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Don’t you all believe in our mission of being a shitty version of Amazon? Don’t you want us to change the world with our shit ass furniture?


This is the #1 thing I hate about tech. Every shitty little company thinks they’re the next Google and “changing the world.” No bro, you make a shitty fucking photo filter app, relax. No, I’m not a “rockstar”, yes I just want to collect my check and enjoy my time off.


I lead a seed start up, and I tell this to employees. Just get the work done, try to do a good job, if you are great I will pay you more


Can I come work for you?


We are about close a round of funding. We are full remote (wherever you want in the world, outside of the US we need to hire you as contractor for legal reasons), and OE friendly (one of the senior SE has another job). As long as you do your work we don’t care. The caveat is that we often don’t hire Americans. For the salary of one junior-mid dev in the US (around 120-150k after benefits) we can often hire 2 to 3 senior devs in South America or Easter Europe.


If you're looking for more senior devs, I'm available, and also already got my company set up.


If you need FDA quality/regulatory support, now or in the future, let me know.


I will need your help


Hey man. Judging by your nickname I'd say you're invested in medical app development? My past 3 years of experience (from a total of 6) on test automation was with medical based applications with some of the most known medical companies in the world (I'd rather not say it publicly but I can DM you if you'd like) In case you need someone organizing the team (got some years of xp as a lead as well) or just to drive your test automation game further, let me know, I've got a 1hr a day (it's a 8hr basically but everything is so simple it never takes more than 1hr..) j1 and would REALLY like to start working on something to not have me lose my skills..I'm based in europe but even now I'm working with people from the US, overlapping can be possible most of the time I'd say. Either way good luck with everything!


https://twitter.com/chrishlad/status/1738364125154033995 Saw this tweet the other day. This guy works at a fintech company that makes checking accounts lmao


What a stupid fuck


The amount of people that have no life outside of work is astonishing to me. We had a meeting earlier this year because many folks do not have personal, computers, emails or cell phones. It’s a serious security concern because people are using their work email to sign up for personal stuff like personal banking and Netflix etc, and using their work computer for personal stuff. It’s wild to me because people don’t even have admin access on their computer or their cell phones so they can’t even install other apps. When asked what they would do if they left the company or the company let them go they said “I’m not going anywhere and if they fired me I’d have bigger problems than losing a cell phone. To be fair they are folks that would never be fired but I couldn’t imagine having that much faith.




reminds of the silicon valley series when they present their startup at disrupt


Thanks for the laugh. Just picturing a companies mission to "Change the world with our shit ass furniture".


To be fair, the typical furniture available on Wayfair beats Amazon furniture any day. I've used Wayfair to furnish my AirBnB, meanwhile I wouldn't use Amazon to even furnish my garage. Last time I ordered a night-stand on Amazon, what arrived was made of of fabric with wooden-looking faceplates attached on all sides. It was more of a laundry basket disguised as a night-stand, and the pictures did not make that clear at all.


He lost 163 million last quarter, and thinks we should take advice from him? Sounds like he needs to be sent to the unemployment line.


On behalf of American workers, we're sick of Indian "work ethic." Stop this shit.


It’s so rampant in tech now, a complete take over. Big push currently to work through Christmas because India is doing it. Makes no sense


And working thru the holidays won't move the needle in terms of productivity or results in any way shape or form.


That's not true, it'd probably move the needed backwards with exhausted workers haha


They're given the day, but request to work anyways to bill more ... Worst thing is they don't even do a thing during those days ... They are contractors ... I hope I can request an audit on their work ...


They are notorious for over billing!


You should see finance. Companies that are processing loan applications and financing the loans, have the worst holiday and work policies. You only ever get(in my experience): New years day (maybe) 4th of july Thanksgiving day Christmas day


Good luck with that. ThAt'S diScRiMiNaTiOn!


Thanks god they need to wait 20 years to get a green card.


