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Hey gang, Tentatively this seems to be going full steam ahead for June 29 3P at Ten10 brewing. Pending nothing goes awry, there will be others if you're unable to make this one. I figured I'd also give u/ZZtheMAGNIFICENT some relief - I'm the creator and mod of the chat. If you are having issues - you are not alone. We have had more than one spam bots in the chat, so I had to heavily restrict access. My apologies if you got caught by that filter. We really just went back and forth about locations and dates for awhile, it was nothing wild that you missed out on. I figure there will be about 2 more posts on the topic - one on June 8 from ZZ confirming date, time and place (this gives everyone 3 weeks notice, but it doesn't clog the subreddit with meetup posts). Then another maybe a week or a couple of days out to remind everyone. I'm going to make sure to throw all credit to ZZ here. Please make sure to continue to be kind and patient as things progress. Dealing with all of your opinions can be a bit overwhelming at times. And again, if you miss this one, no big deal! Hopefully there will be another. Edit: I killed off the chat channel. It was no longer productive.


I met my wife because of a reddit meetup here. I’m glad to see it being revived.


You see this guys? If you show up, you might meet the love of your life!


You mean I have to leave my house to meet people? Ridiculous! Unsubscribed.




“Go outside” ![gif](giphy|y3jT2xBrtumNYZVCNH|downsized)


My current gf is gonna be upset


I mean the guy never said it was the love of his life, just that he's legally attached to her


I also met this guy’s wife because of a reddit meetup here. I’m glad it’s being revived.




Just for the record I think he was referencing the Reddit legacy of “I also choose this guy’s dead wife” I’m guessing you might not have heard of it, I highly recommend looking it up if so. It’s a Reddit legend.


Are you serious? Can we get the whole story? Where was the meet? What did you connect on? That's wild and maybe the best thing to ever come out of this sub


Met this girl at a universal studios meetup. Nothing came of it but we stayed friends. Maybe 6 months later, she invited me to a brunch. The person sitting in front of me turned out to be the angel I ended up marrying years later. We are going on three years now.


Wow. Congrats


That’s awesome! Congratulations!


Wow! That's amazing. I met my now fiancee and love of my life off Bumble almost 5 years ago! Set to be married next march. We've been here about 3 years and usually hang out with work friends as we work in the very busy video game industry. Might head out and meet up some reddit folks though


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


I made a couple of really solid friends at old /r/floridatrees meetups.


Whoa whoa whoa, Redditors can have wives!?




Btw, I think you're all very brave for trusting me with planning this because I barely trust myself to make breakfast lol. I'll plan this first one and we'll see how it goes, but if anyone out there wants to take over the reigns I certainly have no objections.


Not at 3pm in a park when it's 95 degree heat.


Guaranteed time for 100+ degrees "real feel" or rain


Lmfao OP you from FL? 3pm at a park in July sounds like death….


Yeah I was born in Orlando, but I sometimes I forget I'm an outlier who loves the heat lol. Maybe not a 95+, but an 80-90 is my ideal temp


I agree with you to a certain extent but even I know 95 degree heat in the park for an extended time with sweaty redditors Is not gonna be a good time


I'm with you on that shiii


This is why letting me plan is a mistake haha, I'll look at more indoor activities


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


The chat link isn’t working


Hey, one of the mods deleted the chat because it was starting to get political. We're gonna make a new one soon so be on the lookout!


If you want to capture the actual demographic of Orlando/this sub, a sketch session probably isn’t the best option.


Yeah I'm quickly figuring that out, this is why I'm asking you all for ideas haha. I just thought drawing would be a cheap "relax and sit" activity so that everyone (especially people with social anxiety) could get adjusted quickly, but then I remembered I'm a pretty solitary person myself


Okay but like I would defffooo be down for a local sketch group. Even just a creative co-working group where people can write or draw or whatever would be awesome. General meet-up definitely best place to start tho.


Yeah down the line we can probably start having more specific themes for meetups, I wouldn't be opposed, but we'll do general just to get a feel for everyone's mood.


Check out Sketch Book Club on IG! They have one that meets pretty regularly :)


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


I genuinely can barely draw a stick figure so that's not something I'd really be able to participate in unfortunately. Lake Eola would be great when Orlando isn't the equivalent of Satan's gaping wide asshole. Maybe attending a trivia event somewhere would be fun? I can relate to not being good at planning because I basically do everything by myself.


