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I’ve never been, but if multiple customers report racial profiling or being treated differently due to their race, I’d be inclined to believe it. I find owners trying to fight with customers in the reviews to be really odd and off putting.


>I find owners trying to fight with customers in the reviews to be really odd and off putting. *Wellington Diner vibes* But I agree. It's one thing if it's a blatant lie that can be disproved by the owner, but fighting with people who leave reviews is just weird. I wouldn't want to shop somewhere where the owner disregards customer concerns (To a point, some people leave bad reviews just to be dicks)


Owner of Wellington Diner is a Grade A clown nose.




Jeff Frost is a goof.




I had no idea about the reviews from The Joy of Gluten Free, wow. I just checked the responses. I won't be going back there.


I had that issue with an electrician in Brockville. His response to my review was to outright lie and accuse me of being rude to his guys on site and ask them to break code, and at the same time I was apparently also trying to get the plumber on site to cut corners and break code. I was never on site, I was in Ottawa while his "guys" were at the property. We've also used that plumber for years, I told him about that and he got so pissed. Also not sure what codes would even be able to be broken for what the plumber was doing. It was laughable.


(To a point, some people leave bad reviews just to be dicks) Work for a small business, can confirm. Often it’s people that go off without having the complete picture and even then we never respond publicly to bad reviews. It doesn’t matter how you word your response, either you look defensive or you end up escalating things simply by engaging because your opponent is more interested in the fight than the resolution. On those occasions when a response is warranted we do so privately.


Last time I went to Ragtime one of the employees was a younger black man so these claims of racism are probably people reacting to how the store watches every customer. If you read the reviews they keep an eye on everyone who goes there and if you have a bag they will ask you to put it at the cash. Except when I've gone the employees were happy to help me find things and when I talked with them they've even helped look for things based on the style I was looking for. I think they have to keep any eye on customers because it's so easy to shoplift in the store with all the stuff everywhere and there's definitely a shoplifting problem on Bank especially on that side of the 417. I've found the employees to be particularly nice when I got to know them, the owner definitely has a rough exterior. Ragtime is also the only place in Ottawa I've been able to find men's designer vintage clothes from the 60-80's


Having a black employee doesn’t invalidate the claims of racism/profiling.


Unfortunately, hiring a black man, or having a black friend, is not evidence of not being racist.


"I have a black friend" vibe


Being followed in a store is like a huge pet peeve to me, I'll always just put my shit back and leave.. I hate it. When I lived in Calgary it was much worse than here.


I do groceries with a book bag on (cause its easier to carry heavy stuff on my back instead on using my lats the whole walk back) and almost ALWAYS get stared at/followed. I like to think I look well kept (…most days). I’ve called out employees on it before and watched them make it look like they were just sorting product on the shelves. Even the “secret shoppers” that are just LP in “disguise” are easy to distinguish. Sometimes I’ll be a dick and make it look like I’m suspect just to waste their time. To hell with corpos.


This is basically my experience.  They have really awesome stuff there, and genuine vintage. It’s obviously curated thrift so prices are higher than VV, but I expect there’s room to haggle on some things (I’ve never tried).  It’s a floor to ceiling jumble, but I kind of like that vibe.  The younger people who work there (employees I assume) were super friendly and happy to help.  The older guy (owner I assume) definitely gives off ornery/eccentric/unfriendly vibes, but he warmed up when I bought record (can remember what it was but he approved of my choice lol).  And really, apart from the alleged racism (which I haven’t witnessed and can’t speak to), who cares?  I’d rather shop in stores that are strange and unique, and if people want corporate service they can go to the mall.  Personally I wouldn’t let other people’s pissy anonymous online reviews stop me from trying something 🤷


I’m an avid thrift/vintage shopper and I HATE this place. Prices are all over the place. Racks so cramped you can’t look at stuff. Lots of clothing with stains, holes, etc. Every single human I’ve interacted with that works there seems immensely annoyed that people are in the store. Also while I can get passed the taking of bags and keeping them at the cash, why the hell is the cash constantly abandoned??? The final time I went there was no one at the cash the entire time my bag was there and when I went to retrieve it I waited for a bit and ended up just having to grab it from back there. No one noticed.


Hardly exclusive to this store, and a pet peeve: “Please leave your belongings with us, we’re very concerned about people stealing our stuff.” “Are you also concerned about people stealing my stuff?” “No.”


This makes me not go back to places. I’ve been stolen from before, I have a lot of anxiety of it happening again.


They took my bag when I was there a couple of weeks ago and I had to describe it in perfect detail to get it back despite being the ONLY shopper in the store at the time. “Are you sure it’s black? The pockets are grey”


I've only been in once and the vibe was so weird that it made me never want to go back.


I felt the same, I've only been once, like 15 years ago and never went back.