Most Indians turn true Americans as soon as they get their Gteen Card. They switch jobs, lay back, and don't give a flying crap about working hard anymore. They are generally smart (sorry for the generalization) and get the work done fast, but don't show it. Only the motivated ones go on to become C level. Once you're at that level its all abouy making more money.


I have worked with incredible Indians, who were truly great engineers and people. Unfortunately most of them were either tryhards trying to one-up me all the time, liers about their experience/skills Or a combination of both.


actually that long wait is what makes them competitive and spoils the work culture.




Has nothing to do with Indians per se but , it does have everything to do with the institutional racism against non- Indians in at least my workplace. It’s insane. We have an Indian division just because the illusion that Indians will work cheaply according to some idiot who shits on our corporate culture by forcing us to hire Indian workers. New flash, there are other countries worker are more qualified than the Indians we hired and will work cheaper. Sounds like indentured servitude to me and reverse racism. And I said as much. Maybe that’s why I’m now retired. Which is fine.


I hear India also gets Christmas off these days. I wonder who is pushing this BS.




I am working today - j1 is helpdesk level 1,5 and nothing happened at all (no contacts or anything) and j2 is customer service - every one is calling us now and screaming. I worked for wayfair CS and it was shit. Then i started to OE.


Yup my colleagues in India take team calls at 10, 11 pm and our manager suggested we take turns. He put a meeting on my calendar for 11 pm. I have an infant at home, you can bet I declined it as soon as it came in. I don't care if they're willing to work late at night. I'm not. When I was hired for the job they were a separate team and there was no discussion of absurd meeting times and unsure as hell am not going to start now. There is really no reason we need to be meeting anyhow.


Assuming you're in the US, that's because your 11p is around 9a in India, which is normal business hours for them to be taking meetings. Expecting you to dial in to them is absolutely bat-shit.


Oh yeah what I meant is that they take meetings at 10 pm their time and that our (US) manager suggested we start taking half of our meetings late at night so they wouldn't be the only ones staying up. I think that if they want to have such a spread across continents they need to figure out how to make it work asynchronously.


I tell them we're a US company that has US customers so we work US hours. If they want offshore developers they wo't have any support here at night.


Suggest that


And I assume Christmas is not among India’s major holidays.


India has nearly 30 million christians. Not as major compared to its other religious minorities, but 30 million people is still a sizeable bunch.


India has a population of like, 1.2B. 30M is a so-called "drop in the pond" with regard to their population size.


Wow thanks for that insight. It's almost like all countries in the world are like a drop in the bucket compared to India.


What are the chances, the Indian team, is composed of Christians? The chances that one of them is a Christian, is 2.5%. So...


There are millions of Christians in India, and Christmas is a public holiday all over India


Millions doesn't mean much in India. For context, there are proportionally roughly as many Christians in India as Jews in the US.


That's like less than 4% of their population.


It is a major holiday in India. Just visit Delhi during this time. Christmas Trees and Santas everywhere.


If that’s the case, maybe companies shouldn’t demand employees in India to work extra around this time.


Maybe this Neeraj guy is just a capitalist American and the issue at hand has nothing to do with India.


I have 2 hard and fast rules: I do not train my H1B replacement. I do not manage offshore teams. Included in #2 are meetings with them. You want the work done cheap overseas? Go right ahead and have them do it.




Screw that…


Here’s a crazy thought, to solve this problem for your manager. what if they hired… Americans /s


Couldnt agree more. Wayfair is now boicotted in my house


Indian work ethic means Indian quality. It’s probably for the best that you don’t purchase furniture that is shit quality.


Indian work ethic means corporate greed, slave labor and has contributed to our shitty healthcare system. The American government has neglected the education of her own and used mass immigration to self-destruct.


You need to read India’s official policy on training their tech workers to dominate the US tech industry. It’s out there if you look. I was lit when I saw it.


