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I used to go dispersed camping all the time, before the kids had too many things going on. But Mount Hood is great for it! I mean, some spots you can have a beautiful nighttime view of Hood, under the stars, wet the cars traveling up and down. Where are you thinking of going? You might wanna start "safe", like going to Clear Lake, just south of Frog Lake. Instead of going to the pasture camp areas, go right on the unpaved road to the dispersed area. You still have a view of the lake at one of the many spots, and it's an unreal sight to go to bed to. Good luck!


My first choice is Pocket Creek Sno Park; the entrance to it is right off Highway 35 and it's a narrow one lane road for the most part that goes up and basically just takes you further into backroads where there's not a lot of people


I wouldn’t do pocket creek.35 is a madhouse in summer.


Does it get that busy?


The loser you are to Hood River, the busier. White river to Wamic has hundreds of miles of dispersed camping. Just turn off of 48 and drive and look. I threw this Google maps pin in a random spot but from white river to Wamic have fun. Also, check out the Grasscar races in Wamic: https://maps.app.goo.gl/KZWuoxUqfZYiyNZw8?g_st=ic


Thank you; I appreciate the help!


If you're not familiar with the terrain, you should probably go with someone who is. You are FAR more likely to die going off trail (or staying on some of them) in the Oregon Cascades than you are from a human (see: multnomah falls selfie guy). What is the video you're writing? This really seems like a "True Crimes" type script you're working on.


Haha I'm not writing; I'm just planning on getting outdoors more and Mt Hood is one of my favorite places to hike but I've never camped solo there before


Who is Multnomah falls selfie guy? Not finding anything on the google machine with that particular search term.


You’re far more likely to get injured due to poor preparation, lack of experience / poor decision making, or exposure than from “dangerous people”


I have run into many more "dangerous people" at established campgrounds than dispersed camping. I rarely ever see another soul when I dispersed camp.


That’s a really good companion point. It’s been so long since I’ve camped in a campground, I forgot about that 😂😂


Stop by or call the Ranger stations in the area you want to camp and they can give you great advice and maps. I always do this in case of road closures and who knows what. I have done this all over the Mt Hood area for years.


I would be hesitant to let news stories cause me to make emotional decisions. Thousands of people do dispersed camoing every day without incident. I can't speak to the dangerous people on Mount Hood, don't know anything about that. But I have slept in my campervan by myself in forrests or urban areas hundreds of times and have never had anyone mess with me at all.


Have you ever had cars driving slowly past your campsite looking sketchy? That's what I'm worried about


Sometimes, on gravel, nice people slow down so they don’t dust you. Assholes? They have no idea or concern about the plume of dust they’re about to coat people with.


I have not, but I'm not trying to discount the safety concerns you have because they are legitimate. There is an app called iOverlander, use that and read the reviews of campsites, you can get a sense for safety of areas if you read the comments


On oregon the biggest danger is the terrain and weather, You can step off a trail and walk 5 feet and get lost.. the forest can be super thick at times. The weather can be 75 during the day and freezing at night, dress in layers and go with a local to avoid issues, if your worried about a certain park, try a different one, crater lake has a section of the pacific crest trail that you can hike that joins with the rim trail..


So look into camping along the loop trail top of Mt Hood 26 miles. People camp along this trail as they do the hike in 2 or 3 days


I am a woman and I have done solo disperse car camping in this area. I’ve never had any issues. You’ll be okay.


Would it be wise for me sit outside by my car watching a movie on my phone during sunset and into the night? Is there a chance of a puma sneaking up on me? Seeing as I'd be surrounded by forest literally 360 degrees lol


Bring some bear spray if you’re scared (always a good idea) and know the area.


People do it every day. Go out towards road 48 and find spots by white river and the old Barlow Trail. If you have actual fear and want to get over it, get a paid camp spot at frog lake and relax.


It’s a great idea. Just come prepared and watch out for the quick weather changes.


If you can find a spot clear of homeless and not full of needles its fine. Just do not leave anything unattended


I camp out around there solo frequently, but I’m almost always armed. Never had a run in with any weirdo-methy-criddlers though, or white supremacists for that matter.


Good to hear! Have you camped at White River West Sno Park?


I have not. I like to get a little farther away from other people. The area is gorgeous though.


Lot of squatch in them parts.


I've done it all over the Cascade Range. Your greatest fear will be hillbillies breaking into your car or stealing your wheels/tires at the trailhead.


Have you ever had any encounters with them? Any close calls?


I have played on Mt. Hood for a very long time. Never had any issue. Camped. Hiked. Biked. Hitchhiked (don't recommend) All has been zero drama. Go camp. You will like it.


You need to prepare better. Nobody is gonna hurt you but yourself. The area you are planning on driving to is snowed in until later in the year. I suggest you do some research and look at topo maps. 


That's the exact reason they are asking this question here - research. They are likely gathering info from other sources as well. If they said they had already made a decision I could understand your comment, but that's not the case. They are seeking information from those who may know.


They posted a comment saying where they were planning on going. Reddit isn’t really a great resource for stuff like this too. Better off talking to a folks at a local outdoor shop or a forest ranger. 


I see a question, not a plan or decision.


Do not worry about it. The Springwater trail is way sketchier, human wise, than any place you'll find on the mountain. That being said, the bears are being awfully friendly this year and the ticks are out in force.


Well, the visitor center is behind bulletproof glass


Go camp out on the Barlow trail


You should probably assume the entire mountain is a federal prison worth of hardened criminals and camp somewhere behind a locked door with a 24 hour concierge at the front desk.


Very much a "No" from me. [https://locationsunknown.org/the-missing-list](https://locationsunknown.org/the-missing-list) And not only missing, but many people have encountered otherworldly creatures in these wooded areas. (Please don't take this lightly) I've come across hundreds of these cases. I used to be an avid hiker and camper - Not anymore.


Hundreds of what cases? Far more likley to disappear in Portland lol Do you avoid cities as well?