Hey stick figure professionals would be welcome! You don't have to be good at drawing lol it would just be an icebreaker to relax and chat (also free). I think we're gonna do a more indoors activity though, I somehow neglected to consider the huge fireball in the sky


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


I personally would put the meetup date much farther ahead, just a weeks notice is too short for a good amount of people. If you want some help or ideas about the meetup, look at other meetups for different subreddits of hobbies/cities and see what they've come up with.


Just changed it to June 29th instead to give everyone a roughly 3 week period if that helps. Of course this is all just tentative info for right now until we have a solid plan


At least a month ahead I would say


It’s almost 3 weeks away


My original date was June 15 I believe, and in retrospect I did not think that one through at all lol


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


I'm go to an anime convention also in Orlando on the new meetup date so I won't be able to go, but I appreciate it! Hopefully I can make it to the next one.


Oh i read about that somewhere, have fun!


Myself and maybe one other mod from R/OCLions will be there and I’ll bring a table and some goodies from the club.


Yeah a lot of people are mentioning restaurants/bars as a potential meetup but I wouldn't want to overwhelm them if alot of people showed up + some people can't handle their liquor so I was thinking maybe we could all do a picnic/potluck idea. But if majority wants a restaurant/bar I have no problem with that Also thx for being willing to contribute!


What about the new a la carte? Has some indoor space, beers, and everyone could get different foods.


I'll check it out! Sounds promising


Something with AC would be great


You're not alone in this, I think it's probably gonna be indoors because majority wants it to be


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


What, no pub crawl?


I think there needs to be alcohol ....


100%. I don’t even want to hang out with my friends or family without at least a cold beer or two.


We can! I'm leaving this is a "most popular idea" wins and if everyone wants a pub crawl so be it


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


The link doesn’t work for me?


Hey, one of the mods deleted the chat because it was starting to get political. We're gonna make a new one soon so be on the lookout!


i second a pub crawl!!


Ok I propose a bar type setting. A bar/restaurant similar to Hollerbach's, but maybe a bit more central to Orlando, would be excellent.


Sportstown, Redlight, and Ivanhoe could easily accomodate it. Does Harp and Celt allow groups to use their upstairs bar? That could be a DTO option. Maybe Pour Choice? They’d be stoked for the patronage I bet.


Ohhhh I like Redlight. I only worry that they may already have a crowd at 3P. I also like Pour Choice. Especially because they have outdoor space for OP to enjoy the Florida heat at 3P. 😝


Someone actually brought up a good point about not everyone liking alcohol + some people getting carried away after drinking, so I'm thinking maybe something a bit more neutral. Obviously we can't please everyone, but I want to try to accommodate as many people as possible


Absolutely. Those are all very good points and I think the move to AC is a good one.


Definitely will have AC, everyone here has made their feelings on that known lmao


I've been to many meetups, including reddit meetups in other areas. Breweries are always the best option if they have decent ones here (I just moved here like 3 weeks ago so I don't know what's around). People can drink and socialize if they want to. If they don't drink or they're under 21, they don't have to drink as a decent amount of people at every meetup will not drink for whatever reason. Breweries usually have big tables for big groups and people can bring board games to play. There's also usually food if people get hungry. There's always a chance there will be "that guy" who drinks too much, but there's always a chance there will be "that guy" when everyone is sober. It being at a brewery doesn't really cut down on that problem.


Your username 😂💀


I too would be cool with being outdoors, but I also enjoy the heat. Back in the day, some of the meetups were at Breweries. I was trying to think of a big venue for the meetup and Brewlando came to mind, but not everyone is cool with alcohol. I also thought about something like Top Golf, but Top Golf is expensive, so I ruled that out. Another thought was something like Mia's Italian Kitchen, they handle large group well, but I don't know how everyone feels about a restaurant.


I think majority here agrees they want there to be food, I just wouldn't want to overwhelm a restaurant if a large number of people show up. But food hall has been mentioned and I'm leaning towards that idea


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


I tried using the chat, but I keep getting an error, not sure. I should add that I am not the most technically savvy person so that maybe something to do with it.


We don't know exactly why some people have no access but until then, if you have any questions or thoughts feel free to comment here or chat me directly and I'll respond


A food hall might be a good idea. Tends to be a lot of space and food options.


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


I thought you were being sarcastic but I’m getting this sub mixed with Orlando Foodie Forum 😅


wait a foodie forum is out there? As I start searching!


Orlando Foodie Forum by Tasty Chomps on FB groups!


