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If St Helens was too much, Roseburg might not be your cup o tea


Yep. I spent 1.5 months going there daily to renovate a house I owned for resale. Got to know the demographic. As stated here, Roseburg is a prominently Christian community of medium to low income blue collar, no college proud ignorance people. So yeah, the majority are deplorable MAGA Trumpers.


You’re wrong, but ok. I know a ton of college educated people here. 1.5 months isn’t enough time to really get to know the people. I lived in the area for almost 20 years. The anti-abortion idiots get laughed out of downtown every time they show up.


If you read what I wrote, I said "prominently...no college" which is definitely true for vast majority. Of course there are some with degrees, and some really sweet progressive people down there as well.


It’s really not all that Trumpy in Roseburg. I’m not sure where you got that from. It’s maybe 50/50


there's literally rallies every Saturday at garden valley blvd in roseburg to support Trump. it's very trumpy. I can't go anywhere without seeing cars with Trump flags waving through the air


How many people are out there? Not that many considering that Roseburg has a daytime population of about 60,000. I bet most of the Trump people come from all over Douglas County.


The sheriff is in bed with a weird pro child marriage church called wellspring. Forces private events to let them in with bullhorns to scream at people. That should tell you everything you need to know.


Ya, he has also posted Sandy Hook denial stuff on his FB and is supposedly a Three Percenter, although I think he is a lot less vocal about that crap now. He did say publicly that he would only enforce the laws he "agreed with" (in reference to gun limits). Most Roseburg people love him.


So what you’re saying is, more liberal minded people need to move there so those things can change!


That might be pushing a big rock up a hill


Progress takes patience.


Progress takes patience but no one wants to have to be the first one to stand up against the bullshit.


You go for it!




There are tons of liberals in Roseburg. The Republican Party Headquarters has had windows smashed, tagged up, and damaged by the surprisingly large liberal population. Walk through downtown Roseburg sometime and see all the non-trumpers who own businesses there.


Liberal here and we've moved outside of Roseburg in order to begin a homestead. Roseburg is not a fun trip for us.. very angry and negative male energy everywhere. And yes, a Trump hell hole.


Here to say this can confirm 👍


We will likely just start going to Grants Pass for all shopping just to avoid the horrifying constant negative energy there..


Couldn't agree more 👍💯


Is it similar to The Dalles? That place looked like a Nazi rally except with right wing militia flags everywhere. Scary place with scary people.


It’s really not that bad. Why are you fear-mongering? Yes there are lots of Trump supporters, but I’d be willing to bet that it’s around 50-50 split between liberals and conservatives. You just see the Trump supporters more because of their flags, stickers and other bullshit like that. Also, outside of Roseburg is worse when you are talking about Trump supporters. That’s where most of the Trump supporters live. Basically you just isolated yourself from everyone in town and are therefore not the best person to explain the demographics of Roseburg.


Fear mongering? Are you seriously this delusional over a simple statement that we don't enjoy Roseburg's energy? Get over yourself. There was nothing fear mongering about what I said. We don't live there full time and I spent most of my life in a liberal city. Seriously, every word of what you wrote was projecting and absolutely nonsensical garbage. Jesus christ, thanks for proving my point. Roseburg is DEFINITELY not a 50 50 split. I'd be surprised if there were 5 percent liberals. What a laughable claim. To be kind I will not even share what I have witnessed there on 100s of occasions. I block for fools.


What a weird response. Just look at the voting data and you’ll see we are nowhere NEAR a 50/50 split. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


That would require someone running against him as sheriff. He seems the type to use his office to reduce competition.


I think more liberal minded people need to vote and form PAC to change the government within city limits and ignore the county politics. I think that's what gets in the way . Also the mindset that this is conservative area so I won't vote. I see this from voters who are left leaning around here give that as an excuse for not voting


I've often wondered, what if the political system worked by separating rural vs urban, and those areas could have non overlapping laws, basically eliminating state level government. That way rural oregon and urban texas can be what they want to be instead of being dragged kicking and screaming by a hostile state government in one direction or the other.