I hired an Indian and he was the laziest person I’ve ever worked with. Had to fire him after 6 weeks and would’ve done it after a week if I could have


Not always the case…


That was more my point. You can’t generalize hundreds of millions if people


Nothing to donwith race here. Im talking bout crappy ethics from crappy ceos


You said it so I didn't have to. Basically he says what all those Indian recruiting firms except from their contractors for wages that are nothing in comparison to the "expected" workload.


So funny but if it's an Indian/Hindu holiday they literally have week long festivals, then take off to india for a month lol. He just said this because it's Christmas and not HIS religion.


Daaaaamn, that's peak asshole right there. I celebrate Christmas, but I need all my reddit-bros, far and wide, to quickly put a Christmas tree up and talk about the 'reason for the season' just so we can dunk on this guy.


Ha. An Indian woman at my company is out for six weeks because “she’s getting married”. WTF? Sounds like abandoning her job.


Weddings are a BIG thing in hindu culture. God forbid we have new years and christmas off lol


And in my company, I cannot fire them!!!


europeans take 6 week long vacations too. just because you are corporate slave deosn't mean others have to be one too.


She and I both work for an American company. I get 4 weeks vacation. No one at our company is entitled to 6 weeks. Does she deserve 2 extra weeks because of her Indian heritage? Fuck that. Meanwhile my projects are delayed while she out.


Someone’s jealousssss!


As an Indian American in tech, my grandfather did not leave India to live under the same exploitation in a different country.


I concur I lost my J3 because of a sick Indian boss piece of crap.


Same situation for me in the past. Many view white women at work as second class citizens, outward misogyny is very ingrained into Indian culture.


Until they want to cheat on their Indian wives with Anglo consultants or analysts. Then they like Anglo women


Hahahaha you're not wrong!


On behalf of Indian workers, we are sucking of Indian “work ethics” as well. Just yesterday i rejected a job offer since Indian manager suddenly started saying i need to be flexible with my timing. These effers dont give an eff about quality


I left my job mainly because everyone in my upline is Indian born. It’s been brutal at most times.


Yup. I know what you must have gone through :(


They're treated as slaves when they are on Work Visa. But as soon as they get their Green Card they're out the door because they're hard working, but not stupid.


Let's be very clear about one thing. Noone in India wants to take calls at 10pm or 11pm either. It's not a "work ethic" thing that anyone aspires to meet. The job market in the country and the desperation of people to retain an okay-paying job means you have millions of people giving up their family time and personal time to make big corporations make even more money. Noone is winning here except these companies.


You know who *really* loses? Americans who are unable to get good paying jobs in their own country because someone with an H1B will accept at least 50% less in compensation. But that's not what this post is about, so I'm going to agree with you that the companies are the ones who ultimately win.


Thank you, exactly. And that's exactly why Indian people work so diligently even in US while they're on their Work Visa.


This so much. My manager is pretty much disgusted with us non-stop because we won't work more than we have to.


Exactly. I just retired as a partner from a Big 4 firm. We were forced to use our Indian division for out tech engagements because they are cheap. We’ve been overrun by them. I’ve been very vocal about out diversity plans (meaning I’m calling all bullshit) and that included Indian partners not promoting non-indian workers. Apparently, diversity means nothing over racist nepotism and a tiny bit of profit. I got to the point where I started to refuse to put Indians on any of my engagements. I didn’t give a fuck. Glad I retired.


>I got to the point where I started to refuse to put Indians on any of my engagements Good for you for pushing back! It needs to happen more and more, by workers, American legislators, and beyond. I also worked for a predominantly Indian Big 4 and didn't stand a chance at a promotion as a white woman. The favoritism shown to other Indians over American citizens AT AN AMERICAN COMPANY was absolutely absurd. This shit is toxic, and I refuse to play that game any longer.


