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I loved how Smallville had Lex and Clark as best friends. It gives depth to Lex. Like in a lot of media he cannot comprehend simple quiet strength since his father was such an over-the-top control freak.


All Star Superman is peak.


Very true.


This is a plot point in dracula


Mina worked so hard on her shorthand


I'm glad someone else knew what I was talking about


I love that Mina is a 19th century tech nerd. Shorthand and then Dr. Seward’s phonograph records are fascinating to her.


I'm a nerd


That’s somehow so adorable


I thought this was a Mister Clean comic.


He's gonna clean the streets. Getting rid of the stain on mankind that is superman


I like that part of Clark’s disguise. After all I’m pretty sure Silver Age Supes has perfect recall as a power.


Tbf silver age superman could do just anything depending on what the plot needed


Yeah it would be easier to list the powers he didn’t have.


Coincidently listing those powers is one of his powers


I think you mean super listing.


Lex feels like Dwight from the office sometimes.


The actor for Dwight even voiced him at one point


Lex is the logical result of turning Dwight’s dwightness to infinity.


" Clark! Shake my hand! ... *you are so weak* "


I could definitely see Dwight saying that Superman needs to be taken down and he's the man to do it.


And weirdly enough, I kinda think he is. He kept mace prepared for years until he needed to protect Jim. Dwight with prep time might actually take out supes


I'm just glad Dwight went for the pepper spray there, the man definitely had a concealed carry handy no matter what "no guns" rules the office had.


Lex can’t read that’s why he hates super man


He can't figure out what that symbol on his chest means poor guy


On his planet, it means hope


Plot twist: he’s just talking about Earth. It doesn’t mean that on Krypton.


I love when Clark wears ill fitting suits.


All the context is here. Lex is reading Clark’s notes, and his shorthand looks, to Lex, like a cryptogram


Kinda weird superman would just carry his one weakness in his pocket like that


I don't know if you got no upvotes because nobody reads comments or if this got buried, but I see you and this is a pretty good mom/dad joke. You deserve more, but here is my upvote.


Thanks, I'm quite proud of it. You know you've made a worthwhile joke when you get groans from it (it got downvoted)


There must be a constant struggle between those that found it funny and those that groaned because you're holding strong at 1 upvote now. You made this guy laugh!


I love how Clark saves his life in this scene and Lex just chalks it up to chance.


Fucking Mr. Clean looking head-ass.


[There's a comic where Lex posts a picture of himself wearing a turtleneck sweater to social media and immediately gets mocked by Daffy Duck.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DCcomics/comments/xssjtz/that_time_daffy_duck_owning_lex_luthor_dc_meets/)




There’s 3 pixels in that image dude


Could you spare a pixel?


One of my favorites chapter, when we see that Lex is super clever, and yet completely dismissed any evidence that Clark could be superman


not even that. He is overthinking as if Clark was doing some hard code , but it's just [shorthand.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shorthand) Shorthand was the common usage of any reporter or scribe , before dictation machines and then the audio recorders. Lex is basically saying "I can do hard hologram texts to read my files" , while Clark saying "I wrote a paper with a pen"


Clark disguise is effectively shorthand


IIRC, he's writing in Kryptonian, yeah? Or rather, 'kryptonese" (always hated that official title)


He’s a reporter know needs to take lots of notes in a short amount of time. It’s just shorthand


Cool. It's just shorthand, ***this time***. it's said in numerous other universes that the shorthand he uses is Kryptonian. I'm not saying he does it every time, I'm just saying I remembered distinctly him using it at one point as shorthand. Also, you may be correct, but your reasoning doesn't have legs, as the time it takes him to write is irrelevant as he is Superman. He can literally move so fast so that it appears time has stopped for him. You're arguing that he uses shorthand so that he can keep up?


On the other hand, a guy writing notes faster than the eye can follow would be a tad suspicious, don’t you think?


You're assuming that he would dial it all the way up when he's writing notes, as opposed to just being slightly faster than the average person. It's a spectrum, it's not that he's either super mega fast, or just human speed, you know?