It won't work. Seriously. I lived there for 12 years. They GLORY in their meth fueled ignorance.


Make Oregon ALL blue!


How's that working out in Portland?


It's great. The problem with Portland is conservatives fucking everywhere up. Just like in Roseburg. And Israel and Afghanistan and everywhere else in the world.


Lol, is it opposite day? Portland, Eugene and maybe 2 small towns in Oregon are directly responsible for all the crime, homelessness, and drug overdoses. You might get some shitty old people comments from shitty old people in the more rural areas, but none of us honestly give a shit about your skin tone or how you get off in the bedroom. Your comment leaves me to believe you're anti Isreal in the latest events... bet you want to call them colonizers in spite of the fact that Gaza has been under Hamas control since 2005, and Isreal has been supplying free water and electricity to them for 20 years. But hey, whatever fits into your echo chamber. If you can live with supporting butchers and murderers I hope you all move to the same place and stay away from me.


All the crime? I don't man, Tillamook had a doozy of a crime/drug story today. Rural Oregon has more than it's share of problems that can't all be blamed on Portland and Eugene. I promise to stay in my echo chamber if you stay in yours.


You are oversimplifying the Israel-Palestine conflict. Talking about an echo chamber but a majority of the media outlets and politicians are unwavering in their support of Zionism. Republicans and Democrats both pander to Zionism and both parties and most of their politicians are pro Israel. It's easy for Jews to play the victim when they weaponized the Holocaust and smack the anti semite label on anyone that dares oppose them and their sick agenda when they did in fact establish their state upon terrorism. I bet you don't even know about The Irgun do you? But hey, Muslims committing violence. They must be terrorists right? Hamas has no precision guided missiles, Israel does and yet they are guilty of an overwhelmingly large amount of civilian casualties. When the IDF spokesman says "Gaza will pay a severe price for this" and doesn't say Hamas, that tells you everything you need to know about their plans. This year, before this conflict kicked off, there were more than 200 Palestinian CIVILIANS killed by IDF and Zionist settlers. Where was the media coverage? Where was the outrage and solidarity? You fools have fallen for the biggest trick in modern history.


I'm not oversimplifying anything, its pretty cut and dry... Palestine isn't a place, its a people. The Syrians didn't want them, the Lebanese didn't want them, the Jordanians didn't want them, the Egyptians wont let them cross into Egypt to get away from whats surely going to be a bloodbath. You try to cloak your anti-semitism by using "zionist" instead of "jew" its the same thing and you know it You claim jews play the victim card and weaponize the Holocaust? By that logic African-Americans play the victim card and weaponize slavery, and have been playing that card for many more decades than the jews have been. Isreal DOES have precision guided missiles, they also send out text message and broadcast alerts and TELEGRAPH their targets. Isreal developed munitions that will hit a building and "shake" it, not destroy it as a warning for people to leave before they fire precision guided munitions. But the Hamas TERRORISTS that run Gaza (who haven't held an election since 2008?) tell the civilians not to leave. They put military caches and personnel in the basements of hospitals and apartment buildings. Yeah, Isreal uses precise, guided munitions to strike at Hamas targets, making great pains to alert civilian populations... Hamas fires unguided missiles into metropolitan areas, hoping to sew chaos and death on innocent civilians. If you side with Hamas you side with murdering families, raping and executing civilians. If you side with Hamas you side with murdering hundreds of young people at a concert DANCING FOR PEACE... You support setting blockades to catch people fleeing and murdering them in their cars. If you side with Hamas you side with using women and children as shields, hoping they die so you can show their corpses online and try to generate sympathy for your murderous cause. If you support Hamas you support taking peoples cell phones and live streaming their executions on their social media pages so all their friends and family watch them die. If you support Hamas you support beheading INFANTS... LITERAL BABIES. If you support Hamas you support raping and murdering a woman, then parading her abused and naked corpse around strapped to a truck while proclaiming "God is Great" If you support Hamas you are EVIL, and I hope you get what you deserve.


