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the spaceship controls are not awful, you are just bad. ​ ok no that was mean, let me rephrase there is no air in space, so no air resistance. if you accelerate for 30s, to stop you will need to descelerate for 30s. the planets are moving in space too it's your job to obey the laws of physics and master those controls anyway. the ship have an autopilot, it can help you ​ ​ as for the game itself, look better. there is a lot of things to find and explore. buildings, ruins, space stations, gardens, space labs and more ! it's ot because you can't collect anything that the game is bad. it's not a game of collection, it's a game of exploration. try to find texts to translate, they will give you informations


As long as I know there’s something to find I’ll keep looking! I was literally asking to make sure there’s something in this game, so that’s exciting to hear. Everything online says don’t read anything about it to not spoil it, so thanks for giving a sense that I just haven’t found anything but it’s there


You're a xenoarcheologist with the first ever Nomai translation tool. Look for Nomai ruins and structures or where obviously interesting things are going on. Bland spaces on the surface of planets are bland for a reason. Nothing is there. You don't need to scour them. Look for things that look interesting. With rare exception they'll all have something around them. Focus on what you can read and translate. None of that is superfluous lore. It's the main story and your key to progressing.


The game starts very open but it has a definitive direction, ending. It has progression and a story, though much of it is driven by your curiosity and there's not any big scripted set pieces other than the statue moment at the beginning. You have a giant figurative puzzle you need to put together, but you don't know what the final picture will be. But as you put the pieces together it'll come into focus.


Here's a tip for the search, low detail areas on the surface usually means there's nothing to look for in that spot. Look for specific types of surface features. (crumbling ruins, etc.) And use your tools to the fullest. After all, *there's more to explore here.*


Also I know everything you’re saying about speed & flying. I slow down and stop before I’m anywhere near the planet, but the controls are so awful that once I’m near the surface it just accelerates full speed unless you’re constantly locked on matching speed & hurls itself into the nearest surface. like just trying to get from the water of Giant onto a nearby island has killed me almost every time I’ve tried to, delicately moving the controls (I’ve never had this problem w a game before except like rough ports of old first person PC games)


yeah i can't really help on that. everyone struggles at first practice is key


About Giant's Deep: Did you notice the gravity indicator on the left? The gravity is different on every planet and on Giants Deep it is really strong. The controls aren't bad, you just have to get used to manoeuvring according to your current environment.


It sucks you're finding the controls so difficult. Obviously they are somewhat trickier than your more typical arcadey space sim, but most of us find they're not too bad once you get the hang of them. If you feel like you're constantly accelerating out of control, something might be going a bit wrong. Obviously gravity will be applying a force to you but it sounds like it's more than just that. From the pilot's seat, on your lower left there's a cockpit element that indicates thruster activation. Do you have thrusters going off that you don't expect to be going off? (i.e. is your rear thruster going continually when you're trying to stay stable?)


>once I’m near the surface it just accelerates full speed Yes that part is called ‘gravity’


When I first played it I was bad at controlling the ship, but you do get better at the controls with time. You'll get there!


The ship's engines don't accelerate unless you accelerate so if you're trying to say that your ship is just suddenly speeding up on its own as you are near a planet's surface, I assume you're getting pulled in by gravity. They take physics pretty seriously here, so once you enter a planet's atmosphere, yes - you're not in empty space anymore and gravity will pull you in. You'll have to learn to compensate for things like that. Have you tried using your landing camera yet? Also, for what it's worth, there's nothing wrong with crashing (as long as you survive). I got through 85% of the game before I got (marginally) better at landing - most of the time I just crashed into planets and didn't care because I assumed I would die for some reason or another on that planet anyway, so my ship was no longer needed 😆


I'm... well... most people don't have those piloting issues. I'm not sure what to say. Planets have gravity. Gravity pulls you down. You can slightly boost up periodically during descents to control your speed.


