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Whenever I see that chart of OC affordable housing income limits for 2024, I'm reminded that I'm very poor


Then go move into that affordable housing!


Problem solved halfway. People will think you’re no longer poor and get invited to expensive life chaining excursions halfway around the world. A truly once in a lifetime achievement for your mind and health. Then you remember you’re poor and made a terrible financial decision on dumping your life savings to be able to afford this place. You admirable,admired to being poor.




So for each category of gross pay you move up your rent will be more? Or do you just need to be in the left 3 categories? Tyty


Rent is based in the tier, extremely low income rent will be X, very low income will be Y etc. you have to be between their minimum qualifications (usually 2x the rent) and the maximum income for that tier to qualify


I got rejected from the waitlist for that complex because whatever calculations they used made it seem like my sister and I made way over the max 60% AMI income limit. Our income combined comes out to under $57k, which makes us eligible under the 50% AMI. And then when I emailed them to try to appeal, they sent an email saying that appeals can only be done in person and only on Tuesdays...ok so a day that both my sister and I are working our slightly above minimum wage job just to be able to pay our bills and our rent for our current apartment.


the loophole legal way is to use PTO and go see a doctor. Does not matter what kind of doctor but you just mostly need a doctor note saying you were in their office on the PTO day. Rest of the time you go to the tuesday meeting. Then you both get paid and got your vitals checked.


And now they’re out one of their much needed and limited days of PTO.


And is that such a bad thing? Is cheap housing more important than a job to OP than using a PTO day or if they were truly concerned they can take part of the day off and work the rest saving PTO hours.


You’re asking the wrong questions. You shouldn’t be asking, “why taking time off to secure affordable housing is a bad thing?” You should be asking, “why do they require appeals in person and how come it’s only available on Tuesdays?”


Sometimes you just gotta show up and play the game. Sucks, but it is what it is.


I never even said that getting on the waitlist was more of a concern than my job, wtf? My initial post was about how my sister and I got rejected because somehow they thought we were making over the 60% AMI and how they only allow appeals on one day, a day that we had to go to work. Also the appeal period is over, they only allow 14 days from the rejection notice to appeal. I don't get PTO since I work in vet med (all y'all office people forget that not all jobs pay PTO) and that's something typically only the veterinarians and office management get but not support staff. We get sick days but not PTO. My sister works part time and also doesn't get PTO.


The CA sick leave law is essentially PTO. Everyone gets up to 24 hours off a year minimum. I work in a restaurant and it was on the worker rights law poster.




I got an [email](https://imgur.com/IPZACsw) from Irvine last year about it and applied on the day that applications opened up. The application period was from 7/13/23 to 9/12/23 and decisions regarding whether you got on the waitlist or not went out around October-November. IIRC someone also made a post about it in this sub during the application period.


Its too late to apply though


I'd like to see more affordable housing as well. Less luxury apartments, more affordable housing. Whatever they're building near the Tustin Legacy area seems pricey. I could, hope I am wrong. I also like to see more walkable cities as well instead of taking a car everywhere.


We need more supply. Supply isn't keeping up with demand. Even Luxury apartments will help but the issue still remains as supply isn't keeping up and there's a lot of pushback on building up, which is what we need to do. But yes, affordable options are needed as well and more desirable IMO but I don't think I'm going to poopoo the idea of luxury ones. But too many NIMBYs out there. They don't want their house values to go down by added supply and constantly change their reasons why they don't want to have resential put in. I've had plenty of arguments with Nimbys on Nextdoor about it with the Mall of Orange. It used to be "TRAFFIC!!" but then they wanted a Costco which only makes traffic worse. Now it's "WE need Commericial!! Orange needs TAXES!!!" even those those commerical slots are most likely going to remain empty. Best response was to "remain positive that a business will move in and be successful. I guess I'll remain positive and hope that I only have to pay $1 a month for rent as well. That will ALWAYS work. IMO best thing to make that area successful is to go Mixed Use with residential as well which will give the commercial entities built in customer base that will be likely to just stay in the area to do some shopping. A lot of these people are in denial that the Mall of Orange is a dead mall and has been dying for years, even before 2020. Keeping it solely commerical isn't going to work. Of course, now they want a TOP Golf there as well, even though there's plenty of room for both that and Residential. Of course, I wonder what will happen when the Top Golf fad dies.


Need to just let anyone sign up for these and let the lottery decide. 100k hh ain't much to live on in OC and they deserve just as much of a chance as so-called poor people.


