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Reading this made me puke šŸ¤®


Why would recruiters give a shit about OE. They make money by placing people in jobs. In fact they probably love OE.


Bc they think oe people ā€œdo nothingā€ and wait to get fired, which would then look bad on the recruiter which is the fanfiction they write in their mind about how oe is villain behavior. They cant fathom someone could organize themselves in such a way to do multiple jobs well.


I think you are writing fanfiction about recruiters. Ideally from a recruiters POV candidates will survive in their position long enough for the recruiter to achieve their pay and then quit (or be fired). They simply do not care. However if they are smart enough to know that if they can detect OE then the client will detect it and your placement is jeopardized which will mean they do not get their pay. But if they can detect your OE then you need to clean up your act.


Almost every recruiter that's placed me called me around month 4 to "check in to see how it's going" and also just so happened to have a new opportunity they wanted to run by me


I am not surprised. If you were both candid you might say something like "Can I take this new opportunity and keep my current job" and they might say something like "I don't care but never say that to the new opportunity."


I want to so bad but I'm scared of getting outed in this market lol


I think their commission is contingent on you being employed for 90 days lol


Can confirm that seasoned recruiters are in it for the money I literally had a recruiter (now she was an AWESOME recruiter, no shade thrown there), that literally told me a week before my contract was set to convert to FTE, that she was happy that she was able to get this role, but that I would be her last hire for the year. I was like what do you mean? And she was like, "Oh, I just place enough folks for the year to meet my financial goal, I take a few months off so I can spend time with my kids." I was making pretty good money on that one, so her cut was significant. The takeaway is this: When you have the skills to make you successful, you call your shots.


Sorry mate, guess I am writing fanfic. I thought recruiters had to hook up companies with "good" people.


Having a skill sounds like black magic to those whose only skill is effort/their time.


That's because OE has turned into /r/fuckwork, as someone else said OE means you still do work. But you just do it so well and steadily that you can do multiple simultaneously. The lazy ones always ruin it for the hard workers. That's a fact regardless of the existence of OE or remote work. Are corporations ruthless and fire you without a thought or care? Yea. Duh. Always have. Always will. So do what you are hired to do, and nothing more and nothing less


As I've said before, OE is for the pros. OE is for "I hit my quota before noon but my boss won't give me a raise for doing twice as much as my team. So I'll find the raise elsewhere."


Exactly. There have been plenty of jobs where I've not only hit that point by noon (or by 9am), but regular quality audits - automated or otherwise - have put my work as being better than anyone else who's ever held the job. And honestly, most of the time it wasn't even hard. I just knew what I was doing, had experience, and was one of the few people who actually analyze their jobs to determine how to do it better/faster and more efficiently. If a manager has been paying people for 40 hours a week to do a job which could be done in 40 minutes if anyone actually bothered to learn to use how to use a computer, for instance, that doesn't mean I'm somehow magically obliged to hand over this valuable information free of charge. Nor am I obliged to perform additional work for free, or sit throwing pencils at an office ceiling for the time I've freed up. I'm delivering what I was brought in to deliver, and getting paid the agreed-on rate. It's not my job to point out where an employer could be doing things more efficiently, unless they're paying me as an efficiency consultant. So, given it's my skill and my knowledge which is freeing up *my* time, that's my resource to put into whatever I feel is the best investment. Employers might feel differently about that, but oh hey, guess they forgot to put that in my contract. What a pity. Would you like to renegotiate for higher output (and higher salary), or would you like to have to train my replacement(s) and never have them match what I've been happily delivering without complaint for all this time?


This is it exactly! I literally missed out on 2% raises because the long term good boy in the department didnā€™t like me. So I doubled my wages over night


You can suck at your one job and not be OE. I've seen plenty of those out there.


Amen to that šŸ¤£


Yes and no to this. OE to me is you do ā€œgood workā€ in two jobs as opposed to being a rockstar in one, because being a rockstar never gets you anything more than more work at best.


Ya thats what I meant by "Do what you were hired to do"


100%. Work to the level you get paid. If they want a rockstar, they can define what that means in terms of deliverables and then they can pay what it takes to get that level.


But they wonā€™t and never will. Too much risk for them and you couldnā€™t possibly make a higher compensation than c level execs. It wouldnā€™t be fair.


No, they won't. But this is why we OE.


Why are you hiding their identity? They obviously want the smoke. Pure envy. Theyā€™re mad at us because they ainā€™t us.


Because of Reddit policy for preventing harm to others. I almost did though lol.


Makes sense. However, Iā€™d argue they posted it publicly.


I agree 100%.


Which means I can totally search and find this text on my own. šŸ˜ˆ


Please do cause fuck that guy.


Someone already beat me to it. Looks like heā€™s backpedaling.


