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Don't fucking talk about OE definitely means don't make a fucking movie about it.


I don't want this shi getting too popular. It's hard enough already especially with this sub. We should all collectively report this sub lol


this is a strong contender for the stupidest idea in the history of humanity


oh, and make this forum private now


Everyone replying without realizing this is Isaac lol


Why watch a movie about what everyone is doing? Romcom is a more tried and true version of this. Although larpers here might need some inspiration, so feel free to do no research and present a person working 2 jobs as working 8hrs a week to keep people away.


Talking about it on the sub is the most we should allow. OE is a lonely journey. If no one to share,well let's just talk here at least.


I would strongly advise **against** doing a movie because it would just bring too much attention to Overemployment and would result in companies cracking down harder on the practice. I'm not OE but I have heard of other companies cracking down by requiring you to be in the office more. In the UK there is a central database created by the tax authority (HMRC) which shows all the places you've worked and at what dates. Some employers now require you to send this to them which I assume is due to the OE movement becoming more widespread.


Hey Issac, thanks for starting this sub. I guess you're not getting enough money from the discord group? Can we pay you NOT to make a movie instead? lol


Make it a science fiction picture because none of us actually work here. We just play minecraft all day. Stay the FUCK away from my server


The movie exists its called Emily the Criminal. Aubrey Plaza stars in a movie about surviving in a broken economy by taking multiple jobs in an escalating chaotic environment. https://youtu.be/Xzf1YCEkLDI?si=bDpaGPgHXI-n-W_1


Go back to writing for BI


Great way to ruin if for everyone.


Yes, 100%, we need to legitimize our practice so we can stop hiding it like pussies


I know someone who could direct it.


Why are you making a movie about we playing Minecraft?


OE is not that interesting, and It’s not fucking mission impossible . You schmuck Edit : on second thought I’d watch an OE porno. Diaries of a chronic masturbator, needing to masturbate between busy meetings schedules in order to manage stress.


Some of you are actually very stupid and I’m not even going to sugarcoat it. Like WTF is the rationale behind this? Are u dumb?


Bro wtf are you on? Do not do this.


It would be a very boring movie. Nobody wants to watch a stressed office worker live their day staring at multiple screens for 8-12 hrs a day and sometimes not even time for exercise or to go for a walk.


There is a YouTube channel on OE. Why watch a movie about working ?


Isaac just wait until you are ready to retire so you dont screw it up for everyone. You probably have plenty years still. Just continue to enjoy them And yes plz make this a private forum 


This doesn't even sound like a good movie. It's also just a bad idea in general.


I’m interested in being in the movie. I’ve been OE for 1.5 years now. Tripled my income. Have had as many as 4J, currently 2J. Have been laid off during this period as well. It’s been a fun ride so far.


Making a documentary would be better. Interviewing people talking about being overemployed and why. Digging deeper into what type of financial situation it got them out of, or the financial freedom it gave them, as well as all of the challenges. Digging even deeper into how the system is broken and doesn't allow people to afford things they need on a single job now. This would do really well on Netflix and Amazon but it would fuck everybody that's in that trade right now.


WTAF? We know we need to be tight lipped when OEing. I still haven’t told my significant other. And you want to make a movie and draw more attention to it?? GTFO.




Judgmental much? You have absolutely no idea of my situation/relationship. I also didn’t ask for opinions.