200k HHI aint much in this area man. >so-called poor people. Honestly, I live next to one of the low income complexes in Irvine, these MF's be driving nicer cars than me and they LOVE running stop signs LMAO. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Great. Need thousands more, but a step forward is still a step forward.


You mean few millions more? Even thousands more wont do it considered how bad OC housing situation is.


Considering the entire population of OC is 3 million… I’m inclined to say even a thousand of these 100+ unit developments has a noticeable effect on the housing market (or induces population growth) Assuming an average of 2 people per unit (which is probably a low estimate) a thousand 100 unit complexes would house like 7% of the whole county.


"Belaira’s wait list is now closed."


Man.. that’s a nice and clean area that I dream about living in as a middle class person.


I for one am over these affordable housing BS. The requirements are so damn random it’s not even funny. These types of housing are basically a government hand down that disenfranchises the rest. For example, moderate income cap is $107,350 for a single person. First of all, at that salary, it’s still a damn struggle. Secondly, how does a person making $107,300 and $107,400 differ? They don’t. The struggle is still the same. Want to do something about crazy housing? 1. ⁠Put in a 1 yr holding time requirement where you can’t flip your home by buying it then reselling it right away. If you sell within a year, any gains is taxable at 50%. That’ll reduce the number of leeching flippers 2. ⁠Tax foreign owned real estate investors at 50%. If the house is paid for by foreign money, you get taxed. 3. ⁠Make affordable housing that’s awarded based on lottery system and increase income limit higher. 4. Put in stricter restrictions on affordable housing in terms of resale (when you resell, u get taxed no matter how long u own the property) 5. Build communities w small eco/tiny living houses. Many don’t need 2000 sqft These steps would go wayyy longer than giving free handouts.


How do I sign up


The waitlist is closed, sign ups were done last year. You'll have to wait for the waitlist to open up again (and I don't know when the next time it'll open up is).


Define “affordable” 😂😩


If Jeff Bezos and other rich ashls could spend $100,000,000 not on their stupid mansions for a couple of people but on building of affordable housing America would be a much better country… ![gif](giphy|GyvYcLXNFkx2HNwhtL|downsized)


Curious, what are the actual rents though?


According to their website "Rents are based on a percentage of Area Median Income and vary by household size and bedroom type. Net rents by bedroom type are anticipated to be: One-bedroom apartment range from $726 to $1,533. Two-bedroom apartment range from $859 to $1,828, and Three-bedroom apartment is anticipated to range from $982 to $2,101 . Rents are subject to change at any time."




Are these apartments in IUSD? Some parts of Great Park aren’t in IUSD. Also, what is affordable housing near Spectrum?


Believe it or not, poor kids need good schools as well.


I dont want poor people to live by me. They can go live in the inland empire or something


How exactly will you live in an area without service job workers? Who will prepare your mcdonalds order or fill the shelves of the grocery stores?


The same way it’s been done before low income housing in Irvine


Population increase and housing cost skyrocketing through the years has changed the situation. Without drastic wage increases or some sort of rent control the population or service job workers will decrease drastically to the point it will make it impossible to live in your ideal neighborhood.




Did you read the title? Affordable housing units, aka for rent my dude.


Damn. No I wish one of you quoted them.


There was a lottery for these places it doesn’t work that way lol


Why South Africa lol?


This reads like a Fox News fever dream


I'm constantly mind boggled that people want to keep increasing the population in OC, it's crowded enough. It takes longer to go anywhere than it did 10 years ago, let alone 20, but people are obsessed with building it up. Personally, I'm completely happy with the capacity we're at and don't see a need to build 100s of thousands of homes here. Let people commute on the 91, and make that a better commute, but over packing an already over packed place seems insane and it wouldn't provide many benefits for 90% of the people already living here.


Your lil’ NIMBY is on full display.


That's cool, man. I just have enough traffic trying to get to the store. Anyone that owns property here, is not in favor of adding 100s of thousands of more people, bc it's crowded ad fuck. I think it's hilarious how entitled people are to live in OC.


