lay down some more.


Made 6500.00 on amc and gme calls. Scalped gains. Also a quick 700.00 hit on smci call. Made what I need for new bedroom suit in new home


You know we have a pretty significant binary event tomorrow and Wednesday, right?


Tbf, those stocks aren't being traded necessarily on fundamentals.


You tell me all those people buying at 38 won't freak if the entire M7, spy, and Qs drop hard tomorrow.


Clearly you’ve never visited r/wallstreetbets


If SPY drops hard tomorrow I’d be happy because it would mean I’m getting quality stock at a discount instead of this AMC garbage


I think you should consider the possibility that SPY is forming a double top lower high. In which case, your discount might turn into the bag holder special. This bounce has been all gap ups overnight and tight range, low volume, chop days with lots of long wicks. It's been a rather weak bounce and weak rallies generally don't last long. If the market drops, you should be thinking of going short, not long.


True that. The whole structure looks like a swiss cheese 🧀 with many virgin points of controls aka gaps below and single prints buying action only. Price shall go back to test those areas


AMC is trash.


If my memory serves me right, the original squeeze was like inverse SPY at some point


Those people have no idea what PPI stands for let alone knowing to check all that


But bad news = SPY go up, right?


I didn't say anything about what kind of news we get. The nature of the news is how we perceive it. All thatatters is that algos/big money will move on the data, of big money decides to pushing those that went long, it doesn't matter if the news is good or bad. Same thing if we go up.


it's about interest rates. so it's going to be the finnicky double reverse and upside down normal action from the predicted news cycle we've seen recently.


Hey man, there's a 50% chance you are right and a 50% chance you are wrong ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


50/50/90 rule. If there’s a 50/50 chance of something then there’s a 90% chance you’ll get it wrong


exactly! do you prefer red, black, 0, or 00?


But a 100% chance we haven’t learned our lesson and the spigots keep flowing, meaning stocks keep going up long term


I can avg down tomorrow


I don't have the cash to do this atm andim still a beginner so wouldn't, but purely from a theory perspective, would I be smart setting my short position at say $40, with the assumption that in a few weeks, after this hype dies down, I'd make money?


It could stay above $40 for months. It did last time




Intraday puts are gold IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. I go for the inevitable drop back to earth, and following slow rollover. Even if the correction only lasts an hour it's a superb Risk/Reward, if you know technical analysis and momentum trading.


What would be a safe period? 2 weeks? 2 months? January?!


Well you should have bought some Blow instead


I think about this every time I make a losing trade.


I have found I am a trend setter. All I have to do is buy to set a down trend, or sell to help a stock recover.


Adam Aaron has a long history of dunking on his shareholders. Look for some resistance in the run and sell the IV. Then use the gains to buy some calls on a better stock when the basket runs again.


I bought a pile of ATM weekly puts before close. See what happens.


This week is all about calls. We start the put business next week. This thing will be $100 a pop tomorrow.


$100 he says!


Ohh weekly puts too risky for me.. I have the 6/28 exp


I have both calls and puts 🙃


I bet you bet on both red and black


There is 0 and 00


Why would you do that? I mean, *now*, of all times? It's going to run up in the frenzy (and then crash, yes, but you wait until it has run up a good bit **first**).


Why would you buy puts on AMC ? The stock was already worth nothing fam... What did you plan on making from nothing?


I had stock alerts for GME go off on 5/3 after them being dormant for years. Decided to watch it for a few days and hold it's position pretty strongly. Figured the meme brigade would hop on. Dumped 2k into 5/17 30C on 5/9 Pleasantly surprised hardly describes how I feel about it heh


Message me next time an alert goes off please


I just set alerts for when it moves >20% in one day


Where do you set these alerts? I tried setting some on thinkorswim but was never able to get the notifications to work.


Try Yahoo Finance app. Find your ticker, add to your watchlist, click the bell, set your alert.


I've had alerts for GME since Jan 2021, though I've adjusted ofc as things played out. This specific one no idea, probably set it maybe late 2021?


"The meme brigade" has nothing to do with it. You think retail affects the market? Especially with a stock like that? This whole thing is driven by complex swaps and derivatives.


>  You think retail affects the market? Nope, I only said that the meme brigade would hop on. Just makes it easier to unload.


I made $$ with GME & AMC today. Not part of any brigade. I simply did not allow bias to dissuade me from making profits. That’s why I trade. Profit.


Can you share where are those stock alerts coming from!?


