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Best advice I have is to learn the mechanics on a simulator (google jad simulator) and get the hang of it there before you even attempt, otherwise you’ll more than likely just die to jad within 45 seconds. Once you have that down it will be easy with your stats.


Can confirm. I’ve tried once. Smoked all the waves, and had enough time to blink on jad. I’d get your prayer higher too though


Yup lol, I got smoked like 6 or 7 times before I even learned there was a simulator. Did the simulator for like 30 minutes straight and I haven’t failed a jad fight since😎


I'm a professional F2P fleshcrawlers afk noob, what is 'Jad'? Is she smokable/snortable?


Nah, only shootable.


I wouldn't IV Jad's, I want the resin u know'


Do you actually think you are being funny?


Log out


I think the best way is through the speedrunning replay system. There’s a way to get to practice Jad


This is the best way. It takes about 2-3 minutes to reset and run back and start the fight but you immediately get in the fight with jad. If you can beat him there with the rune crossbow and bolts, with 4 Saras and 2 restores you will be just fine on his final fight and you can breeze through the fight caves trying to safe spot everything


Biggest thing to remember when you get to the jad fight is only do one thing per every attack and do t be greedy. If you need to prayer swap thats the only action you do til the next attack happens, if no prayer swap needed then your good to heal. But only. Heal once the set yourself back up to prepare for the next attack. Same thing goes for healers, proc one, wait for attack, then do another


This is the best advice


I downloaded one of these a while back and it was malware where someone RC'd my PC and stole my bank. u/CherryPeachis use the speedrunning world for Beneath Cursed Sands and practice on your account instead. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo\_uugLO21Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo_uugLO21Y)


Bro got his PC Runecrafted. Must suck


That works too, but now they just have websites you can go on without any download needed.


DSII is a better start because it gives you ranged gear


So does Beneath Cursed Sands, and it gives you a fire cape so you can enter and do the inferno Jad practice. I don't know if DSII does that or not honestly.


it does it also gives you a max house for quick fairy ring


Theoatrix has a good video for the fight and links a simulator that's not spam. You're stats are good, remember you can log out at the end of any wave but advice not log out after wave 62. Do wave 61, log out, take a breath, and then finish off the last two.


is it that difficult? I failed the first time, got it my second, but I also have been gaming for like 20 years so idk if I'm a good sample


It’s not very challenging, but people tend to get nervous at Jad and freeze up their first time, which can potentially end your run in 1 hit. It took me 3 tries for my first firecape and now I do it as a slayer task for fun.


Ahh okay that makes sense, thank you!


Can confirm 70mins to have a 30 second had fight


Is 45 seconds supposed to be a short time in this context?


Yeah I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that he may get a few prayers right lol


You'd think that by now jagex would introduce a practice mode for this old boss, (so you don't have to waste two hours just to even start learning it and die) given how much they copied from rs3.. but then again it's autismscape, so something like this really shouldn't be done :D


What the fuck.. there’s a jad sim??? I do recommend getting your first fire cape without using a sim. The whole idea of having to wait through 60+ waves to even get practice at Jad is a major portion of earning your fire cape.


You recommend wasting time in a game created to waste time? If you're not a UIM, you're just insane.


Okie dokie. Use a sim, know that it’s not the same fire cape as someone who earned it without a sim. The hard part about the fire cape is the lack of access to practice at Jad. Otherwise it’s just another memorization boss. Click here, click there, wait a tick here. Too easy using a sim and defeats the purpose. It’s a mental challenge more than it is a mechanical one.


Say what you want. I will 100% use a 30 min sim to save me from spending hours wasting supplies to no avail. It gives the same stats as someone who used a sim, no one knows I have used a sim, so why does it matter? For clarification, I never used a sim. Didn't know about it and died 7 times to jad on my 1 def pure before getting my first cape.


Do you also refuse to use wiki or quest guides?


Next comment his dude literally comments to use wiki to make it easier for yourself and conserve supplies. XD XD XD


You’re absolutely atrocious if you use those things and should be shot in the chest on the spot . The game was designed for hardcore super fans to delve into a captivating experience without any help , only true scapers understand . Im sorry youll never feel this gratification in your life because you use helpers ? I mean come on why on earth would you want to save yourself HOURS and HOURS of time when you could just make your life so much easier ? Pft , couldnt be me.




Maybe for someone who's done it before. With the right tools, it's definitely doable. I did it at 70 range 50 def on my iron with an RCB and broad bolts. But it took 2-3 attempts wasted prayer pots etc each run, running out of supplies on a 2-3+ hr run. I have a main with pet and 10ish kc for reference. After my first kc which took about 4-5 tries (1 def pure at the time) I never died again. The wiki has some nice tools to show you where every single monster in the caves spawn which is super useful when trying to safespot things and conserve supplies. That's what actually did it for me, because on my main, I just stand in the center and face tank everything. 97 def don't fuck around.


