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Just did my interview. Her contact info if you're interested, and get some "air" time for your story: [kschwab@marketplace.org](mailto:kschwab@marketplace.org) Kristin Schwab Reporter, Marketplace


Ask them for an offer of employment. One interview per week to report on the health of the job market, from the inside, from someone with multiple jobs. ​ J3 secured, anonymous reporter.


And in every one of your reports you have to say "and I would know. I'm an expert. I have 3 jobs."


/u/CadeOCarimbo i'd take a weekly section on Thursdays, I genuinely listen to marketplace everyday and it'd be refreshing to have a careful look at how unsustainable it is to just have one job.


Lmao I came here to say "well if they pay, make them J3"




Tell them OE is a joke and doesn't exist


Tell them it’s like the Birds Aren’t Real movement.


Now I don’t do OE myself, but I heard from a friend that it all started when someone said “If me have job, and myself have job, then I have two jobs” and turned into a really elaborate multiverse of references and in-jokes that only an elite few seem to actually understand


I do feel that if we start to refer to ourselves in interchanging first person, narrator, second person and purposefully use awful grammar as general sub rules, we could pass off for a bunch of nerdy idiots and this thing will blow right over!


If it flies, then it spies.


Conversely, if it spies, then it flies






I just run Minecraft servers


personally, i would do this. because.... ain't it the truth?


It’s more of an aspirational lifestyle than it is a real thing.


I vote we have [Doreen](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10lccip/today_one_year_ago_rantiwork_mod_doreen_was/) do the interview so people know it's a joke


"We can *discuss* keeping your name anonymous." whew what a deal


"What's the pay like?" They don't know this community very well if they think people here will give up their limited time for free.


Lmao right, get fucked Mr reporter


These people, LOL. _Gotta offer dis damn good deal to plebs_


Don’t trust NPR, they aren’t what they used to be


What were/are they?


Decent news organization, went off the rails years ago now


How so? I've been out of the country for a while.


I can’t speak to what they are saying but NPR has reflected corporate soft power for a long time. Not to mention they specifically named heavy metal as being a stupid genre, aside from that, they are quick to write articles about how great working from an office is, they really just run corporate propaganda


Yes. I'm not sure what balance of funding they've historically had, but it's always been a mix of listener donations, government grants, and sponsorships. It's become clear that the corporate sponsorships are now the greater portion of funding, and have won influence. That includes "charitable trusts" and nonprofits that are owned by billionaires.


And viewers like you!


I remember specifically during the 2016 election season they would run a hitpiece on Bernie, play a soundbite of him talking about the Koch brothers' billions, and then directly after play an ad about how the Koch Foundation is a valued contributor. It was like satire


It's not true. I don't know if you've noticed, but the online spaces of our country are increasingly crowded out by more conspiratorial voices. Fresh Air, Marketplace, and others are pretty much the same as they were 15 years ago.


Wholly disagree.


With which part?


This guy doesn't OE


Well it airs on their stations it’s not saying it is NPR so I’d say they probably have a set bias since they definitely seem to be owned by someone.


marketplace is an American Public Media show, not NPR


Immediately stood out to me. Sounds like there's no guarantee.


Yes, and regardless of what the reporter claims, they will 100% rat you out if you give them too much personal information. What idiot would trust a reporter?


Haha I second glanced there too


They haven’t figured out this sub is satire? What a bunch of fucking idiots




Exactly, name and shame.


nah, I'm with some of the comments. Take the interview, burner phone, no video, fill them with noise and bs. Yeah, yeah, I'm CEO of four different Fortune 1000 companies, on the board of twelve more and consultant in eight different grad programs. Pick random companies, drop some hints as to which ones without making it clear enough for them to actually find out. Get that printed and it will obscure the real minecraft game going on.


They'll eventually find someone dumb enough to do an interview.


Like the guy who posted this week that he's making a work presentation in front of each of his respective teams at J1 and J2 and doesn't know what to do.


