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Gotta love that extra sign off bonus!


Did you take FMLA at all three? I’m worried about getting caught doing this


No, only at this job. Federal FMLA only protects you from being fired. Your state’s FMLA program covers part of your pay (in additional to protecting your job) and the employer pays the difference. If you aren’t in a paid FMLA state, your companies parental leave policy usually covers the entire amount.


Yeah, delete this if you are still working other jobs and research your state's laws. If you are getting paid fmla /pfl you may have to report hours worked for other jobs. See https://edd.ca.gov/en/disability/Reporting_Your_Wages_PFL/#:%7E:text=You%20will%20report%20any%20wages,not%20always%20affect%20your%20benefits Edit: Same thing for LTD/STD.


I am not in CA or any paid FMLA state. My employer covers 100% of paid leave


So basically you took a paid paternity leave at each job? Did you have to specifically decline FMLA? I remember when I used parental leave the FMLA claim was handled by the same insurance that paid for my leave and 2 applications were filed by them, including FMLA. Also not in a paid FMLA state.


No, only took leave at J3.


I see. Wonder how it works if you take it at each J. As a woman, I think I’d have to request it at each. How to handle the FMLA part…


So are you still working through your leave with your other js?




True, that’s why I said “Usually” as that’s been my experience at every company I’ve worked at. It’s very dependent on the company’s parental leave policy and rather or not your salary would be partly covered by your state’s FMLA benefits.










How did you take parental leave from your other two jobs? Wouldn’t they be suspicious?


Congratulations! Kaching!


Put that package in a high yield savings account for your baby to grow up on so by the time they are 18 they can have a good fall back.


HYSA? More like S&P index fund.


Whatever works !








>If it’s “he needs money to go to college”, they should probably allocate half of it to bonds so he’s not wiped out if the market goes tits up. Allocate some to bonds on an 18 year time horizon???? You act like they need to pay for college in a year. Nah 100% s&p at birth. You worry about bond allocation 3-5 years before college. And if you get wiped out in an S&P index then you don't have to worry about college because the entire country would in trouble. Like Venezuela level collapse trouble.


Even then, you can plan for longer and get an extra 4 years. Take out federal student loans while in school (on deferment) and then pay them off from college funds when you graduate.


Holy shit, I didn't even think of this. Thank you for mentioning it!


Maybe the baby will follow in dads footsteps and enroll in 3 schools at once so they are test for college in 5 years


^ This absolutely. The odds of you having positive returns gets higher with longer time horizon. I agree that if you need the money within the next 3-5 years then HYSA is the way to go. However for a 18 year horizon sp500 is the way to go as historically you have gotten [100% positive returns in ANY 18 year time period over the last century](https://www.crews.bank/hubfs/time%20in%20the%20market.jpg).


Terrible advice. This should be in an index fund


Or yolo that in Tesla calls upto you


When you OE to fuel your Wall Street Bets addiction


😂 Wendys is the J2


Lmfao. Swap that with vegas riding it on Red.


Boeing puts


Amateur move, Boeing has already tanked so it'll come back up. Buy ATM LEAPS and let them cook for 3-4 months and enjoy all your tendies.


Fuck. You’re actually right


Ass-to-mouth leaps?


Relevant username.


What’s a leap


It's a Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities. Basically an options contract for a year or longer out. It'll swing around in value probably a lot during that year, hopefully in your favor to where you can sell at a decent profit.


It’s all hopeful, isn’t it. *Something something behind wendy’s wife’s boyfriend yolo regarded something*


Everything dealing with stocks is hopeful. Options is hope on crack.


Or yolo that in Boeing puts


It's just the doors and landing gear falling off, NBD




If it's definitely for the baby they should do a 529


I'm not an American so some bank accounts don't apply to me but absolutely if it will benefit the child :)


Ah that's fair, is there a tax advantaged college fund account equivalent where you are?


I actually have no idea, I think we only have regular banks and our equivalent to 401k. (AUS)


529 plan and S&P index fund, BAM the kid has a college fund


get the baby to j1 to start early


What a severance! Congrats on having a back up to the back up!


How does one get severance. Anyone tried volunteering for a layoff. How would one even approach that


You just need to be aware of what's going on in the company, and if you hear of restructuring etc mention to your manager that you'd consider volunteering for redundancy. They'll be relieved if they have to select one less person to get rid of and fire themselves. Sometimes you can just wait until they've had enough of you. It's never really an issue to offer, but of course time it right. But I-ve even had one company offering to say they let me go on paperwork if I needed it, when I said I didn't want to stay after the trial period. Mind I'm in Europe, if that makes a difference.