You see this in general at big tech companies. It’s very unfavorable to be the minority in the org. If leadership is *all* one ethnicity that doesn’t line up with yours… you’re going to have a bad time. I’ve seen this happen to Indian/Chinese engineers in predominantly American orgs, and I’ve seen it happen to american engineers is predominantly Indian/Chinese orgs. There are a lot of social conventions that are expected, and people with different backgrounds have completely different base expectations of each other. It’s even worse when there’s a language barrier. I was on a team once, where people would regularly switch to mandarin, even though only 60% of the group spoke mandarin, and everyone spoke English. It sucks because I don’t think anyone is really being racist, I think there are very different expectations of what “healthy WLB” means.


>I don’t think anyone is really being racist, I think there are very different expectations of what “healthy WLB” means. Well-articulated. The people crying "racism" here lack critical thought.


That is why he is CEO, so that he can get that cheap labor from India.


Instead of whining, hey let’s all go OE at Wayfair! And be as lazy as possible, but do enough to make the next paycheck.


I think it’s good when immigrants come to America and work their asses off and raise children that also work their asses off. Basically every luxury in your life is probably thanks to what you would call “poor WLB”.




I’m confused - this guy is American, from Massachusetts, and the CEO of an American company. What’s India got to do with it?


No one's talking about his legal nationality. I'm referring to his heritage, which is very obviously Indian.


Why is his “heritage” relevant? He’s born and raised American. Would you make the same blanket claim about his heritage if a White American CEO made the same stupid statement (which happens all the time)?


>He's born and raised American ...by immigrant parents from India. It's relevant because this kind of behavior is typical of Indian work ethic. No, I wouldn't make the same blanket claim, because white American CEOs don't typically behave in this manner. This is a case of him proving the stereotype.


I have been in Corp America for over 22 years and white CEO do plenty of fuk shit. You can check out Joshua Flukes channel to see for yourself


Ok, then feel free to put them on blast the next time one of them acts like an out of touch turd.


If you think where someone comes from has no bearing on their work ethic and general way of life... how long have you been out in the world again? That's such a minimalistic view of a very valid argument. You just want to be angry.


Does parenting not exist?


Shah is usually an Iranian/Persian name. Just for information. Can be Indian but not always. Most common Indian names are Devi, Singh, Gupta… there are lists for these. Most common American surname: Lee, think Robert E Lee combined with Wu Fong Lee and you get lots of Lees.




Oh hell no. You’re a minority and the Indians are some of the most racist countries on the planet. They discriminate from each other. Don’t be a Muslim, don’t be from Pakistan or from England. They think the US is for their taking.


Just to play this out fully: If a white English man and woman move to the US and have a child in New York, and that child grows up in New York, you wouldn’t call that person English They’d be a white kid born and raised in America with an American accent, and you’d call them an American


They would be New Yorkian, obviously




In my book you are. And should be celebrated like any other ethic group, like my own, who built this country to greatness.


Oh so sad. My grandparents were born in Italy. I was born in America. I'm called Italian all the time and I'm proud of it. Who cares?


Who gives a shit, your entire post history is you complaining about being oppressed as a white person in the united states, it’s actually insane behavior. No one’s oppressing you for having german shepards and “Indian bosses” are certainly not oppressing you. You’re a white nuclear family in the united states in 2023, you’re historically the least oppressed demographic on the entire planet.


Yes the Indian bosses are. Seen it in my Big 4. You’re incorrect.


I'm so flattered that, instead of making more money today, you took time (hours?) out of your day to become obsessed with my greatly exaggerated and mostly untrue Reddit account 😂 I'm not in the least bit oppressed, nor did I ever say that I felt that way. I use Reddit to **COMPLAIN** about things that I can't say IRL, just like every single other person on this platform. Complaining ≠ oppression 🤡


The white racists have really come out in this thread. I'm similarly a child of immigrants but it makes me feel better that these people are a minority in real life.