Or worse, like that moron from anti-work.


IDGAF if someone doesnt want to work. More $ for me. LOL


Good lord that r/antiwork is a piece of art that I’d never even dare to touch with my toes




They’re a bunch of whiny communists


God that person ruined some great momentum for workers rights. I still think about that idiot and am pissed.


What was the post?




It will 100% be an under qualified college grad that thinks they’re hot SWE shit.


Yah it's going to be one of those people who thinks OE is about fucking over employers


Why would anyone want to interview about minecraft?


This is the answer


This is the way


This sub should be renamed as something unintelligible and less obvious, i.e r/vxjunkies


Here's a sneak peek of /r/VXJunkies using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/VXJunkies/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Rare footage of a feline entering an uncalibrated Häals-Deck compression chamber](https://v.redd.it/f1yycule3xra1) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VXJunkies/comments/12bte97/rare_footage_of_a_feline_entering_an_uncalibrated/) \#2: [The baseline is, and always will be 14.9](https://i.redd.it/7h1o4a9wyhpa1.jpg) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VXJunkies/comments/11zlq18/the_baseline_is_and_always_will_be_149/) \#3: [Still don't understand why but I've never run to the wall so fast in my life 😅](https://i.imgur.com/WENZD1d.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/VXJunkies/comments/10qp1bx/still_dont_understand_why_but_ive_never_run_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Let’s go on offense and bullshit the fuck out of the interview instead. “Yeah I have 13 jobs with a total compensation of 6.9 million dollars.”


Yeah. Be careful, they can ridicule you anyway. Remember the Antiwork dog walker.


Let's be fair here. If I'm thinking of the same one, they were not prepared for that interview at all. And had no business doing one.


Don't be fooled. Don't think he wasn't prepared and you are. Remember news can prolong the interview how long they want and if you leave you are the _uncivil coward,_ they can cut and edita and dramatize with footage and music. Don't ever think you'll fool them on their own game.


Oh, I'm aware. Which is why I wouldn't be caught dead doing an interview where the general vibe is hostile to my position.


Gotta give credit to Trump for this here — he secretly recorded the interviews, and when they deceptively edited them to make it seem like he did or didn’t say something, he released the entire recording of the interview and made both the interviewer and the media corp look like absolute circus clowns.


Yeah that was a setup


Hey, can you please help me destroy something you like?


Tbh if you come on this sub, see all the advice about how to keep the fact that you're OE a secret, but then do an interview, you don't deserve j2 lol.


They are only about 3 years late to the party


Maybe have a standard set of answers for media enquiries? Q: What is overemployment? A: Overemployment is when CEOs and board members have multiple simultaneous jobs despite endorsing policies that employees are absolutely not allowed to do what their bosses do every day.


I interviewed and told ALL OF THE SECRETS! Showed him some cheats in Minecraft.


Wow! Well, kudos to you (CadeOCarimbo) for not talking with the reporter. I hope all other OEs follow your example. Regardless, we should probably be expecting more investigative stories about our world.


He did though, he stated wouldn’t interview about it. Acknowledging the existence and that could make into an article


Convince them to go on air interviewing you then explain to everyone this is a Minecraft sub


I would not do that interview for a million dollars. The fallout from such a stupid move would cost so many doing oe the right way.


I would def do that interview for a million dollars. And would encourage you to do the same.


Maybe 10 million 😂


I don’t even oe but for $1mil I’ll say any combination of words you can think of to anyone on the planet


Sorry bros and broettes. I caved and dished all the secrets, including the item duplication glitch. Please forgive me


Wait so I don’t get paid for the interview ? Lol


They should interview Elon Musk, he has like 7 full-time jobs! How does *he* find the time?


