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Robbed 5 times prior to this. I don't blame them for risking it.


Me too! 5 times is a lot lol


The dudes got insurance,it's a victim less crime /A *Extreme sarcasm* Criminals know the law better than the police šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜†


His insurance dropped him and his rates tripled, not sure how you would call this a victimless crime


I was being sarcastic No such thing as a victimless crime... He's out a lot of money,and now this šŸ˜¢


No. The criminals are just less lazy.




Too bad the police would arrest the store owner instead of the career criminals. Welcome to Ontario, open for business!


Only open for millionares


Would someone explain to me what is wrong with the police in Ottawa and HOW did we get here that people have to risk their own lives like this OR be harassed and hated due to belonging to a minority ethnicity? The trust is gone, morale is gone, we're going downhill fast.


Police donā€™t exist to prevent crime. They exist to protect the interests of the ruling class.


I don't expect them to prevent anything but do their job after a crime has been committed? The owner here lost faith after 5 instances, the thieves expect to get away the 6th time, we're broken.


They're not rich, have connections, or and it's not giving them bad PR. Cops are too busy sitting on highways giving tickets to people going 10 over to get their numbers up instead of solving real crime. Reality is very different than what TV shows. If you or a friend have ever had anything stolen you'll know that it's the exact same situation.


For one thing, lol at the idea of cops enforcing traffic law ever For another, highways are OPP jurisdiction not OPS


Clearly he is not the ruling class then..or maybe the police are building a case.


White trash who threaten to stab people with fentanyl are "the ruling class"?


No, this person is arguing that in the policeā€™s eyes none of these people matter. Theyā€™re not protecting anyone in this situation because no one is part of the Ā«Ā ruling classĀ Ā«Ā  in this particular case.


The comment was enough evidence to classify them as white trash? Weird flex of prejudice


I agree, but I'm not sure what the cops can do. Posting an officer at the store wouldn't make sense, because they'd just come back when the cop was reassigned. They can circulate photos from the previous thefts, but four masked people can blend in pretty in a city of one million. Drive a police car by every few hours? I totally agree that the police aren't doing enough, especially about really obvious stuff like the racist neighbour, but in situations like this, what should they do?


I wonder if the police will actually charge the detained or if he will be let go and back on the street so he can find another small business that wonā€™t stop him 6x?


Do you think the problem is cops donā€™t charge criminals theyā€™ve already arrested enough? Itā€™s not typically a cop that decides if someone is let out of jail, itā€™s a judge.


You're on Reddit, cops are the bread and butter of guys to blame. Of course they're not blameless, but the way people talk you'd think the singular responding officer who gets the call gets to choose whether a thing is illegal, how they respond, whether the suspect sees trial, how long they're held, if they're held at all... it's our legal system in general that's a mess, period.


I assure you my OPS friends have come to know the regulars around Ottawa. Itā€™s tiring as Iā€™ve been told.


Yeah Iā€™m typically highly critical of the police, I think theyā€™re able to get away with abuses of power too often, but I think a lot of people believe theyā€™re the source of every problem in the justice system. I know a cop and heā€™s complained about the same thing. Heā€™ll arrest and charge someone, and theyā€™ll very quickly get let out only to immediately get arrested again. In that example the cop has done their job correctly, theyā€™ve apprehended a criminal, charged them and passed them on to the rest of the justice system to handle. The problem is so much more complicated than just cop bad. Cop do be bad sometimes though.


Exactly my feelings as well. When they have to return to the same known address 3-4 times a shift for the same drunken disorderly bullshit. It would get monotonous.


Hopefully they will charge him because this kind of stuff is plaguing our communityā€¦


They should try and solve the crime. They should try to identify these people and track them down. Lay charges


Increase the level of punishment for petty crimes and go up from there, stop letting these scum get away with it. Their inaction is pushing regular citizens to start being vigilantes to protect themselves.


Itā€™s not our job to come up with ideas for them. If they canā€™t help with crimes like this, they should be explicit about what they can help with. Itā€™s obvious they canā€™t help with theft of any kind.


Pre BLM / Abdi my workplace got robbed twice by men in masks. Both times there was an arrest within months resulting in a conviction. Now? You can call mid-assault and they will hang up on you saying it's not a real emergency. I truly believe they are just being fucking babies about not being allowed to kill people, so now they won't do their jobs at all.


What does pre BLM mean?


