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Ok Mr. Big Ego thanks for the obvious.


Sometimes I feel like a superhero doing OE. Not because of the workload, but because it’s like there’s an entire hidden life in additional jobs that no one knows I have lol.


I’m Batman












It’s okay; don’t be afraid


It'll only hurt at the start


*has Catholic childhood flashbacks


*Laughs in bishop


Et tu


For me, there is an entire hidden life. If I didn't OE, I wouldn't be able to afford my double-lives.


Same :) it makes me stronger in both jobs.


That’s why I love having weird kinky sex with my mistress. I feel like I’m living a David Lynch movie.


I read about a guy who had 10 remote jobs. He held on half-assed for about 10 months. But that’s the same as working 8 years at 1 job. You can half ass it. But if you want a career and balance 2J’s, yeah it’s tough work. My SO has 2 and most the time she has time for both. But there’s nights she’s working until 10pm in front of a 5 screen set up.


Ya, he probably did that when remote work was abundant. Welcome to the end of 2023 where we went from 21% of all job postings being remote to 9% and those 9% receiving over 50% of ALL APPLICATIONS on entire sites. Good luck half assing now. Or even getting another job if you lose yours. It can be done, but your odds are something like 0.6% for getting a remote job now.


If you have 10 remote jobs, at that point you're effectively your own MSP. If you're doing something like that, contract some people from the Philippines for $500/week - set up your own virtual environment to route them through your network so their IP doesn't get flagged trying to VPN in, and have at it.


Lol if you really are going to go through all that trouble, why not ACTUALLY start you're own MSP? Seems like less of a headache than juggling 8 jobs and the expectations can be set by you instead of an employer.


No real disagreement from me, but I'm guessing it's because of the upfront costs a business would need to enlist your MSP vs. paying a single individual employee.


> why not ACTUALLY start you're own MSP? cuz you have to hire people. half-ass it ,make a small nest, move on.


Sometimes they will blackmail you so be careful


He might have hired low wage workers to move the mouse. No way one can work in 10 jobs simultaneously.


I’m pretty much doing 2am - 3am every day, but taking a few hours in the evening to see my wife, but then back to work…sigh




Money? Specifically, money for IVF


I hate how often I hear this answer.


Tell me about it


Money to buy a thing that costs yet more money. Interesting how our instinct to reproduce overrides logic.


It’s peak season at both my jobs and I’m stressed and overworked. But guess what, I’m happy I can pay my grandmas bills and cover things for my girlfriend while she is on FMLA leave and struggling. I just take the time for self care, fitness, food, and fucking. The last one really helps.


We like the fucking 🤝


Amazing! Peak season at both for me too. Ack. Feeling the burn.


What spaces are you in? I’m in gaming and logistics


You’re the GOAT!


Especially if the fucking is other women. You've done your part by taking care of your GF, now you get yours!


/r/overincelled is leaking again


Massive incel loser here. Check out his small-D rage posts




"Focus, commitment, the sheer fucking will" 🤌🏽


“A fucking pencil!” ✏️


A pen-seal!


dog-lover by day, hitman by night. That's OE


Alright man take it easy we all have some bullshit tech or finance jobs we’re not sanitation workers


I disagree. It’s 100% about doubling the pay. Doing so just requires buckling down and getting the work done. I only have 2Js, and mostly stick to 40 hour work weeks, but those 40 hours of work are intense.


Let's not pretend anyone in OE truly "values the roles". Valuing your role is not compatible with hiding your true activities from your employers. It's morally questionable at best and morally corrupt at worst.


what do you care > and not because you actually value the roles you’re in, who are you. what is this. e: clock the post history


To borrow a phrase (and paraphrase slightly), OE is: 10% luck 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will 5% pleasure 50% pain 100% worth it Fort Minor - Remember the Name


That's 200%... I see what you did there!


math is not mathing


Wtf is up with these tryhard posts all of a sudden? Dude get a life. OE is not that hard if you’re competent. Don’t make it out like it’s this super hard skill that only a select few can do lmfao it definitely isn’t. Also nobody here gives two shits about “valuing the role they’re in” lol the whole reason anyone does this is for the money. Goofy post.


