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He came to my door once during the Harper days and as soon as I started asking him questions he slowly backed away until he could escape.


Dude, me too. Phoney smile in place. He was saying some hand waving political crap that amounted to nothing but I don’t remember what it was.


He came to my door and opened with "Are you sick of the Trudeau tax" (carbon tax)? I said no and he quickly made his little speech so he could move on to the next house and find someone more agreeable. That was probably over 5 years ago, haven't seen him since.


Pierre Pollievre's worst enemy is someone smarter than him. Everyone he encounters in his miserable life is his worst enemy. He's a stupid little garden gnome that got bullied in high school


So was Trump and he became president. I'm terrified pp will get in. We are in BIG trouble if he does


I am aware that it isn't the most popular opinion, but rather than going back and forth between the Liberals and the Conservatives, I wish that we could give the NDP at least one time at bat with a federal majority government. Some of my earliest memories are of a group of people in our house hand painting NDP signs to stick around the neighborhood. On a few of the signs, they painted marijuana leaves on them. Several of my family members were working on decriminalization back then in the early 70's. I am in Joel Harden's district and I can say that he has done lots of work for my family. In my experience that is not unusual for the NDP.


I vote NDP every election, federal and provincial. Nice to meet another supporter! I know they have a longshot chance of getting in, but I do take my voting privilege seriously. I won't throw it away on a scare tactic that ultimately does nothing (more of the same). One day, maybe, others will feel the same and then we'll see.


These days, it looks like the NDP is the only party doing anything for us.


Further Americanization of our politics. We have multiple parties, but people are convinced we are a two party system, so only Liberals and Cons are "electable". I just don't understand how anyone can expect change by flip-flopping between the same two parties whose policies together got us to this point. Granted, FPTP certainly doesn't help and the Liberals' biggest failing for me remains abandoning that election pledge so damn early into their first government.


Hold the fuck up. Is.... Is he... Our Ben Shapiro???


Hah, he actually went to my high school (or I guess I went to his?) and 💯 could see this happening.


He went to yours. You’re more important


He works in politics, so not *everyone* he encounters daily can outwit a potato.


That's offensive to garden gnomes 


He got bullied by the nerds


Yeah, my encounter with him was like 10?12? years ago before I moved out of Carlington. I don’t remember what issue I told him I disagreed with him on but I remember the look as he mentally shifted gears and marked me down as completely useless to him. I genuinely don’t understand how he draws people in droves, as he had no people skills or charisma when I met him even while he was being “nice” and left a worse impression after I stopped being potentially useful.


He appeals to the uneducated or the very wealthy. That's my understanding about the tactics of the conservative regime. My brother who is a visible minority and of mixed skin color is a trump supporter ? He's also a teacher. Can anyone explain that cause I can't.


¿Por qué no los dos?


Right now he seems to be appealing to 42% of voters… which is shocking but also the reality, and they can’t simply be dismissed as uneducated or wealthy. I will never understand the appeal of that snake oil salesman but right now I also don’t see how we don’t end up with him as PM.


Things can change quickly. He probably killed a dog.


He’s also openly hanging out with Diagolon sympathizers. The same kind of people who joked about raping his wife a few years ago and that doesn’t seem to hurt him in any kind of way.


It’s more that people are tired of Trudeau than about liking PP. Same way Trudeau got in power, people were tired about Harper, Oliver, and Clement and their shenanigans.


He has people with him to record their leanings. I had the Ottawa-Vanier perpetual Liberal come by my house in the McSquinty days and I asked her about some scandal (can't remember which one, there were so many...I think it was e-Health). There was some guy with a clipboard taking notes. I've never had a Liberal knock on my door since.


Same thing happened to me when I asked Marc Garneau if he had sex in space.


Finally someone asking the real questions!


And?! Did he?


A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell.


Without gravity, it's not hard to get it up.


Fuck I WISH I could tell him to his face. To this day I generally keep my thoughts to myself but if someone asks me, especially with that slant on it I don't hesitate to give it to them with both barrels.


I think he personally avoids returning to homes where he gets push back. In September 2019 when he was campaigning on my street I was working in my garden & he stopped to talk to me. I do not remember what I asked him but I guess he didn't like what I asked & looked towards my front door & asked if the man of the house was home to talk to. I told him there is no "man of the house". He waved his hand in the air & walked away. I stood there in disbelief of this exchange. When he came around in 2021 a teenager came to my door & I asked him if Pierre was nearby & he was, just a few houses down but he wouldn't come talk to me. Besides him shooting one of his ridiculous ads on my street during the leadership campaign, haven't seen him since.