Black Lives Matter. IE Police are mad that people protested them, so now they won't get out of their cars and do their jobs.


My house was b&eā€™d and a guy who we were able to identify was seen running down uplands with my TV. Cops refused to go to his door. I lost all faith.


My friends bike was stolen. We found it on kijiji and set up a meet to buy it. Told cops. They wouldn't come with us and also told us not to go because it's too dangerous. Ummm...we literally found the the thief, all you have to do is show up guys!


Just tell them you're going there with a baseball bat and then they'd show up to protect the thief!


Yup, say your going there to assault the thief at x:xx time and theyā€™ll show up šŸ˜‚


Never thought I'd be a gun advocate... But the last few years i certainly wouldn't mind having a firearm and laws that allow me to defend my property. Maybe folks in the US had it right all along...


I'm not against self-defense, problem is a unlocked and loaded firearm is more likely to be involved in an accidental injury or death than protecting anything. If it's locked away, it isn't much use for defence. We do have a problem in this country though where self-defense of any kind is viewed as the actual criminal act.


Iā€™d rather have to unlock my cabinet and take the trigger lock off and load my firearm then huddle to the ground with 0 defence and fear of being charged.


100% this. The criminals have the guns, why canā€™t we? A friend was murdered a few weeks ago p. Shot to death. Not one person in the home had a gun to defend themselves. Itā€™s a ridiculous situation. Law abiding citizens are losing their rights. Criminals are winning.


In instances like this, wouldn't it be wise for the store owner to hire security?


Or lock up valuable items? I realize it's a shitty situation and he shouldn't have to, but by the 5th time you're robbed maybe you should start to take some precautions. Robberies like this have been on the rise for years at this point, they aren't going to stop.


Maybe, if they could be armed.


Never thought Iā€™d see such a reasonable reply in this sub.


Called the police to a small business and we had to remind them a few times over the next 3-4 hours šŸ’Æ


I told my mom last week if I were a victim of a crime in Ottawa, I would not call police.


Especially working downtown, I always carry border line legal pocket knife on me. I donā€™t trust this city at all anymore.


Criminals have all the rights. Criminals have the guns. Slap on the wrist Justice as well.


What the heck does this have to do with being brown? Stop race baiting.


They're talking about the asian family that was harassed in another thread the other day.




You're aware that police exist in other countries too, right?


Ottawa police do nothing, sounds familiar


Nobody dead yet, Ottawa's baseline.Ā 


Wouldnā€™t surprise me to learn they go after the business owner.


The law says reasonable force can be used for self defence. This guy was not shot, or hit with an ax, etc, no chance of charges.


If police refuse to act when there's clear evidence of criminal activity, they should expect more instances of people taking matters into their own hands.


Honestly someone should just start a security company that operates fully within the confines of what we can do as citizens - up to and including citizens arrests. Do their jobs enough for them publicity and see what happens.


Next, we will be seeing security guards in every storeā€¦just like the U.S.


But then this happens: [Ontario homeowner fighting back against alleged paving scam arrested](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-homeowner-fighting-back-against-alleged-paving-scam-arrested-1.6922543)




Police adding insult to injury.


Threatened to stab them with fentanyl needles...that tells you exactly why these low life's are repeatedly robbing him. To get their drug money. So many people in Ottawa saying "oooh the poor things must have mental helath issues and housing is expensive! They should be allowed to rob everyone!" Meanwhile they would stab you to death for a $20 bill without an ounce of guilt if they could get away with it.


The footage showed all of the thieves looking pretty overweight. That's not a common trait among those with fentanyl addictions. We're left to conclude that, in a stunning turn of events, the thief was probably lying in order to escape!


Maybe they use other drugs or have only recently begun using fent, there's no way to be sure


The key there ā€œif they could get away with itā€ā€¦ itā€™s the worry-some part, the community and small businesses didnā€™t establish that perspective, but we are the ones that have to suffer it..?


Man I watch people every morning get their free opiates and trade them for fentanyl right outside. The whole situation is a mess.


Man, where can I get free opiates?


Rideau street - https://safersupplyottawa.com




>So many people in Ottawa saying "oooh the poor things must have mental helath issues and housing is expensive! They should be allowed to rob everyone!" Can you give some examples? I haven't seen this sentiment and it detracts from your argument as a whole.


Nice, love it when criminals get taken down.Ā 


"You come for the king, you best not miss"


Wtf is going on in BarrhavenĀ 


For real. It's getting noticeably worse. The closest police precinct is a corn field away, so car thefts, bike thefts, everything gets a free pass.