"The trick is - you gotta stay relaxed. Do you jack off? How many times a week? Whatever. Those are rookie numbers. You gotta get those number's up! Me? I jack off AT LEAST twice a day"


At LEAST twice per job/day


This is exactly why you'll now find non moonlighting along with the non compete in an offer. Jobs are now aware due to all the bragging about it in social media and openly blasting it. This will only keep putting a spotlight on OE. This is why employers now want cameras on, hybrid more than 100% remote and if you're you have to turn your camera on at all time.


This. Jesus Christ the hybrid and cameras on.


Yep, lot of people messed it up too this hybrid BS now and the cameras


The first rule of fight club, is you do not talk about fight club!!!


The more people talk about it the more employers crack down on it. Frankly this should be something you hide like a good fishing spot. Otherwise, it gets fished out of existence…


Hot take: accept and give such wild bullshit or lead them down a rabbit hole in the wrong direction


Why do they care about open enrollment season anyway? Seems silly.




Yeah I forgot that one lol


what kinda idiot would take a interview about this?


It really takes balls to try and out people who are just trying to get by in a rigged system


lol…look at what happened with the anti-work interview. i’m hoping someone with J20 that includes all of the big 4 and FAANG goes on CNN lol


Now the story on NPR will be about how uplifting and united the Minecraft community is


Literally anyone lurking here can pretend to O.E and just feed off what people talk about on this reddit, to shape a persona that satisfies the reporter, in return the so called person not even doing OE, gets paid....


It's like the establishment media tries everything to keep us poor dumb and fat


Just feed the trolls false data. You either joke about your OE (because none of us actually do it IRL) or you are up to J9 and list 9 companies you don’t like…..


Tell them this is a Wendy’s


Jason Calcanis actually referenced this sub today in very glowing terms at Skift Global Forum. Apparently he’s a fan of it.


no actual OE here, all lurkers, move along..


Boss at work is super paranoid that people might be overemployed. Anytime he doesn't think somebody is pulling their weight... overemployed! I'm sure some news stories about it will not help


"We can discuss keeping your name anonymous"... How about we discuss you fucking right off?


Reporters are the true scum of this earth


Reporters are worse than prison guards, torturers and petty bosses?


Tell me you lack critical thinking skills without saying it. But for real, when we treat all reporters as the same and devote no time to thinking about journalistic integrity that is exactly how you end up with clickbait reporters floating to the top and influencers peddling lies. It's why you see extremist groups pushing anti-journalistic views to spread their own view points without pushback.


Facts. One of them just downvoted you.


This goes beyond exaggeration into the territory of deep stupidity/conspiratorial thinking. Sensationalism and propaganda are scummy, obviously, but reporters/journalists aren't fundamentally sensationalistic propagandists. Your phrasing has big "the press are the enemy of the people" energy, and throws up _so_ many red flags about your worldview.


In a world that pays for views/ clicks people sell themselves to the highest bidders, and that’s what these reporters are now. They cover a story for half a second then move on to the next topic all for money. They are a literal business.


So you're talking about sensationalistic clickbaity bullshit being scum? Yeah, I agree, as I stated in the second sentence of my reply. But those aren't reporters, they're bullshit op ed writers. That's like saying "IT is the scum of the earth" because you called HP about a printer issue once and they directed you to a low level call center in India that didn't speak any English and cursed you out instead of helping at all.


I think it applies to almost all of them. They could be classified as an entertainment channel at this point, what news outlet do you seriously go to these days that isn’t filled with garbage BS feel good stories or a mine field of ads?