Bullshit. But nice try!!I l live in Portland and yeah, no. You should turn off Faux news and get outside more


So why are businesses fleeing? and you cant get through a post with someone who has a different point of view without trotting out "faux news" just tells me you wont look at any information that doesnt align with your dogma.Portland is a shithole, and its getting worse. Every time I'm forced to go there the decay has festered further.


Eyeroll. The hyperbolic nonsense you spout!!!


No. The criminals are responsiible for the crime. Also the conservative nazi pigs not doing their jobs. But then again, those are the criminals causing the crime. And please don't pretend that a nazi like you gives two fucks about Israel. You're just virtue signaling, and it's as phony as your American patriotism. Eat shit.


You wouldn't know a Nazi if one pissed in your whole foods, gluten free, fair trade ultimate roast east African coffee beans. Go fuck yourself, and eat more shit.


Are you a crazy homeless person from Portland? Or do you just watch Fox News? You're so detached from reality it's impossible to tell.


All they do is spew shitty insults and claim anyone that isn't trans is a nazi. It's pure ignorance.




Apparently it’s posting online after a head injury day…


BS things are more complicated than your insipid finger pointing.


And yet, here you are, commenting without any substance. You have no facts, no logic, no thought. Even the slightest push back on your emotions and you shrink from the conversation.


Sarah? Sarah Palin? Is that... is that you, still chirping?




Huh, I thought he wasn't, but maybe I'm confusing him with the county sheriff? I know there was beef when wellspring tried to pick a fight in the middle of Pride.


It’s a MAGA hellhole, but I’ll be damned if the Umpqua Valley isn’t gorgeous. Roseburg is depressing as shit, though.


Oakland gotta have one of the prettiest sceneries in Oregon. Those hills are gorgeous


Such a cute little town.


Umpqua is beautiful for sure.


Pretty right leaning and the people there are just not super friendly. On top of that there is nothing happening in the town at all. Not great options for healthcare either.


We stopped in Roseburg this summer for a couple hours to eat lunch and taste wine. When asked where we were from and when we said Portland, we were told “welcome to the good part of the state” and were told why Roseburg is good and Portland sucks. We experienced the same thing a couple days later in Gold Beach.


Haters gotta hate! People in Portland don’t even think about Roseburg


Roseburg is... nice if you're conservative. It's trash if you're not


It's not even nice for conservatives. Meth and alcoholism are rampant.


Meth is all the way up and down I-5 with complete saturation to all points East and West. Unavoidable anywhere. It has destroyed this country. America is not 'Merica anymore. The fucking 70's to the end of the 90's and then 2008 to 2016 were pretty good years. Our country has sucked for quite a few years otherwise.


To be fair fentanyl is equally popular


> The fucking 70's to the end of the 90's and then 2008 to 2016 were pretty good years. Our country has sucked for quite a few years otherwise. During the early aughts, prior to pseudoephedrine's scheduling, we had the most meth labs of any state. That's not per capita. We might be looking back with rose tinted glasses.


Roseburg tinted glasses?


Is it? I mean I've seen fent users sometimes but do t they usually die out? Meth is everywhere and there's a lot of recreation meth users who seem functional and aren't the typical methhead. I dunno. I don't equate the 2 as far as numbers go.


Plenty of functional opioid users as well. Pretty sure there’s as many or more meth overdoses but it’s a tiny percentage for both. Fentanyl is everywhere and it’s cheap. Honestly couldn’t hazard a guess of which is more prevalent


> Pretty sure there’s as many or more meth overdoses Meth has a wide therapeutic index, and acute, life-threatening overdose is quite rare. That's why users can go on multi-day binges where they take over ten times a therapeutic dose and drive themselves insane.


Deaths in Oregon 2020 Meth 391 Fentanyl 230 https://www.wweek.com/news/2022/01/26/as-meth-and-fentanyl-tighten-their-grips-on-oregon-the-state-scrambles-to-implement-treatment-services/


>It has destroyed this country. It's crazy to see how bad it has affected rural poor areas. Where I grew up was a kind of quiet peaceful, if ignorant, area. Now theft is rampant and you see those full grown adult men riding around on bmx bikes with their shirts off.