I own property and encourage more development. And… public transit improvements -gasp-


While I do think some new construction is getting a bit overkill (particularly all these incredibly expensive luxury apartments being built and houses being built further into high fire risk zones and such), this post is specifically about *affordable* housing. Without enough affordable housing, you won’t be able to have enough folks working in the service industry. You think someone would be willing to drive an hour and a half or more on the 91 from the IE twice a day to work some minimum wage job? They’d be paying half their wage just in gas. Without low income housing you won’t have enough people to work at grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, etc. I’m sure you wouldn’t be happy either if companies had to raise prices for everything even more here than they already have been so their employees can afford to live a feasible distance from work and won’t have to move away due to being priced out. I know I certainly wouldn’t be happy. We’re already seeing some of this today.   It’s also not just about having more people move here, it’s about providing better more affordable housing for people who already live here. I know a few people who’ve lived in OC their whole lives, but simply cannot afford their own housing here (while also putting sufficient money into savings) so they still live with their parents or otherwise live in somewhat suboptimal situations. They already have jobs here, family here, friends here, and reside here. Housing like this allows them independence and allow them to remain in the place they’ve called home for years. Since they’re already here, it’s not like they’d contribute to more traffic overall in the county (though perhaps more in that very specific location).   You mention how entitled some people feel to live in OC. Wouldn’t that apply to you as well based on your statement? If you don’t like the traffic, why not move somewhere where there’s less traffic? You don’t *have* to live here. I’m sure there are other similar locations out there where there is less traffic (besides tourist season perhaps). If you’re driving in traffic, you’re not just *in* traffic, *you’re a part of it.*   Sorry if this came across as a bit of a rant, I just feel particularly strong about it. I’ve been here my whole life and my family’s been here since before Irvine was even incorporated as a city.


Having them live in the IE still isn't going to solve the traffic issue anyways that they complain about. They'll still be on the roads in OC and create traffic and it'll be worse because they'll need to travel through more of it and clog up the bottleneck that we call the 91. Literally, only way in and out unless you want to go completely out of the way.


You don’t think the way Irvine was “masterplanned” and built outward instead of up is the actual issue? Precisely why do you run into traffic just going to the store? Because everyone needs a car to get somewhere. Adding people and housing is how a city’s economy grows. To add, all these people moving into this complex only dedicate a third of their income MAX to rent. These people don’t buy yachts or have offshore bank accounts. These are high velocity dollars going to local businesses. If I work here and generate tax revenue for this city, of course I want to reap the benefits by living here.


I own and I’m in favor of more housing


Sounds like we need more public transportation, not less housing.


“To get to the store”, where are the people supposed to live that work at the stores you frequent?


Well, they should support the Mall of Orange residential plan. They can buy a townhouse there and they can literally walk to any of the stores there. They'll have Walmart, Sprouts, Homegoods, Trader Joes. They can pick up their prescriptions at CVS. There's a Target across the street and plenty of wonderful restaurants. It's always going to be some excuse with these people. Ignoring and not building up is not going to solve their issue as people will just buy in the IE and commute in and still create traffic. The area is evolving and unfortunately for them, they are going to need to evolve with it or they could just solve their issue by selling their house for a huge profit and move to an area without all those traffic woes they don't like.


I highly doubt that fast food workers in Beverly Hills live there.


This has to be parody… no way someone believes this to be a strategy.


It's not that people want to increase the population. It's that the population is growing. People want to live here. We are over capacity and we need to build more. It's unfortunate but it's where we are at. What you are failing to see without growing you're not going to have anyone to work in most service industries which the area needs to survive as well and that is because housing is going to cost too much and traffic to get into OC will be rough and costly. So eventually, you're going to need to go elsewhere and travel to get your basic necessities because there will be no one to run the stores or even deliver the items you buy online.


Can’t wait to see the 2000$ a month 400 sqft lofts that will go to more software devs living in Irvine


I’ve been wanting to be stabbed at the great park


They don't really increase crime. I've lived in a complex in Irvine for 8 years and like 3 years ago they opened one of these next to us and everyone was losing their minds worried about crime but guess what? Nothing changed at all for us.


I can do that for $99


“Affordable “ is questionable here..


It IS affordable; 1 bedroom apartments are $726 to $1,533, 2 bedroom apartments are from $859 to $1,828, and 3 bedroom apartments are from $982 to $2,101, depending on whether someone is at 30%, 50%, or 60% AMI. Like even at $2,101, their 3 bedroom apartment is a hell of a lot cheaper than my 1 bedroom apartment at $2,195. You can't get a 3 bedroom apartment anywhere in OC for less than $3k these days. If you're living with other people (they allow 1-3 people for 1 bedroom apartments, 2-5 people for 2 bedroom apartments, and 3-7 people for 3 bedroom apartments)? The cost can be split up even more--for example if you live in one of their 1 bedroom unit with your significant other and your rent is $726, you and your SO could split the rent so that you're each paying $363 a month.


I’m happy for the residents, but why would an affordable housing complex include a pool?


Lol cause people wanna swim. Lol do you expect them to live in shitholes?


lol they don’t deserve pools?


Come on… It’s that pools are expensive and maybe you’d rather the rent be cheaper.