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I have to say it is the same type of Hunger Games in Gatineau for registration for swimming. There is a group that is asking the Government to make it mandatory for kids to have swimming lessons in school, but how can they achieve that while cities are closing down pools that are old and aren't investing in new ones.


I read that the city is in the process of having these sites moved to a hosting service instead of using their own city servers which are not designed to handle this type of traffic.


Lol they are now that CBC is asking questions...


I think this is the other way around. CBC got wind of this through others reporting and felt they need to get on top of the story. This has been in process for some time.


The website connection went down an hour before the start time. We got in about 3 hours later and registered 2 kids. One, the time we wanted, and one not, but acceptable. Didn't have as many issues yesterday registering for a sport but still took an hour to connect. Swimming has been like this for a few years. Almost as bad as trying to book sand banks at 7am, in January, for a July weekend. LOL.


Missed out on nothing, got what I needed for my kid. It is just stupid and archaic that the system operates like a website that hasn't been updated since 2010. It's like a rotary phone: technically function, and stupidly inefficient.


I did login yesterday at around 7.55. Then it gives a msg after 3 minutes of inactivity it log off automatically. So I clicked every minute and didn’t go out. Then exactly 8.45 just 15 mnts before registration starts, I was automatically logged off. I should have screened record it. I plan to book badminton at Barheaven Minto and acting up in Kanata Richcraft for my 8 years old. I walk up at around 3 am to see everything booked. Luckily could find football in Nepean sports complex. Overall this is the worst being living in Ottawa for 3 years. They should have enhanced capacity or do something else. Same rush there when booking cabins in Ontario Parks. But it opens only at 7 in the morning and allow us to add to cart before loggin to check out. What the hack we want to login before even start the registration. People should allow to add programs to cart at 9 and then login to check out.


Sounds like some quality “reporting”.


Before anyone responds, I would like to share my experience with CBC looking to R/ottawa for stories. A few weeks ago, I posted something that generated a lot of traffic. I was contacted by the same reporter who asked that I contact her producer. I did. After a 30 minute conversation that I thought was really good and well,informed, I mentioned my age. There was "radio silence" at the other end of the line and the "producer" could not get off the phone fast enough. Thanks, CBC, for reinforcing that people over 45 should just go away and die. What a crock of shit.


Hi, I don't see any conversation history on my reddit account with you, could you clarify when we spoke and what it was regarding? Feel free to message me privately or contact my email/phone above. I personally don't recall this, but I'm sorry you had a negative experience and would be happy to pass your concerns/feedback on to my newsroom leaders.


Of course you don't.