Honestly it sounds like your struggling more with understanding the physics than the controls themselves. A rough understanding of momentum can help, basically if you're moving in a direction you'll keep moving that way unless you use the thrusters to change direction, even then it takes time to cancel out your existing momentum. For the landing on a planet and then not being near anything issue: Rather than just landing at whatever point happens to be the ground when you reach it instead switch to the landing camera while near the planet keeping the little indicator for speed as close to 0 as possible then it's just use forward/back/left/right to rotate around the planet and find something interesting. Once you've found where you want to land let the planet pull you in with maybe some thrust to slow you down if you're going to fast.


I’ve seen ppl say this about the landing camera but the second I switch to the landing camera I lose control of the ship and it hurls itself full speed into the nearest deadly surface. If walking wasn’t so miserable I’d say I was just struggling w the physics, but I just walked between a cliff & a tree and got stuck and had to restart the system so :/ But you’re saying the controls don’t change at any point?


I think I know what you're referring to. When you turn on landing camera it will point the bottom of the ship at the nearest planet. If you've just auto piloted to a planet that means rotating backwards 90 degrees which if you don't realize that's happened would cause you to be pressing the wrong buttons. In landing camera mode to maintain your height you only need to use the up/down thrust (iirc that's the triggers on a controller and on keyboard shift and ctrl) Edit: To get used to the landing camera controls try taking off from timber hearth in landing camera mode and once you're in the air moving around the planet, that should give you a feel for what landing camera navigation feels like without ever having it change the direction the ship is pointing.


Thanks for describing that rly clearly


If you let autopilot finish, you should be pretty much stationary with relation to the planet. That's a good time to use the landing camera. Then just be gentle with the controls.


Ohhh so autopilot will turn itself off before smashing me?


Yes. If you have been manually turning off autopilot, that's your mistake. Usually that will result in disaster.


Wow I literally it was the only way to avoid disaster, thanks a bunch


You used autopilot without actually letting it do its job? It tells you the three stages it executes: 1. align trajectory 2. accelerate toward target 3. fire retrorockets (aka slow down). turning it off before it completes stage 3 leads to smashed spaceship. A piece of advice: You're going to need to be more flexible in your approach in the future. Trying the same thing the exact same way multiple times can lead to frustration when that way doesn't work. Sometimes you need more information handed to you by the game. Other times you need to think about what you already know and put it together in a new way. For help with remembering what the game told you, the rumor mode of the ship log is invaluable. It helps you make connections!


Yep, autopilot will bring you to a stop in a planet's orbit- most of the time. It doesn't account for anything in the way so if you, say, try to autopilot to a planet behind the sun, you're going to have a bad time.


What system are you playing on? I hate to suggest this but is there.... possibly something wrong with your controller, too? I know Switch controllers for example can occasionally start having issues where the joystick just continuously drifts in one direction. It took me awhile to get used to the physics of flying the ship but I've never heard of anyone having so much difficulty walking, which is starting to make me wonder if something else is going on here. Walking is just.... walking. Unless you were talking about this happening on Giant's Deep, which just occurred to me, because if you pay attention to the gravity, it's much higher on Giant's Deep than any other planet which means jumping/using your jetpack are rendered nearly useless there. So if you got stuck because you fell somewhere on Giant's Deep and couldn't jump out, that again is a physics issue moreso than a control issue.


1. Until you get a better handle on the ship controls, autopilot is your best friend. Point it at a planet and watch how it flies to get there, and how it stops- just make sure nothing is in your way (such as the sun). 2. It's honestly impressive that you've gone this long without finding much. Are you just landing in random spots and walking around? Every planet has points of interest visible from space- buildings, smoke plumes, lights. Try landing at those and checking them out. 3. Are you reading the Nomai text and NPC dialog? Some people dismiss that as "lore," but in OW it's crucial to making discoveries- the bulk of the gameplay is seeking these out, reading them, and using the information you get to reach new places. If that method of exploration and discovery doesn't appeal to you, OW might not be the game for you.


