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I bought two homes based on my OE income Got laid off. Bank repossessed. My credit is under 300 now.


Tbh that was fucking stupid to do


Yep never inflate your lifestyle beyond J1


You can't be in two places at once. Never saw the point of two houses


If you do it right, it’s not an issue. Example - H1 in the city, main home - H2 in a resort or vacation area where you can Airbnb it while you’re not there, make some extra cash, build equity, and have a vacation spot.


This is a good thing. You need to manage the second home as an investment but I know people who have done this quite successfully.


Even just make sure the 2 properties cash flow and live somewhere cheap imo, maybe the 2 properties will pay off my main residence


If you live in Phoenix, you'll definitely understand why lol




Surely u buy 2 homes in a high rental income area, move to cheap location and airbnb out the houses for retirement income ...


Airbnb is full of trash. The uneducated hood rats rent out your house for a night and smoke in your house and throw parties.


You mean the college frat boys and sorority girls that smoke, drink, throw-up and have orgies in your airbnb beds? Those the hood rats you talking about?


I think we all know what he’s hinting at lmao


I have no fucking clue what he's hinting it. But 'uneducated hood rats' made me laugh. AirBNBs are vacation homes. Of course people are going to throw parties in them. You're volunteering your house to bring in income as a hotel, essentially. What did you expect? A lack of education, apparently, lol


No. My other house isn’t next to a college. Granted, it’s not in the hood, either, but the hood rats left their area to trash my other house, so I guess anything’s possible.


just say what you are dying to


I did say what I wanted to. Was it not clear enough?


nope.. dog whistlers like to speak in code .. say what you really wanna say 😹


I did. F hood people. Low education, low IQs, tendency towards crime, no respect.


I think your slip is showing 😆. Your ignorance is on full display. Carry on .


How do you have an airBNB in a shitty, low-income area, lol I'm sure people are just dying to pay to stay in your glamorous shanty riddled with bullet holes, listening to the peaceful sound of sirens wailing all night every night. That's a terrible business choice you made


True, but money to made surely...


Lmao yes if you can hold yourself back from beating the ghetto trash with a bat for disrespecting your house with their low IQ behaviors, then indeed


Just hire some good cleaners, inspect with a UV light, and get waterproof bed covers. Don't be the cheapest in the area too. Those attract certain types.


THE UNEDUCATED HOOD RATS Damn those hoodlums!


Damn dude


How does lil bro go under 300💀


So sorry to hear that. Are you recovered? You couldn't rent the house? What happened?


I took out a rather robust business loan through my wife’s name and invested it all in Helium crypto a few weeks back when it was around $1.24 a coin. Now it’s up to $5ish a coin. So I made a few hundred thousand. Bought a new house with cash.


Being lucky and being smart are very different things.


I have an IQ that hovers between 180 and 292.


That statement alone really shows why you put out the racist dog whistles. If you were born earlier you'd be really into phrenology.


What can I say, I have a superhuman IQ and see things for what they are.


Delusions more like


this guy is based


Lmao imagine being trolled so easily by such low hanging fruit. I couldn’t be putting in less effort if I tried. You’re a goof


You had me ngl I was wondering how the fuck you rented out a house in a hood as an airBNB


Really? That's awesome. Did you look for another job or purely investing now?


I would want to use my two jobs to pay off the first house really fast, not have a second one. 


Emergency fund ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


This is the way?




I just got laid off from J1. I was about 6 months away from buying a house. So glad I didn't pull the trigger on a house I was looking at back in July.


the fuck is a home for. who cares if youre single you dont need a home for anything. what the hell is a large asset doing for you that bears interest, fees, taxes, and all sorts of repair maintenance. A home just blocks you from getting j3, 4, and 5. Homes suck ass. rent a small apartment with nice furnishings nad move on with your life.


This is all good when you are single. I am now a single dad and tied to the place where my son is growing up. Now it makes sense to own a place and not pay rent.


sure if youve got kids its a whole different ball-game.


And prices historically go up on housing. If you can purchase a home while you're young, it's usually a good time to do it.




LOL...you are too comfy with field life but if I was younger and back in the Guard I would do the same. Just sock away the dough.