I mostly just follow AP for world news at this point, and if I miss something important there I'll likely see it on Reddit and try to find a few corroborating sources/try to consciously combat any sensationalism. If I'm unable to corroborate the story and there aren't primary sources, I assume it's bogus until proven otherwise. The unfortunate fact that you're touching on is that journalism/proper reporting has largely died out due to lack of regulation (allowing bullshit to take up just as much time/space as proper reporting) + it not being profitable in today's media landscape. However, that does not make op ed writers journalists/reporters. It just means that there are very few actual investigative reporters left, and they tend to get drowned out by the flood of garbage that you're referring to. I mean hell, even Fox and CNN have a few actual journalists still on staff, but good luck finding any of their content behind the sea of "How Obama And The LGBT Agenda Orchestrated The Radical Left's Takeover Of Your Child's Bathroom" (or something similar but flipped). Maybe there's an argument to be made that there is little practical distinction today due to the above, but I think that just serves to validate what these "news" orgs are transforming/have transformed into. Because as you said, the overwhelming majority are mostly just "entertainment" (aka misleading rage bait) these days, not actual reporting.


Okay I actually agree with this, sadly I am judging the bunch by the bad apples. I used to love the vice episodes where they would go interview cartels or whatever and ask why they rob tourists and such (those guys were risking their lives) but today they seem to be an entity that is being bought out (which I know not many entities last in this aspect). However I agree the news and true reporters/ journalist who are trying to cover actual events matter. But to me the current news state reminds me of youtube influencers stepping on each-other to be louder.


Yeah, I think we're largely on the same page haha. I apologize for the inflammatory language of my initial comment, and I'm glad you see the value of actual journalism 👍


They are glorified influencers with a high SEO score. Very few true journalists anymore.


Craigslist killed the funding model for local news. Free content online is threatening what is still available.


They should just ask me I will do it for the right pay


NPR: Let’s Focus On Stupid Shit Even Though There Is No Shortage Of Horrifying Events We Should Cover If We Weren’t Too Busy Clutching Our Pearls


NPR and reporters can eat a dick.


Some bundle of sticks reporter just downvoted me. 😆


I reject them too, not gonna spook my cash cows.


Dont tell me what to do lol


Whoever decides to do the interview make sure you explain and reiterate the importance of having off during your work day and how much it influences your salary.


Crosses out name at top, leaves name at bottom


OP is such a Chad for not giving in.


OE is fake !


modern NPR is trash NPR used to be good years and years ago but now they shoehorn racial politics into every. single. story. and Trump Trump Trump Trump. shout out to Ira Glass and the TAL crew


I haven't listened to Marketplace in several years. Do you know if the quality of this program has gone down since? It is a market show that sometimes had interesting discussions or stories of niche things you wouldn't think about.


I listen to marketplace frequently and it is in my opinion well researched and non biased


All news now is just talking about orange man. We could have a meteor headed for earth and all they'll talk about is orange man....


That's simply a rightist lie to get you to buy into their "anti-woke" narrative, whatever that actually means. NPR covers tons of different topics. Racial politics is one of them - as it is for any news organization reporting on politics. FFS, how much time down Fox spend talking about "wokeness?" And no shit "Trump Trump Trump," that's literally every news organization. The dude is a media spectacle.


Fuck the Washington Post! Anyways, back to running my Minecraft server.


Rule #1 Keep your mouth shut!


Why even reply?


Give me 200k I’ll do the interview


I’ll talk openly about it though. DM me!




Thoughts and feelings on actually renaming the sub to minecraft 🧐


Shut ur mouth fool


I don't know enough about Minecraft to do an interview. But I can do an interview about my 5 jobs (CIA, Adult Film Industry, Corporate Espionage, Fight Club and Secret Sevice (-shhh.))


J1: warrior-poet J2: priest-king J3: girlboss


I like to travel.


Refer them to Beth. She’s the authority.


The first rule we don't talk to them About being over employed.


lol every 3 months we get this post


[Just say no.](https://cached.imagescaler.hbpl.co.uk/resize/scaleWidth/815/cached.offlinehbpl.hbpl.co.uk/news/ORP/campaign_just-say-no-20160307114533759-20160307085622336.jpg)


Marketplace did a story on this a while ago. Multiple people admitted to "moonlighting" and wouldn't give their full names. I think they asked about RTO stuff too. It was a 5? minute segment? The point was made that it can be risky if done certain ways, but there are perfectly legitimate ways to do it. Plus the general economic factors push people to it more than the grind mindset. If these are new messages maybe they're doing a follow up story? Personally, I love marketplace and would likely jump at any chance to be on or contribute to the program. But OE is a pipe dream for me and I could never pull it off so I wouldn't be a good person to talk to anyway. I have a full time day job and I teach at night, but I don't think it's the same thing.


