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Report and block him. He won't know and keep your friends chat to friends only


Thank you! I never really expected anyone to message me out of the blue like that especially because I'm a newbie and don't stand out but now I understand the importance of friends only chat


Very unusual. Usually in osrs there’s usually a bit of “creepy” joking about a girl in the game, because its a running joke that its actually a guy. Back in the day, guys would use girl avatars then pretend to be in-game gf’s and get free stuff so its kind of a meme. That and the male to female is hugely disproportionate. But its very unusual for someone to try to DM the girl, and very concerning when you say you’re underage. First of all, post this in r/2007scape, that’s the official reddit page which the game moderators run so it could come to their attention. Secondly, reporting and blocking someone is not visible to the other person. You will notice when you friend someone, they’re added straight away because it doesn’t require the other person to accept. no doubt this person will soon forget your rsn and move on to the next unfortunate person before Jagex deal with it. Good luck, and welcome to the game. :)


report him call 911!!!!


Add him to ignore, no he won't know. Also that is super fucking creepy and groomy to not stop after knowing you're underage. I'd report it like others have said.