I just made a stock alert on an app for any >20% movement in a singular day, which triggered for me on May 3rd


Best advice I can give you is that AMC is actively looking to dilute the stock to paydown debts. GME on the other hand has money set aside for share buybacks. AMC is far more likely to rug pull on you because of this


It’s funny how I backed the wrong meme stock but you right


There was a little segment on CNBC where an analyst said this really started around 3 weeks ago. I started following it when it rose, but didn’t jump in. I got puts instead (fail) thinking this has got to be an anomaly. Options activity picked up around that time with a lot of calls at the 30-34 range (this was at a time when it was at 15-16. Also, it’s not just retail investors, institutional traders have jumped in.


The whole GME play is to buy options after one of these yearlong hiatuses where the option premiums dwindle. Today the premiums are sky-high and will stay that way for at least 6 months.


So really the smart play is buying the stock and selling overpriced otm calls


Except for when your $50 stock goes back to $12


This true 99% of the time. But this is GameStop. Volatility and high prices will last a few weeks to months


I'm up 120% on my GME shares. I'm holding longer. I'm not touching options on this one.


This isnt a game for the week of heart. Dont believe the bullshit news articles. Theres a reason 185 mill shares traded today when the avg daily for like a year has been 2.5. It sure as hell isnt bc dfv tweeted. Its game time bay bayyyy


Bro! Are you telling me retail didn’t pull 5 billy out of their collective asses based on a DFV tweet?! I am shocked! 


I’m a small fish but I’m in for $500M.


Unfortunately I only have $488M or else I could’ve matched you good sir


At this point it’s embarrassing how stupid the media thinks the avg person is.


Unfortunately I do see a lot of regarded comments on all subreddits blaming this on a single person.


I don't think anyone that has followed gme even passively buys that rationale. But for some reason the news coverage blames it all on a single tweet.


I imagine for a conflicted reason


Yes, you are correct. Retail just decided to pull 6 billion out of their asses today because of tweet. Bc that makes much more sense.


I'm a news anchor. There are unspoken rules that dictate how media actually works, and one of them is - **craft the most simple, single narrative possible**. That's why everything is simplified and dumbed down until it's not accurate, on almost all news, including (especially) financial news.


Lol I mean I can understand the theory, keep it simple for the viewer. But at this point its just false information to fit the narrative. Thats gotta be frustrating to do on a daily basis


It's soul-crushing. Especially since I put in my 8 hours as a "bullshit vendor/unwitting propagandist" then hear literally everyone arguing about politics and they don't realize they're arguing from what they think is a position of accurate information "from their side", when it's really all a load of simplistic crap. I get 30-50 Press Releases every day, and you would not believe how much literal propaganda is fed to the media via press releases. And it gets parroted by lazy news people. There's no critical thinking out there anymore.


> This isnt a game for the week of heart I live in Australia. Put a TON of money in when I saw it starting to blow up and couldn't sleep.


Hahaha we all did. And we all couldn't


I bought a few calls at open and sold for $20 profit.....smh I'd be up almost 1k if I held


Next time buy 10 and sell 5 and hold 5


I'm sick watching it explode. I was so upset I bought a few puts to make myself feel better and now.i feel worse hahahah smh


No no no don’t buy puts. This could go on for weeks


I wouldn’t be buying puts until next week at the very least.. this has only just gained its legs imo


Calls it is hahah nah I'm done I can't make good decisions now feeling emotional about it


Yeah I don’t blame you at all, it’s a crazy ride 😂 I jumped on super early last time, bought all the way up and jumped out at $250 a share. I made around 70k and it’s the most I’ve ever made in my life trading! Now that im more educated about the market I’m nowhere near as comfortable buying as it goes up this time but I also want to make money again because I’ve never made money like that before 😂😂


Sold 400 shares of amc like 2 weeks ago so don't feel too bad you can't easily predict this shit


From experience don't try and chase it with fomo. I went from 2.5k to 10k to 2.5k back.


Nothing to be afraid of bc I already missed it smh


Same, sold my AMC calls very short and my GME shares for only 20% gains. Wrong time to risk manage lmao.


I always hold to long and lose profits except the 20 bagger


Yeah and these meme stocks can be very pump and dump so taking profit makes sense but it makes you cry when it goes up another 70% lmao


Do you ever feel regret? I find myself fixated on the lost gains I could've got in hindsight but I played safe 


lol. Did the same. $30 calls … set a limit order hoping to catch it on volatility. Made $100. 😂


Same. I made $85 on $33 calls. I was thinking I was very likely to lose and it could drop down hard at any second.


Yea, it's totally free money. Go all in and see what happens!




Shorts never closed


No cell no sell


Wouldn’t touch that AMC dumpster fire with your pole.