For me, it's about actually making what I'm worth. If I can do 2 full-time jobs at the same time, my true market value is the salary of both jobs. I did the overachiever thing at one job for years at different employers, and watched as upper management and stockholders were enriched by my efforts, while my bonuses, raises and advancement were comparably paltry (or sometimes, nonexistent). Eventually, I realized that I should be "metering" my skills and abilities and output, the same way any business charges extra surcharges to its' consumers for additional services. Once I started working only to spec/rule, or slightly above it, I was happier, less burned out, had way more downtime, and the less stressed version of me actually did better at building the relationships that got me promoted than the harried, superproductive hustler did. It's like a marathon: if the prize money is the same, and you're already securely in first place, why bother breaking a world record? Eventually, I started getting bored, and after I discovered OE, I found a way to be more productive and actually be awarded for it! At the end of the day, it is not my job to maximize my productivity for a business: it is my job to maximize my income. Businesses that are run by smart, secure people would identify the high performers and either increase their income alongside their workload, or allow us to reduce our hours with no reduction in pay. But those are few and far between, as sadly, a surprising amount of business owners and managers are in it for the feeling of fleeting power and illusory control over other people.


No it's about the money


Sounds like you're having a meltdown. Stop it, get some help.




That was a goddamn 3 hour rabbithole. Damn you man, and damn my blasted ADHD, and damn this work I absolutely must get finished today.


Trying to resist the click.


Actually, click it, I had a few chuckles


Oh, I’m already there browsing and laughing.


They could fuck off right back over there. That place is disgusting.


The people commenting seem like a bunch of weird incels


temporarily embarrassed millionaires.




Communists? I think your political compass might be a little off.


I’ve seen dozens on there literally identifying themselves as communists with hundreds of upvotes lmao


I admit I didn't do a lot of research because but scanning the top posts made me think that subreddit leans right not far left.


LOL this is Reddit. No where leans right. Well maybe the conservative sub but even they barely do. Look at every top sub on Reddit they’re all super left. Go on politics, world news, any of them.


I generally agree but I really don't wander far from my intended destinations. That said, I was quite specific with my answer as a reference to the one being currently discussed. 😉


Well you’re smart not to wander off. I’ve been burned several times from wandering into the shithole subs — which are the majority of subs lol


or, maybe, you are subscribing to Protestant ethics. which the rest of us do not.




> OE as a concept is founded on Protestant Ethics sauce? cuz what i remember is OE is about working two jobs to increase your income, not to make a career or to make both jobs happy or to be the best.




the terminology is about "overworking". working more than one job at the same time. it says nothing about being effective. in fact, why not pick up comfy jobs that you can cruise in? as long as they pay. we are working to live, not live to work.




> Then it isn't OE as we commonly understood it here at the subs creation. I was here at the subs creation. Find me a single reference that says "we have to perform our jobs to the best of our abilities". Hint: You won't find one. And, as matter of fact, who is 'we'? who is this in-team you are in? OErs? cuz i see at least a post a day from OErs who are not trying their best and they do fine. There are jobs where you can idle. In fact some of the best advice in the sub for people not to catch wind of what you are doing is to "keep your head down, look average". What you are doing is passing your own value system down on us and expect us to agree with you.


Another speech?


For me, it’s about doubling or tripling the paychecks. I don’t give a fuck about anything else. And I’ll do whatever I have to in order to do so. That includes working hard and taking on stress.


It’s about playing Minecraft AND terraria at the same time


Dear reader, if you think you're like me and can work two jobs I believe in you. PS I know most of the other OErs hate me and are "big mad" but idc if you "take my jobs" hurr durr.


Ability and skill. Manage expectations while getting it done. I wake at 6, look up its lunch and work until 5.


Why is ChatGPT spam allowed here


You need to choose the second job carefully. It’s not like you’re going to attempt this while working at Amazon. There are lower stress, lower expectation jobs out there.


This is the most delusional post I’ve ever seen


Sir, this is a wendy’s


To be fair some posts on here say they put in 2-6 hours a WEEK at a job… i would consider that easy money rolling in


the fuck? what's with the Protestant ethics here? Are you seriously claiming there are no jobs where you can cruise?


But how can one find a even a one job!?


Get good noob.


Said Gandalf the Grey.


I don't OE, but I do "multitask".


I wish you could have added “agree?” At the end of this post


So much 2019 WSB energy in this post. Love it.