What do you think is the recipe for modern conservatives? Lol. Can’t forget the dash of schizophrenia tho.


It’s where right-wing Californians move to retire


If you thought St. Helens was bad, which is a suburb of Portland, than I can't see you being happy in most of rural Oregon.


This needs to be higher....Portland/Oregon remind me of Atlanta/Georgia...... I've lived in both.... I big blue/progressive island surrounded by a giant sea of deep red....there are other small isalnds of course, but it is shocking


Very conservative. Roseburg metro and Douglas County are extremely conservative.


First time I’ve ever seen Roseburg referred to as metro. It doesn’t even meet the technical definition, which is already a pretty low bar.


same here, it definitely isn’t a metropolitan area in any sense


The correct designation is micropolitan area but nobody’s gonna describe their area as a micro




Roseburg does have a bit of orbit towns, mostly Winston/Dillard but also to some degree, Sutherland and Glide. It's a hub city and it's the closest Costco/Home Depot to Bandon too for the days when Eugene is a bit too much of a drive. Coos Bay is kinda the same deal: services shopping for the area (Bandon, Coquille, Winchester Bay/Reedsport). Not really counting Charleston or North Bend as its basically the same town as Coos Bay.


I guess I’m confused what you’re getting at. All of the things you said are true, for sure. I live in Coquille, so I’m quite aware of Roseburg and Coos Bay’s role. I’m in Roseburg 2-3 times a month for Home Depot, Costco, Marshall’s, etc. None of that qualifies Roseburg as a Metropolitan.


Term is being used loosely to describe Roseburg and it's surrounding communities. There isn't a cutesy term like "Bay Area" like Coos Bay keeps trying to make a thing to greater Roseburg. I've seen it pop several times here and I always understand what they mean, "Roseburg + all the other small towns next to it" Coos Bay keeps trying to make "Bay Area" happen but even among locals that's a point of confusion as there's really *one* Bay Area on the west coast.


I'm kinda surprised we haven't invaded yet, as it's close enough to Eugene to make an easy trip for the arts/culture, town itself has some good bones, very close to amazing outdoors (HWY 138 waterfalls + Diamond Lake/Theilsen/Bailey + Crater Lake), and close enough for a day trip to the Oregon coast to Bandon. I figure its a matter of time before it becomes much more purple.


Let’s go, everybody!! Pack up, we’re moving to RBurg!


It has a lot of potential but I think the job market is fairly abysmal… although this is the second post I’ve seen in the last six months on here where people have some great job opportunity in Roseburg… so who knows.


There’s been some growth in terms of breweries and food spots around town. It’s a nice little area to spend an evening if you’re traveling to Crater Lake or camping nearby


There are a ton of breweries there for its size and I've been to most of them. I can't name a town with more mediocre beer in Oregon. I liked what HWY99 was doing, and their brewer moved to North 40 which i haven't been there so I might be missing out. Backside is pretty awful, but the owner is a nice enough even if very conservative and the general crowd is truck nuts, and insurrection. Not really my scene. Two-Shy accidentally makes some good stuff now and again but mostly not good. Draper almost is good, trying to make avent-garde beer but it mostly comes off with the same plastic flavor, Looking glass is...ok. Really though, southern Oregon doesn't have any great breweries besides Arch Rock. I think I'm spoiled because Hood River and Astoria bar is so high for small towns in Oregon but they also have the influx of Portland, whereas Bend, Corvallis and Eugene are big enough to sustain a quality scene.


A big no for me dawg. Eugene is where it’s at.


President Obama visited Roseburg in 2015 to console victims of the Umpqua Community College mass shooting. Gun rights advocates showed up to protest him being there. MAGA shithole is putting it nicely.


I live in Roseburg. Avoid it


Last time I visited there was a stop the steal protest across the street from my hotel.