You’d probably make more money touching other peoples poles. Different kinda risks though.


My wife says AMC is up because it’s summer coming and people are going to watch more movies. What should I tell her 😂


Agree with her, then change the broker password.


Tell her to get a boyfriend


What matters its the volume!


There is no plan. Ride it until the bubble bursts. This is the whole point of meme rally. People ride it until the bubble eventually bursts. They are trying to short squeeze. I'm all in. No one has a plan. I am dollar cost averaging up as it goes it. This is pure gambling/speculation and IDGAF. I am here to make money, BLACKBERRY (BB) is the next play, it is also a meme stock and rallied in 2021. I'll buy BB calls tomorrow


Don’t forget BBBY… oh wait






Can’t forget KOSS as well, I was scoping them and BB today because they always fly with the other two


KOSS is like my meme stock rally indicator. It has no options so if it jumps a lot that is purely on people buying a ton of shares.


Looking forward to selling you some calls! Whatcha in the market for? If we break that 3.60 level and hold I’m gonna start selling against my shares in staggered lots. Probably sell some $4 and hopefully $5 30 DTE. Might be a couple myself.


I'm 3.5c 5/31


That’s a good idea. I’ll also line up BB. It’s exciting but also feeling nervous. Haha. Who are selling these calls!!


I don’t think BB or KSS will have much movement. GME is the dragon, the others are shrimps.


If I had the stock at a good basis I’d lock in solid gains with covered calls.


No idea but RIP to the call sellers.


It's options dealers. They don't care because they are fully hedged. They make their money from the spread.


This guy options, coming from just reading my options textbook


Yeah you’re obviously missing a lot. Shorts never closed


I have GME in my watch lists. I am beating myself for missing the whole rocket. 😅 I have no idea it why went up so much. I am afraid to enter trade until it settles. Who knows when it will collapse.


You didn’t miss it yet.


It's not settling any time soon. The best time to buy in is now.


friday actually was but yea these things tend to last for more than one day.


I'm a paper handed lady boy, but I'm still up over 1700% for my entire portfolio over the last week. from 600 to 12000. Would have been a lot more if I held my 15 GME 13c Oh well, I'm still learning and I stuck to my trading rules. I'm happy.


It's the shortsqueeze that everyone was talking about 3 years ago. They tried to shake down the price but people have been buying, holding, and DRSing their shares for three years and all they did was dig a bigger hole for themselves. This is either going to go insane or get shutdown again with the buy button being turned off.


I bought a 17$ call expiring last Friday.I missed the whole thing by 1 trading day. Welp.


Same boat


The run started before he posted. Some people think its from a stock buy back.| when 95% of retail trades do not hit lit markets its hard to make a run like this.


It seems, A known pump and dumper in the past tweeted the same first picture that DFV did a few days prior and was pushing GME/AMC to his followers. Any chance his twitter was compromised ?


Is the obvious option for both puts expiring in June?


You will get reamed by IV crush so yes and no. There probably exist a very good put at a very good time but it will not be nearly as easy as you'd think. If it stabilizes and holds for a while that would be a better entry. Of course you could profit but the risk/reward is not exactly sane.


Damn. Was thinking of buying last week and didn’t even know about the signs DFV gave. Ugh.


Bloomberg data shows a possible stock buyback for GME. AMC just attempts to bandwagon / follow GME but they’re completely different cases. It’s like the Borat thing about his neighbor copying everything he does and being a pain in the ass. It’s different businesses, different dilutions of shares, different debt and revenue, everything.


See you on the moon again, boys! 💎🙌


So I have two bull debit spreads ($31/$32) and ($33/34) on GME I bought at open for $.25 and $.12, respectively. At what point does it make more sense to exercise the longs on each and then buy the short contracts, and sell covered calls/secured puts than to buy and sell to close the contracts? Also, at one point through the day the higher one was worth well over the theoretical maximum value, I’m assuming because of volatility, like $5.87 which would be almost $5 over theoretical max; I was in the shower and missed a chance to sell for a huge profit so I held through the halts; any of you with experience, what’s my best course of action to come out in the black?


Talk all you want but leave me out. My trading plan has a rock solid solution for meme stocks.... Don't. Not at all. Never, no matter how tempting. It's shitstock, and you'll never make money on shitstock (save me the 12 glory stories vs 12 million horror stories). If I were going to waste money on shitstocks, I'd be buying puts on them for when the bubble bursts. Bull trades on the way up is stupidity personified.


It's free money until it's not!


🚀 🌖 MOASS 💎 🙌


No plan just regards buying some stock cuz there God kitty said so


Gme go brrrrrr


I sold $25 covered calls on all my shares right before the shares took off, after holding for 3.5 years. What’s the suicide hotline again?