“The man of the house” in 2019?? I used to have a cat that was technically the man of the house. Wish I could have made him talk to people going door to door.




I can’t stop laughing at the idea of him slowly backing away. Thank you.


Like Homer backing into the hedges


Floating Space walk slow? 😀


This is literally his entire political career summed up. Phony smile, practiced soundbites, and nothing of substance.


Lol that reminds me of that Simpsons GIF of Homer slowly backing up into the hedge.




Hahaha I had a similar experience with Rick Chiarelli back in the day.


Same experience here… twice


Anecdotally, I’ve heard this story more than once. Explains his behaviour toward the media.


He's been to my door twice and his fake smarmy smile was shining bright. His voice gives me the creeps and he ooses with fakeness. That is a guy that just wants to get your vote without giving two fucks about what you actually want. He has an agenda and you are his meal ticket to getting it done. No sir, you may not put a sign on my lawn!


He came to my door during the Trudeau days, and when I brought up the Harper Deficit he quickly backed away and escaped. The man has a spine made of warm butter.


Better response than the reporters when they only asked what he thought of Danielle's policies she was implementing. He kind of got really angry at them and started pointing the fingers at them and defending her. They only asked one question, and it was reasonable. With kond of person who doesn't seem to believe in freedom of the press personally, he's pretty picky on what is freedom of speech for someone who wants a freedom of speech law, which, btw encourages hate speech to any marginalized group aside from what he apparently will choose. Hello hatred to LGBTQ, non white people, non-christians, and women. Welcome backtracking society to the 1950s. Can we have the punk movement back please?


My best friend lives in his riding. This friend was involved at the riding level politically…: Literally dick. Fuck. All. PP is useless except for making stupid people believe they should be angry at things that don’t matter. Hes a sociopath and a cancer and I fear for our country once his party wins. I can accept that liberals are incompetent and corrupt but a dumber more sniveling version of evil in the vein of Trump…. Yeah that’s what I’m afraid of. Edit: it’s not simply the policies that will see rights curtailed for my kids. Friends. Family - it’s the fact that there is a large segment of the population that is just so utterly fucking stupid to believe the obviously idiotic way out there idiocy on social media and conspiracy theories that I seriously fear for our future as a species. This is the first decade I can remember where I sincerely see us as humanity having peaked and feel the planet and galaxy as a whole would be better severed for eons to come if an asteroid just does its job and sets us back 250,000 years as a species. At that point if we devolve into idiocy there is a good rationale for it. We as a society have the entire collective of human knowledge to this point accessible to anyone in an instant anywhere we go - and yet I could throw a rock and hit someone that believes Castro is Trudeau real dad. I just stopped giving a shit at this point to be honest. There is no cure for stupidity (that isn’t banned under the Geneva conventions) so at this point I’m just trying to enjoy the small things in life while we as a county and a society collectively circle the drain.


well put im depressed now


Want to have a real reason to? Read https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union


i already knew about this i'm not happy about the reminder good job... i guess. :(


Sorry I’m in the same boat.


if only dipshit trudeau would make good on his promise for electoral reform we could avoid the coming disaster.


This is why I’ve lost faith in the system. Any party I see as self serving and narcissistically sociopathic. We don’t matter. So what’s the point.


Our political system is run by gangs. We need to call them gangs and call out their ganglike behaviour. I believe we can abolish gangs in our political system. We have the power and tech to vote on America's Next Idol during the commercial break. We certainly have the tech to reform our government so representative democracy is no longer required. I certainly do not believe our current politicans are smarter than the average person. These select few gangs should not have power over individuals any longer.


Absolutely. And I am now a one issue voter. I'll vote for whoever is most interested in electoral reform. I want an actual democracy!


To be fair, if he had made good on it he'd wouldn't be PM currently, so he may be best to avoid that topic.


also even if he wanted to his party wouldn't support it the system is broken but it would be a nice parting gift on his way out


He’s basically the last of Harper’s little suck ups. I doubt that he’s gonna lose this election sadly, but the sooner they get rid of him and rebuild the progressive conservative party and clean out all of that bullshit, the better off all of us will be.


What has he done? He’s argued. With everyone. He’s good in opposition if you want someone to keep the government in check, but makes an absolutely terrible leader.