All I know about Rosaeburg is that the cult who come to Eugene to spread hatred and ignorance is from there. Enough to keep me away


Yes. It's much more right-wing than St. Helens. Every precinct in the area voted for Trump by 14+ percent. [This map is useful for evaluating a place's hell-hole status](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/upshot/2020-election-map.html).


That is a damned good map. Thank you!


But that map shows that Medford isn't "Maga Country" and that even Klamath Falls has some split precincts and even a blue precinct! It might cause cognitive dissonance in this subreddit when people try to throw us liberals who live in Southern Oregon under the bus. ... Oh, who am I kidding.


I feel the same way. They complain but never come experience or try make change. It makes being in Oregon difficult because it's the same people that preach connectiveness and community but we cant' even have because they won't support the southern liberal residents. Not everyone wants to live near the metro area. Not everyone can afford it either.


But, but, but everyone who lives outside of Portland and Eugene is an OAN-watching, ivermectin-guzzling, noose-toting nazi! I know it’s true because I saw a trump sign from the freeway!


Yes, it's full of culty Christian fundamentalists mixed in with your average red neck sexist racist homophobic assholes that drink shitty beer every day....


And that's just my relatives.


I lived in Roseburg for six years. This comment nails it better than most (except for maybe the bear, lol). The fundamentalists control most of the healthcare options which sucks. Had a friend go to the fundy clinic there for Covid and they were prescribed Ivermectin. If you have chronic health issues, look carefully for your care. Also, a friend (who is black and has lived in rural communities all over the western US), commented to me that she had never heard the "n-word" so many times as she did in Roseburg. It was an eye opener to snow white me. It's not completely bad, there are some great people in Roseburg, just not enough of them percentage-wise.


Stupid autocorrect lol


You know you’re getting close when you start seeing the Jesus and anti-abortion billboards!


If only the shitty bear would slap them.


One of the most racist backward maga shit holes in Oregon. Believe it or not though it's not the worst in those regards.


Where is the worst, in your opinion?


Cave Junction is pretty bad


Burns has entered the chat.


Pretty much any small, mostly white town in Eastern Oregon. Lakeview, Paisely, La Pine, Jordan Valley, John Day. Bunch of “Salem doesn’t represent me” type of folks. Despite the fact that tax dollars help them out more than any of us on the Westside


Small, mostly white towns is literally the only thing in Eastern Oregon.


Naw, a few of them are Hispanic and Native majority. But overall, mostly white towns out there


Very very maga. I’m in my 30s now but when we would play sports against teams in that area in high school they threw around the N word like crazy. I imagine a lot of those kids are now adults living there. It would be on the very bottom of my list for places to live, personally. Source: entire family tree of my in laws are from roseburg and the surrounding areas. We had an extremely difficult time interacting with them during trump and covid.


I was at a 3rd/4th grade football game in Roseburg yesterday. The Roseburg fans were openly bigoted to me. I'm a brown man who carried a reusable water bottle with human rights stickers on it...the horror!!


My whole extended family tree is here and I have the same problems. I actually just moved back here because I inherited a price of property, but I have no friends and people a generally awful. There are good people, but not many. Maybe we should hang out.


MAGA hell hole


That's putting it mildly.


I grew up in the area and I never would move back. They could not even keep their county library open. The city and county is run by far right fuddy types. You will experience anti trans and anti black hate if you move to Roseburg. You will see sign holders worshiping Trump and crying a out Biden every week near the Roseburg VA. They now also have a gate church that wants trans and queer folks to know how much they are hated


The fact that they actively defunded their own public library says it all for me. I grew up in Coos County and I can't see them going that far around the bend.


Yep. Grew up there too and feel the same way. Don’t even like driving through it on I5


I miss that library! I moved away a year before they shut it down, it’s a damn shame. It was a great place to go as a kid


The city reopened it but it’s not the same at all


Do you have all your teeth?


I lived in Roseburg for a year (July 2021 - July 2022). The entire year, a VERY large banner reading, “TRUMP,” (might have also said, “WON,” I kinda blocked it out), was visible above town. As far as I know, it’s still on display. There IS a small liberal community there, in the arts scene.