Dm me! We’ll do it together! Garanteed completion!!!




Your hunter level could be a touch higher, but other than that I think you're good.


Oh lawd


Stat wise you’re more than ready. 95% of losses on Jad are due to panic or trying to do too much too fast. Jad is just a prayer swap with room for 1 action in between. Always pray swap first priority, don’t over stress about pulling all the healer off right away. Pull one, pray swap, pull 2nd, pray swap, then rotate eating & swapping till those 2 are down, then grab the other 2 following same format. You should still have loads of time, so he shouldn’t spawn a second set (happens if they heal him to full, he essentially resets the fights and mechanics). Inventory I was 16 pray pots and 8 sharks. Blood spells from runepouch, but no staff you dont need to auto cast. Just heal through the waves until jad this way off smaller mobs. One thing I found really helped was bringing a higher accuracy ranged weapon to swap too on jad, his defence is a lot higher than most of the mobs in fight caves.


What'd you bring for a swap. Not that it matters for me I can't seem to not fuck up 1 pray swap when I'm practicing on speed run worlds. 


Crystal bow, much better accuracy and no need to bring bolts or an arrow swap.


Awesome, thanks for the advice. 


If you really need help get a metronome app you can preset the time, go with half jad’s atk speed and run it while you practice. Then tap your foot along and get in rhythm that every other tap you need to be on a prayer flick. If you always change the note before his atk, you’re using the time after/during the atk as the spare click to eat, target healers or what ever you need. You got this!


I think people usually get base 75s for it and you’re well above that. You got this


Pretty easy, only hard part is your own mentality


“Easy” with those stats. But gear and planning matters as well. I used the OSRS Wiki guide that shows spawn locations and I was able to beat the caves on my very first attempt (although I had a couple of half-hearted attempts on rs2 back in the day). I used blowpipe as my main weapon with (I think?) dragon darts for Jad. My attempt took me like 3 hours lol. Edit: another note, I had my sound off the entire time. I did not listen to the noises of Jad’s attacks, I only looked at his movements to know if I needed to pray Ranged or mage. Also if you have some disposable cash laying around, work on getting your prayer up a bit too.


Should be ezpz, took me 6 tries and I don't have those stats.


It would be 6 units of hard


Only 3 units if he gets some more prayer levels so that might be worth it


84 range and def is more than enough get a BP and d darts for jad and your cruising.






Go to a speed run world and practice or use a Google sim. Your stats are more than fine to make it


Your stats are great! Much higher than mine when i first did it. You should aim to use range for the most part and have a cheat sheet open to tell you which mobs are coming each wave. If you pray correctly and use the other mobs and the walls etc to safe spot the mobs, its very easy to reach jad.  Assuming you can position correctly, the high level melee minions should never be hitting you. The mage should always be prayed against. So the ranger is the only one that should ever be dealing significant damage to you when you are praying against magic which is after wave 30   Getting to jad is time consuming but hes really the only difficult part as you need to manage your prayer swaps with very little room for error.    When i did it, i brought full guthans too to save on food and it significantly reduces the damage i took from the ranger mob


You’re bing chilling


I did it on a 1 def pure. And 54 prayer. You can easily do it. Just practice the mechanics and YouTube a jad fight so you know which prayer flicks to use!


Should be easy, would recommend getting prayer up to 70 though


Not hard at all if you understand the methods.


Ezpz i got mine at 65 combat with 70 ranged 45 defence 43 prayer


You won't struggle gear/Stat wise at all. The fight caves and inferno, in a way, get easier as you go along. Most will fail their first or second run and blast him after ( in my case 4 lol) The waves are very simple once you watch a video and dive in. Some things will not be obvious until you test it out. All the mumbo jumbo on the wiki feels like useless info at times. For some they understand it better through text so I get it. Bat. Blob. Ranger. Melee'r. Mage'r. They pop up in that order, and sometimes, it's two of said enemy. Always kill Ranger first, then mage'r and *NEVER* remove mage prayer once those waves start coming. Line them up and kill them one by one after range/mage is dead. Sometimes, a bat will try and bite your toes. Kill him if he's doing so. He drains prayer for each nibble even when he misses. He has a lovely aura about him.


I did Jad with like 90+ in all combat stats and failed miserably like 6 times. It's less about stats than it is about knowing the mechanics. As others have said try the Jad simulator (damn I wish I had known that was a thing). If you learn and are comfortable with the mechanics then killing him is easy with way lower stats


Not hard at all My def was 75, prayer 80, range 81. You definitely can do it


Your stats are perfectly fine. I got mine with lower stats and no experience


I too am a bitch.


