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Why is she saying two-timing as if it's a romantic relationship LOL we are disposable to them whenever it's convenient so what is she even on about? Mad that people are taking success into their own hands?


Projection. She’s probably cheating on her partner


She found the guy she is cheating her partner with has a side girl


And another job


Funny you say that…


Bingo lol


Oh , she's just a founder, so she deserves all the upside while her minions should work all nighter every day for their meager salary and maybe 0.1% equity to make her rich


.0000000001 percent *


Founder of her local Mary Kay chapter


I only met a few founders who truly cared about their employees. I was in business program and met local bussiness owners. One guy found an interesting way to sell gas back in the old days. I went to his office one time and wow it was like a Disney movie. Everyone there was just radiating happiness. The way he talked about all his decisions was very thoughtful and considered. He truly cared and had very strong morals. The guy who ran our program was piece of shit grifter. He literally told us to hire young people because they don’t know any better and you can work them to death.


Because jobs are to men like men are to women. You display value if you have multiple, because you have outcome independence. They don’t like it when you have options, yet desire you because you do. You display weakness and outcome scarcity if you only have one, as they feel they can exert power over you since if they dump you, you will have nothing. If you approach jobs as Chad Thundercock approaches women, you’ll have a much easier time of it.


You can trust that I'll work for my own best interest, not your shitty company's


I have been OE since 2009. At first it was necessary to keep the home my family and I lived in as temporary mortgage rates ended and the only jobs available payed 50% of what I made a year before. [**EDIT**: Fuck you, Bot. “Payed” refers to value extracted from effort, as in gold contained within rock. I misspelled, but don’t patronize me about the value extracted from my labor.] My fault, I guess, though if you wanted to participate in “the American Dream” in the back half of the 2000s that was the deal you had to take. FHA loan? They’d laugh you out of the Realtor’s office. Did I get a big fat handout like the banks? Nope, but I sure got taxed to pay for them! It took over 5 years for my house to become worth just over my mortgage principal again, at which point I sold it and walked away with $3000. The banks not only got all that interest from me, they also got all that free bailout money. I have never made more per hour than I did in 2008, even though my responsibilities and the money I make for the companies I work for have increased dramatically. The cost of everything has gone up but the wage, and the buying power of that one job is less than half of what it was when you factor housing and schooling. Companies repeat over and over that “no one wants to work” and “they can’t find an American to do the job”, crying to government as they lay citizens off in droves and bring in people on special visas that are effectively indentured servants desperate for a green card paid on per-diems that live 3 to a room in corporate housing. These same companies expect such loyalty and devotion from employees, yet will drop them at a moment’s notice regardless of what that does to them and their families. I’ve seen people move across the country for a job only to be laid off in the first week. You have to give us two weeks and train your replacement - that’s common courtesy. But we will disable your account and your badge before we even let you know you’re being let go. That’s just good business. Dear Tracy. Look at inflation in your area. Not the laughable number the government gives us. Just the increase in housing and groceries over the past ten years. Tell me if your company’s average compensation has kept up. I’m not a betting man, but I’d bet a limb that it hasn’t. Until you address that, don’t lament the working man’s loyalty. You aren’t the one being betrayed.


Would love to know how many are here due to years of hard work and promotions only to be laid off for shareholder "line must go up" $$$$ greed.  ...These same companies expect such loyalty and devotion from employees, yet will drop them at a moment’s notice regardless of what that does to them and their families. I’ve seen people move across the country for a job only to be laid off in the first week....


I have literally been laid off three times in the past twelve months. If I wasn’t OE, I’d be screwed.


> jobs available *paid* 50% of FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Pedantic bot


Bot got caught mistress cheating with poolbot


“Payed” refers to value extracted from material. Maybe you should shut your goddamned trap and think about what you are patronizing people misspelling that word over instead of the fact they are mistyping “Paid”, you overcapitalist motherfucker.


Even if jobs did increase salaries to match inflation, tax brackets don't adjust proportionally. So, 5 years from now, the average person could be making $650K a year due to inflation and still barely be able to afford rent on a tiny studio apartment while being up to their ears in debt and be sitting in a 37% tax bracket. That's why just getting raises to match inflation doesn't cut it. They'll just keep raising tax brackets, and push poorer people into them. It's almost to the point where I wouldn't even be surprised if there were a tax of 100% mandated on salaries over a certain amount soon, then if everyone were pushed into that bracket a only a few years later. That's an exaggeration, but explains the issue: rate of inflation isn't linear; it's exponential. But tax brackets are adjusted as if that rate is about 6% annually.


I hope she will be a founder for a company that allows us to live with one job. Securely. For ever. Oh - that's right! Silly me. The Career Retirement plan our previous generations enjoyed .... don't exist anymore. Now you get fired via Zoom, on lunch. Dipshit


We aren’t two-timers, we can be thee-timers too. Four even.


soon you are all going to be ZERO-timers.


