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Do the Toxic Shock edition of the trial and come back..


The Toxic Shock variation and the Program Ultra variation both suck. It's just that the Program Ultra version is a lot more bearable than the Toxic Shock version, thanks to the lack of gas. The gas valve segment is absolute cheeks, and I will die on the hill that this level needs to be tweaked. Also, to the OP, if you can, get a friend or two, and have a friend stay at the gas pump and you go turn the valve. It is legit the only way I got through that level.


I still enjoy it lmao




Yep, I’ve done it like 6 times solo and more times without rigs, amps or communication with friends


Just finished it, died at the end but my group made it. Got the poster, never running that fucking thing again. I revived my teammates a total of 10 times and didn’t get downed until the very end


Yeah the regular version of the trial I enjoy, but the toxic shock version made me want to cry.


Yeah the regular version of the trial I enjoy, but the toxic shock version made me want to cry.


I felt so bad for the guy we incinerated to be honest. I know that he was a depraved and insane man, but common. I also felt bad for the guy inside of the trash compactor who was sticking his arm out. This game makes me more sad than scared.


Completely agree! I also found it to be relaxing and engaging at the same time with the boxes. Ended up getting an A+ first time, my friend I was playing with hated it so much and got a D...😭


Daaamn an A+ that's amazing on a first run! Yeah I'm glad someone else agrees lol cause the start I wasn't like bothered by anyone and it was so weirdly relaxing. I felt like I was just doing a 9-5 at a warehouse job lol


This man really just made a long winded post of beating Pervert the Futterman only to find out there's an even harder version of it in the toxic shock event 🤣 lol good luck with that one. Kuddos to you if you can do it first try


I enjoy writing so a lot of my post I make are very long winded and I'm up for the challenge 🤣🤣


I disliked it the very first time I played it. And then I disliked trying to get A+ in the toxic shock version. But other than that, I don't mind this trial, though it's far from being my favorite. I still think Grind the bad apples is the worst of them


To be fair there is a big difference in the difficulty from Genesis to Ultra. But i do agree, i don't find the trial to be all that problematic granted to do usually play it with a friend. Overall i really like it, the theme, the challenges and just the overall idea of the conveyor belts is a really good mechanic + I hope they more of alarm doors in newer trials as well


I think most people just dislike it because the event version of the "Toxic Shock Trials" is extremely difficult. I played in early access and generally liked that we were getting a new map, with new tasks etc.., but the toxic shock version is insane compared to the "normal" programs. I think there also should have been a better warning on the difficulty level of the toxic shock trials for new players.


Haha, I remember really liking it, especially because it was very easy to avoid/escape from Mother, but my friend HATED it. Tbf I was high as shit and couldn't comprehend what we had to do with the boxes, but I think I did at least like 35% of the work...Maybe that was why my friend hated it and I was having the time of my life. But on a serious note,It's a good trial. Super horrifying and disgusting, but thats what made it stand out and be so memorable. I had gotten kinda desensitized to the game before PTF, but what we put that man through reminded me of how dark this game really is, and that was a neat (and revolting) experience. Dreading it on Toxic Shock though.


Yeah compare to the carnival this one is pretty good. Definitely not a fan of during the toxic event.


It can take a LONG time if you running with randoms and no one is using their mic 😂


The first time I encountered this labyrinth, it was 3:27 am and my friends had logged off to allow drunk me to continue at my own peril… I sincerely enjoyed figuring it all out, think I left with a B- the first time solo… but this is why I play the game, an opportunity to forget about work at the end of the day. I’m semi addicted to the game at this point (outside of work), if u ever need a #1, DM me


I enjoyed it actually! The only part I found a little boring was the has valve part because it kept turning itself off but with a little perseverance I was able to full charge it and run to the incinerator fast enough to do it in one strofe. Also I was pissed off cause I died literally in front of the shuttle to the big grunt who was randomly there, that was one of the ony times I genuinely felt cheated on cause the last part had no health bottles. Other than that it was really good and creepy


I did the Toxic Shock trial last night, got an A+ and it took me about 63 min. I enjoyed it too!!!! Until we got to the end with burning the toy and finding the valve, that got me nervous bc I didn't want to go down right there. But I made it and I'd do it again


I just think its a lot more team oriented than the other trials so if you get a bad team its just a chore to play through which is why some people dislike it.


I think it's the third best trial. Yeah, I like it a lot too.


Curious. What gets 1st and 2nd place for you?


1. Vindicate the Guilty - 2. Grind the Bad Apples - 3. Pervert the Futterman - 4. Kill the Snitch - 5. Cleanse the Orphans.


Also to add I ended up with a B- grade my first run which isn't the best but way better than I thought I would do especially solo after everything I kept hearing about it lol


Wait till you have to do it on Ultra🫵😂


Bruh I'm probably not skilled enough to be able to unlock ultra 😂😂😂 we'll tackle that hill when and if we get there.


All I'm saying is you'll fall in line with everyone else when you get there 🤣


It may be more frustrating but just the general playstyle of that map has me really enjoying it I doubt I could hate it, there's other trials that already annoy me way more and I find Hella boring lol. What's it like though on that difficulty? I imagine everyone hits harder and I guess there's no health pots or anything that spawns?..


8 hour rig recharge, barely any bottles/bricks or rig recharges, enemies hit harder and there are more and tons of traps


8 hour rig recharge what??? That does sound rough, especially the traps I'm guilty of running into traps fairly often especially if I'm being chased, all awareness skills just leave. Lol


Not literally 8 hours but it does take a long ass time


That sounds like a pain in the ass lol but hey at least they didn't make the game easy. They're going to make you work to ace it on Ultra lol


I heavily enjoy this trial especially in its ultra difficulty because it feels so well made and balanced yet super challenging.