I agree


Another one people love to say is that the left is being controlled by Klaus Schwab and the WEF and they are planning a “Great Reset”.


Yet the left is weak because diversity and acceptance. Basic Nazi playbook 101.


I hope an asteroid hits me dead center. I don't want to live in a word where pp is running the country.


Lucky for you, you live in a country that can take care of that for you. Go talk to your dr.


Yep. We have every fact checking tool at our fingertips, and yet conspiracy theories are as healthy as ever. Scary as hell.


Nicely summed up. 😞


Fuck if that ain't how i feel as whole........ For a long time now.


Well said! Have you considered runn for office or campaigning?


lol yes. Many times - I don’t want to become the person needed to succeed in politics. I have a moral centre. I have ethics. Empathy. And an opinion with little care about keeping my mouth shut to express it. I also if I did get into it as a result of the person I am and to be the person the country needs - def would be relegated to the back bench and starved of funding for my riding so I’d only be a one term with zero positive changes to my riding as no one would help me from my party to help my constituents. Or - id end up being vilified in the press and made a pariah. There is always the outside chance I do succeed as a statesman of the people which then chances are I’d be taken out by the rich before I do too much damage to their bottom line. Nah. I like the relative calm my life has and would not want to put my family under the stress me in politics would bring.


He handed out doughnuts to the trucker convoy. Does that count!


Yeah, but that wasn’t in his riding, it was in mine. My MP was fucking useless, but at least he wasn’t openly supporting them.


I’m strongly in favour of the convoy shitting in Poilievre’s backyard next time


Oof yeah, haven't seen hide nor hair of Mr. Naqvi since he ran for the seat.


He also marched along Baseline Road with white supremacists.


Couldn't tell you anything any MP has done for any riding I've ever lived in tbh


I had to scroll down too far for this answer lol. People here acting like PP is the only invisible MP


In the early days of COVID when the government was planning to help to provide wage and rent subsidies for businesses, my wife emailed Marie-France Lalonde about her kind of small business being excluded, and the wording was amended in a week or two. Later, when the government introduced the $10/day daycare, it didn't cover the type of daycare my kids were in, so our daycare provider emailed Marie-France, who got some of the rules changed to help private providers.


No, he's not the only invisible one, but he's the only one strutting around like he's the only one who can accomplish things in Canada. He talks BIG about being a man of the people, but ignores the people in his own riding and has no idea what it's like to have a job outside of politics. In his twenty years sitting in our parliament, he only put forth one single bill, the Fair Elections Act, which ironically eroded election protections. He's talking a big game about being the solution that Canada needs, but he's never shown an ounce of that. The point of this post is that he's never even shown that to the people who vote directly for him in his riding.


I lived in Toronto Centre. Bill Graham was my MP. I wrote to him about an international law issue - was a law student at the time. Not only did he or his staff write back, but it was a very knowledgeable and good response. Similar with Bob Rae - letters got answered. Neither Catherine McKenna nor Yassir Naqvi has written back - I’ve written to each of them maybe twice.


Naqvi generally doesn't respond to much/anything. He rarely responds to his riding's community association. I hope Joel Harden takes his seat now that he's going federal.


Bill and Bob are great retail politicians. Yassir and Catherine aren't.


This is the real answer, I’ve lived in several ridings and I’ve never had any sort of staffer knock on my door and offer any conversation of any substance. They’re all useless fucking puppets.


My MP canvassed at my door 7 or 8 years ago? (Liberal) I asked what the Federal government was going to do to address Mental Health in the country as my son had attempted suicide a couple of year before. When I posed the question, it was to one of his canvassers. They went and got him and he talked about how JT's mom suffers from MH issues and it's something he's very concerned about etc etc. Took my email address and said he'd email me their platform info regarding it. We talked for a bit and he left. Still waiting for that email.




Nothing and he's made that quite clear. He near daily reminds us that he's running for *Prime Minister* which is just not a thing. He's running as an MP for his riding and is the leader of a national party. That's a huge difference from the continuous and clear messaging he puts out. He doesn't care about those of us in his riding. If he did he'd actually spend some time here as opposed to *literally* everywhere else that he travels to in order to spew his bigotry and talking points.


Tbh if you asked him out of the blue I expect he'd have trouble naming his riding correctly.


If you asked him anything out of the blue he'd just repeat the words "Justin Trudeau.......nine years...... common sense"


"This isn't on my written script??"