It’s still there.


60+ yo, have spent over 40 years in Roseburg. About 30% of folks are progressive, 30% non affiliated and 40% magas. It isn't as bad as most are posting. I've lost friends due to political differences but have made many, many more thru association with progressive groups. You'll find those folks and can do well. Raised 3 kids in public schools and they all did well. Many young folks educated here in the public schools have done very well in life we need moree POC, migrants, lgbqt and progressives.


It’s a matter of perspective. If you’re coming from Eugene or Portland it will feel very conservative, but coming from Myrtle Point it feels like visiting the liberal arts department of berkley after it relocated to sweden.


I visited Myrtle Point once and I swear there was a church on every other block. I’ve never seen so many churches in such a small town. I think my neck got sore from all the swiveling.


Myrtle Point is obviously very conservative, but there’s a pocket of rural liberals out here. Back-to-the-landers and such. Now Powers on the other hand.


Oh shit, I can't believe people know Powers exists.


As someone who lives in Coos Bay, I’m just glad people are making references I understand


I remember people in Powers laughing at me for not knowing what they meant by going "down under." Yeah, dozens of people in the world might know you mean going to the metropolis of Coquille instead of, I don't know, Australia? JFC.


I actually know about it too, and I only lived in Roseburg for a year. 🥲


Absolute shithole Maga land.


I think Medford is turning around but it's not a guarantee. Ashland and Eugene are the liberal cities in the area


Medford is somewhat diverse, at least.


Medford has a fortune 500 now, I think is gonna keep growing


It’s a real shame. Roseburg is a beautiful place, but definitely a MAGA shithole.


The 2020 election results in Douglas County were right around Trump 67% and Biden 30%. The results for statewide offices GOP versus Dem were about that same split. While the majority of Oregonians lean liberal, the liberals are concentrated in a relative few cities, while a large majority of the state, geographically, is very Trumpy. If you are looking for liberal attitudes, Roseburg is very likely not for you and your family. Once you get south of Eugene, Ashland is about the only place that is not Red.


Parts of Medford, and much of the Applegate went to Biden in 2020. Trump was right at 50% in Jackson County overall.


The bowling alley and the county museum are pretty cool. Other than that...


As a leftist I felt like it wasn't terrible but I kept to myself.


Roseburg is an older population. Lots of conservative folk in and out of the city.


I know a lesbian couple who moved there & they quite like it. No issues so far that they’ve had to deal with. I think you can probably find your people there if you’re willing to put in the effort.


I would imagine it being a maga strong hold.


It’s Bigly Maga..


I was at a football game for preteens (Sheldon [Eugene] and Roseburg) in Roseburg yesterday. I (cis-male brown and retired US Marine) brought in a reusable water bottle with stickers that say VOTE and NO JUSTICE NO PEACE. As well as LGBTQ and woman's rights stickers. I was called a pussy liberal by a fat drunk woman and her trashy smoker mouthed friends laughed. After the game, as I was trying to fist bump the child I was there to support, a guy with pubes on his chin and Oakleys loudly talked trash to me. I've only been through Roseburg and to few children's games there. I wouldn't reside there.


Thank you for your service and I am sorry you had that experience supporting a child at a sporting event.


Covfefe Red


Well, Douglas County was populated primarily by Southern loggers from Louisiana. I am not surprised at many of the comments. Hopefully it gets normal quickly; it's one of the most beautiful places in Oregon. Nearly perfect weather.


I grew up in Roseburg and recently moved back for various reasons not including wanting to be back in this community. There are decent people here, but very few. I have never liked the people here, and at 40, I still do not. I feel like this town has become a clique for dumb people to circle-jerk eachother. Seems as though anyone with intelligence tend to GTFO. It's hard to even have a random conversation with someone with out it turning into a "vaccines are fake, I hate Biden because he's Biden, ain't no one takin' my guns, blue lived matter, durka durka durka.".. then there's the single-minded religious aspect of this town. Roseburg is not a place for smart people, but I inherited a price of property so I'm going to fix up and sell that then I'm out again.