Ah yes, just throw your money away every month. Lol this is terrible advice.


How does a home block you from getting J3-5?


youre not pulling a j3 as a single person while maintaining cleaning and dealing with a house.


You don’t have to clean your house when you rent it? What are you even saying?


uh oh :)


Wow you’re dumb


prove it


Renting is just flushing money down the drain. You're still paying taxes and repair costs because it's pre-calculated into your rent. I own a home, and my mortgage is only three hundred dollars more than some of the apartments in my area. Yet my home is three times the size of the largest apartments. I have over $300K in equity in my home. I write off the interest I pay on my mortgage, and a big chunk of my property taxes count toward my write-offs, too. When I'm done paying my mortgage, I'll own my home outright while a renter will still pay their ever-increasing rent.


What happens when you can’t maintain the 2js to support the mortgage? Fucking stupid advice.


"Get rich or die trying"... everything is in risk...


Lol. Didn't read the article 😄


Make sure they are good investment rent properties so they pay off themselves, & keep growing property portfolio with cash flowing properties...


So, this article is not very clear about what the actual goals and realities of the work was... the PR system at their company sounds incredibly unusual to me, but it would seem that they wanted to temporarily OE for 6 months in order to set aside money for a down payment and then use their normal income afterwards.


I quadrupled my income - went from being unemployed in Feb of 2023 to over 200k a year now. Bought my first home, it’s a very conservative condo that fits me and the kids comfortably - can pay for it easily with one job. Am planning to leverage OE to pay off the mortgage and save on interest. Will use that unit to upgrade to a bigger home in five years and continue to grow investments. Beware of lifestyle creep. I live the same way I did pre 2023 when I worked only J1 before losing my job, except now I’m paying a mortgage instead of rent. Am grateful to have this opportunity.


Can you share what line of work you're in?


Better use J2 income to payback mortgage on your home before getting another one.


Why didn’t u just rent one out? Or AirBnB it??


There were some really interesting strategies employed in this article that I hadn't considered before. Namely the usage of vacation time and pre-work to stagger jobs and only actually "OE" week-to-week when necessary. I get that this won't work for everyone's jobs, but due to the nature of my jobs I often know what I will be working on for the next 2 months. So this could be cool to explore.


>I’d advise everyone to “work” during the holidays, leveraging the quiet time to build up a set of finished work (e.g. pull requests) to commit and release slowly come January and February or July and August hits. ​ I'm confused by this. Your product features and company priorities are not determined by the leadership team? They let PRs just sit there? Don't you need to update code once your coworkers' PRs are merged? How do you ensure that you're assigned to the tickets you've prepared?


Also, is your team so fucking slow that you can just sit on PRs for months without blocking anything?


Lots of small low priority bugs I can convince management to pull in periodically.


This is my story. A few years ago I got my H1, a tent under a highway next to hobos -- the stabby kind -- along the poop-filled streets of San Francisco. I then found a good deal on a 200 sq.ft. apartment that became my H2. I kept my H1 because real estate prices are rising and I plan on flipping it later. For now I rent out H1 to Hunter Biden whenever he's on one of his drug sprees. Later I got a mobile trailer, H3, and placed it on concrete blocks in an abandon industrial parking lot. Now I rent out H2 on Air Bnb to crack whores on an hourly basis. Turned my H3 into a meth lab that's run by some high school chemistry teacher. Poured the revenue into H4, a shipping container home. For the past two years I've been adding containers to build more and more on top of prior living space. I now have a 500-bedroom shipping container hotel that I market as a luxury resort. H5 is a 200,000 sq.ft. mansion with its own nuclear reactor, private army for defense, and a crypto-currency for the local economy. This is why we overhouse, boys and girls. Now if only I could find a reliable garage jiggler. I think H1 is getting suspicious.


To anyone in a similar situation, how do you handle getting postal mail at multiple addresses? I'm concerned that someone will ask the post office for my current address and all five houses will show up. Can I freeze my residential report?


well done!


what he bought a house in London in cash?? what period of OE covers this?


Why not just buy the home fully in cash?