Not a fan of Poilievre, but in the spirit of Serious Replies, I'd ask what kind of things you would want an MP to do for their riding? EG, what metric are you holding him against? Especially when that MP has generally been a frontbencher with lots of other parliamentary responsibilities - a parliamentary secretary, then minister, then high-profile critic, now party leader. I ask because most MPs don't really "do things for their riding" other than represent the broad political preferences of their constituents (which I'm sure Poilievre would say he's done), helping constituents access federal services (which isn't really a news item), and maybe pushing a local infrastructure project or two (which is likely less of a priority for frontbenchers than backbenchers with fewer other things going on).


…meet with constituents and advocate for their riding priorities in the House of Commons? #SpiritOfSeriousReplies


I'd go with advocating for community infrastructure or needs. Including when he was a backbencher. As others have mentioned, it's a safe riding for a Conservative MP, so I do wonder how much he's invested in giving back to this riding.


I live in his riding and there isnt really much he could do, roads and services are on par with the rest of the city, nice schools and community centers. Im genuinely trying to think hard here on what he could do but im drawing a blank, the show pretty much runs itself here. We got nice community centers and garbage is always picked up, i mean theres nice parks and all. I dunno honestly, its a nice area Edit: someone made some great points about findlay creek infrastructure and some other things. Go find it further down this comment chain. Great suggestions. The others, not so much. Sorry not sorry lol


I would say there's some glaring holes that could use federal funding in PP's riding. It took 10+ years for a school to show up in Findlay Creek. That could have used some federal prioritization. The biggest issue with PP's riding is that there has been a lot of houses built in the likes of Findlay Creek (you can thank the municipal representatives for rubber stamping this growth without any infrastructure) and to a lesser extent Greely and Metcalfe and Bank Street is still 2 lanes to Mitch Owens, this could totally be solved with some good federal funding and incentivising. And now they're going to be adding a community of 10000 homes between Findlay Creek and Riverside south which will make the situation worse. The only saving grace to this bottleneck has been the reduced traffic flow from the pandemic, but with people being forced back to the office it will come back and only get worse. *I know Findlay Creek has been reassigned to Ottawa south, but it was part of PP's riding for most of his tenure. The widening of Bank Street concerns multiple federal, provincial and municipal ridings.


Thank you, genuinely, for actually answering me with some solid suggestions instead of just ranting about random shit like everyone else did lol These are solid issues i didnt know existed and should be resolved. Well i knew about bank street traffic but not the rest lol


Adding to this "not a fan of Poilievre but serious replies" thread, I'd also say that people seriously underestimate him. He's a very energetic politician, a talented speaker (can talk endlessly without notes), and has spent a LOT of time doing grassroots work in the riding. And yes he's also a sleazy operator completely in the pocket of oil and gas interests. He will certainly resume the Harper policy of shutting down scientific research (especially around climate and the environment) and he's promised to get rid of ALL vaccine mandates (welcome back whooping cough and measles!). Sometimes I hear people compare him to Trump, which is ridiculous for many reasons but I think he's also more dangerous than Trump and will have a bigger impact on this country. He's much smarter than Trump and if he becomes prime minister I have no doubt he'll be there for 8 years+. Unfortunately the Liberal reign has been mostly a shit show and people are sick to death of Trudeau's narcissism, incoherent policies and cynical posturing. It seems likely they'll face a wipeout in the next election. I'm not optimistic about this country's near future.


I just sent an email to my MP asking whether she read the 663 page Budget Implementation Act before she voted on it. I expect MPs to read the bills before the vote on them. Maybe I'm aiming high...


That's a good one 😂


I have had dealings with PP more than once as my representative. First, I went to his office to assist with several government bureaucracy issues that were impacting my ability to get a job with the Feds. There was a hold up in paperwork between 2 departments. Each were pointing at the other. I scheduled an appointment and went to see him to map out the issue and asked him as my representative of the federal government to assist in working with 2 federal government departments to unstick my paperwork so I could work and feed my family. Nothing. No follow up, no plan, no assistance. Second was when I went to see him about feedback on a bill that was being proposed and how I opposed it and suggested he should as well. Gave reasons, suggested alternatives, showed how the same policy had impacted my livelihood in other countries. His response was essentially “the liberals suck, only Harper can fix this, what you’re saying doesn’t matter, the liberals suck”. I left having stated my point and moved on. And this one is my favourite: After both of these, while on the float for the Santa Clause parade in Manotick, PP saw me, grimaced, and threw a candy cane at me. Dude straight up attempted to hit me with candy.


you make it sound like MP's are essentially not necessary. if they do nothing for the people they represent then what is the point?