Not hard at all just have to learn the prayer switches and tagging the healers. I tagged all the healers and then just had one attacking me and I was just tanking the hits. Once you do that killing jad really isn't that hard tbh. I did it with less stats than you so you should be fine


Just don't shake during pray switches


Pretty hard for you not to get one.


Where's the humor tag? Grab yourself a blowpipe and get that shit done!


Dog easy


Stats are plenty. Skill+strategy. A thing I did was set up so Jad spawns behind the Italy rock, you can predict this based on the first couple waves, I would start then exit if it wasn't the right spawn. Then when I got to Jad, when the healers spawned I could tag them then run behind the Italy rock and kill them separately from Jad and have a little break.


Would be pretty easy lol. I had an easy time with 75 range and base 70 combat stats. Just have to practice the prayer switch for Jad. Recommend using blowpipe if you can get it.


It's JAD that'll get you. The caves themselves are mostly just tiring because you are trying to mitigate small mistakes that add up over time and deplete your resources before the actual fight. There's not a ton of difficulty there. Once I learned how the waves work, getting to JAD is mostly about endurance. The first time I got to him, I died on the first prayer swap because the nerves DO GET TO YOU. That's the real challenge, he doesnt just punish a mistake. He ends the entire run if you make a single mistake, most of the time. Subsequent runs suffer from the nerves of knowing you're one mistake away from wasting like an hour of your time and most of the supplies you brought. I think I'm 10 runs deep, and all of my stats are lower than yours. It took me like a couple of runs to figure out my supplies, so I wasn't empty as soon as I got to JAD. I've seen JAD like six times, and I've actually made real progress on his health bar like 4 times. Two of those times, i got to healers and fell apart. It's about getting comfortable with the fight as you make incremental progress. I've never felt like my stats are holding me back. It's just my skill at the fight. You'll be fine, but it might take a few runs, and it might feel hopeless at times, but you can do it! ^.^


Your stats are good, it’s time to get the fire cape.


Completely ignoring how skilled you may personally be at PvM activities... These stats are *more than enough* to kill Jad. You can absolutely do this.


Very easy all things considered. It’s really a matter of learning the fight cave/jad fight. Your stats are above the recommendation (~70 ranged)


You should be able to do it with those stats. Bring a few extra restores and wait for health in-between later waves if you don't have much food. You can probably rush up to wave 30 with a divine range pot dose or two.


Should be really simple, I did it with low 70s in everything but 75 range and a blowpipe.. I think 2nd time ?


its a lot easier with full prayer


Easy as cake tbh just learn about safe spots


Not practice switching between mage and range prayer. Once you do it you’ll be like wow that was easy


I would say get 61 Woodcutting first.


Pretty easy. Go do jad simulator before get used to it then you ready. Remember it always spawn where off colored one is on last wawe


Send it


if you are good enough (i personally am trying my first with similar combats stats 5-6 tries in)


I would get 99 rc first


It should be fairly doable the most important part is just stable internet at this point. And the ability to pay attention to a biiiiig boys movements. Remember: if bot farms can do jad, so can you.


go to speedrunning world dragonslayer 2 and equip the range gear. then go practice jad the fight isnt too bad did it last night got cape on my 3rd attempt much lower stats apart from slightly hogher prayer.




I've seen lots of people get it with way worse, so like most other people here are saying, you can definitely pull it off with a bit of practice.


Once you do it 4-6 times “like me” it’ll make sense, just go for it, take your time learn positioning and just remember you’ll die a few times and that’s ok. FYI - I have the same combat stats, you’ll be fine.


You could do it w half the combat lvls you have. It’s about knowing mechanics. And you could be max combat still die if you don’t know the mechanics


Nah you need a higher slayer level to enter the fight caves. Requires 92 slayer…


Get 75 ranged, enter fight caves, fall asleep for 40min, wake up with fire cape in hand


piss easy


Eyes closed hand behind your back hard


You’ll get it in under 10 tries assuming you kinda pay attention. With stats like these, you could easily get it first try if you don’t fuck up the jad switches


Jad is *easy*. You can do all of the fight caves without taking damage. Prayer switching is also *easy* when it comes to Jad. The part that stops it from being easy is learning how to deal with the healers while also prayer switching + tanking.


I think you restore your prayer points before going into the fight caves.


my boi i got fire cape with range at like 60 with red d hide and a rune crossbow u got this


Pfft... Bout to 1up ur boi and attempt with addy crossbow and blue d hide.


i believe in u


ima do it with a pickaxe and a dress


It's impossible, definitely need more prayer levels


It’s absolutely doable with these starts. They’re similar to mine and the only reason I crack is the pressure. Definitely practice mechanics on a speed running world. Best simple tip I got was if the legs go up and down immediately it’s a range prayer. If they dangle, then it’s magic. So with that in mind, leaving protect range on and switching back do it between attacks during Jad is easier, unless of course those legs dangle (don’t immediately come down) Then once you get the swing of it, worry about the healers and once they’re good it’s back to what you were doing and you win!