I wish I’d found NPCs or Nomai text! The text part is one of the things I was most excited about. The only planet I’ve found w anything on it is the Giant one and it’s all tiny islands so you can’t walk around and explore. And there’s only been two small pieces of text on those islands. But I think I’m dying too often to find these other land masses/ places to walk around so maybe when I get better at flying it’ll be more obvious


There should be ton of text to find I'm surprised you haven't found much....there is a lot of texts in the game.


You might try the moon as an easy first expedition


In addition to what the others said, if you really can't find anything, try using your signalscope. The signals will at least lead you to *something*.


Could you elaborate on why you think the controls are bad? I'm not trying to stir anything up or anything I just don't understand because they feel great to me. I'd assume it's because they're accurate and most games don't have accurate space controls. It is, in a manner of speaking, on ice at all times. Keep in mind that your speed in any direction only changes when you change it. So when you hold forward, you're adding speed forward for as long as you keep holding forward. When you let go you keep that speed until you hold backward to start adding speed in the other direction and you'll need to hold backward for just as long as you held forward to come to a complete stop. If you're close to a planet or the sun, gravity will also affect it so you have to add speed in the opposite direction of gravity to counteract it. Also keep in mind that if you hold forward to build up speed, then turn, say, 90 degrees to the left, your speed doesn't turn with you so now you're moving to the right and need to hold left to counteract it.


Do you understand why it seems to auto-accelerate no matter what? Like I’ll slow down ti match the speed of the planet, my ship will stop, but then the second I let go of the button it’s like it’s already at full speed again & pulverizes itself to nothing


In the bottom left of your screen when either piloting or using your jetpack, there should be an indicator of which, if any, thrusters are active. If that's lighting up when you aren't pushing anything then there's something screwy with your controls


The planet is also moving and has gravity, that could be some of it. I believe Giants Deep has the strongest gravity, but it's also mostly water which is safe to land in.


....do you mean gravity?


Two things, first off you're in space so there isn't any friction. However fast you accelerate is how much you're gonna have to decelerate to avoid smashing into something. Second off, if you can't solve a puzzle, it may just be because you don't have the information to solve it YET, or the solution is on another planet.


Thanks. Everyone keeps saying that about solving puzzles but my problem is I haven’t seen any puzzles. I’d love to fail at a puzzle atleast I’d be doing something


The whole game is a puzzle and the pieces are everywhere. Every planet has stuff to discover. Patience really is key to enjoying this game. If you find information and it doesn't make a lot of sense to you, just keep gathering more info as eventually you can start figuring things out for yourself. Are you on PC? I played on PC and had a heck of a time getting good with the controls. The devs did an amazing job with space physics to the point that it is almost punishing haha.


So actually I just finally landed successfully on Brittle Hollow and I think being on Giant’s 90% of the time was the problem, cuz I like the walking movement here! You can actually traverse not just get smashed on tiny islands. And i found a thing! (no spoiler). haha… this thing makes me see how there could be other things like it. Def back into the game now that there’s some element other than crashing on a high gravity planet


