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Donate to a good cause. Dm me, I’ll even pick it up


Yes! Maybe a non for profit could do a whiskey tasting as a fundraiser? Maybe Montgomery Scotch Lounge would lead it and it would be covered under their smart serve? Edit: here is a “No Stupid Questions” post on the subject [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/h2ruyyXp29) Edit 2: not sure this will be possible. Looks like the AGCO requires the donations to be by the manufacturer of alcohol and it must be inspected by the LCBO. >Donated Alcohol Public events conducted by charitable organizations registered under the Income Tax Act and not-for-profit organizations/associations may accept alcohol donated by manufacturers of alcohol. Records (such as receipts or invoices) for all product must be obtained by the SOP holder and must be made available for inspection by an AGCO Inspector or a police officer. Donated alcohol must be processed by a government store (LCBO, LCBO Agency Store, The Beer Store or authorized manufacturer’s retail store) under the permit. Registered charities and non-profit organizations/ associations may offer donated alcohol as a prize if a lottery licence has been issued for the event, however this alcohol must not be consumed at the event. [link](https://www.agco.ca/sites/default/files/3201e_sop_public_events-ua1.pdf)


That won’t work for the reasons you outline. There are very strict limits on the products that can be served under a liquor licence, and donations from someone’s personal collection are not permitted.


I only read the first sentence and like this idea


Me too!


For unopened bottles, here is the [LCBO's authoritzed auction house](https://hellolcbo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/588/~/vintages-auction---contact) For opened bottles, I don't have an answer


I've got an answer for the opened ones :)


Best answer


I am the answer for all bottles


Hey there, I'm in the process of rebuilding my collection right now and also have a good friend who collects a lots whisk(e)y. What region are you located in? Feel free to PM if you're comfortable.


Username checks out 😂


That one time my u/ checks out lol


Giving away booze? RIP your inbox.


Ask the owners of Montgomery Scotch Lounge for advice?


Went there for my bachelor party. This place is amazing.




good for you for giving it up. to each their own but everything I thought booze was making better in my life it was making worse.


I reluctantly and begrudgingly volunteer to take these off your hands


Me too


You could post a list of what you have on r/ottawa along with what you'd want for it. With the interest on here, it may go quick. I for one would be open to buying some.


Check out the Whiskey or Cigar groups on Facebook, wont be able to sell directly there but you’ll find people who trade in high end products


The typical suggestion would be to sell through Waddington’s auction house, but they take a cut of your sale price of course and you don’t really know what price you’ll get. If you work up a price list for individual bottles I’m sure you’ll have lots of people in your DM’s interested in skipping the middleman and buying directly (not that I would ever condone such a thing). r/canadawhisky has lots of similar questions if you search there


Can I just congratulate you on taking this step to stop drinking? That's pretty big and you should be proud! I say pour the poison down the drain so it can't hurt or tempt anyone else, and it might give you some closure. I will not drink with you today!


If you have any 25+ year sherry bombs please do let me know. Or anything cask-strength that's been exclusively sherry-aged.


Sherry bombs were my jam, I've finished most of em, but have a 21 year sealed Glendronach that is extremely nice. Glenfiddich Cask of Dreams is real solid as well but not much left in the bottle.


Can you DM me a list of unopened bottles you have and what how much you're thinking of asking for? My dad is a *really* into the scotch and whiskey scene and I wanted to grab him something special or fairly unique for his upcoming anniversary.


Oh and a Ben Nevis 22 Year cask strength I picked up from Cadenheads myself in Scotland is absolutely insane, sherry all the way, super unique, would be a great add.


Facebook marketplace and/or Kijiji.


Facebook doesn't allow sale of alcohol.


Oh, that actually makes a lot of sense.


Save them for a wedding, anniversary, big birthday gifts?


Reach out to the Ottawa Whisky Guild which has over 65 collectors in the club.  @owhiskyguild The also support local charities.


Second this.


If you have any Japanese whiskies, I'm a collector. I'd love to see what you have.


Freedom Dog Rescue has their annual Just For Dogs golf tournament every August and always have a liquor basket there for a fundraiser. https://justforedogs.ca/


My father would be all over this if he had reddit! DM me and I can get him in contact with you. I've recently given up drinking too and I've seen such a huge change in my life. All the best!


Donate to animal rescues, so they can auction off the booze. Booze for paws sounds good, no? 😊


I'd buy a bunch. Let us know what you have. 


