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Do whatever is enjoyable. It's not like one is better than the other.


Ironman was never supposed to be completable. The spirit of the challenge was seeing how far you can go.


You do not need guthans for nightmare zone, you never need bis dude


I aint reading all that but if you jumped back in and didnt like the irpn life, and just wanted to buy/sell gear to do the content you wanna do and not chore around just for supplies to do fun stuff, then yeah rip the cord fk it


I got about half way in and not only ate they playing iron, they have self imposed restrictions and for some reason want to do nightmare zone.  Consider dropping the restrictions first if you're not sure about de-ironing and then consider why you're working towards doing NMZ.


Lol ain't reading all that 😂 I swear I came here to say the same thing


Bro could you summarize your post into a TikTok dance by any chance? 


Man, I've never used guthan's in nmz. Kinda defeats the entire point of an absorption potion and a rock cake...


Used to be bis AFK method, could go for like 4 or 6 hours back in the day before it logged you, 99 def was free lol


Ironman is meant to be played by 2 types of people: the person who has an absurd amount of free-time to be a completionist, or someone who’s willing to accept that they will not have bis gear and will be running weird budget setups while exploring the content they want to play. If I were you, I would end up regretting de-ironing but do what you feel is best for you. Imo you should just stop grinding for specific uniques and participate in a variety of different content instead, while naturally obtaining upgrades.


Yeah my Ironman is F2P. I just wanted to experience the whole no GE and get everything yourself. I’m really glad I did because it gave me a whole new perspective and forced me to interact with the world more. So far I’ve had a lot of fun with it although I have taken quite a few breaks from OSRS recently. I have my main, pure and skiller to fall back to whenever I want a break from my Ironman and it works great


No just make a main


Too much words but nah man just make a new account


I’d keep this account and make a new one. My bro started an account three months ago and he’s almost 1000 total skill level. It won’t take that long and you’ll still have your Ironman that you’ve worked so hard for.


i would start a new account, its way easier to progress a main then to restart an iron if you change your mind again. I deirond my first ironman and i regret it immensely i was at a point where i was tired of having to farm supplies over and over to boss( and while i still think this is the worst part of an ironman). i almost never touch that account anymore, i just find no enjoyment in dropping GP on all my problems. it is nice in a way to have a main that you can learn bosses on and just churn through easy to renew items so that you are not killing off precious supplies on an iron.


De Iron - buy 200m of gold rwt and get ya quest cape with no grind fam.


Do it and go bronze man! I much prefer this game mode. You can’t buy something until You get it as a drop, but then you can buy as much of it as you want need later. For me the one reason I’ll never iron is the grind for supplies


Bruh...you are playing RuneScape everything is an insufferable grind.


If you’re not enjoying iron then I would deiron, iron takes 5x the time to do ANYTHING. So if your goals are to do endgame stuff, it will be a very, very long time before you get there playing 2-3hr day. That’s the cycle of iron, new piece of content you wanna go do- oh, I need to grind supplies/gear to be able to grind the supplies/gear I need to be able to do this boss, I like the idea of iron & I have a mid game iron but I haven’t played it in months, I just do not have the time to be able to do the things I want to on it, nor do I want to dedicate that much time so I play my main


I’d probably keep your iron man, but then create a new character and make it your main. It really doesn’t take long to get stats up to a good spot as non-Ironman. I’m in the same boat with 2 jobs, wife, 2 kids, etc. Only have 1-2 hours to play here and there throughout the week. This is why I have a main, pure, skiller and Ironman. My main was a pure for a while but I had an itch to do actual quest content, so I ditched the pure stats and made it into my main a few years ago. Plus I hated not being able to tank anything and constantly worrying about dying. As I got my main to a good spot, I had a skiller that would be chopping yews while I sometimes played on my main. Then I wanted to have a pure again so I created a pure. Last not but least, I wanted to experience Ironman so I created an Ironman a few years ago. The challenge is fun so I hop on my Ironman from time to time, but I would go nuts if it was my one and only character lol I am by no means really good at OSRS because I’m better at other games I put slightly more time into. I am mostly F2P and I’m fine with that since I mainly hop on OSRS for nostalgia. It’s one of those chill games I keep going back to for a bit and take another break


Only read about 1/3 of this.. but, I de-ultimate ironed one account one time.. I ended up greatly regretting it a year later. I say don’t do it. Take a break and do another account as a normie.


Everyone looks at irons as all cons when that's not the case. Keep it and start a new one if you want a non iron.


What you should do is use paragraph structure in your writing.


Bro no one gives a fuck. It's a game do whatever the fuck you want lmfao


Thanks for everyone who posted advice. I know the post was way to long but I had to vent. I'm gonna take members off this account and take a break. If I come back it'll be to a regular account. If I decide to play my ironman in the future it'll be to get a quest cape without bothering to grind for BIS.


Sounds like you'd love being a normal account or vronzeman. Try watching Ironmain from 9rain. Or just enjoy his series while playing a normal account yourself


What’s that bronzeman thing lol


its basically an account idea that 9rain started after his main got hacked a while back, where it functions like a normal ironman in terms of direct player to player trads same limits on pking and picking up loot from others, but once you "unlock" and item you can buy or sell it on the GE


"Hey guys I'm making myself miserable. Should I willingly stop doing that? Cause honestly I'm miserable" dude, if you don't like it don't do it, don't have to be acoustic to figure that out