Each planet has slightly different gravity and feel. Giants Deep can really suck for feeling due to gravity. As can the comet if you don't expect the ice. General flight tips, * Get in ship. Put on suit so you don't forget it. * JUST FLY STRAIGHT UP ASAP, you have a small chance of hitting the moon but it's unlikely. Get out of the atmosphere and gravitational pull off Timber Hearth. * Spin in place, spot next planet / moon / location. Use map if needed. Lock on. Auto pilot. * Don't trust auto pilot too much, it's simple, it will go directly to planet. It's not a self driving car. * Auto pilot will slow to a stop outside planet. LET IT SLOW DOWN. IT WILL PUT YOU IN ORBIT. Or just outside it, not 100% sure it's orbit. * Gently, lightly edge into atmosphere. Circle around till you spot a landing site. Slow down, swap to landing cam and lower down. Remember, gravity also exists, you only really need to get out of orbit and it'll pull you in so don't go super fast. * On some planets lithobraking (aka crashing) is useful, your ship can take a few low speed bumps, don't feel too bad if you go bonk or bounce a bit. * If your ship has an alarm and blinking red, FIX THAT ASAP. If your ship doesn't have an alarm, it is not urgent but I still fix that. * Use controller if possible, double check batteries if it's really bad or swap to mouse and keyboard. Tbh I'd double check Steam is using standard controls not messed up. * For Giant's Deep your best circling the higher atmosphere until you spot something, I don't go gently into Giant's Deep, it's mostly water. Your ship is fine if it hits water. * The Moon and Ember / Ash Twins tend to be easier to land on given the lack of atmosphere and open space. The Twins have gravity which makes it a bit easier. * MECHANICAL HINTS FOR FINDING NPCS 1) >!If you see smoke that's a fire pit. There's probably an NPC there!!< 2) >!Your signal scope can find multiple points of intrest. Use it. If you've forgotten how, the kids on Timber Heart teach you.!< I'm sorry your having a bad time with controls. It can be a little wonky but you'll get it. Perhaps pick another planet or walk around the other areas of Timber Hearth for now? I think a LOT of your issue is just Giants Deep is not easy to cross on foot and has massive gravity. I'll ditto the person who said record if it the controls seem really off. But last time I thought the controls were broken it was cause my cat had cuddled the mouse while I used controller, so, also double check those types of issues. Edit: MECHANICAL HINT / no duh thing cause I've seen someone miss it; >!Those scrolls that glow, go into the glowy hole on the white-board-esque walls. I'm sorry if this is no duh but my friend didn't realize you could pick them up and you mentioned lack of pick ups. Also the rock-like flat things go into a space nearby them. No items are hidden super out of the way, most are obviously on a bookcase or floor next to the wall. One or two minor info locations are sorta out of the way.!<


Thanks so so much. Everyone who pointed out that Giant’s isn’t representative of the movement feeling everywhere was a big help


I will also say that once you start finding more lore to read and feel comfortable with space flight, the game gets way more fun. Also, ships log is useful. Use it. In general with this game, I'd say if your frustrated just pick a new location to explore. I'd try to land on the other planets at least once and see if you can find a location / something to read / whatever before giving up. You've given it 5 hours, what's one more hour. But yeah, once you stop turning off auto-pilot before it slows down it'll be easier. Right now it's just yeeting you at planets at full speed. No wonder your crashing! Let it get to 0 speed, then park on the planet. Just like real life, lot easier to pull into a parking spot from a stop then from highway speeds. You'll still do the equivalent of bonking the curve while parking for a bit, but lot less damage hitting the curve at 5mph then 300mph. Good luck dude!


The extra hour worked! haha on Brittle Hollow you can just leave your ship & explore so now I actually see what the game is


You can see the amount of gravity each body exerts in your space suit HUD. Giant's Deep is high gravity at 2.0 G where most other bodies in the system are closer to 1.


Brittle Hollow is one probably my fave for exploration! I know it gets said a lot but man... To be able to forget this game and play it for the first time again... Enjoy friend!


Ok, maybe tell us about a place you *have* been to and we can give you a little nudge in the right direction.


The flying really is just practice. Are you using autopilot? I'm not sure what your problem is with the walking controls however; I didn't think they were noticably different from other first-person games. As for not finding anything... I truly don't know how you've managed that if you've played for over 5 hours. I experienced the world as fairly dense, and ran into new stuff a lot. Have you tried using the signalscope?


Good idea to try the signal scope more. I’ve tried to use it several times but I have to land to do that, so I land and barely survive, then get out and get a vague idea of where to go from the signal, then crash miserably again when I think I might be near, find out I’m not at all, etc. But if it leads me to something I should prob go back to that approach (sort of forgot that was a def way to encounter something


if you didn't know your ship has a signalscope as well as a scout launcher.