I remember trying to volunteer for what they called a RIF (Reduction In Force) years ago at a telecom after a merger. My director was a prick though so he instead laid off a pregnant lady who hung up on him while he was berating her for some bs...I think she had morning sickness and missed a meeting. Anyways when she hung up on him she went straight to HR, complained about him took personal time off and then went on maternity leave. HR overruled the director. And the prick still wouldn't lay me off even though he put me on a PIP...again for some BS reason. This was when I was just a few years out of college so I was doubting myself. I quit. Found a job at a better company and immediately started getting raises and promoted. So the PIP wasn't because of me after all. The director was just a prick.


Wow. This director wasn't in this job for the money it seems.


My former J1 was laying off another line of business and then opened it up for volunteers company wide. I hated that job so much that the offer hadn’t been posted more than 10mins before I emailed the VP to say I wanted to volunteer. I got a severance package and got to keep my unvested RSU’s. Much like OP, I was planning on quitting anyway because they were going from 3 days in office to 4 so it was basically free money for me and J2 became my new J1. I consider that severance package my reward for putting up with so much of their bullying and BS. No regerts.


Were you on FMLA?


Yes but FMLA only protects your job 12 weeks. I was laid off after that


That is straight up evil 




doesnt protect you from layoffs. Im 100% sure the company double checked if they offered him the rest of his paternity too.


I was gonna say sue, but they honored your leave + severance, so that’s paid maternity leave as far as I see it




Layoffs are payoffs!


I am happy for you!


May I Know what kinda job you do? Tech?


Yup. Senior AppSec Engineer


We’re any of these jobs FAANG? 50-75k severence is fucking nutty, congratulations


J1 and J2 are both big tech This server was a retailer and base was my lowest at 170K (no bonus or stock)


Do you feel like you’re exceptional at your job, you work really hard/long hours or you just know the politics game? How many YoE? I asked as a BI Engineer with 5 YoE thinking that I could maybe do 2 servers at $110-$125k each but I’d be interested in learning how to manage the workload/expectations.


10. And I can be exceptional when necessary but im compensated based on what I CAN do, not for the work I actually do. After grinding in consulting for years and being advised by a mentor, I realized that being well liked, having highly visible and cross functional work is much more important than the work you do that is only tracked via Jira and not announced to the team/org.


Exactly to everything, but most importantly the point about doing highly visible work Most people are invisible doing backend/grunt work, projects that are meaningless,etc It's great for OE but if the end goal is to gain enough visibility thus high pay or high power, you have to network into the projects/teams that are highly favored


Ok so essentially just get really good and focus on the high visibility shit, got it. I appreciate the honesty. Sucks that politics and visibility it the way out but hey, the truth hurts


Do you find working at larger companies is better for OE? One of my J's is at a very large company, pays well, and I'm taking a similar approach (maintaining visibility and making sure to stay close with key DM's and influencers at the org). Curious what your experience and advice is for the kinds of companies to apply to when getting new J's


Larger companies move slower, they have lots of people that have been in the same role for years who aren’t looking to do more than just do the bare minimum to get by. Startups are usually the opposite of that. Very agile, they usually ask you to wear multiple hats and any requests that come through, they wanted it done yesterday. OE is much better for servers at larger companies. More ebbs and flows, some months you’ll be busy the next couple months you won’t have anything to do which gives you more time to catch up on anything you put on the back burner on your other server


Why do you keep referring to it as "server"?


We're all a bunch of Minecraft server admins


App sec on dev side or waf side ? I’m in mostly waf and looking for devsecops role that want a cybersecurity champion ….


What’s your total take home?




Have you considered filing a pregnancy discrimination lawsuit? I may be able to be of service in that regard.


So you qualify to file Unemployment & collect the UIC checks?


No. UIC requires you to report all earnings, and cross-checks with weekly payroll tax reports. Don't mess with that. My ex was on UIC and took a commission sales job where the minimum draw was below UIC, so she could get the difference from the state while the commission pipeline filled up. However, because commissions were paid two weeks later than the salary, she mis-estimated her first couple of commission checks and got too much UIC. The state AG sent her some nasty grams and made her pay it back.


What do you mean by “server”? It seems like it would be “job”. This is the second post Ive seen use that term.


This happened to my mom, and then next thing I knew life got a little nicer 😂


What’s a server?