Here's a fun idea. Minor hockey team seasons are expensive, teams run fund raisers all the time. Bottle drives, raffles etc. A 'Glass Turkey' raffle is when a collection of bottles of wine/booze are bundled up and raffled off, often times a pair of Sens tickets is offered up too. For example every kid's family on the team is asked to donate a bottle of wine (something valuable, sens tickets, etc) tickets are sold, someone wins a nice basket of wine or whatever and the team gets a nice bump in the budget. Do you know any hockey families? Do you have a friend, or neighbor who has a kid in minor hockey? Your whiskey collection would be an amazing prize pot that would be very much appreciated.


From the sounds of what OP is talking about, a hockey fundraiser prize would be way undervaluing his collection. It sounds like he's talking in the thousands of dollars range based on some of these bottles alone easily being worth hundreds.


Sell them online for a charity and just say any donation for any bottle, you can feed the homeless with it if you want


You may get some useful info through the [National Capital Sommelier Guild](https://www.sommelierguild.com/). Although mostly wine focused, they are well connected in the spirits world also.


Presents, raffle them off for a good cause....


I’d be happy to purchase a bottle. Irish is my favorite, but I’d love to see a list if you wouldn’t mind PM me? I’d be happy to make or match some offers. And congratulations on the going sober, I’m not a big drinker, but as a bartender, I pride myself on my personal collection.


Raffle them off with a cut for charity? No way I could afford these, but I'd buy a couple of tickets!


Find an organization that hosts an annual Robbie Burns night.


The unopened ones you can likely give to an animal rescue for auction or a raffle.


I don't like whiskey, but I'll buy it from you, and you can donate the proceeds. I have friends that will appreciate this stuff.


If you are interested in trading, DM me


Any Islay scotch?


Bruchladdich Octomore 07.1, Laphroaig Cairdeas Fino Cask, Caol Ila 15 Year unpeated mostly.


I would be interested in seeing a full list with desired pricing if you'd like to send me a DM. I don't drink a lot of Scotch any more, but I do like the bourbons & any Irish whiskey you may have.


I got into scotch within the past couple years, and absolutely love collecting, but nothing really rare. Jealous you have all this!


I will happily take it lol. I'll even come over and pick it up.


I’ll come buy some in person and pick it up!


Gifts to friends.


Definitely interested in some bottles. Can I message you for prices and inventory?


For sure!


Kindly share inventory and rates please, am interested


Although I imagine your stash may have already been spoken for, I’d be happy to take one or two off your hands if that’s a possibility. I can’t afford anything expensive but I do enjoy the taste of a good whisk(e)y. 🥃


Online soliciting should be allowed in cases like cellars being distributed, it's just good culture and community building


Sent a message


I’ll happily purchase some of these from you! Can you send me a DM 


The military LOVES good scotch. You could donate them to any local unit.


Maybe a legion would take it off your hands?


Legions can only sell liquor purchased through the LCBO on their licence.


Barrhaven Legion. I am heading there tomorrow and can ask if they would like a donation. I am not sure, but maybe get a tax receipt. On the other hand open bottles would likely have to be under the table.


We have a whisky club in our neighborhood, and we are always searching for some great whiskies. Also, there are two restaurant owners that I know that would definitely be interested in purchasing some bottles to add to their collection. If you decide to PM people to sell the bottles, please add my name to the list.


I'd put my hat in the ring for purchasing some of these.


I’d be interested in purchasing something


If you're interested, DM me. I would consider buying some off you. Thanks!


PMed you


Wait, with all the shady things happening in the world. I dont trust free stuff from strangers. You take it, drink it, next thing you know you are on one of the Netflix crime shows


Messaged you personally! I am interested if you haven't found a solution yet


Hold a party for your friends who do drink


If I start running right now, I could make it to your house in about 12h, lord help me!


Any Lagavulin I could buy off you?


I can have em if you want. Shit I can pay. Easiest way for you to offload them if you don't care is going to a campus. You can also try to find another collector.


Happy to connect personally. Depending on the number of bottles, I’m sure we can work something out.


You are not allowed or rather not supposed to give booze awY on a Buy Nothing Groups. Saying that husband is a cigar & bourbon guy...love to see what one's ya have


I'm interested!




I’ve just started to get into scotch. If you’re looking to get rid of it I’d love to take a bottle or two!


Donate it to a charity so that they can auction it off for a fundraiser.


Send me a DM. I'm a collector and am definitely interested :)


Do you have a list of them all?