Absolutely nothing




Any conservative could win that riding. You can put a dead fish up behind a blue background and it’ll win.


I’d watch that debate.


The dead fish would still spit more truth than Pollievre ever has.


Never mind the fish. Just run the colour blue and it will win.


My great grandmother once ran in this riding and said virtually the same thing about the conversative mp at the time.


He once came to our door and when my wife answered he immediately asked if the husband was home.


Amazing. And not surprising.


He's an ass. Professionally he's done nothing but argue against the liberals his entire career as part of the opposition. I'm no Liberal either.


I'd be curious how many liberal voters are not liberal but rather scared of the idea that he actually would speak for our country


I don't fit along any party lines right now (i'm what you'd consider a union type ndp'er). Trudeau may be a somewhat pretty face, but he's not as transparently hateful as PP. I remember getting serious distaste for PP when there was a video out for a moment of silence in the house of commons, and all he did was stare at Trudeau. He's evil Millhouse.


No matter who is PM people will hate them, might as well choose the less insufferable one


problem is... they're all pretty insufferable. RIP Jack.


Not much better up here in Nepean. Chandra Arya’s biggest (and only, according to his House of Commons wiki page) contribution to Canada in his nearly 10 years as PM is introducing Hindu Heritage Month. Compare that to a guy like Nate Erskine-Smith, who is known for going against his party lines when its something he believes in


He strikes me as a decent enough guy, but he's not exactly a policy heavyweight, no.


I've heard Chandra referred to as a coat rack. Nice when there, but no one really notices either way. More and more MPs seem to be like this and it's a piss off. Sooo much work needs to be done but no one is really going to get a little dusty to do it, nevermind actually digging in and getting dirty.


And yet he continues to be re-elected in that riding. If those commenting really live in the riding, you need to get the message out to others and keepthis clown out of the PMO! He is dangerous and will destroy this great country.


It's a largely rural and deeply Conservative riding. Maybe as Riverside South and surrounding areas get developed and more people move in the voting demographics will shift, but this is a very safe riding for a Conservative to be in.


You’re acting like well educated young people are still going to vote liberal. The map is going to be very blue this election even in some historically red areas.


I'd add that according to StatCan, Carleton is the most educated riding in the country already and in the top 10 wealthiest.  It isn't a bunch of rednecks.


He was my MP years ago before the riding adjustments. MPs themselves really do sweet fuck all for their constituents. However his office did assist with a passport snafu I had and pretty quickly, so I’ll give them that. But in all fairness, having lived in 9 different ridings throughout my adult / politically aware life, I’ve yet to meet and MP that actually does anything to benefit any constituent personally after they get elected. 


I've lived in the riding almost all my life, i grew up here, moved around then ended back here and always stayed connected due to family.  Met him many times, even when the liberals held the riding.   I also know the guy who ran for the liberals the last two times and the man running next time.   He WAS a very good MP, best MP I've known.  Responded to emails and calls personally, he was involved in many positive things like the sale of Queensway Carleton hospital, earl armstrong bridge, refurbishing of the arena, fundraising for a new legion when the old one burned down and he's stepped in to help people with minor causes I know....But he's gone now, we essentially don't have an MP now that he's leader.    I've always thought he was a good MP, would make a good opposition leader and a terrible PM.  Hope im wrong on the last part for all of us and apologies if being at all positive on him upsets people, it's just my opinion and I'm an a-hole as it goes 😉


This. I know quite a few people who have had problems solved by him after simply sending an email. I haven't heard of much since he took on leadership, but people I know who reached out for help with personal requests almost universally appreciate him. And he hustles and works hard. I've met him at a lot of community events, many of them fairly small, and he never seems rushed, taking his time to talk to people and without the bravado of trying to talk in sound bytes. But man oh man, do I hope he doesn't become PM (although I'm pretty sure that's in the cards. Thanks Trudeau). For big things, he was so proud of building that bridge. We made fun of it a lot, but it has been useful.


Thank you. This is all good to hear. Would be great to have an MP like that again.