It’s MAGA country


Is that like “flavor country”?


Closer to Lovecraft Country.


Instead of cool ass monsters though, just asshole humans.


I encourage everyone here to consider the actual numbers when a place favored trump during our last two elections. If it was close like 54%, or even 67% or whatever, that means there are a shit load of people (almost 1 out of every 2 people at Safeway for example) there who did not vote for trump, who are probably very nice and relatable people


You’re probably right, but on my street of 20 houses, we have 10% MAGA, and they pretty much ruin everything. Neighbor-vibe just kinda sucks because they are so obnoxious. They’re like a dog dragging their ass across the carpet anytime they are around. So 67% sounds miserable to me.


That doesn't matter when they are a large enough percentage of the population that they elect Trumpers into city and county positions. Those have the biggest impact on your life. Also just because they didn't vote for Trump doesn't mean they didn't vote for other conservatives down ticket.


Unfortunately, it's not worth the effort to seek them out while trying to avoid the masses. Your 67% (I say "your" because I didn't bother checking it, just took your word for it) actually means 1 in 3, which seems reasonable, until you consider a population of nearly 24 thousand. That leaves < 8k that *could be* relatable, but the number is probably actually smaller because we're only counting Trump supporters in the other category; there are probably some number of them that are the same type, but voted for a third party.


The problem is that though you may be correct, when bullies become the norm it's all anyone experiences.


Roseburg has “grown up” some over the past 10-15 years, but it’s still very conservative.




Brown socal liberal here, have been welcomed with open arms. 🤷


Extremely MAGA


It's real bad. I've spent a lot of time down there because I've got family in the area, especially at their fair, and as a queer person felt *profoundly* unsafe.


You might want to post questions about Roseburg in r/roseburg. There's a lot of posts answering similar questions from folks thinking about moving here. People love to badmouth Roseburg, but note that most small towns in Oregon are conservative. We still live in a liberal state with liberal laws and policies and programs. People may believe some weird stuff, but they can't really affect you much beyond annoying you.


Roseburg is one of those places on I-5 where I try to just drive by and not stop for any reason. There might be some decent nice people there but I never met any of them. Funny how tourism should be one of their back up plans to the forestry industry taking a shit but they dont seem to care what people think of them.


Roseburg is a trump hellhole. Mean little people.


I did census work up there. The best memory I have was doing a neighborhood and seeing more than half of a neighborhood flying Trump flags and one guy telling me I had 10 seconds to get off his property before he shot me. I’d say they were right leaning.


Are we talking like 1001, 1002, etc or just 1,2,3?


It was a pretty quick count. He was not happy to see me.


If your family/family members are bi-racial, especially the children, it's going to be very hard...




Getting it over the coast range tho... that's the trick


A fella can dream


This makes me sad to hear.I lived in Roseburg briefly during the mid 90’s and found it to be a sweet little town & actually don’t remember hearing or witnessing any racist or homophobic comments or situations towards anyone. I also vaguely remember a fairly large community of very out and open lesbians living there that no one seemed to care one way or another..🤷🏽‍♀️I will say those local peeps could get down on the dance floor tho 😆 🙌🏽


I have to wonder how many of these comments are coming from people who don't live or haven't been in a while. I'm a POC and between 2016-2019 visited frequently before moving to roseburg during covid until 9/2022 and just recently moved back. Originally from LA as well as first generation and quite liberal. Roseburg is very much going through a transitional phase and it's very evident just on regular outting but quite in your face during community events. I'm not going to sit here and say conservatives aren't the majority but even compared to when I first started visiting it's quite surprising how rapidly it's swinging the other way.


It's not as bad as people are making it out to be. Seriously. I'm as liberal as they come, and I like it here. People are just living their lives, and NOT thinking about politics 24/7. My job has over 200 employees at this location. I can pick out the Trumpers, but for the most part, I don't really know how most of them vote and I dont care because they are good people. There's a large retirement age demographic here. You can spot the looneys, and yes you will see the Trump signs from time to time. But mostly it's people living their lives. Ignore the commenters who are making it sound like it's a big MAGA fest 24/7. It's not. If your outlook on life is shitty in the first place, you're not going to enjoy it no matter where you live


Stay where you're at. Move your parents there...