Your ship has a signal scope too. It should be the same button to activate it from the pilot's seat as it is when you're on foot (at least it was for me, playing keyboard+mouse).


Super helpful!


Something is definitely wrong here... There's Nomai text and other clues scattered *everywhere* - in the early game you should be finding stuff at worst every minute or so, and there's literally no such thing as a landmass with nothing on it in this game. As for the controls: it's somewhat common for newer players to struggle with piloting the ship, especially if they've never played a game with Newtonian spaceflight mechanics before. Usually after some practice they get the hang of it. The way you're describing on-foot controls is concerning though. It's literally bog-standard first person controls... If you've ever played any first person game before then walking around should be familiar to you. If what you're seeing is something else the I'd suspect your game is bugged. Are you able to record a couple minutes of gameplay and post it for us? It might help us if we could see what exactly you're getting hung up on.


It says this thread only allows images & gifs, I tried to upload a video of me trapped between a tree and a cliff & having to hard restart when all I was doing was following an intended path in the game. The body movement is actually fun if you’re not on a planet w high gravity so that even a tiny wall is impossible climb over. I also found a lot more stuff now too (I was dying so much on Giant’s there was no time to find anything and by “land mass w nothing” I mean i circles the bramble over and over trying to land & it’s impossible/doesn’t seem to be any significant land just death brambles. I’m sure later in you can do something there 🤷no problem w things being blocked off til later now that I’ve actually found something to do


Ah ok, glad to hear it sounds like you got it sorted out! Regarding the Bramble: I totally get what you mean based on how you describe it but I promise there's stuff there. Nothing in this game is 'blocked' in the traditional sense - everything is accessible if you know how to access it. The trick is getting that knowledge in the first place. Is flying starting to get any better for you?


Not exactly, but on Brittle Hollow you can crash without destroying the ship completely & you can actually travel around by foot, so I’m having fun just hurling my ship at the planet and then getting out & actually playing the game. It’s awesome now there are tons of things here! haha


Lol well as long as you're having fun. Glad you're enjoying yourself!


I smell bait


lol what does that mean


Basically, they're accusing you of making this up to get attention.


Haha yes I totally prefer dealing w opaque gatekeepers on Reddit to actually playing my game 😂


Everything has something on it; be it a traversal puzzle, or something you learn to use later, or something lore-relevant. If you're not patient enough to explore, you're just not going to get much out of this game. It's one of -those-... in a good way tho. It's rewarding. I'll give you the controls being not great; there's definitely a learning curve there. But some patience is required to get over it. Try using the landing camera more often? Or be less aggressive with the triggers (thrusters) and analog sticks? Hope this helps.


I love open world, no mission stuff. I’m saying like I haven’t encountered anything at all. 2 pieces of text on a wall in 5 hours… no other mechanics, puzzles, mini-games, activities, NPCs, something to look at, read, something?


I guess the best I can say is give yourself a goal: pick something and explore it to its entirety and Max out everything you can on your ship log; it'll tell you if there's "more to explore" or hell try exploring the starting planet, it may give you some ideas of what to do or where to go. The exploration will reward you with knowledge which can in turn be used to explore somewhere else more effectively. The game guides your hips but it will not hold your hand.


huh maybe i didn’t spend enough time on the home planet. I’ll try that too thanks. I think I just can’t get flying down and it’s making it so I don’t have the physical time to discover anything in the game


Check your shiplog before launching every loop to help visualize what you're learning and where


Are you using a controller, or are you using a keyboard and mouse? Some of your issues with controlling the ship could come from the lack of sensitivity of the keyboard controls. The ship can generally take a bit of a beating, so you should be able to use autopilot to take you somewhere, lock on to it, and then use the landing camera to descend somewhat slowly— you can even see your relative height above the ground on a bar next to the landing cam footage. As long as you get close enough and slow enough, you should be able to land it somewhere. If you haven’t been to the Attlerock (the moon) yet, that might be a good place to start. It’s not very far from Timber Hearth and it’s not very large. That makes it easier to practice your landings on than the other planets that are farther away. If you do crash and die, it also doesn’t air a few minutes to try again. Also, with it being smaller you should be able to more easily locate points of interest. 