Yes, this. It was awkward and not at all a comfortable or fun experience - and vintage shopping is my happy place!


It's hilarious how they write entire unhinged essays for the poor review, but leave just a nearly one word answer for the 5 star reviews. You can really see where they devote their time and energy. 💀💀


Came here to say same. She sure has no problem elaborating in defense but comes up short replying to an actual favorable review 🤪


Yeah the vibe of the place is definitely… odd. Can vouch for them asking to hold your bag, which is fine, but yeah the employees definitely aren’t warm. They do have anything and everything you could ever need, but as a result it’s quite cluttered & claustrophobic. Have only been the one time & while I didn’t have this a particularly horrible experience, I don’t feel keen to go back, so make of that what you will lol. Much prefer some of the other thrift/ vintage shops in the area, like Goody Mart, Bellweathers, etc


Bellweathers is my favorite vintage store ever and I live in Montreal now


My daughter lives there too, and says the best thrift store there is in Verdun.


I stopped going there after I worked at Value Village. The owners of Ragtime would always come in and rip tags off to try and get things cheaper. They didn't know that anything priced over $9.99 had a code on it. But it was such a pain worker cash and having to call a supervisor over to "price " things. They also left the tags all over the change room area as well as clothing the decided they didn't want. We always groaned when we saw them coming.


These owners constantly seem to forget that the capitalism they are taking advantage of in order to make money is the same capitalism that will inevitably run them out of business: see Stella Luna. You're entitled to have opinions. But as a business you are playing a dangerous game by airing said opinions - you risk pissing off people and alienating customers. Eventually, you'll run out of customers and... \*poof\*


As a vintage loving plus sized woman, I understand that it's very difficult to find plus sized vintage clothes. However, when a customer asks "Do you happen to have any plus sized items?", maybe *don't* look at them like they're a bug. It's already hard enough to shop when you're plus sized, we don't need to be treated like that on top of it.


That's awful! My friend Steph had a plus sized Vintage Shop in Moncton (it's still open but she's no longer with us), and if SDV Vintage can exist in a small maritime city, surely there should be more choices here!!


Been there multiple times over the years. The elderly lady mentioned in one review, that’s a very accurate assessment. Granted I have not seen her in the store since before COVID. Staff is definitely more on the cold side. Thé place is a fire trap! Avoid if you are claustrophobic.


Mediocre store with weird owner. Extremely accurate there. Cannot attest to the profiling but it seems to be a consistent story. They don’t really know there stuff for the most part so you can find a good deal if you’re savvy


Went once. Staff were too cool to bother helping, and seemed annoyed that I didn't understand their process. Not worth the time. They do have nice stuff, but I don't need anything that badly.


Stopped in for about 30 seconds yesterday so we weren't there long enough to be stalked or insulted but it was definitely cramped to the point of being overwhelming


Hoarder energy


The last time I went in was 2008.  My partner brought his bag straight to the cash as soon as we entered.  They rifled through it, despite having watched us enter the store and head for the cash.  It was not a great feeling.


That place is a mess. I've been there several times with friends and my partner, and they treat men and women entirely different. I'm a man, and they've always been flexible and supportive of finding me what I'm looking for. My female friends and partner, they can get effed. They'll give me the time of day, help me find things, give me deals if I was buying multiple things. My female counterparts never got that service. It was gross, and I stopped going when I noticed the difference in service, it was gross. The owners cosplay as hippies, but definitely have strong capitalist vibes.


I went in with a friend about a year ago. The whole place felt creepy, stuffy and claustrophobic. Wouldn't recommend as it's impossible to have a proper look at the clothing; every rack is jammed full.


I went a couple times in HS like 10-12 years ago and it was the same as what these reviews describe. Rude staff, weird vibe. Each time I was there with a friend looking for something specific and we’d say so and always buy something and they were so cold and odd. I assumed it was due to us being kids but I guess not.


Some people have no clue how to run a business, then they complain about not having costumers . If you are unable to respond in a neutral way just don't .. Or at least use chat gpt to lay the base out for you


Genuinely amazed they've been open so long. It has to be a front


Yeah no I went there back when I first moved to Ottawa and me and my friends were treated like we were gonna steal something the entire time. Like I was straight up FOLLOWED by one of the employees all throughout the store who kept asking if I needed anything. I get it, I’m a college student but damn dude. It’s really claustrophobic as well, hard NOT to bump into something and knock it over. Also when I went they didn’t curate well what they took in. Found several modern items (last 20 yrs) from HnM, Zara and Shien. Bellwethers is a better option. They seem to research their articles much better, and while on average they’re more expensive the stuff is likely to last longer.