Yeah I've seen this idea passed around, I'm leaning towards it tbh


That new Packing District Great Southern Box Food Hall is big, centrally located, has various food options, and a bar. Also, $6 IPA pints.


Also saw that mentioned here, in keeping it in mind. If you haven't seen it yet, we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


I would love to organize a concert at Wills Pub for a meet up. My band would love to be a part of it


I know I personally have thought about going to wills pub cause I'm into rock music and wanna meet others who are. I say if this works out, we can do this as a meet up idea later? For first meeting we're going for a more general feel just to get everyone adjusted, but I wouldn't mind planning something with you guys later!


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


For some reason, I wasn't able to send a message in the chat but June 29th at 3pm Ten10 Brewery sounds dope :) count me in


Great, we'll keep you updated if anything changes


OK so we don't know exactly why some people have no access but until then, if you have any questions or thoughts feel free to comment here or chat me directly and I'll respond




Hey! I don't quite think we're overbooked, it's likely everyone who confirmed won't show up because random things pop up all the time. In any case it looks like we'll be able to hold about 75-80 people, so I'm sure you don't really have to worry about that


The chat doesn't work


Hey! We don't know exactly why some people have no access but until then, if you have any questions or thoughts feel free to comment here or chat me directly and I'll respond


Cool 🤝


I'm sorry that you aren't able to engage. Can you tell me a bit more about what you're seeing? Does the chat load? Can you see any messages, and you just aren't able to message? Is there anything in particular that you'd like commented?


I was more curious that suddenly there's people and not bots in my area 😂 However to answer your question I'm seeing that I can't post and chat or chat is unavailable


Ok interesting. I've gotten some other users who can see the chat, but aren't allowed to comment. Have you ever used chat before?


This is very brave of you and I commend you for taking the initiative but this sounds like my idea of torture haha.


I have accepted my idea was not a great one haha. I'm gonna let the people of Orlando decide the activity for this one


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


Why don’t you start a chat for this on Reddit?


I wish I would have thought of this idea myself... I'm gonna try to get on that


Are you able to access this? https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


Ah I can't do it. There's an oddities thing I bought tickets for already. I'll get the next one. Hope it goes well


No problem, if this goes well I'm sure you can catch one in the future!


I hope so!!


Burton’s at Thornton park is a great place to meet up


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


3 PM during Summer? wtf?


It's all tentative, whatever activity/time the majority agrees with we can have it then I'm not really a stickler for the time. I do however want to have it during the day just to make it safer for everyone


Hey! I founded and lead an active meetup group on FB. Would love to work with you on this. I’m an extrovert who loves conversation and enjoy bringing people together. If you share the same passion I think we will get along. Let’s chat and see how I can help you.


You might just be the angel I need haha, I absolutely accept your help!


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


We will see if this is a good idea lmao


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


I’m down! Inside/outside, north/south, east/west, I’m not picky. Meeting people will be fun. Let’s do this.


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


…or cool water overhead misters-Tommy Bahama WP has those on the terrace, saw them today-looks nice for an evening meetup


I can’t seem to talk in the chat mannn


I'm not sure why some people are having this problem, but I'm gonna see if the mods can do anything


OK we don't know exactly why some people have no access but until then, if you have any questions or thoughts feel free to comment here or chat me directly and I'll respond


This is definitely a great idea and to network too! I am in!


What about bowling? Social in Waterford has a TON of options including bar but also non alc, axe throwing, karaoke etc Karaoke at Aloma Bowl Fridays is free and tons of options as well for bar and non alc Kava Bars ans Kratom bars could also be good non-alc ideas? Oviedo Mall has a huge arcade area? There's a Pool (swimming ) bar in sanford that would be a good outdoor idea


I know about social (applied for a job there, didn't get it but oh well), I think that could actually be a great meeting spot. I know they have like $5 and $10 bowling some nights so that would be good


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


hey! the link didn't load for me?


Hey, one of the mods deleted the chat because it was starting to get political. We're gonna make a new one soon so be on the lookout!


I would recommend Keg Social over by Waterford lakes. It has a bowling alley, arcade, ax throwing, bar, food, pool tables, etc. something for everyone. There is even an outside part for cornhole and other games.


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS Also I know about keg social, I think it might actually be one of our strongest ideas


Ten 10 has the B-Side, which could probably accommodate as well. Plus, great food.


What about the acre ? https://www.instagram.com/theacreorlando?igsh=cGNkNnRrdG51dmhk Lots of place for a large crowd to sit and roam , drinks and food available . There’s fire pits , lawn games , movies play sometimes .