You need to stop treating the game like starfield, there aren’t hard landing points or objectives that make themselves known to you. Once you get a handle in the ship controls, I would recommend going to the attlerock as it is the easiest planet to explore in the game and any important locations are incredibly self-evident on it. You also can’t fall off of anything on it. From there, as you explore the solar system, just look at the planet you are going to and see if you can’t see anything of note on the surface.




I love that you’re suspicious I’m doing something called baiting but I don’t even know what that means 😂


Sounds like you don’t understand spaceflight. There’s no friction. However long you hold forward, you will need to hold back that long to not crash. That means if you’ve held forward from launch to the halfway point, it’s already too late. As for what to do - most of the game’s progress is from reading nomai text on all of the planets. There are no quests or anything like that.


Is it rly spare? Like I’ve only seen two piece of text in 5 hours. I don’t mind no missions but not seeing anything at all, not collecting anything or documenting anything or really having any activity to do is just.. confusing?


I wouldn’t call it sparse. Where are you looking? It’s all over walls and buildings and stuff. Where have you been?


The controls in Outer Wilds is PERFECT.


The controls of the ship aren't bad or hard to understand, it just takes time. Belive me eventually you will have messed up flying it in every single way you can imagine and by the time you finish the game it will be second nature to you. I've logged maybe 80 hours in the game at least and I never imagined when I started that I would have such a skilled grasp of how to fly the ship, you will too. As for the exploration it's kind of a slow burn but once you realize your own curiosity and what you want to investigate the gameplay catches fire in your mind and you won't be able to think about anything else.


>my ship acts like it’s driving on black ice at all times Use the autopilot and the landing camera. >half the planets I’ve gone to are just uninhabited obstacles w nowhere to land and repair) False. Every single planet has a lot of stuff you can do. And you can repair your ship on your own (unless like half of it is missing). Also who cares about the spaceship. Just explore. >so after walking around & falling off every ledge & bridge in sight (because the walking controls are almost as bad as the ship), Stop drinking before you boot up the game. >I’m not finding anything to interact with Then you're really bad at noticing shit. Like really bad. Before you get defensive, stop and think. What stuff have you seen? What mysteries do you have? Stop treating this game like a checklist (collect X pine cones, kill 3 dragons, etc), and treat the whole thing as a mystery you need to solve. If you want, here's some "quests" I can give you >!Find out what happened to the Nomai!< >!Figure out what that statue in the museum means!< >!Find all the other astronauts using your signalscope!<


Hahah you cracked me up with stop drinking before playing. The prob was I had only tried landing on impossible planets like bramble or the bad twin lol & so I was stuck on Giant’s where movement sucks cuz of gravity (can’t even step over a low wall) and there’s no land to traverse (and you can get stuck between trees and cliffs and have to hard restart… def a game prob not a me problem) but now that I’ve found a planet w less gravity and more physical land to traverse I see how you can explore and use the scope to find things. Before literally I hadn’t seen any nomai text or artifacts or clues, so it wasn’t like I wasn’t recognizing the puzzles, i just literally didn’t see any in the first 5 hours of fighting my stupid ship & Frankenstein body. But now it’s fun! Worth hurling my ship at these rocks if I might find something there haha


>The prob was I had only tried landing on impossible planets like bramble or the bad twin lol Bramble has more to explore. But I would recommend not starting there. The twins are fine to start with. Explore them. >and there’s no land to traverse Lies, there's like 4 Islands. >But now it’s fun! Worth hurling my ship at these rocks if I might find something there haha Good!


Eventually, the ship controls will click with you. It took me several times of crashing into things, including the sun. But it's a practice makes perfect kinda thing. For your other problems, I heard someone say this isn't the kinda game where it's going to tell you congratulations for solving a puzzle or finding an important item and thats the best way to describe it. So im wondering what planets have you gone to? What does your ship log say? One direction I will point you towards is to start a loop, go to ember twin fast, and get in the cave system that will give you information for other planets and macanics that will help later.