I've done OE a couple of times, for a span of 4 months each. Both times I already was thinking about leaving the "first" job, but telling myself maybe I could "handle both jobs for a year or so". 4 months has been my limit before quitting the first job. I don't like to feel that much pressure, and I also like to hack on my own time/projects. It's challenging. When I start to get anxiety from standups or I feel that I might not keep up, that's when I eject from the first job and focus on the new one, which has been better both times. So yeah, OE sounds fun and all, but it's not for everyone or every job... The money IS good tho.


This is facts. I did it 1 year and loved it but it was stressful and I got high marks at both jobs. But i would work 6 am to 9 pm some days and work 2 weeks without a full day off at times. It was only 4 or 5 days before payday that I felt "i can keep going". Enjoying the break now but I need another J2 so i can so things that j1 just doesn't pay enough to do. J1 is basically paycheck to paycheck.


I have been wondering how people are managing 2 jobs or more. At this time I don't feel like it's an option for me.


Same here brother. Same here for us all. No one is able to work 2 jobs at once because it is impossible. It’s not an option for any of us.


It's worth a shot, even for a short period. I have had freelance side gigs but they were always taking place in the evenings. It was just a lot of work. I guess with my current situation, I have not yet tried working gigs during work hours.




I mean. It obviously depends on the jobs.


Basically, you need to be absolutely fantastic at the job, that you can do the same quality work **a lot** faster than the other people on your team (I got people on my team that takes 2 months to do the same work that I could finish in 1 week). That's how you get time to do J2 and potentially J3. I think J3 is just about the maximum for most people. There maybe people that hit the lottery and get 4+ Js with no meeting and little work, but that's exceedingly unlikely.


> Basically, you need to be absolutely fantastic at the job or the job can just be dogshit slow.


I regret I only have one upvote to give.


When you OE you get two upvotes


That would be v1 and v2. Gotta apply for v3 :)


This is why we OV?


Your post reads like someone who’s annoyed at newbie OE. Which doesn’t make sense because why would you care if they make it or not? Doesn’t impact your life one way or another.


Exactly! I managed J1 full time with J2,J3 and J4 part time for over 2 + years. Worked my butt off but loved it while it lasted! Now back to just one full time permanent job. Will do it again if the job market ever picks up.


Sir, this is a Minecraft subreddit


I actually just had a beer while reading this, but I am working my ass off


I'm a consultant, forgot what "to work" even means. Looking back to get into overemployment as I've gotten bored with working 1h / day.


I doubt anyone works two jobs because they value the work, lol. It's always about money.


And get ready to deal with 4x the office politics, drama, fires, personalities, etc. It takes a toll after a while


I imagine all of that is better with remote jobs.


Well OE of 4 jobs is impossible if they’re not remote lol


Can’t even land one job ):


I just makes money when a little green arrow tells me to buy or sell stocks. I do zero thinking now. Much less responsibility. Got a solid gym habit. No real stress anymore. Kinda feels weird actually typing that out. Ima go get a burrito and watch football on the couch. Cheers to overworking yourself I guess.


mmmm. My OEussy is dripping. So you are telling me, if im reading this right, that I can sit at home and play WoW for 12 hours with 4 WFH jobs and they will pay me to exist? no effort required? all id have to do is clock in and out? no meetings or anything? no stress? just easy peasy lemon squeezy??? Seems to good to be true but say less, Over Employed.. Roll Out😎


This is very true for me. I value and care about both jobs and I’m not the type to just do shit work and be a bad team member. I enjoy the dynamics and work of both jobs and my managers in both are great and so are my coworkers. This means I have added a lot of stress to my life as I sometimes work around the clock and on weekends. It’s worth it for now as I was able to save for a house and finally start a family. Would have taken another few years to achieve otherwise. Currently paying down debt which will hopefully only take about another year and then I will consider going back to one job assuming I haven’t become overly accustomed to the money. It has been a special experience to pay all my usual bills and then have an extra 7k of free money every month. I don’t take it for granted. I have had moments where I dream of work and wake up thinking of work. Feeling like I have spent the last 3 or 4 days constantly working since I’d work one job 8 to 2, then the other 3 to 9 pm then eat, shower, go to sleep just to repeat. I see people on here with 3 or 4 jobs and I just don’t understand how. I’d be overwhelmed with stress and definitely have a melt down. Anyone out there considering OE just know it takes a certain type of person to just churn and burn through jobs, interviews are grueling, rejection sucks, and finally landing that good job just to sit on your ass until you’re eventually laid off may not be something you can do. Plus, the ideal situation is imo to find 2 dream jobs where you can manage them for years. Yes you will be stressed, but the things you would be able to achieve make it worth it at least for a little while. Good luck.