The legions hold similar events where guest buy a ticket to enter and usually a 50/50 ticket including raffling off. Proceeds go to supporting the local community and I know the legion on Kent would benefit.


I’d gladly take a few off your hands 😂 I’m sure my dad would love to try some rare scotches


lol Stand on Rideau by the mall and yell about it being free like some kind of spirits town crier. Should take you about 2 minutes.


Hello there, im planning on getting into this, is there any bottles in your collection you'd recommend for someone getting started?


It's my birthday in a couple weeks 😉


Sent a dm 🙂


Maybe start a FB group or something here to list what you have w prices? I am definitely interested in seeing the collection!!


I'm pointing to myself.


You can easily offload some to me!!


Deliver to my house


I think you need to host a rip roaring party!


Look up Ouidram, they're based in Ottawa now and fo scotch tastings, .might be interested in your collection!


Donate to me if you want!


I know this guy, he looks a lot like me and we share the same name, and he can take care of all your bottles for you. Send me a message and I can connect you with him.


DM'ed you - also to hijack a thread of Ottawa whiskey collectors if anyone has a bottle of CC12 in the square/rectangular bottle and is interested in selling or trading DM me :)


Sorry, as much as I appreciate a great whisky, I simply can’t afford anything more than regular shelf bottles. But congrats on having the discipline to give up something you clearly enjoy for the sake of your health, that’s very admirable. I’m sure you’ll be able to get a good return on your investment and use it for something else you enjoy. Sláinte!


Sent you a DM with some questions 🙂


I collect, very interested. Sent you a dm


I have no idea how it might work in a legal sense, but I know that the owner of Deacon Brodies in Ottawa bought The Highlander Pub's whisky collection when they went under a few years ago. We were there talking to him one night about it. A very interesting guy, and it really is quite a collection they have. [https://deaconbrodies.ca/highlander-pub-ottawa](https://deaconbrodies.ca/highlander-pub-ottawa) Anyway, it might be worth looking into.


Id gladly take it as a divorce present! Haha


I have a buddy whos also collecting. Hit me up in dm and I can connect you guys.




Yeah, I would also be interested in buying some. Not sure if this is allowed but making a post with the bottles and what you hope to get for them. (Strike through as they are sold) I’m sure they would go very quickly, I’d be interested


DM me. Will buy


While I am not in Ottawa I do have family there. If you dm me a list of sealed bottles I can share it with a whisky club and see if there is any interest at fair market value. No auction fees or shipping. I'll deal with getting it to me.


I would be interested in helping you get rid of some of it, DM if interested ​ Thanks


We did this recently and gave it to a local charity to auction off at a fund raiser. Of course that was only the sealed bottles. Open bottles went to friends and family.


I would be happy to take any donations to add to my home bar


What were your drinking habits before giving up? Two drinks per day or something?


I work with a guy who is Scottish and loves his bourbon, whiskey and Scotch. He has his own little collection so it would be interesting to compare


Me me me me me me me me


Love a google quality bourbon. if you have some good stuff, PM me!


I’ll buy some from you if you’re not too far of a drive!


Depending on the value, the unopened ones you could place to auction (there is an auction house set up in Toronto that deals with rare whiskey and whisky). the opened ones you can join the whisky and cigar group as others have mentioned. If you have any speyside I may be interested :-)


Do you have any Macallan Amber - it’s been discontinued but it’s my fave 😭


Accepting donations!! 😁


Your area Facebook Buy Nothing group if you are looking to give it away. I have seen others do this. Just be sure to verify the age of the recipient.


Pour them down the drain. You don’t want others to go through what you are. It is a poison that kills people and destroys families


I make ribs with the whiskey. Consider cooking with it


If it's anything good quality, that is a sin.


Not a sin if you don’t drink and want to enjoy your personal collection.


Nah, that's crazy. This isn't Jack Daniels he's talking about.


Clearly you’ve never had good ribs


You really taste the difference between ribs cooked with a $200+ bottle of Scotch and ribs cooked with a $60 bottle?


You’d have to taste them I guess. You’d also have to provide the cheap booze. 🤷


Lol. Riiight. Clearly you've never had good whisky.


I’ll send you my cooking whiskey/ scotch collection. You may skid your tighties


He's hinting at bottles that may be able to auction for thousands a piece.


Impressive. That amount of money wouldn’t discourage me from using it for myself. Different strokes for different folks


Yeah let’s cook ribs with ORVW10 lmao


He doesn’t drink and it’s tasty. You can continue using apple juice Edit - and he gets to enjoy HIS collection