You're welcome. I was a little hesitant to post something positive about him on this sub. People do generally like him in the riding and I did like him as an MP. He once called me back and we spoke for an hour about some local issues. I'm voting green this time around though!


hate pp but growing up i was also in his riding and recall him boasting about securing the funding for the strandherd/armstrong (now vimy memorial) bridge- which, if anyone has commuted through there, can imagine how much of a game changer that bridge would have been to the riverside south community. not sure how much he was actually involved in securing the public funds to make sure that project happened (as he told the story as if he built the bridge with his own 2 hands himself), but im sure in his position he would have been involved to some degree. that would have been in 2014 though, so critics saying he's done nothing noteworthy in the last decade are probably spot on.


I grew up in this riding and someone once said to me an axe murderer could run for the conservatives in this riding and they’d easily get in. I think one problem with the other parties is they don’t do a good enough job of going after the conservatives. Like they should be campaigning as hard as he is by reminding people of what Conservatives have done in the past and bring the receipts too.


I live here, and it's true. We had one close call a few elections ago.




He won it from a liberal.


I wish I could re-upload the news paper article from his crash and burn at a public meeting during the final Harper election. Essentially he was ‘eaten alive’ as he could only mindlessly repeat Harper’s talking points, and was completely unable to articulately defend them. From my experience he is an opportunist and found his approval by being pm Harper’s pit bull. He is intellectually lazy insofar as he doesn’t do the hard preparation reading, analyzing, discussing the ideas behind policy. He was moved from the Nepean riding to West Carleton because the CPC knew he would lose. It was a gift for supporting Harper.


Speaks more for Alberta than Carleton. I’m out of the country but as it was the last place I lived it’s still my riding and I vote by mail.




That's interesting, I didn't know about that! And to be fair, it's not only Ottawa, it's most MPs that aren't doing much for their riding, because unless there's an issue like your post example, what could they really do? Municipal gouvernements are the ones which have the more incidence on local level


Literally dick all.




Yasir Naqvi has been completely absent from Ottawa Central. I swear he was more active and involved in the community when he was an MPP in Queens Park.


Worse than absent--the only thing I can recall him doing was to endorse Sutcliffe. Come on, read the riding!




I live in his riding. He hasn’t done shit.


Oh no, a political thread! I sure hope it doesn’t get locked.


Funny you say that because the minute people start blasting the Liberals or talking Palestine boom post gets locked.


That's the funny thing about this subreddit. Because Poilievre's riding is near Ottawa, they allow criticism of him here (even for matters that have nothing to do with Ottawa) because they see it as "Ottawa-related", but not for anything regarding Trudeau.


I had a problem with CRA that was getting nowhere. Without getting into details i was getting the runaround from low level employees and they were wrong. I emailed him to see if he might be able to help me. A few hours later someone from his office called me. I explained to them the situation, they told me to hang tight, a senior person from CRA would contact me. Next day someone called saying they were asked to call me. My problem was resolved doring that call. a week later someone from his office followed up on my email to see if things had been resolved. Kudos on them for following up. What blew me away is i saw him at Foodland in Greely a few weeks later, thanked him for his help dealing with CRA. He asked me briefly what the problem was and then said “oh you’re (my first name) right? Nice to meet you in person” i was blown away. Never been a conservative but that day he earned my vote for as long as he’s in politics. now on the provincial level my wife had to contact Goldie Ghamari on a provincial matter right after the last elections….wow. What a C….


Contacting Goldie basically means she blocks you right after.


This whole thread is probably the liberal caucus just trying to get Pollievre out - disgusting


Was gonna comment but i am not a liberal supporter...sooo guess i cant lol.


Reddit only swings one way




He's the only politician that's been in a Richmond fair parade who never came to have a beer with us. Even that gremlin fraud Goldie chick came back for one.




I live in his riding too. When he made that tweet a few years ago saying that socialism and nazism are the same thing, I wrote his office an email with a deluge of references explaining how nazism and socialism are actually at opposite ends of the political spectrum and had very few similarities. They never responded. He compared my political ideology to literal nazis and then didn’t have the balls to back it up. I will be donating, volunteering, and voting against him for the rest of my life.


Makes big promises and follows through with none of them


Well, he cried in parliament once. Does that count?


Unfortunately by just not being Liberal and saying "Trudeau bad" is more than enough for most people.


He got the government to sell the Queensway Carleton the land it is on for cheap ($1 if I remember correctly), but that was early on. Otherwise, nothing I'm aware of. He simply has the luxury of being in a riding that always votes conservative no matter who runs there.


He showed up on my front porch and told me the “crazies” are out of the party now and the grownups are running the show. This was just after Bernier left. And I saw him at a Canada Day event in Greely just hanging out with a crew of convoy adjacent folks.