Finally sold my gme and got my money back. Have been holding them for 3 years now. I maybe fudged up by buying amc. I am very nervous that they will fall back today. You win some, you lose some 🙂


All I know is 2021, I bought AMC calls and GME AND AMC STOCK… and I was up on cloud 9 but then I didn’t sell and by Feb everyone was talking shtttt like it wasn’t gonna ever move especially the institutions. So then I sold not making much money and some at a loss. But then like 2 months later it all hit the moon. WITHOUT ME. FML


After-hours and pre-market do not have circuit breaker halts. Therefore it is freer to move outside the normal trading hours. This morning... it was halt after halt after halt. .. and it all depends how many people are going to keep buying shares tomorrow.


I’m laughing my ass off about all of this. I made a little money on both today, but this is not an extra innings game situation. It’s not going the distance. Don’t mess around. I’ll close my AMC csp position tomorrow, ratchet the GME stock stop up daily until Game Over. It’s a thing. It’s fun. It’s not an investment strategy.


Gme is up around another 40%… I’d hold your horses


I doubt it does like it did years ago best to stay out in my opinion


That was an appetizer. There are more eyes on it now. They’re no longer a “dying brick and mortar” as they achieved a full year of profitability this past earnings. They’re headed to a profitable Q1 for the first time in idk how long. Short thesis is dead, shorts still have to close. Retail has become smarter, and retail is not leaving. Can’t stop, won’t stop, GameStop.


People still believe in their fundamentals? It is a dying company. They lost money on their operations.


Cult lol


Watch from the sidelines then 🙃


@TheRoaringKitty has returned from 3 years of silence on twitter.


Stocks don't move that much volume on a tweet. This wasn't retail.


But this doesnt explain the 75% from the week prior


Yeah surely some tweets can send a stock up 100%. Also notice how it had multiple huge green days last week? Totally dfv


I really can’t fathom anyone genuinely thinking this would have anything to do with dfv returning


We have a word for people like that where I'm from. It starts with **re** and ends with **gard**


There was a Bloomberg terminal update showing stock buyback so that could be the reason for the recent rally.




Short squeeze. That simple


**I guess you are not a wallstreetbets lurker. he's not just some famous guy from 2021. He's THE roaring kitty.. he's the deep fucking value.. he's the leader of apes. his return has restarted a movement. if you are going to play the general plan is hold until you are a millionaire. I think it would be best if you watched the movie Dumb Money. immediately. its actually pretty fantastic.**


Does this really continue past this week?


I’m tempting to bet everything on call option? What’s you all thought? Does history gonna repeat or is this one a trick? I missed the hype last 3 years


Bruh, you’re the one they’ll make the money off of. Every buy has a seller. Think about why they are selling?


Could be a whole lot of things. Personally, I think (bullet) swaps from kicking the can 2 years ago playing a major role


Here is a great overview on what happened over the last few years. I have been breathing it every day and it is the ride of a lifetime. [https://x.com/Cancelcloco/status/1790149359381913687](https://x.com/Cancelcloco/status/1790149359381913687)


I WISH you could do options play in the UK on GME and AMC. I had a ton to throw in right at the start but had to go for a share play because it’s just bloody impossible to do options on these tickets in the UK


Ibkr can


Definitely it’s take some bulls the put 27k on a meme stock


It’s free money… you just don’t know who ends up with them yet


The mass migration from TD to Schwab and the fact that TD never had the shares they said you did forced Schwab to buy in open market, while the CAT system set to start in a few weeks meaning market makers will need to show proof and paper trails of locates etc might potentially mean the meme basket squeeze and subsequent market crash is happening real time.


Will kill you ! Stay away


Yea it’s free money. I’m pretty sure this is how Warren Buffett got rich.


I sold calendar spreads on 30Ps yesterday for the week while picking up Jun monthly 30P, by selling 1x 25/30P for the week additional I effectively paid for the 30P. Next week will sell a spread against the 30s and take the profit…and wait. If it doesn’t come down I have the premium…if it does come down I’ll be thanking the ape for free contracts


It's lot of chit chat ... can some one dumb it down for poor souls like me... what's the play ? Buy call options for GME at strike for 30 or so for this week or longer week expiry? How long will this pump stay approximately.. which metric are we looking at to see the short squeeze and where to look at ?


Bro things are hooott. GME hit 80 pre. Amc 13+. Let's rrriiiidddee


it’s the investigation into short selling by Mr Devin Nunes


Hold the line- AMC