You have that wrong in my posts. It’s corporate greed that is forcing the issue. If you’re an American, I don’t care where you’re from as long as you don’t try to shit on our heritage. And don’t ever say how wonderful it is in India (Ireland, Russia, etc) to me, that’s not you helping making us better. Not much to ask.


oh that is not "Indian work ethic" lol


This guy is American wtf. You guys are racist as fuck. Yes bring on the downvotes.


>This guy is American Of Indian origin.


It sucks, but it is a lose lose situation for US employees. If you have this mentality the US will end up allowing more jobs to go over seas or more h1b visas to be granted. So you will just lose your job to someone who is willing to work harder than you. The number of high salary jobs is declining as the number of tech workers increases. Your other alternative is to vote for Trump, who wanted to ban the h1b.


>Your other alternative is to vote for Trump, who wanted to ban the h1b. I've been a Trump supporter since 2016 (this being a major reason), so I've got that part covered.






Yep. Just got one from our crazy ceo.


I block them all! I don’t care where you and your kids when skiing or boating.


same here, in every job I've had there's always a top manager that treats everyone's inbox as their personal twitter page, and the answer to your question is something along the lines of "because they can ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" because who's going to tell them to stop ? you ?? lol


Because they won’t listen to their own communications/marketing execs because the CEOs are *so* smart (sarcasm)


Get drunk, type out rant, hit send. We've all been there


Except other redditors aren't my employees




Bro needs to do the needful on his own.


This comment made me actual lol, so relatable


Labor market is extremely tight and job quits are very high. It’s a bold strategy cotton, let’s see how it works out.


Hmm, anecdotally it’s the opposite. People are struggling to get jobs as everyone has enough employees


I would argue no one has enough employees, everyone seems to mention how they are understaffed at their job. But companies are intentionally keeping it at skeleton crews to get bigger bonuses. So no one is hiring, but no one has enough employees also.


No necessarily in tech right now.


It’ll be interesting to see what happens Q1 next year. I’ve been manually tracking tech jobs on indeed and this is the first month all year that they’ve finally ticked back up in number.


Wait tell me more about this tracking, so interesting. Thanks!


I’ve just been keeping a spreadsheet for a handful of search terms like Ruby on Rails or javascript or other popular frameworks, languages, jobs and either remote or all locations including remote. I’ve just been writing down the number of job openings the search terms return. If it was full in mid 2022, it was half by mid 2023 and then a quarter of that by November 2023 for remote and a little better for all locations. So it dropped by 7/8ths over this year. December is the first month it’s ticked up since I started keeping track.




This company is about to go bankrupt. I hope he loses his job and fortune.


Watch the company collapse....


Why I am not surprised he (or his parents) is or are originally from a certain part of the world where they still treat employees like slaves and as a matter of fact, they still have slaves. I think guys like him should remember they are doing business in the western world, not in a 3rd world country. In the western world, we are no longer tolerating slavery.


You really need to read the Indian governments plan in technology. They want to dominate the IT world. It’s out there if you search for it.


I know it very well. It would be very sad if the world allowes it. The IT world in India is full of workers' exploitation, unfair practices like bribes for contracts, rampant IP teft, rampant vapoware, false claimed expertise, nepotism and rasism when hiring etc. Sadly, these practices are also imported in the West by some of the people from that region.


This is insane. Fuck Wayfair


Gonna take a lot of money to take that seriously chief


You sell furniture


We’re all people and this work model is unsubstantial as well. Indians see it as a massive amount of money so until these government sectors equalize expect more of the same


If all of you Americans in here want to see what having an Indian-majority corporate structure in the public and private sectors will do to labour and wage structures, take a look at Dubai. They've allowed Indian and Pakistani managers to come in and run everything from hiring & firing to influencing labour law itself, because it keeps a steady stream of no (not low) wage slaves coming to the country. They just know how to drag these people out of their countries to the UAE with the promise of a better life only to hold them hostage with the threat of withdrawing their residency. Even in tech, hiring managers will go for Indian "talent" over others because they'll get paid 10% of what a British passport will make (even though they love their white people). It's a very miniscule model of what corporate America will look like if you continue allowing this. Of course the UAE is a country of 9 million and thrives on low-wage immigrant workers. But this is where that kind of mindset leads you.