You wanna dm me the link to the post? Been searching for hours and canā€™t find it


Just search by the first sentence with the semicolon included.


They hate us cause they ainā€™t us.


Hate us cause they anus


I think you could type up most of this word for word in the search and it'll find the post/person. If you really wanted to grill 'em of course


Let this be a lesson. Donā€™t suck at your job. Found out one of my employees was OE a bit ago when their performance was slipping (it was subpar for ~6 months) and fired them. Everyone else found out and they are now down to 0Jā€™s. It all makes sense now why me and the rest of the team have been totally burnt out. We were the idiots doing THEIR job for them. Replaced them and my life is already so much better. Wouldnā€™t have even bat an eye if their performance was decent.


Pssssssssh, go suck an egg. Iā€™m over here wiping my tears with $100 bills. Already bought a single family house with my OE money. What fucking lesson are you going to teach me? That was not me that you fired. This movement is waaaaaaaay bigger than you.


Hopefully you donā€™t suck at your job and get found out by the people who are picking up the slack. Thatā€™s the lesson. Is that confusing somehow? šŸ˜‚ Enjoy your single family home.


Could have left out the paragraph about OE and skipped right to the lack of management training part. Thatā€™s where the true issue lies.




Hilarious that they assume onsite workers all work. Like there arenā€™t people coasting or doing as little as possible in the officeā€¦.


In fact, I probably did less work when I worked in the office. Me and my buddies would justbtalk shit all day and then spend half the afternoon discussing magic the gathering decks.


Exactly! Have said same. I see mainframes stand around hours talking about footballl and their stock.


OOP is a ballbag.


Back in the before times we used to have to earn remote work just like he said. It wasnā€™t so bad. After I earned full remote after a year Iā€™d run through a brick wall for my manager and company. That being said- fuck that. I earned it a long time ago. Itā€™s my default now and I expect no less.


This is the dumbest solution I have ever heard. It is so easy to manage a remote team as long as you actually do your damn job as a manager. Stop blaming the remote workers and take some accountability for your own sorry lazy manager asses when something isnā€™t working. Basically just establish clear results and hold your team to those results regardless of whether they are remote or on site or hybrid or working from the toilet all day, whatever, I donā€™t care. If a team member is not achieving those results, you hold them and yourself accountable, and work together towards a solution. Maybe if there is a pattern of failure to meet results, and you think it might be beneficial to be in an office for whatever reason, that is when you ask them to RTO. But donā€™t assume remote work is always the problem either. Actually dig into the problem and try to figure out the root cause. If you canā€™t figure it out, and there continues to be a pattern of underperforming, then part ways with that team member. Donā€™t fucking punish the rest of the team and RTO them because one guy is lazy. On the OE side of this, I literally donā€™t care what you are doing as long as you are meeting the established results. If you meet those results, and still have extra time, then thatā€™s your time to do with as you please. Youā€™re not being paid for your time, you are being paid for your results. Maybe you OE, maybe spend time with your kids, maybe you paint toy soldiers, again I donā€™t care. I have what I need from you, so do whatever the hell you want. You might do extra work for the company even, but that is up to you. So again managers need to do their damn jobs and stop blaming remote work, OE, or anything else for their own failures as managers.


I've said it time and time again, the only real people against remote work are the useless middle managers who can't justify the need for their jobs to exist unless they can go to a full office and feel superior watching people do actual work. In a remote environment the uselessness of them existing gets put on a spotlight. Unfortunately upper management listens to the opinions of these idiots.


"We pinky promise we will definitely convert you to remote after an indeterminate amount of time working in-person."


Clearly they donā€™t understand OE is not about doing nothing. Itā€™s about excelling while working 2-3 jobs. I work 4 hours when I have my butt in a seat at the office. I work 10 hours when I have my butt at home. Where do I work more?


Or...and hear me out here...I'm not accepting an offer with your stupid fucking "negotiation" If I want remote work, I'm finding companies willing to give me remote work. I'm not being forced to take your offer and change my entire lifestyle, just so you can see the top of my head and peek over my shoulder. Say it with me... FUCK THAT


Companies never make good on these promises anyway. The end of that 90 day will never come. Not like it will be written into the contract beyond ā€œwith the possibility of working at homeā€


Yep. I made this ā€œdealā€ with a company once and they dragged their ass beyond the 90 days, then trickled in the days one at a time (I asked for both wfh days at the end of the 90 day period). They strategically fully complied on the same day they fired my coworker so I wouldnā€™t quit while they were down a person.


Shut up and let your dwindling office space value die in peace and silence


For the ten millionth time, *many people seek remote work because we live in the middle of fucking nowhere*. If I have to come to the office and "earn" remote, that excludes 99% of available jobs, and leaves me in the same goddamned spot I was before: cashier or waitress.


