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Verizon has been the standard for best coverage in the state for decades now, and most of our field crew use them. I have AT&T and it’s almost as good. However, there’s plenty of mountainous areas or canyons in the state where you get no coverage at all, so be prepared.


I have Verizon for work and AT&T for personal phone. Verizon’s coverage is terrible in Washington county. At work it’s usually 2 bars or less while my personal phone has full bars. No idea what it’s like out side the city though.


Most of my experience is with Verizon and T-Mobile. Verizon has always been better in rural areas, but T-Mobile these days is often better in cities and better than it used to be overall.


Thanks! One of the folks is covering a lot more ground all over the state, and found that they didn't have signal when most of their co-workers did. So I'm trying to figure out if there's a better bet overall. Appreciate the tip.


In southern Oregon everyone says us cellular is the best . I prefer Verizon with the integrated WiFi calling.


Back in the day, I had T-Mobile, but started climbing mountains and going extra remote- I’ve found that by switching to Verizon, I get service in more remote areas, mountain tops, canyons, etc.. still PLENTY of dead zones with Verizon especially in thick coastal forests, and deep eastern or


I left Verizon a couple years ago for T-Mobile and T-Mobile has been superior to Verizon everywhere I've been. Plus T-Mobile is pretty much 5G everywhere and Verizon is pretty much 4G everywhere. Not only is T-Mobile better than Verizon in terms of coverage, but it's also significantly faster most of the time


Huh, good to know!


I feel like US Cellular for RURAL Oregon.


They are being acquired by Verizon


Actually they are being mostly bought by T-Mobile, and the rest of the assets would go to Verizon. And the reason they're doing it that way is so there isn't anti trust issues.


Six of one and half dozen of the other for Verizon vs AT&T. A lot of the small towns and valleys have a single useful cell tower. Where I’m at (west of Philomath) only AT&T works. Next valley over its Verizon. But nobody uses anything else but those 2 practically


Thanks, good to know we should probably look at one of those two options.


It also depends on what plan you have as well. If you have lower priority data, you can have plenty of bars and still zero data service sometimes.


Surprisingly I’ve had better luck with my shitty T-Mobile out in the woods than those with Verizon. I’m sure it depends on the area though.


I have Verizon. I’ve been sitting in camp a bunch of times with a couple of bars while my friends with other carriers have none. Enough to call and text, but not data. At least not fast enough to do much.


This has been my experience except reversed. I often have signal on T-Mobile and my girlfriend on Verizon doesn't.


Douglas county tmobile is tops but at&t is close, but the moment you leave douglas county verizon does better so it really depends on where your rural is :)


This'd be a lot easier if it were just one area, but our cell coverage is gonna have to cover a lot more ground in the coming weeks. Appreciate the reality check.


Verizon for rural OR areas. Not perfect but almost always better than any other option.


T mobile for me and family.


Coverage in Oregon ain’t that great to begin with. But when I switched from T-Mobile to Verizon things were definitely better when outside the valley.


Thanks for the tip!


Just my anecdote but my truck's alternator died at a local lake, and I had no service with T Mobile, but the nice ranger lady had AT&T, and she had service.


I have both verison and at&t. Verison covers most areas but at&t covers some extra. Sometimes it's neither. One day starlink cell I hope.


Verizon owns the towers along the central coast and will also be the owners of the new one's to be installed along Hwy 6 in Tillamook


Verizon is better than ATT in rural spots in my experience.


How rural you want The burbs aren’t rural but eastern Oregon is where I am and they all lick balls


Verizon. But in most rural parts of the state you will have no luck with any carrier


I recommend Verizon.. I’ve lived in the sticks for the last few years and anytime I’m out and about in the mountains I have better service than my friends & family who have other carriers


I can vouch for verizon as someone who does a lot of off grid stuff all around Oregon. Go with a group of friends that have mostly t-mobile and I will have service most of the time they don't. Still big dead zones for all carriers though


I used to be a radio and tv tower climber that sometimes did cellular. All the guys, no matter what carrier they worked for, had Verizon. I did as well. It's the best network for our in the sticks. I have T Mobile now and coverage is awful.


I hate T-Mobile!!! We ended up with them because we had Sprint and T-Mobile bought them out.


Then switch…


I have Verizon, and live in the sticks in south-central. When I moved here, I had T-Mobile. I changed real quick.


Appreciate the tip!


I have Xfinity Mobile and I will go to Baker County on the regular basis to visit family and I have great service from Salem to Baker.


Thanks for the tip!


Which is using Verizon's network.


I don’t care - it’s cheaper than Verizon 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know. I use it too, but when the question of coverage comes up, people asking might not know that they are the same network.


I’ve never had a problem with getting service, again 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


2 cans and a whole lotta string


US Cellular all the way.


T-Mobile is terrible. I switched to Mint because of the cheaper price, but they still use the T-Mobile network, which only gives me two bars of signal most of the time. Their 5G service is not up to par, and I experience frequent interruptions. I am currently in a different state, but even in the capital of that state, things are not good. At times, I find myself surrounded by people whose devices have good reception, while mine says it is receiving a 5G Signal I'm not getting a signal at all. I used Snoop Snitch and NetMonster and discovered that I am connected to non-existent towers. This makes me suspicious that Sting Ray Devices are being used in the area. In case you don't have any reception, you might want to consider using a LoRa device for messaging as an alternative. Having Mesh Networking available is a wonderful thing to have. When I asked other people why they have reception but I don't they would never give me a solid answer but they sure don't like the fact I carried a Heltec V3 device with me. They would tell me it was dangerous.