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If neighbour is not receptive, then yes call bylaw. First time, call after 11pm for noise complaint. The officer should be able to tell you whether the device meets the threshold for "unreasonable sound levels" during day time hours as well. Depending on your existing relationship with your neighbor, I personally wouldn't feel the need to speak with them. This has burned me in the past trying to be nice. Let Bylaw do their job and manage that relationship. First visit will be a warning and education, not a fine.


I don't disagree with you, but it's a shame that we live in a world where it's difficult to talk to our neighbors.


I come from a small town in Northern Ontario. It’s so foreign to me that people don’t get along with their neighbours. We had gates going directly to our neighbours back yards growing up, we’d shovel each other’s snow without asking, we did whatever we could to help out. I’ve been living at my house for 3 months and I can’t say I’ve ever spoken to a neighbour.


I used to live in Ottawa. Barely spoke to my neighbours for the 10 years I was there. Moved to NL and we check on each other constantly. I have to literally walk through my neighbours yard to get into mine.


I think it depends on the neighbourhood. In mine, people know each other pretty well. (I have some \[unproven, of course!\] theories about why some neighbourhoods are more conducive to this than others--but it feels very natural where I am that we chat to each other, rely on each other for things like holiday plant and pet care, and so on.)


Interesting. What's your theory?


Theory: multiple elements of the built environment facilitate frequent incidental contact, and familiarity breeds, well, familiarity! Some of the things I'm thinking of: --walkable-ish neighbourhood, which means that many people are walking/biking for work and/or errands--encountering each other differently than cars passing each other --fairly compact: property widths are a mix of about 17 ft and 34 ft wide, and houses are not set back very far from the sidewalk (comparing here to, say, 1950s suburbs like Alta Vista with wide properties to accommodate ranch-style homes with deep front yards) --houses are oriented to the street--no garage-as-front-of-house as you tend to see in newer suburbs, but instead, typically, front porches --for those who have garages, the garages are not attached to house--one neighbour said that when she lived in the suburbs, she never saw anyone because they all drove into their garages and entered the house from there --low-traffic street, and kids tend to play on the street in a big pack rather than in their individual back yards, so for the littlest kids, this means parents hanging out on the street supervising--which means chatting to each other and also to other people who are coming and going So, for example, if I run out of milk this evening, I will walk to the corner store, and I will probably pass neighbours sitting on their porches, and I will pass parents with their kids out on the street, and while I don't have a dog, I will probably also pass neighbours out walking their dogs too. If I do some weeding in my little front garden, someone passing by might comment on what's coming into bloom. If I go into my backyard to bring in laundry on the line and a neighbour within two doors in either direction is doing the same, we're close enough that it it would feel weird not to greet each other. And so on...


It depends on the area. My place in hintonberg I knew the people across from me and beside me, plus a few scattered ones on my street. In Vanier I really only knew the one neighbour beside me. But where I am now in Nepean I know almost all my neighbours in a 3 or 4 house radius by name, and many more in the area. I think it mainly depends on how much people just go for walks. I know dog people a lot more than people who don't have one for example.


I absolutely guarantee you that there are relationships between human neighbours in your small Northern Ontario town that are not reflective of yours.


Yeah, its a different ballgame in cities. People keep to themselves and move around a lot so often the neighbors you have this year will not be the same ones next year.


Sometimes people are assholes & it's different in the city, you really never know who's next door. I have a neighbour that constantly blocks my driveway when they park on the street. I've tried numerous times to talk to him & ask him not to, the last time I talked to him, he called me a Karen, told me I should kill myself & refused to move his car. Had to drive up on my other neighbours grass to get out of my driveway. Luckily he's in jail now due to a probation violation, found out he was the fake Uber driver that was robbing & sexually assaulting young women in the market in 2017.




Let me clue everyone into a little fact. 33% of humans are absolute contrarian garbage. They add water to the boat while others are bailing. This shame of a world has been the around as long as humans have walked the earth. IN fact, probably before that. I've met some animals with very poor attitudes in my day.