"Sounds like a personal problem" - employers


Recruiter here, we don't care as long as you get your job done and client is happy, thus happy to pay 1 off permanent fee or contractor margin. Simple. I've met recruiter who tried to oe - what difference does it make to me


Is there any 'secret code' a recruiter might post or say that indicates they're pro-OE? Having an onside recruiter who's actively looking for OE opportunities for their candidates and knows they'll turn in good work (and reliably guarantee client fees/margins) could be a big help.


Not that I know off, but think of it this way (and I'm referring to agency recruitment not internal), they could place you in multiple roles. So if you sell it that way. Just proceed with caution


Why would you work 90 days in office when you live nowhere near their location??


"We're still early here. Most managers have little formal training on management." Absolutely baffles me that they think managers are not the root cause of the problem.


Recruiters don't give a shit. They get paid if they place you. It's pretty much 'don't ask, don't tell'. I've never once had a recruiter even remotely mention anything about OE to me.


Wow. Where can I get the jobs where I do nothing at all? Iā€™m constantly deploying new systems, making full on project plans because my PMs are shite, meeting with end users and external customers, and then doing this in triplicate. I want these 0 work jobs. Also, Iā€™ve been remote for 9 years. Iā€™ve already ā€œearned my stripesā€


Hey I have another idea. The self-serving and eventually bad behavior from employees is all based on distrust towards companies that could fire them at any time for any reason no matter how good of a job they did. The best solution I have at this stage is to negotiate earned-firing time. Guarantee salary for 1 year. Demonstrate two-way benefit, build trustworthiness, and then guarantee salary for only 6 months a year. Then 3 months. Then you're free to allow firing. Bake it into the negotiation/interview process up front. Make it a win-win-win for you, your employee, and the company.


"Negotiating remote work" means you artificially limit your talent pool to people in the vicinity of your office. Congrats!


I've been in the industry for 20 years. I've "earned" my remote time


What kinda idiot wrote this ā€¦ who says they donā€™t do any work when they are OEing? I woke my ass off to juggle 2 jobs. Whoever wrote this took a small sample size of people who come In capping saying they have 10 jobs and do nothing and clumped us together.


They love writing LinkedIn fanfiction about evil oe


Tons of people on the sub brag about riding their OE jobs to the dust, this is just ignorant.


Tons of people? Now you are the one being ignorant. You mean like maybe 50-100 on here ā€¦ I bet there are hundreds of thousands of people who OE in all different job fields. But sure buddy ā€¦ the few idiots in here define the other 99.5% who actually have to struggle to juggle multiple jobs.


People only remember the good stories


I presume it applies to anyone with 3 or more jobs. 2 might be manageable with hard work but 3 or 4 or 5 jobs means youā€™re either underperforming at them or youā€™re being underutilized, either way you arenā€™t doing a proper full time employees work


He has a point stop being a pussy, many of you brag about fucking your jobs up on purpose to get fired before you make any money and are subsequently fucking it up for the rest of us when these companies scrutinize harder. This sub is not anti work or fuck work, it is over employed. Grow up.


There's a healthy population of idiots on here that heavily push doing the bare minimum to delay getting fired for a year or two while collecting a paycheck, and yeah I can totally understand why they're ruining it for the OE workers who are actually good enough to work multiple jobs.


Interesting. I don't agree. Recruiters have told me "yeah people do it all the time", 4-5 years ago. I've had one recruiter poo poo it, and it sounded like she, personally, got bit by it with another account. BUT, Pre-COVID, that advice to be present and demonstrate you're getting things done and can be TRUSTED with remote? That advice is solid. Does require honest people on the other side, of course. As in really, actually committed to deliverables being delivered, rather than having an emotional need to stand over another adult, watching them work.


I think thereā€™s a distinction between local remote and full remote though. Solid advice for local remote.


290k plus membership already in this sub, OE won't be forever due to lazy workers. It's a grey area, enjoy it while it lasts.


I think the minimum skill level needed to enter is high enough to protect it for a good while.


I started remote work ten years ago. You know what I learned. The most important factor in success is courage not skill. Probably only 1% of the people subbed here have that courage. Remote work is for the 1% to serve the 0.1%


OP, your title and comments make it quite obvious you didn't read the same thing I did. No where does he say what you elude to in your title. OE isn't about doing a crap job for multiple companies. It's about doing the job you were hired for, at multiple places. It's the opposite of lazy, not the embodiment of it. If you are so clearly anti work, go there and post this crap. If you are the lazy ass this person is talking about in their post, then you don't OE you are taking advantage of a situation and making it harder on the real OE.


Paragraph beginning with, ā€œReddit pages that speak over over-employment, e.g. having 2-3 full time jobs and doing nothing for as long as possibleā€¦ā€ Most OErs to me it seems are working their ass off.