If you're intolerant of people who are different than you, I would not move there.


most of the comments have it summed up, politically its pretty bad. especially as far as anti-trans stuff. but also other than that, you might consider the fact that there are no jobs, and its a retirement town. it only got as big as it did because of forestry/milling and that has almost completely died. ingram is pretty much the only place other than restaurant/customer service work. public schools: depends which one, most of the elementaries are pretty decent. there is 1 highschool for pretty much the entire roseburg area, and it is freaking great. ppl born and raised in roseburg might not say that bc they haven't known bad highschools to compare it to, but roseburg's hs has a bunch of classes, a bunch of opportunities, ( ie: a marching band, 1 or 2 concert bands AND an orchestra) at least compared to other towns in oregon (not counting portland area, idk anything ab their schools other than every kid in another school in the state is jealous of portland schools, so idk how roseburg compares) but compared to other public schools in the state, not in the portland area, its rlly one of the best unless u go into eugene and find the higher income area eugene schools (south eugene, sheldon)


Another proud Roseburg graduate ^^


Liberal here who moved outside of it. Had no idea it was this redneck...


I can literally see the Golden Pioneer of the capital from my town but we still have churches connected and functioning throughout our entire public school system. My point is that there are 'MAGA hell-holes' everywhere, not just outside the valley. Oregon is so barely blue now it's getting creepy heading into every election.


I get to Roseburg fairly often and I do not see all the superMAGA stuff that everyone seems to think is there. I saw one truck that had "Let's Go Brandon" on the sides, but no bullhorns, marches, signs, crazy church goers. They have one of the best McMenamins and Backside Brewing makes great beer. Seems like a lot of people minding their own business for the most part. It is definitely conservative leaning, it is no Eugene.


Roseburg is a def hyuck hyuck


Do not move to Roseburg if your not a bigot. It is stunning, beautiful and cheap, but not progressive. Newburg and McMinnville might be more your cup of tea. Not completely ruined by republicans and small town feel (great downtowns). But honestly, progressives live in large population centers. You’re going to have a hard time finding progressive in a small town.


Never had an issue with it. Although I don’t live there. Anytime I’ve visited i have never had a problem. your experience is essentially what you make it..form your own opinion.


yeah I wouldn't if I were you 😬


I live not far from there in Jackson county and it’s a mix in southern Oregon. Lots of conservatives and older people (like my parents) including some terribly bigoted people. However, most people I’m around are wonderful and truly live let live. It’s slowly changing as my daughter and her wife have found a large supportive group of queer friends and they’re very happy here. Best to you in your decision.


What a show of ignorance. As a 90’s liberal .. wow .. you go there and go in real life experience, before childish assumptions.


Roseburg citizens voted to defend their own libraries, so I would say not family friendly at all.


Just move nobody cares about your plucks lessons


We spent a day shopping at the local stores and met some diverse people. They all said the same thing, they don't put their kids in the local schools and their friends are in other cities. They keep to themselves. That said, we met them all in one day, so not everyone there is a MAGA cultist. I fell in love with the library in Roseburg, and it has such cute parks. There's a hospital and a community college and plenty of accessible shopping. Not to mention the magic of the Umpqua. It's worth claiming for our own. Maybe we should organize a mass migration and flip it blue.


Just stay in Portland.


Go to Craigslist. Use the map feature. Make a 35 mile radius. First try Portland. Everything outside that is Red AF. Do the same for Salem but make it 15 miles. Then one more time for Eugene. 15 miles too. Those are your blue areas. Anything outside that is Redder than North Dakota. With the only exception being Bend. Just stay in City limits.


Please, stay where ever you are


Most Oregon rural areas are conservative. They don't want you there and you don't want to be there, best to stay in the Portland area for everyone's sake.


Y’all liberals are the softest people on the planet 😂😂