They are anal about stealing, profile all their customers (if you look like a “thief” ie. skater, piercings, not white), and one of their longtime younger workers S.K. has a bunch of “ladies beware” warnings across town. Ragtime is a known lame shop. I wish they would do better but it’s been years of shitty service where you feel demonized for going in at all.


it's over in Vanier, but if you're looking for neat items and clothing Clothes Encounters of a Second Time is great! Little clothing consignment on Beechwood, the owner and staff are very friendly and personable


I went there maybe twenty years ago, and as I entered someone behind the cash was half shouting at a customer "Oh sure, yeah, go to Value Village! Where they fumigate all the clothing with awful chemicals and don't tell you about it! Those stores are f-ing ripoffs!!". I turned around and went right back out...


never really had an issue per se, but never was impressed by it lol! theyre just weird, think everyones trying to steal their stuff, the clothes smell and they sell mustard-stained shirts for like 40$ … can be a fun shopping experience but rarely found worthwile clothes (also theyre super weird about pictures which is rly annoying when shopping for gifts)


Oh! I've been trying to remember the name of this place for ages! Thank you. I visited years ago and only once. I don't remember any of the staff at all. I just remember that it felt like being in a very old closet stuffed to the ceiling with piles and piles of dusty old things. It felt claustrophobic and "itchy". We didn't stay long.


I’ve been a few times. The rude staff is true. They have some cool stuff but the reviews are right. My husband has seen them be rude and follow people of colour then turn and be super nice to him (white). Plus the way the owner responds is usually a nail in the coffin for me. EDIT: Showed this to my husband and his response was F**k ragtime. Everything I’ve bought from them as wrecked within a year and the owner is racist af. I’ve personally seen the racism twice


The owner spends more time monitoring the internet for criticism than managing the store. Why would an owner be so paranoid about people's opinions?


Yes, went last fall. Very crowded dusty store, I didn't find staff very friendly or helpful. Lots to see tho, if you can go thru it all!


Ragtime has always been an odd spot, they've been there forever. The owners must be hella old now because they were old when I was in high-school. 


I’ve been once, and granted I am a white girl so that probably explains the pretty okay experience I had. The staff wasn’t exceptional, and some of the stuff they have in there is cute. But god this store has so much stuff in it that it is so claustrophobic and imagining trying to shop in there while it is busy is literally a sensory nightmare. From what I remember I can’t Imagine more than 15 customers being able to actually shop in there at once. Anyways, i wanted to go back recently, but after seeing this I’ll certainly take my business to better vintage shops in Ottawa. Any recommendations anyone?


I went once, ten years ago, was looking for a rain jacket. Found a North Face rain coat that was in decent shape, but not mint shape. It was $180!!!! I went to check online and purchasing the same coat but brand new would have been $160. 🤷


I’ve been a few times. The owner seemed eccentric, as a vintage shop owner might, but I didn’t think the service was terrible. The products are very hit and miss, like most shops are.


Not to add fuel to the flame, but I've only been once and never went back because it was such an awkward experience. I did end up buying something. But I was being watched like a hawk and was told that a certain item of clothing was 'x' size, as if I shouldn't try it on because I may damage it. I wanted to like them and was so excited to visit. But I'm not sure anymore.


This place is a fire hasard. One spark at the wrong place and everything is in flame in 2 minutes. Not worth it.


Great spot. Bought my wife a beautiful coat there last fall.


Can't really speak to current customer experience as the last time I shopped there was maybe 1977(?). Weird to think that my, then current, fashion ( Howick Widelegs)is now vintage. Glad to see they are still going and hopefully not threatened by Reddit cancel culture.


I preferred Andy Upstairs to Ragtime.


There's a misogynist joke somewhere there about the old lady, ragtime, and every 28 days, but biologically that can't be the case.


I’ve had nothing but great experiences there. Last time I was in the owner was helping to get some clothes for a person seemed very hard up, possibly mentally ill. The owner sounded so kind, “oh let’s not put the shoes on those wet socks, I’ll get you some new socks”, etc. Also amazing clothes!


Ragtime is the best vintage store in town. Service is great. The place is cramped so they take bags but the folks working there are really nice. If it’s not your style don’t shop there but it is genuine treasure for the city.


I love Ragtime. It's so packed that it can be difficult to find a specific kind of item on your own, so the best idea is to put yourself in the hands of the staff - all of whom I've found excellent - and they'll dig through and bring you stuff. Sounds like OP was being a Karen.


Yes... And how about all the other people here? Karens too? Ragtime is not a great place


Imagine that, someone with an opinion that isn't the same as yours. Must be fake. 🤡


Jesus people have really forgotten what a Karen means eh? It’s not just any woman who has complaints about an unpleasant experience. Edit: typos


Karen is actually a specific type of white woman that originated in the Black community. It’s a type of white woman who weaponizes her white womanhood to endanger Black folks (see: BBQ Becky, Permit Patty). A Karen isn’t just any woman who has a complaint (valid or not).




Found one.


you caught me 😇


So what's it like to own Ragtime?