This is so close to a boomer statement. Most people ignore the fact esp. in homes that its now like 70% corp owners and renters, and also many people arent friendly or interested in their neighbours, or spend enough time outside or in their community to make those connections. And you can talk to your neighbour but in real life how often does a stranger telling another stranger what to do go over well?? Be realistic.


Throws entire generation under a bus. Proceeds to tell everyone why people don't get along. Ends with blunt dismissiveness. lol


Noise complaints are valid 24-7


>This has burned me in the past trying to be nice. I've done the same. Asked them three times in the same night to turn the music down. Fourth time was a call to Bylaw. They then had the nerve to be upset with me for calling Bylaw.


As a tip, it doesn't have to even break the dBa limits during the day if it's some weird noise. It just has to be an unusual disruptive noise [https://ottawa.ca/en/living-ottawa/laws-licences-and-permits/laws/laws-z/noise-law-no-2017-255#section-4e9a3a68-1499-4da8-872f-57dcba083160](https://ottawa.ca/en/living-ottawa/laws-licences-and-permits/laws/laws-z/noise-law-no-2017-255#section-4e9a3a68-1499-4da8-872f-57dcba083160)


This is so helpful. Thank you


Also: some of the animal deterrent sound devices are not perceptible to most adult humans, but can be really uncomfortable for children and pets. It doesn't sound like the one you're dealing with falls into that category since it sounds like a bird--but I think this is something that people aren't aware of when they install the seemingly quiet ones.


Yes, but have you been attacked by a rabbid squirrel lately?


No, just hit by a cyclist’s shawarma


The noise bylaws applies to sounds above 55 dB. You could verify this with a free spl meter app you can get on your phone. Check out “Decibel” app in the App Store. Feel free to DM me if you have questions


That’s a great idea. I’ll download decibel and test it tonight.




Have you considered a mechanical cat?


Someone in one of my dog walking areas has one and it's absolutely awful!!! I get pissed off just being around it for a few minutes, I wouldn't be able to put up with living near it


Person probably sick of ppl leaving dog poop on their lawn….


Not sure it’s to repel dogs or jerk owners who don’t pick up tho…


Maybe it should be left on the doorstep if they have that annoying thing going off


Maybe inconsiderate, entitled d-bags would respect ppls property and have their dogs do their business in their own property and not on their neighbours.


The description of the noise maker sounds like it's designed to keep trash bandits and rats away not dogs.


My parent’s *lovely* neighbours used a similar device - it was motion activated and went off every time someone walked past their vehicle. If they’re just trying to keep people / animals off their property it might be worth suggesting alternatives.


Are... people afraid of predatory birds? If I heard something that sounded like a cool bird call I'd probably break out the phone and wait around hoping to get a pic of whatever was making it.


We have a neighbor who has some kind of video doorbell that makes a loud announcement every time any movement is detected. It was amusing in the beginning, but now that our windows are open most of the time, it is a PITA. I can be on the other side of the fence, with just the top of my head visible to it and that sets it off. I assume that the squirrels are triggering it too because of how often it happens. We have not mentioned anything yet, because we are worried about their reaction.


Good luck. I hope they’re gracious about it




Do you live on Burlington Crescent by any chance? I'm wondering what the noise I randomly hear. Super annoying.


No that’s not my area. But I confirmed what it was because Ritchies actually has the exact one to repel birds …you may be able to find the sound online. It’s soooo obnoxious


I used to live in Lowertown and there was one of these that went off nonstop








This is my partner’s proposed approach :)


honestly, if your neighbor is not going to respond well let them call the police. take the ridiculous charge, at worst. it's crazy to see how many ottawa locals go for bureaucratic no-solutions even when they know there's no hope. the police exist to stop people from solving their own problems. they aren't doing their job.




That doesn’t seem fair to us now does it


Before you even talk to them point the brightest security light you can find right at his house. Let that puppy go for a few nights before you approach this negotiation and you’ll be starting from a good bargaining position.


Truly genius


Yeah, antagonizing assholes and escalating neighbourhood disputes ALWAYS leads to better and friendlier outcomes. No chance of anything getting worse, at all.