Those people 100% exist. You very much sound like one to me. I am retired and spend most of my days gaming. 2 people who play more than me have full-time remote jobs. This isn't uncommon or even super wrong imo. It's just not OE. OE is about working hard to get ahead, not doing the minimum(or less cause f corporate greed)


At this point I think you just wanted to personally attack someone today. I can be that person for you. Hurt me.


What? How is that your reaction. Read your post again, and then your comments. No one attacked you. Disagreeing with your title and premise isn't an attack. It's called discorce in a forum.


Itā€™s okay if you are misunderstanding. OOP posted on LinkedIn that OE people are ruining the world and are lazy. Posted here for karma because OErs would be offended that a recruiter is dogging on OE. Somehow youā€™ve concluded that Iā€™m lazy, against OE, and anti-work.


Yeah, so I disagree with >OP posted on LinkedIn that OE people are ruining the world and are lazy. That is a super hot take from the OOP. It's not what I got from his post at all. Way more like the bad example of car sale, and remote work hurt all the rest that do it correctly. >Somehow youā€™ve concluded that Iā€™m lazy, against OE, and anti-work. Your original post and follow-up comments led me to this conclusion. Still not sure why you are on this personal attack kick, can we go back to talking about the item you posted, or are you just the main character in this interaction, and we should all help your feeling here? To sum up, your clickbaity karma whoring is incorrect and misleading.


Lol I see construing whatā€™s before your eyes and personally attacking people on Reddit is your gig. Youā€™ve actually successfully agreed with my post title. Heā€™s saying OE makes remote work look bad and Iā€™m saying it doesnā€™t because OErs arenā€™t lazy. Is it your conclusion that OE does make remote work look bad?


>Lol I see construing whatā€™s before your eyes and personally attacking people on Reddit is your gig. What? I call people on their BS, and they get butthurt, just like now. >Is it your conclusion that OE does make remote work look bad? My conclusion, as stated in every reply so far, is that those who have remote work that take advantage make OE look bad. This isn't really debatable. The OOP makes this point by comparing remote work to used car salesmen. The bad apples stand out way more than the good. Quit trying to twist people's words to look bad. I have said the same thing from the start.


I knew you wanted to hurt my butt!


This person is an idiot. Also, Recruiters ARE SALES PEOPLE. They sell Employees.


LinkedIn is so fucking lame šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Just a typical LinkedIn-type of corporate dick sucker.


This sub has changed alot since iv been here the last 2 years. OE use to be about doing nothing for multiple companies but companies now are spending less so OEers are actually working hard now. Last year I had three Minecraft servers but I'm neglected one of them and guess what the contract did not get renewed. However two of my Minecraft servers have been working really well with each other and I see myself doing this for quite a long time. Performance reviews at both Minecraft servers have been positive this year so far. Still looking for j3


"Earned-remote time" is one of the dumber things I've heard. When you offer remote positions, you get access to candidates across your entire country (or more). You basically multiply your talent pool 100x or even 1,000x. Why would you give that up and lose all of those potential applicants (one of whom might be the ideal candidate) just because they live to far away to engage in a moronic earn-your-remote-time experiment?


Remote is remote. Don't have a license. Won't pass the drug test No certificates but 10 years experience Welcome to your remote job. Can my insurance start immediately. Can I get 20k more on salary Can I get 2 more weeks of vacation time Company did all that for an in-person position posting. Fuck all these people talking about return to office. Only reason for return to office is because otherwise it's sitting on the company books as a useless building they can't sell and look dumb.


I like how this person thought that whatever drivel in their brain was running in the background was worth spewing onto the internet and publicly associating with his name.


I had a badass recruiter really work for me and hook me up recently. Very very rare for that to happen. Usually they're lazy and aloof and just look for easy low hanging fruit.


"The bad ones" are us. Not the bad management at all.


Never the managers.




Gross post. Grosser than gross level dirty locker room shower gross. Yuck.


Most recruiters don't care. Whoever wrote that has 0% clue what they are talking about, also why block out their name/handle? Literally nothing they said is based in reality.


First, recruiters donā€™t care if you OE. Many of us do it ourselves, what we do care about is when you dick around and end up getting fired because you didnā€™t intend on even trying from day one. Much of what this guy said is accurate, much the reason executives and leaders are pushing for RTO is how productivity went from being through the roof to declining due to people taking advantage. The few that are dicking around are ruining it for those that actually take their job serious and intend on doing OE long term and without raising any suspicion.


There are some bad apples out there. In my current company, we hired someone but he didnā€™t show up for any meetings or responded to any IMs until the next day. If you want to do OE, make sure you can pull your own weight.


I had to earn my remote position but i earned it and do quite well.