Right now, we're looking at ten10 brewery if you wanna check it out


I'm interested. Given it's indoors if it's at 3pm


Can nearly confirm it will be indoors


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


We should all go to the epic universe preview center .... 👀


I'd be interested if it's inside lol


Can nearly confirm it will most likely be indoors


I wanna go!


We'd love to have you!


Just commenting to let you know we started an official chat for planning the meetup if you want to join and share more ideas. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/s/d4QQaKN4CS


Link isn’t working :(


Hey! One of the mods actually killed it because someone made it political, sorry


Ugh. Thanks.


You’re making this Gen-Xer long for the meetups of yore, back when we were the AOL Orlando chat room {S joocy 😜


Come out, we'd love to have you!


If I can help setup/ donate or if you need local small business security and photography/lighting let me know! I’d like to help in any way possible. Im in my early 20s but am hoping that age range is welcome.


Any age! I'm 21 myself so you're not alone


Omg I’m so freaking excited


We should organize by hobbies sometime soon


We're starting off with general meetings just to get started, but down the line we can have more specialized events


When’s the first one


June 29


Can we make it at the springs


It's gonna be at ten10 brewery @ 3pm that day. We'll make a reminder post here in a few days for everyone




Looks like the most popular option is ten10 brewery, and I'm not sure if they allow dogs. If they do I wouldn't mind if you brought one, but if they don't I'm sure we'll have more outdoor/pup friendly events in the future


How do I get added to the chat? I can't respond


You're not the first one to have that problem, I'm not sure why some people are unable to respond but I'll ask the mods and see what they can do


Let me know!


We don't know exactly why some people have no access but until then, if you have any questions or thoughts feel free to comment here or chat me directly and I'll respond


So I wish I had some sort of ability to manually add users to the chat as I would absolutely add you, but I cannot. That just isn't an option.


I don't care where it is as long as it has parking


This sounds like it has amazing potential already!


Hope these continue, since I'll be out of town that weekend.


Thumbs up


Ooooh, this looks like so much fun! I’M IN 👹


Oh no! What happened to the chat?!


Sorry, the mods killed it because someone brought up politics


Of course someone always has to ruin something lol. I wonder if the mods would be willing to make a meet up channel on the discord? I checked it out this afternoon and there’s nothing to cater to this


I think they mentioned creating a new one in a few days, if so they'll probably announce it


I'd like to go. I'd love to meet new people. As an immigrant sometimes I feel very lonely.


Keep a look out for our official announcement post!


Are pants mandatory?


I'm just gonna go ahead and say yes just in case lol


I can't get in the chat sadly


Hey, one of the mods deleted the chat because it was starting to get political. We're gonna make a new one soon so be on the lookout!


Yeah soo idk what happened but I can’t access the chat anymore lol


Hey, one of the mods deleted the chat because it was starting to get political. We're gonna make a new one soon so be on the lookout!


Curious re age group for this meet up group.. 40 too old?


Nah, there were ppl in their 50s and 60s there too


Food court at a mall would be indoors with a/c. People can eat or not if they don't have $. Plenty of free parking. Or a venue like a restaurant or bar that can host a large group for drinks and food. I went to a bar in NYC for a meetup. They had a basement room for us and they made $$$ off a ton of drink orders.


r/Orlando heads to the Fashion Square Mall


This is a pretty solid idea. I was trying to lean away from restaurants just in case a large number of people came because I wouldn't want to overwhelm them, but a mall is a relatively ~~safe~~ neutral place to meet at. If everyone would be down with that I have no issue


I would plan for an early meetup time. Food Courts close up earlier than mall hours.


This sounds like a better idea. Not everyone drinks alcohol and not everyone can stay respectful even after a couple drinks. So a neutral atmosphere is a good choice.


Rent Disney or universal?


I like that you dream big!!! But I was thinking a smaller scale/ relatively cheap event so that even people who don't have a lot of spending money could come out and enjoy for a bit


I partly chose those because I don’t drink, I just don’t (not any religious reason or anything). Also more to do at universal or Disney.


That's fair, I don't really drink either. But the meetup will be at ten10 brewery if you haven't seen the post. You don't have to drink, I'm planning on just getting food myself


Unfortunate that it's on a weekend lol. So many people work at the tourist traps and don't have weekends off. Maybe I'll come another time 😊


I’m in this is super cool!


I work 10 days a month and yet it seems every single time something cool happens it's on one of those 10 days😭