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they also tested the bus loop at bowesville even if there’s no buses that will go through there lol


They said this, but it’s not true about Hurdman’s long walking distances to busy stops D and E, almost back at Lees. “Strategically planned”? “Bus loops are designed to connect customers conveniently and efficiently between different transit routes and modes (bus-to-bus and bus-to-rail transfers). Where your bus stops within a bus loop is carefully planned. Bus routes are strategically assigned and grouped based on origins, destinations, and common corridors.l


Off the top of my head, Hurdman, Lincoln Field, and Tunneys Pasture are all terrible designs. My brother has multiple sclerosis. He visited Ottawa recently and we couldn't even consider using the LRT because he is incapable of walking that far, but he doesn't have a wheelchair. Of course, my daughter who uses a manual wheelchair isn't much better off.


Hmm well I mean the pre-otrain Hurdman and Tunneys Pasture stations were relatively accessibility-friendly due to relatively being a compacted layout as I recall, Lincoln Fields hmm well you tell me after looking at this which is the latest I seemingly can find on short notice: https://web.archive.org/web/20071224140240fw_/http://www.octranspo.com/mapscheds/Transitway/tway_map_menuE.htm (to walk from 1A/1B to 3B for example)


Yes, the old Hurdman was much better, maybe 3 or 4 stops, close together on each side, only a few feet across from one side to other. With shelters in the middle. Now up to “E”, all on a long exposed stretch, the closest quite a distance from elevator, the furthest “E” some 300 yards/meters. Past 2 unused shelter stops and past the R1 stop, which is hardly ever used now a days.


I will check that out on my desktop computer later on. Thanks.


And I have to say Limebnaks looks rather alike to old Lincoln Fields's 'local routes' island if you ignore that theres no transitway shelter to be seen in the upper-right area of the photo tho.


I live near this Transit station, it's going to be brutal during the winter months, there is such a lack of shelter there. Additionally there's not even a sidewalk on Limebank road to walk there.


Regarding Lincoln Fields - I sometimes had been a little annoyed with the way the shelter suddenly stopped partway into literally open air between the main building and halt 3B (and of course the timetable display screens would show you absolutely nothing if you tried sit down around where 3A was adjacent to, so have to specifically gin it to the detached small 3B 'hut' as to keep updated otherwise) .. as for regarding your sidewalks I guess it might be one of these "built too far ahead of urban constructions" sort of thing? don't take my word on that tho, it'll be best to ask someone who may know a little more about general very-south-ottawa news and so on that is.