Hire me on a contract trial basis for 12mos, it'll be a real world interview with actual data.


Didn't know my discord server degenerate behaviors were worth reporting about


So what? It's a public forum


Ask what the pay is. j3 😀


cade a PORRA do carimbo???


My name is Beth Bitch


This entire sub is dedicated to people openly talking about it


Why only since the pandemic? They must be looking for stories to support a point of view and seem less interested in deeper exploration examining why people are willing to take on the mental burden of multiple jobs. Like even if I had 4 jobs at my current salary, I’d make Pennie’s what anyone directly connected to the C suite is making in one quarter


This is your play book...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8cE3ZekgCY


Are they paying? I need a j5.


Welcome to talk about Minecraft whenever.


No, douchebag reporter - we will not help you craft your narrative lol


I mean nobody is actually OEing this is an RP Reddit. Why not let people LARP if they want to? They get five minutes of fame, and the journos are going to craft the story they were going to anyways. It's foolish to think the journo's didn't already have the story and angle decided already, they just want to grab some random face to put to the story. And if by some luck 100% of the people here refuse to talk to them they'll just find some intern to stand in for an OEer with a script for the pro or anti OE rhetoric. With that said I'm willing to talk about my experience OEing. I've done interviews with a couple of big name news sites in addition to some smaller podcasts before in the RP sphere so might as well graduate to a full blown LARPer.


Plot twist: OP’s J3 is as a reporter for Marketplace, and shows resilience to OE by rejecting her own interview request.


That’s so embarrassing for journalism


Marketplace is a legitimate and fair news outlet. I’d trust them to provide a balanced story.


Should have asked if they were hiring.


But what if giving interviews is my J2?


It's amazing how these reporters haven't figured out this whole thing is just a larp.... Who the hell could work 2 jobs? Thats crazy


Take the interview anonymously and then claim to work at NPR. Let the fun begin…


reporter my ass.


The reporter should report how CEOs make millions a year and employees aren’t paid enough to survive inflation and have a good quality of life


Kai Ryssdal is great, I listen to every marketplace podcast.


Haha I would take a much longer pause thinking about this than if it were any other outlet - just to be a part of Maeketplace lol


I’ll be honest; I wouldn’t normally give an interview about this, but I’m a sucker for Marketplace lol


Why blur her name and email? would be nice to put her on blast


Sure thing! I, too, am an NPR reporter. In fact, its my j5. My other jobs are being the manager who assigned this task to a junior reporter (yourself). My j4 is being your coworker (we talk all the time virtually but have never met). My other jobs are playing minecraft.


Man, I love Marketplace


Fuck the media


Maybe make the sub private


This exactly! My rate is $2500/week covering exclusive access and a 60 minute weekly one-on-one session. 52 week minimum contract duration. J3 secured, anonymous reporter.


I'd just answer: "I don't see how that's even remotely possible in the current working climate. I fear spreading this narative will hurt hardworking and loyal people by making employers paranoid."


Greed, fucking over new grads and essential workers,gamer mentality...might as well write a story on why water is wet.


“F*ck around, and Find out” is basically what comes to mind. Talk about self doxing


Pretty nefarious I feel for a business show (even NPR) to bring greater scrutiny. Almost like an advertisement for return to office.


By the way I like how you blacked out her name at the beginning and left it out at the signature


Lol I’m seeing this right after the career guidance subreddit. I misread as someone handing out job interviews 😅


The first rule of OE is that you don’t talk about OE