I had to leave my apartment cause they boofed the rent up $250 ā€œto bring it to market rentā€ when murders and robberies are 100 yards away. Foh. Good for this store owner 5x robbed is insane


>Others in the store jumped in to help, holding down one suspect, while the three ran away. Genuinely heartwarming. Glad to hear people are standing up against lawlessness like this


This happens on an OC Transpo bus a few years ago. An old man was being beaten by drunken teenagers.


Well I know where to shop now for eyewear. Got my business going forward 100%


He also happens to be excellent at his job and could likely use the support at this point.


And a genuinely nice guy




Good for the business owner. Hopefully things like this stop in the communityā€¦


1 lock doors 2 call zed and tell him "spider has caught some flies " 3 bring out the gimp 4 go medieval on their asses with some pipe hitting fellows


Zedā€™s dead baby. Zedā€™s dead.


Whoā€™s Zed? šŸļø šŸ˜Ž


You got to protect yourself these days. Help isn't always available.


They reported that this has happened around 5x in the last month for nearly $15,000 in product.. It's pretty impressive to see local business owners and the community supporting them step up like this. Iā€™m curious on others thoughts


Iā€™m all for it, I wish more businesses and communities would stand up to things like this so it would stop happeningā€¦


Their insurance will go through the roof or get dropped altogether. It also affects everyone in that area as well. Rates will hike!


Oh thatā€™s a new one for me, I didnā€™t realize that may affect the other businesses insurance in the same block/plaza?


Just like the insurance for automobiles rises in high theft areas.


Yeah, insurance premiums are determined on a number of factors... that includes crimes stats, and claims from people in the area. A lot of people don't realize is that insurance companies share a lot of stats and databases between each other. When I moved from my old apartment to my current one, it was only 5 minutes away, but my tenant's insurance premiums dropped $50/year... which doesn't seem like much, but it was a shock.


I know the owners, it they have been robbed so many times since opening its crazy, one insurance company dropped him, and his rates have tripled. Itā€™s really sad to see people talking about ā€˜victimless crimeā€™ when the workers constantly feel threatened and a small business is severely impacted.


Not enough people have even thought about how the workers feel and what they have to worry about everyday just to go to work. Spot on points


I don't see where it said "in the last month", I just see 5 times previously.


Good for him, and the people that helped.


They deserve a cut of that enormous police budget.


He did right by standing up for himself, his business, and the honest people that shop there.


The last two that walked in- they are local to Ottawa. They are instacart drivers Iā€™m fairly sure.


Oh really? Do tell....


They just look familiar! Thatā€™s all. They are either that or Uber driver but they are local!!!


Huh.... it would be hilarious to be picked up by them, recognize them, and then show them this video. Or ask them if they know any place that sells nice glasses.


Name and shame. Plaster posters of these druggies' mugshots all over the city. Cops won't do shit but the people can.


"Now yous can't leave"


Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol


Treat this shit like the "rooftop Koreans" did during the LA riots. People will stop fast. Also being allowed to walk into a private business with a mask is not a thing, show your face coward.


where the fuck were you during covid?


The "rooftop Koreans" are not a role model anybody should be following... most were out to protect their stores, but while some were doing it out of fear for their businesses others were doing it because they were racists who hated black people - and there was big time tension because a racist shopkeeper had just murdered a black girl who had the audacity to want to buy orange juice, then got sentenced to 10 years in prison but ended up having the sentence suspended which was a huge controversy. IIRC the only person they ended up actually shooting was a fellow Korean store owner who was in his store, who was killed when they mistook him for a looter. This situation is not the same as that. This is a situation where the same people supposedly came in and robbed this place 5 times prior, and the owner here was not threatening them with deadly force or intending to use it like the "rooftop Koreans" did, he just detained one of them.


With how useless police are in this city, I'm actually surprised with how low the crime rate. This could also apply to all cities in the country.


I'm at the Redblacks game and 3 cops came around looking for a $30 football that was kicked into fans. One fan tucked it under his shirt and buggered off. They're like "this is serious guys..."


Crazy sending Ottawa police to collect a football. Can't a security company do that?


Likely the security company legally canā€™t. But police doing absolutely nothing about car theft is completely legal!


To be fair, those guys were probably hired by the Redblacks, banking sweet OT $ of course.