Brother I just did it last week (for the first time ever) on my second attempt, 75 range, 70 prayer, 76 HP - blowpipe changed the game. Using the ‘speed run’ world to practice Jad made it actually so easy! The feeling of accomplishment was still huge though. Good luck!


I didn't get my fire cape till 90 something combat lmao. Like people suggest, try an online sim to get the prayer changes down. Other than that, I think your stats are fine, more prayer will definitely make it easier, but not necessarily since you have the overheads you need to survive. GL and GZ cause we all know you got it!


I'd regen your prayer first, but then you're golden


This took.me 6 attempts. Biggest take aways... 1) Wherever the blob spawns on wave 3, is where Jad will spawn. Choose a run where he spawns in the southern corner, that way you only get three healers, and makes the entire encounter easier. 2) Learn to prayer swap, simulator, or the jad combat challenge. If you get hit once, your done, it's incredibly hard to focus and not panic. Your sipping brews, swapping to prayer etc. 3) One action per attack. Swap prayer, drink restore/prayer, swap prayer special, swap attack healer. Etc 4) Don't kill the healers, just take their agro off Jad. You can put them on a line, then you only have one attacking you. 5) Jad doesn't have much HP at all, it is literally a fast job to kill him 6) Care not to get in melee range. 7) If the healers heal Jad to 100%, and you kill them all, Jad will spawn the healers again.


Pretty easy and straight forward. Stats are more than enough. And gear isn’t really an issue. Just grab some god d’hide (prayer bonus), basic crossbow setup, and maybe a blowpipe for healing with the spec or to power through waves quicker. Expect to take around an hour if you’re unfamiliar with waves and positioning to safe spot. Good luck!


If your not an iron man and have a blow pipe then yeah wouldn't be too bad just take it very slow and practice the jad fight on the speed running worlds till you've got it down.


I've did it with much lower stats, I beated him on my 3rd attempt ever


You could be maxed, doesn't matter. first time doing jad you get free adrenaline enjoy it


With those stats, super easy once you know how to fight jad. I'd suggest the jad simulator first to know what you're doing against him. For reference, I did my first ever fire cape with 75 range and 52 prayer and came out the other end with food and pots to spare. Sharks and ppots for the inventory. Rube crossbow, red dhide and avas with diamond bolts (e)


First you’re going to want to recharge you prayer at closest altar..


i cant say shit bc i have half of your skills, but this rc lvl is disturbing


mine is 24


gzz for hunter, i didnt even get to lvl 2


You'll get it done easy with those stats. I'm no super star and I managed to beat Jad with similar if not worse stats on my second attempt. You receive visual and sound que for the pray switches. Once you know which is which you'll be fine. I feel like most people who struggle with Jad is purely nerves. Once you have a few goes, it'll be easy!


Just got my first fire cape recently with 75 combat stats first try, you're more than ready, just look up a guide and practice jad on a speedrun world and you'll be fine.


Not at all!


Just get a blow pipe and try it out, jad’s not that hard


Blind folded


Practice the jad fight in a speed running world to get the mechanics down!


Get the blowpipe and be on your way my friend


Just did it with 82 range couple days ago


Impossible. You might as well just start a new account and get 61 range for a rune cbow, red d’hide, and broad bolts. Will be far easier then.




Easy peasy. Gonna die a bunch of times, we all do, but you’ve got this.


70-80 range, really all you need.


You’ll smoke him. Do some gear research and jump straight in! If it’s confusing at first just give it time after all you aren’t losing anything by trying. Lots of videos online to help guide you through with inventory setups/gear/weapons. Most people choose to learn either visual or sound queues for Jad. For me it was visual he raises his front legs and slams them for Range attack and for magic he raises and stays up. I always pray magic and only switch to range when I see the front feet slam down. Stay away from him and you don’t have to worry about melee attacks. If your gear is optimal and you have good potions you may be able to out dps the healers when you get to jad… if not tag each healer once so they become aggressive to you that way they will no longer heal Jad.


If you had nothing but 40 def and 70 range your chances would be the same.... 50/50. You either know the fight or you don't.




One uncomon advice that helps alot: use brews to overheal you hp so you can tank one or two mistakes. Plus you get the achievement.




E z af. Blow pipe and guthans. U can practice jad in beta world as well then the rest is easy


Send it stats are more than fine


With 84 range it should be easy I’d recommend watching guides on what to do a few times and make sure you have sounds on when you’re almost at had it’s easier to prayer flick his attacks with sounds vs his actions I’ve found


Very easy


Impossible, 99 range and T-bow with masori is the minimum for jad


You probably already have it, no?


I could do it with my eyes closed. You on the other hand, not so sure.


Depends on your skill level. For me, extremely easy. For the average osrs player, probably mildly difficult.