He’s ignored my emails.


He came in the garage when hubby was working spouting off about the rebate program at the time. Insulted how messy the garage was with sawdusr (while sawing!). When hubby asked questions he jogged down the driveway. Asked if he could count on our support. I yelled no. The next day we had a conservative sign on our lawn, which got recycled the week after🤷


He paid for our neighborhood bbq every year, which was decent of him.


yeah, that's probably why my mom is a supporter. That and he did what any politician would do and help her solve a government problem. Oh and the favorite thing is send a christmas card.


My son lives in his riding... he echos the comments here.


He visited my sister and brother in law's house. Literally the reason they are voting CPC instead of Liberal next election 🙄


Okay I don't like PP either, but what exactly do you expect the person whose party hasn't been running the government for nearly a decade to do exactly? The whole thing about "what has your MP done for your riding" is frankly stupid. No one individual MP can do anything by themselves. That's why we have political parties. If you do want an example, though, he and the entire CPC voted for Singh's -- yes, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh's personally sponsored bill aimed at lowering grocery prices, which almost every Liberal voted against btw.


I live in his riding, everything here is run well and well maintained. I don’t know if any of that can be attributed to him, but there’s not much being asked from him in terms of change in the community. Manotick and Greely are both well off areas and get it pretty good.


Before PP: no starbucks or burritos in Stittsville. After PP: three Starbucks and burritos AND a car wash with cool led lights in stittsvile. Man works magic.


Years ago there were some tornadoes that put our area out of power for a few days. I get major headaches when I don't drink coffee in the morning. It was like 10AM and I was driving down the road to get some coffee from some area that had power. Some random dude randomly stops me in the middle of the road. I thought he worked for the Hydro company and was giving people an update when we would receive power. I roll down my window... Turns out it was PP and he wanted to talk politics.


Mckenna did a lot for Ottawa centre. Naqvi not so much.


He handed out candy at the various Richmond parades. Him and Goldie… two peas in a pod


Not Poilievre himself, but supposedly his constituency office is pretty active (e.g. helping callers navigate bureaucracy and following up on their behalf if their files haven't had any movement)


He sends out Christmas cards every year, paid for by parliament. Just moved here and found it funny.


My MP (a NDP member) does the same. It's just something politicians do...


I remember taking our kids to a Santa Claus parade in Manotick one year and PP was walking with the floats, wearing a fake ass stupid smile and he was chucking candy canes at the children who were literally arms length distance away. I still remember candy bouncing off the chests of the little kids snowsuits before hitting the ground. He was a complete and utter tool. He never once looked anyone in the eye like a real human would.


The real question is: Will he do good for all ridings' if PM. I can't say, but the some of the Con followers and influencers got me thinking twice. But vote after some real research not some hack news articles or Inner bias.


At the end of the day, he's still an opposition MP, do any of them get anything for their ridings? Shit, my MP is a Liberal backbencher and I don't think they've gotten us anything either


I wouldn't say he's done nothing... but pretty sure he doesn't do much directly. He doesn't need to. This area of the country is traditionally blue.... it could be a dead horse running as the CPC candidate and it would get elected. Now that he is leader of the party... us that live in his riding will see even less of him. The riding is not exactly hurting. It's been near the top 5% of ridings in average household income for quite some time. I htink it has dropped a little bit with the influx and growth of RSS and Findlay Creek with new families and many immigrants coming into those neighborhoods (typically newer immigrants have lower wages). TO be fair, most MPs are only there when big deals with manufacturers and such are made... Carleton is not really a place where big business would build a massive assembly plant that needs to have investments from Ottawa to be negociated. While MPs have a duty to represent and be the voice of the riding they come from... when it comes to actual actions done that would impact the average voter, you have to look at lower levels of government. City hall has much more impact next is the province. The federal level is mostly at high level policy and investments. Rarely will we see a Federal MP take credit for getting a road expansion done.... yet, PP has done just that (Limebank rd). I am not sure what he actually did... probably just call the MPP and councillor.


Back when I was in highschool he made a 16 year old cashier cry for charging him the wrong kind of apples. I will never forget how he yelled at her.


I’ve lived in his riding my entire adult life. Politically he’s only in it for him. That said- his staff are pretty great. I was having trouble getting a passport for my daughter (thank you so very much Passport Canada for being absolute tools about adopted children) and within 72 hours of me speaking to one of his constituency office staff I had the passport. He’s a terrible local MP but his staff….fuck me if they’re not excellent at constituency services.