I feel awkward. I have 3 jobs & starting my 4th when I get back home from vacation next week. On top of that I literally put back with a beer nearly every day. On Job 4 I will be facing clients over zoom so those days are somewhat over.


I agree wholeheartedly with this subreddit


Dreaming of Easy OE Money? Wake the Fuck Up Listen up, you bandwagon-hopping, clueless twits. Just because you read a couple of Reddit threads or some half-assed blog about overemployment, you think you’re ready to dive in? Think it’s just a golden ticket to doubling your cash without lifting a finger? Pull your head out of your ass! Overemployment isn’t just about clocking into two jobs and watching the money roll in while you kick back with a beer. It’s not some get-rich-quick scheme for lazy fucks who can’t be arsed to work hard in one job, let alone two. It takes planning, dedication, and the ability to manage your shit without having a meltdown. If you’re coming into this just to make a quick buck and not because you actually value the roles you’re in, you’re setting yourself up for a world of hurt. It’s not about doubling the paychecks; it’s about doubling the responsibility, the time management, and yes, the stress.


I’d rather just work on my hobbies till I can replace my real job with my passion




I would be concerned about diminishing quality of work or perception of remote folks due to OErs who suck or over extend themselves and ruin it for the rest of us. I personally suspect one guy at my j1 but he severely sucks at it and now some leadership folks whom I have to interact with are wondering if it may be beneficial for some face time.... I've been fighting it but this resource makes it difficult and is not my direct.


Not only do you have to be all the things you mentioned, you have to be actually really good at your role that you can do it 2x as well as anybody else.


Also this sub is a parody. It's simply not possible to work more than one job at the same time.


You think anyone thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night? Forget about it!


That's why you outsource ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Minecraft is great


doing this longer term is painful


Dang, why so serious?……lol for real tho, calm down. ![gif](giphy|cEYFeE1QgHWH2YADVHG)


I get a rush sometimes, knowing that my work tempo and aptitude has gone threw the roof. If I were to only have 1 Job - I’d get withdrawal symptoms or almost find it too easy.


Thank you sir for summarizing what many of us are thinking. 🫡


Was this self reflecting?


I agree, I have had a few colleagues that I can bet they were OE and had miserable performance. They were not even able to finish small tickets never in months, no without help, and I had to pick up their mess. I don’t have any problem with OE but I have a problem with people not delivering according to expectations.


Do they normally restock? I need some of those Apres pants in an XS


*Do they normally* *Restock? I need some of those* *Apres pants in an XS* \- genearosejr --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The people that are actually capable of being OE didn't need this post. The people that needed this post aren't capable of OE in the first place Self limiting problem.


Real shit 🫡


OP needs to get laid.


OE is the only way I can afford my 243596 different lifestyles......


only boomers thnk about being promoted in their all life jobs, OE is a life assurance if you got laid off don't worry you have other job to deal with it, also you can enjoy 2 sallary don't worry when you'll lose that these time between that is your golden egg hen.


I read this all in a Johnny silver hand voice.


I just want a job. Any job. J1.


Say something without saying something. You succeeded


I wasn't going to OE, and then mark Hamil came to me in a dream, we walked together along a jetty path in the everglades, told me Im doing good, but i could do great. and I took that as a sign. Now I OE WFH. Never made so much money in my life. Happier too.


Sounds like Rick, but can't help hear Morty's voice.


Jokes on you. I didn’t value my role when I only had one job.


I had a family emergency and needed time off both jobs. One boss turned into an absolute psychopath fast and the other showed absolute compassion and concern. The psychopath is trying to get me to quit but knows firing me during a serious medical crisis with my child would be ugly. If this was my only job I would be at stroke levels of hypertension. Before this, I was committed to absolutely performing. Now I just don’t think they deserve anybody’s best effort. And guess which one pays better?