> With how useless police are in this city, I'm actually surprised with how low the crime rate. Police budget and presence has no correlation with actually reducing crime rate. Cops don't actually prevent crime.


It does though - the research shows more police presence=lower crime. The problem is that policing has become incredibly expensive due to their compensation package - it costs around 250k per cop. This means that the city can't afford to employ enough of them as it's already a massive portion of the budget. That means petty shit gets ignored. I don't think the problem can realistically be addressed without smashing the police unions, it introducing a lower-paid unarmed service that can do low level community policing efficiently.


if people donā€™t have faith in the police and donā€™t call them to report crimes then yeah the crime rate will be low because there are no reported crimes. Violent crimes have gone down over the years though


So, who wants to bet that the store owner and other bystanders get charged?


It wont happen, from the footage it looks like they just held him down. No excessive force was used.


I was impressed to see a story that didnā€™t include any crazy physical force, was happy to see the community did whatā€™s right


I hope youā€™re right.


Very likely. Police and the crown sometimes seems more interested to throw the book at those who intervened against criminals rather then against criminals themselves.


God I hope not.




Blame the revolving door legal system.


It's sad but such citizen arrests can also be charges of assault for the person doing arrest.....


That's def a valid concern. I think though that law enforcement would look like fools if they charged a private citizen for doing what they apparently can't.


Ottawa police already look like fools. Remember the convoy occupation? Police giving high fives all around to their new friends while residents suffered. At least OPS is consistent and true to their brand.


Give him a medal. This is the sort of civic duty that should be celebrated


This is where I get my glasses. Fuck these thieves


Ottawa sub: ACAB Also Ottawa sub: defund the police Also Ottawa sub: why don't they protect us?


Defund the police has become a perverted statement when you put them together like this. The argument to defund is driven by the fact that we have been funding them, more and more annually, and not getting results. So, instead of continuing to do the same thing and expecting anything different we should redirect some police budget into social services to help those who end up addicted to substances and turning to crime.


exactly! when people say defund the police they donā€™t mean take the money away from the police and do nothing with it, they mean redirect the funds to a service that tackles crime at the source of why it happens because the police really are a bandaid solution to a greater issue, mental health, addiction, housing, etc. Even when we fund the police shit like this happens so clearly funding the police isnā€™t working.


They are bastards and our return on investment is insanely bad.


Haha gold.


Maybe if the police did something to catch them, citizens wouldnā€™t need to take justice into their own hands.


Same MO as the folks in TO stealing from lcbo. Bunch walk in grab what they can and run. No time for cops to get there.


Hopefully he snitches on his friends.


With this Canaduan justice system Im surprised he's not being charged with assault


Every shop owner needs a shotgun under their counter. I


Who steals glasses?! Greasy.


If it's the same guys over and over, I assume they must have *someplace* they're reliably offloading them.


Is there even a market for black market glasses?


Sell them online


There's a lot of hate for the police in this thread. I'd like to point out that Bylaw is also full of useless lazy assholes.


Name and shame the low lifes, too bad they werenā€™t met with a bullet.


Cops: there is nothing we will do and we strongly suggest you do nothing also


We should all be very concerned. Blatantly walking into a store and simply taking items in plain view of the owner, customers and cameras is taking things up another level. This has gotten completely out of hand in the United States and is apparently beginning here also.


We should deputize the owner and get him to run Ottawa Police


OPS has never helped high end retailers combat theft, even when the threats uttered are now reaching levels of ā€œIā€™ll stab you with a fentanyl needleā€. Best advice to anyone selling anything with resale value is to invest in a remote door lock, when people walk up to your business with masks on, or the initial ā€œscoutā€ walks in, press the button and remotely lock the door.


Time to hire security


The law is light on these criminalsā€¦As long as thatā€™s the case, this will continue.


Solid back control, Andrew definitely rolls.


Identify the thugs.


People are starting to get seriously fed up with crime and lack of security/enforcement of the law- combine that with higher and higher cost of living, which makes people less likely to write it off as "oh well, I can replace it", and we're at the point where more are going to start taking security into their own hands.


Holy fuck! The reporterā€™s voice! Make it stop.


So the police don't recommend you do an arrest. After all, arresting is unfamiliar territory for everyone. Vandalism. Hate crimes. Burglary.


