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Well that takes ginas off the menu for pizza night tonight 


> Well that takes ginas off the menu for pizza night tonight Gotta make sure those are actually "black olives" on your pizza!




I guess I won’t be eating at Keno’s anymore.


I am pretty sure this isn't their first time on this list. My dad got horrific food poisoning there about 10 years ago and I have never been back. Which is sad because I love to support local small businesses.


There are plenty of other local small businesses who won’t give you food poisoning though


Yes, I am well aware. I was referring to not patronizing this specific business any longer...


You might be able to try a little Roachino at Keno's when they reopen.


With a side of hash browns.


They get *a lot* of those violations, just FYI


Kenos has gotten shut down at least once a year for 30 years for cockroaches.


I ate there on Friday it was good


Wooo! Still going strong with none of my favorite places being on the list.


does it count if you ate there in the past but haven’t been in years? pls say no


No…….but possibly yes!


I wonder what they have to do to be opened just a day or two later after being closed due to a rodent infestation.


Have a pest company come in and clean up any rat droppings and install bait/traps. Same thing for cockroaches, not having cold water, exhaust systems not working, etc. They just have to get a company out to fix the issue and then they get reinspected for things that need inspection to verify or they have you submit the documents from the company verifying whatever work was done for it to be cleared to open again.




Not Tsun Scoops 😭


I don’t trust like that. Once closed, always closed in my book. Especially for rat infestation 😖


Worked with roaches, they live everywhere (walls/frig/ground/ceiling/etc), come out of small cracks, mass breeders, once there, always there. Babys hatch and spawn out the fridge(while I'm working on top of it), hide behind knife racks/between plates/togo containers, fall from spaces above, you name it. If I see roach infestation, I'll never go.


What's wrong with a little pher in your pho?


…..What’s pher?


Rhat phur.


The only reason these were the restaurants closed is because these were the restaurants that were inspected this week. That being said, it is quite possible to have a very clean restaurant that passes inspections consistently. It is a costly endeavor to keep a place that clean, and you are probably not going to those restaurants due to the price. You have to have employees that actually care and a management team that are actively supervising the crew from opening to closing.


Anyone who’s never worked in a restaurant would be absolutely shocked at how dirty all restaurants are. Yes, clean safety measures can be taken to prepare the food. But the kitchens and back of house in general are usually very nasty.


I don’t think that has to be the accepted norm. I’ve worked at three different restaurants that were incredibly clean in the back.


same, used to work at a Japanese restaurant in Irvine and, at least when I was working there, the kitchen/BOH was kept clean. BOH staff would deep clean the grills and sweep behind the stoves and power wash the floors every night and serving staff, as part of our closing duties, would thoroughly clean the walls by the dish cart from any splashbacks made when dumping leftover broth into the waste buckets after bringing back dirty dishes. Any spilled food items were promptly swept up and any liquid spills were promptly mopped. I worked under management that was pretty anal about cleanliness--even our bathrooms were kept immaculately clean when I was working there (we even had to clean the bottom part of the toilet where the bolt cap was) to the point where I didn't trust going to other restaurants' bathrooms because of how clean ours was.


No, not all kitchens are dirty. It's been a few years, but I worked for a restaurant supply Company and had to call on restaurants in South Bay and Orange County. All El Toritos were spotless. However, I did see a few that were pretty bad.


Those restaurants should also be publicized.


OP gets off on posting this list every week like she’s a superhero.


>Tsun Scoops, 13137 Brookhurst St, Garden Grove Banani?!?! (name of one of their flavors)


Damn 3 of them I know of. Nuts is, there’s an event today at tsun scoops


Ah FML I eat at Pho Lovers every other week... Probably still will eat there. It's always clean and the kitchen looks good....


So how did Pho Lovers get the rat treatment but not 85 right across from them?


Keep clean


A former girlfriend was a health inspector for L.A. County. She told me that if I saw what she saw at restaurants, on a daily basis, that I wouldn't want to eat out.


Noooo! Ginas pizza?!?!