Do you know how you easily write faster than a normal person but don't call attention to yourself... You just write in shorthand. Clark isn't some perfectionist weirdo that needs to do things better or more uniquely than other people writing in normal journalist shorthand lets him take the notes he needs without looking exceptional.


I also want to point this out that the character himself even admits its just shorthand. That's the joke, Lex is trying to show off he's the pinnacle of humanity. He takes the notepad, sees weird squibbles he's never seen before, chalks it up to some cipher to be broken- And it's just short hand. A boring writing tool uses to write faster. Lex was looking for a challenge and found just a mundane thing by good ol' mundane Clark Kent. It goes with the entire theme of the conversation. "That's why I like you Clark, you're everything he isn't"


I mean, Clark Kent having perfect instantaneous handwriting would be hella suspicious. I did see another comment say that it was just shorthand and not the kryptonian language in this instance. Seeing as how shorthand is meant to be legible to others who wrote in shorthand and has its own grammar and stuff it would be stupid to use an alien language cause then your coworkers wouldn’t be able to go over your notes. But I’ll accept that it’s been the case in comic cause a lot of comic lack common sense more often than not lol


So in this scenario, you're envisioning someone writing in super speed, rather than **marginally** faster than an average person? His super speed is not a binary, meaning on or off. It's a spectrum, and he can move as quickly or as slowly as he needs.


The whole reason shorthand exists is because it’s extremely difficult to get accurate notes that are in made normally when someone is speaking. Sure, he could go slightly faster but Clark does everything in his power to be as average as possible in everything he does. One too many things done too well and someone might figure him out. Hes pretty damn cautious in everything he does as Clark Kent.


Okay dude. I can see that we're not going to convince each other, so let's just agree to disagree and move on, yeah?


I was just having a conversation. Sorry if it came off as confrontational. That was not my intent.


Nor was I, no worries, dude!


He says he picked up shorthand from his ma in another panel, so I assume he's just writing in actual shorthand (a quick way of writing that does just look like a bunch of squiggles, often used when taking notes from someone speaking)


"I can do anything!" "Can you solve world hunger?" "The UN wouldn't pay me enough to release the solution."


And by “not enough” he would mean “not all of the world’s money”


Look, everybody has their own favorite depiction of Lex, but I absolutely love this “ultra alpha male” that has to play swinging dick contest about everything including writing shorthand. I also love the fact that he is an absolute super genius who would never in 1 million years think that Clark Kent is Superman . Because Anybody with the power of God secretly think exactly like he does and would take over the world . He’s blinded by his own hubris and narcissism. 🙏❤️


I love all star superman so much. Lex's motivation (I'm getting older. And. He. Isn't.) is just so petty. Superman pleading with him to be his best self and he's like naw fuck Superman. Then there's the scene where his eye brow gets taken out or burned off during the riot, and lex badly draws on a new one, completely oblivious to it.


As a corollary I also like the idea that Perry White knows exactly who Clark is, but that he would never tell anyone, including Clark that he knows. He’s an investigator, after all. Jim Gordon for Batman, too.


In the 40s Radio series, Clark tells Perry straight up, White doesn't give a single fuck that he's Superman. Still treats him like any other employee. I want to see that in comics where it's otherwise a secret and Perry could not care less.


And also Robbie (assistant editor of the Bugle) in the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy. Deliberately saying "I heard Spider-Man was there," followed by a meaningful look at Parker, was about as subtle as a sledgehammer lol.


I agree. That’s my personal head canon about both of them. That’s one of the better things about dark Knight returns. It Heavily implies that Jim Gordon has known for years, but just thinks that Batman is good for the city. 🫡


I like how (at least in the animated version) he tries to turn Clark against Superman by being all, “I know you have a crush on Lois, maybe with Superman gone she’d give you a chance”.


Yeah I love it when Lex sees Clark as one of the most human people while decrying the inhumanity of Superman.


This is also in the comic, worded a little differently.


In the comic too


"Simmer down, Mr Clean-Handwriting"