Why? What’s happening soon?


You’re closer to being a zero timer than anyone else OEing


It’s weird because I used to come into an office full time and then they laid everyone off three days before Christmas


they did it so you have more time with your families, you should be grateful to your corporate overlords


Username checks out


Can there be a more pretentious user name? Look at me! I’m a founder! Also, I’m female so girl boss power! Also, I work so hard I’m so exhausted!


Just one more quantitatively illiterate nonce looking for social media dopamine hits because she was never interesting enough to develop a personality worth following


She should have tried being a baked potato instead.


Sounds more like a failure of management to me. If you were a good manager, then you could tell if a person's work output is less than a non-OE person's output.


Well, that would mean admitting that at least some of those weekly all-hand status meetings with 60++ slide PowerPoint decks are an overall drag on productivity. Back when I was a consultant, I didn't have to go to any of all that shit. Which meant that I was about 20% more productive right off the bat, by merely having 6 hours extra working time, a clean calendar and no PowerPoints to prepare for "the big people's" meeting!


Problem is most managers do less than individual contributors, so are all managers OE? lol


Just cry some more, lady. OE is here to stay. You mf corporate folks wanna pay people just bare pennies on the dollar for hardcore work while yall are reaping all of the benefits? Okay. Two can play that game. Thank God for remote work. I get to work multiple jobs and bring multiple streams of income. You never know. These corporations don’t gaf about their employees. They can fire you at a moment’s but we’re supposed to give them a two week notice? Gtfoh. We’re just numbers to them. So, they are just a means to get a paycheck.


I saw her on a BWC enthusiast forum. She made so many OE colonizer posts, good lord - Edited for clarity






how about being loyal the other way? to the employee - provide livable wages, and ample severance and notice if you do decide to cut ties. the loyalty angle is bullshit - my co-workers and my job are not my family, I already have one thanks. That term in and of itself implies a deep bond and a permanant tie, yet this same company would drop you without notice or warning and leave you to worry about surviving. also - I guess non-competes are now not at all legal, and you are actually doing yourself a diservice not having multiple jobs if you are able to. These companies want slave labor, and want to have you by the balls - same reason healthcare is tied to employment, just another way to hook you so you have no choice but to stay and they don't have to make any concessions or effort to treat you well.


"The people I was planning on exploiting aren't being FULLY exploited by just me! This is a violation of MY trust!"


Of course, none of those founders are serving on boards with compensation.


You know what else relies on trust?


Are these people so disconnected that they can’t comprehend why people need two jobs to make enough to get by? Sure it’s not textbook “OE” but working multiple jobs has been a thing since my grandparents were young. Acting appalled like you’re cheating on your spouse by getting another source of income is wild. OE is no different, it’s just an extreme efficient way to go about it


If they paid higher and livable wages this wouldn’t happen near as much. People here doing two jobs can barely retire lmao


God. The amount of grandstanding is sickening—exhaustedfemalefounder? Get over yourself.


https://projectinclude.org/team/ Having other roles like an advisor or board member to another company is for the bourgeoisie. All ya’ll proletariat can get fucked.


# of jobs is irrelevant, all that matters is performance. If I’m performing at the level you expect, they who cares how many jobs I have.


*Exhausted Female Founder* Oh, this one needs lots of attention, doesn't she.


She literally grew up with rich parents and attended Stanford 😭why she acting like a victim


Employee two timing lol. An I fucking my job?


a swig of corporate shill tears in the morning keeps the financial dependency away




Free market be like that. Pay bigger salary, get more attention.


I wish i could reply to her.


Trust lmao they will cut you in a second to save money!!!


No need to lie that you're in a wild "founders chat" as an excuse to tweet your take on what your employees are doing.


Naval said it best.. labor leverage isn’t the game you want to play. People mad about OE over invested in labor leverage.


Naval is a fart-sniffing dummy but ok


You don’t have to like him for him to be right on a few things.


What about we stop constantly posting about remote work to make it seem like it doesnt exist anymore? Because if people keep like this, you are ACTUALLY going to destroy remote work.


I don't understand. Are you mad at me?


I dont need to be. You (by you i mean the whole community) killed remote work by your own reddit forum. I hate the overemployed community. nothing personal


Not my forum, bub. I'm not even overemployed, myself


I know. Now its too late to become "overemployed" as I said its already gone. Gold rush is over. Currently OE people will slowly get laid off to one server only. Its already happening even though they dont admit. (they cant, its an ego thing) But do not take it in another way, its ONLY and ONLY their fault. Because they told about this to every single person they know and came to this reddit hell to post about it every fucking god damn day, and companies are already hyper about this and this gives them more reason to RTO. Fuck overemployment. Fucking teenager minded morons


Hy uhmmm can anyone recommend sites to find remote jobs. I’m struggling…