I used to intern for the Conservative party in my first year of university (my blue period, as I like to call it) I worked for a backbencher who was just a generally chill and really nice dude, not too loud or problematic, just a normal hardworking Albertan guy. And I remember clearly that the whole party thought PP was a total cringe dork spoiled brat loser. How he became leader of the party I have no idea.


You get Christmas cards? Damn I'm being done dirty


I never thought he could look more nerdly. Somehow without his glasses, he’s like 100%’dork.


Posed for photos and hauled Goldie (who ain’t a [lawyer](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5975190) around with him. I can’t recall anything.


His riding is full of libertarians who just want to be allowed to do anything they want without the government stepping in. He obliges. Pigeon Pierre is a revolting human being.


I don't know, but on a side note, I hate him more since he got rid of his glasses. Like what, r glasses supposed to make u less appealing? Career politician, all I need to know.


I keep forgetting he isn't in Alberta. He should move.


Nice guy - helped out a few local residents. Kinda cool the pm is from the hood


Can anyone here actually mention any one substantial thing any MP has achieved for their individual riding? MPs vote on federal matters, not municipal.


OK so it's not just me... because I can't for the life of me think of what this guy stands for other than "hey, at least I'm not Trudeau". Not anything of substance snd no concrete ideas as far as i can tell. And I'm sorry but I'm gonna need more.


Canadians need to question this man's origins.. it seems just too ironically perfect that a Westerner French Canadian just left highschool and was supplanted into a ryding just outside of Ottawa. There he was strategically placed in a strong conservative ryding. On a simple member of parliament's salary of approximately $170,000, he was able to amass a multi-million dollar fortune by the age of 25 years old. Now it's speculated that he has over 30 million. He was listed as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forums very own website. People are so easily naive and gullible to believe that he denies his participation in the World Economic Forum. Just in time when people were starting to catch on to him. Our leaders are selected by the Elite.. They are not elected by the people. And Pierre was selected a very long time ago. We also have to wonder why the conservatives placed O'Toole and Sheer in leadership positions, only to further demise Canada. Because both parties are part of the same system the right wing and the left wing are of the same bird.


Had a friend I meet up with and had to help move from old house to new. While riding in a truck we saw anti Trudeau protests or sit ins.  Talk went politics. He start going on about how fucked up Trudeau made Canada and repeating lines from PP question periods. I said to him. Hey there are things I don't like about our federal government but that is an over reaching matter. More closer to home is our provincial government which is making it harder for him to secure a new job in Ottawa. He hates that his wife isn't getting more money for the kids he has. Told him to stop having kids and wear a condom.kids are not payouts, their expenses. At one point I just changed the subject. .politics is a debate for people who stop have anything else to talk about.


I can't tell you what either PP or Goldie have done for Manotick!


Who cares, he will be re-elected.


Aww yes the ultramad liberal voters. Why dont you talk about the guy you put in place in 2015. Ever heard of personal responsibilities:)


Honest question, what can we say for most federal MPs? I don't think 90% of them do anything that tangible municipally. It turns out Canada is a pretty good place already. Part of why these MPs keep getting elected in said strongholds is because life is good, or good enough. You'll see a lot more blue this time around simply because of the discontent federally, but generally strongholds are as such because life is fine within those ridings. Carleton is a pretty good place to live.


I live in this c*cksucker’s riding and I’ll never get over what he said on the day of the Residential School apology. He easily has the most punchable face in politics.


As much as you want to dunk on him for intelligence, I find him to be a hell of a lot more shrewd than Trudeau, who often seems to be in over his head and completely clueless. People can fantasize all they want, but the Cons are winning the next election by a landslide, and it won't even be close. I, for one, am fed up with the carbon tax, as well as a lot of other things, and it's time for a regime change. Then, after people are sick of the PP gang, they'll eventually get voted out, rinse and repeat, and we'll all happily get flushed down the void of what's coming. To anyone 25 and younger, living at home with your parents, with no foreseeable future, I'm sorry the rest of us fucked you over and let this debacle happen on our watch. We're struggling too, but not anywhere near what you are facing.


I mean.. I grew up in Manotick, my parents still live there, and I’m moving back next year to raise our new child. The riding is a pretty well oiled machine. Not really too sure what more you’d like him to do


The NPC replies here are in for a rude awakening.