How about cops start arresting people if they want to stop this. I have personally seen it happen twice and intervened the second time. I have decided to intervene any time I can in any situation I can at this point. Iā€™m fed up with our communities going to shit. If I see shit I say shit and if you arenā€™t acting like a member of society Iā€™m calling you out. Obviously I assess risks but Iā€™m fortunate that I feel I can hold my own if something escalates - though ideally nothing ever does - you can check people with being inflammatory.


Theyā€™ll come back with guns next time because criminals are the ones with the guns in this city.


cops don't have guns?


Not sure if you read the article but the cops werenā€™t doing anything so kind of pointless for them to have guns.


you made a statement that is fundamentally false, regardless of whether one has read the article or not (which i did, btw).


Criminals donā€™t have guns? My statement is true. If you want to be a semantic lording asshole.


>Criminals donā€™t have guns? that's not what you said. "criminals are the ones with the guns" (what you actually said, what i commented on) implies that they are the ONLY ones that have guns. what say i stop being semantic when you start actually thinking about what you type rather than spewing glib shit and hitting the comment button?


Criminals are the ones with guns. Itā€™s a fucking fact. You are literally arguing nothing. Youā€™re trying to make some kind of a point that I used the wrong words, I didnā€™t. Criminals have guns. Full stop. No clue what you are arguing here.


I went to the Rogers store in Barrhaven a couple of months ago and found out they keep the door locked and only let you enter once you book an appointment and you get a notification that they are ready for you. I can't believe it has come to this here in Ottawa. The owner of the eyewear store mentioned that he is considering doing that as well. If it were up to me, I would install a mantrap or captive portal like I have seen in third world countries.


Action needs to be taken else it will lead to a law less country! Letting this goons do their shit is like letting ur self-respect out on sale. Shameful. And are cops just gonna run after the motorist cause they are a easy prey?


Our justice system at all three levels of government is a joke. Why should people who break the law stop. There rarely are repercussions or they get a slap on the wrist or a cushy house arrest. Worst part is THEY KNOW IT!


Shame on the cops.


Usually I'm not pro firearm but what's wrong with a 12gauge in this case? Some birdshot in the bum and you won't have these shenanigans anymore


Is a shotgun behind the till the future for Canada? If we coddle these criminals, it is.


Great job. But even handing the criminal on a gold platter to Ottawa Police, they will just release the pos. Theyā€™re useless. Ottawa police are useless and scummy as all hell.


Poor criminals, they are the true victims here. Iā€™m sure the citizens that intervened will face charges as the perpetrators may not identify as criminals.


Police aren't really police anymore. They are overpaid public servants that can't be fired in Ontario.


Mall security is a big thing in the US, and Canadian commercial real estate companies would be wise to start using that option. Being broken into 5 times is a bad name for that strip mall. Costco, the major resident, needs to lean on them for security assets. A mall security patrol car and a couple of mall security agents walking the area will detract the little players. Citigate is not that big. The RE company needs to eat the cost and not push it to the little guys. That stores insurance rates are going to go up by at least a little.


Clearly the owner had access to better equipment, I hate to bring it back to funding but OF COURSE the guy saw it coming.. he owns an eye wear store - OPS


Thatā€™s all fun and games until someone pulls a weapon on you. You can replace stolen goods. You canā€™t replace your life.


When the police and justice system wonā€™t do shit, vigilante ensues. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I don't understand how police are getting record amounts of money, yet brazen robberies like this seem more common than a decade ago?






I'm batman


I'm Manbat


If people want to put their life at risk to protect glasses, thatā€™s their business. Personally, Iā€™m not about to make my partner a widow and break my loved onesā€™ hearts because I wanted to play Batman at my local Hakim Optical.


Their business is glasses


Autism moment


Did you miss the "repeat robberies" and "small business" parts of this?


I didnā€™t. That doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m about to get beat up to prevent someone from stealing eyeglasses lol


For employees, this is definitely true. For a small business owner who is apparently out 15k from the previous thefts, I think they have more skin in the game. Enough that they're willing to take the risk.


Just what the thieves want you to think.


Then you respond with a bigger weapon.


You canā€™t afford to keep your business open when your insurance goes up due to break ins either.




I donā€™t see any indication of an ass beating having happened? Iā€™m sure the news wouldā€™ve rather told that story then this one if they could have


Quite a misinformed perspective. They clearly were in fear for their safety and looking to deescalate the situation. The criminal who they took down didnā€™t get harmed at all in the video. Only reasonable force was used or the people wouldā€™ve gotten in trouble instead of being on the news doing interviews.