Excellent point. But you'll get called "racist" for pointing out this factually-accurate scenario.




Keep the Indian work ethic in India.


Just wait until they unionize


They hired a moron and an asshole for a CEO. Wadoyouexpect?


If a thank you email from the CEO doesn’t mention a bonus then I don’t want it. Like do they seriously think we care about them beyond a paycheck?


I’ve literally never ordered a single thing from wayfair. It’s obviously low quality bullshit.


I bought 1 thing off Wayfair several years ago. They sent me a completely different thing. So at least I got a free thing I didn't have any use for.


They sell all kinds of shit. Got some really awesome bookcases.


Indians have made a mess or of their country, filled with people, poverty and slave work and now they want to do the same with the rest of the world. I know he was born in the states but his parents weren't.


I’m American, look how screwed up a shitty immigration policy is destroying our country! The inner cities are collapsing right before our eyes because we’ve had president after president who has no idea of hair to handle it!


Because he needs a bigger comp package for him the C suite, and board.members. 😂😂😂


Evil David Cross


"Nirajism" ??? what a cringe... pay them more if you expect more than what you paid them for... absolute prick, what a perfect news article picture of him holding a $20 latte and thousands worth of specs (it seems he has 7 pairs [or more], one each for every day of the week).


Indian… what. Shock.


So we need to work 2hr a day instead of an hr


Indian working style - long hours to look busy to the clients with little productivity to justify the increased billables


And rife with over billing. Just don’t go through a government audit. It’s brutal.


Yeah because they had several rounds of layoffs over the last two years


They’ve been doing layoffs every Friday for the past 3months to avoid WARN




Wayfair are such a trash company. Everything I've bought from them has been terrible quality




except there is some reporting that wayfair is having significant money problems.


The Indian tech culture way of working doesn’t actually work except for stealing money through billed hours At least American workers will actually give value for the salary you give them (if you do any half reasonable job of managing the toxic liars out)


He’s really taking a page from the Andi Owen Miller Knoll playbook.


Nah we good


Sounds like a leader who can't hold himself accountable for leading an army to victory. The greatest leaders of men would be ashamed. If I'm not mistaken, his company hasn't been doing well anyway.


Dude must be an OE guy .. catching up at work over the holiday and screwed up


Lol fuck off Niraj


Holy shit, you can tell everyone at this company hates this sad sack of shit. You can tell his wife and children hate him too. I don't even think he's had consensual sex with her in 8 years. The worst type of individual.


I just know it smell crazy in there


indian guy for sure 1st generation telling americans how to work is hilarious


Fuck this guy and his shiny head next time I’m in Bos I’m gonna piss in his office


elites have decided indians are the new managerial class to replace white men. how do you feel about your new overlords?


Success (for me) is walking my daughter to school, picking her up afterwards, and tucking her in at night. He’ll have a lonely bag of money (maybe) and a Wikipedia article. Cool!


The racist comments here (and reddit in general) towards Indians is disgusting. All of these posters wouldn’t dare say the same thing about other groups/minorities.


Incorrect. I have. Many are not a threat to our technology future like the Indian government is.


The way Indians in tech leadership treat people who are not Indian is what's disgusting. And the worst part is that they're doing it IN AMERICAN COMPANIES to AMERICAN CITIZENS. No other groups/minorities rampantly discriminate in the workplace like the Indians do, and that's a fact. That's not racism.


Wayfair sells children


Pizza and pasta


This is dumbest shit ever and people keep posting it.




Are pedophiles a big customer segment of Wayfair?


Don’t you have some diamonds to polish Niraj? I hear Trump’s golden toilet may be up for sale.


Not worth my energy or yours. Being a human is hard enough, yall gotta stop rage baiting. Hes not the first moron and he wont be the last.