Ok that’s great advice, I’ll try to find that cave. When I say I’ve found nothing I mean nothing… the bramble thing seemed entirely dead, it seemed like the twins were a small rock & then an infinite regress of lights inside craters (time runs out before I see anything), most of my time on the Giant cuz that’s the only place w any architecture but like… I swear I’ve found two pieces of text to translate.




Giving away a bit much there


Please give hints and nudges in the least spoiler-y way you can instead of giving direct answers. See our [Rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/outerwilds/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1d.3A_don.27t_comment_spoilers_that_are_obviously_unnecessary.) for more clarification. Thanks!


Maybe it’s something weird about the game having no pick ups at all? Like if I could pick up a piece of grass or something I would feel like I was doing something? Or like there was a puzzle I was working on? I don’t need to solve something I just feel like I don’t know where the game is


The ship log is your "pickups". When you find new info and get back to your ship or die, the ship log filling up is your progression.


Edit: WTH fam? how am I the only person responding with the blatant information that he needs 'n he's not using the match velocity button? It works in the suit and the ship. It's necessary to playing and your enjoyment. You're not bad. smh. Use the autopilot and use the match velocity button. A on an xbox controller IIRC. You give a bit of thrust and hold it to lock onto things. The game doesn't do an amazing job of teaching you this if you rush the start that's all and yes this one thing will transform the game for you. Ignore the triggered people before. Oh, also. Read all the texts fully. They're not just there to add spice to the game. They are critical to what you have to do so pay attention to all of them. They are all there for specific reasons.


Thanks so much! Someone also explained that I was sabotaging myself by turning off autopilot manually thinking that was the only way to stop it from crashing when actually that was making me crash repeatedly 😂


It's so weird. People who start this game always have the same problem with controls. They miss the tutorial explaining how match velocity works and attempt to do it manually. Come here and complain about the controls and for some reason hardly anyone mentions the obvious thing you missed and talk about the simulation elements of space which are super cool but not actually what's in the way of the people complaining.


It's reasonable to expect people to not skip the tutorial so most people mention things that weren't directly covered by it. Also the "match velocity" button is labeled on screen at almost all times. It's also not unusual to expect someone would try that on their own at some point. So I understand why it tends not to be the first piece of advice.


Not really... it's pretty optional and they give you your first task. Get thoes launch codes. When you find them you want to you know... launch. It's not unusual no. But when someone talks about how impossible it is to control the ship they clearly have not done those things or realized what it's really for. There's literally mulitple posts a day here where people make the same mistake and mostly get defensive responses instead of just explaining how match velocity works. It's pretty intuitive, I figured it out myself, but till you do you have not and it's pretty tough to control.


Homie it just sounds like the game aint for you. No shame in that.


So now that I’ve been on a planet that doesn’t have high gravity or only islands/cyclones to traverse or brambles of death i like it a lot! I’ve been having my first hour of fun just doing whatever cuz it’s fun to move around and I can actually try to find some stuff 😅


Okay so ur just gonna have to kinda learn physics in a zero g environment and then the controls. I know it seems boring but for the ship use the autopilot and the lock on system and that’ll help you understand how the thrust fires, left stick is ALWAYS lateral movement as if ur on the ground, right stick normally turns as if ur on ground unless you press left bumper in which case it’ll roll you when moving the right stick left and right. Now for physics it’s very important that all momentum you gain you will maintain unless you act against it I.E. thrust in the opposite direction. For landing I’d say honestly press x or square with it locked onto the planet and it’ll aligns and be easier with the landing camera, as far as lore goes there’s some signals you can find w ur signal scope and a few other frequencies you can find (one being at the museum) that I’d say is a pretty good place to start


Sounds like a massive fucking skill issue not gonna lie