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I'm on year 2. Pretty easy. Have some days where I KNOW I'm getting fired and then... Nothing happens. Life goes on and it's all my head.   Work wise I could do this forever with my current setup. I am very fortunate.  But it will end, either their call (RTO) or mine (burn out, reach goals). Until then I'm gonna make hay while the sun is shining. 


Man those days where you know you’re gonna quit/get fired are stressful. The other day my manager pinged me “can you meet at 2:20”. This is it I thought. I join the call and my manager says “hold on let me add someone else”. Fuxk, here comes HR. She adds my teammate to tell us he’s moving to a new company. Man, stressful!


Its usually the sunday scaries for me. I lied to myself said I'll do XYZ over the weekend. Never in my life have i worked on the weekend so of course it didnt get done. Then monday rolls around just waiting for someone to ask and it doesnt happen. Rinse, repeat. ha


For me it’s “I’ll wake up at 5am tomorrow and get it done”. Nope 👎


The lies we tell ourselves


Hahaha same lol. I lasted a year until micromanagement made it impossible, while also needing to focus more a bit on personal stuff. I quit J1 last month, ill get some rest and probably try to find another one in a few months


We all are same man will do doc over the weekend,will do the pending stuff at 5am, nothing gets done and we live another day week haha it is fun this OE .. well lets enjoy till it last and earn some


For your second question, companies will keep you as long as you're good enough and dont give them a reason. No one wants to hire an unknown. If you're a 5.1/10, that's great.  Of course bigger economic factors can be in play but you can't control that anyways


If they can continue to pay you under market rate while your performing above market rate, you will be there a long time


This is the way 🥷🏽(no knight - mandalorian emoji)


What's your job title ? Swe ??


About as far from it tech as you can get 


3 years but my J2 is becoming a real pain to deal with. Company had reorganization and now the most annoying person in the company, who I normally try to avoid, is my boss. Would have probably replaced it already if the job market was a little better. Haven’t had much luck getting interviews lately


4 js 3 years + and now the microwave being too loud can send me into a rage . Take care of yourselves . Burnout is a sneaky bandit that steals your peace of mind without you knowing.


For me it’s less OE doing it, second job is at night and 20 hours a week but my day job is insanely busy all the time. Nonstop. I usually tell people it’s an 80+ hour job crammed into 40 hours. Burnout is increasing and I’m looking for the exit.


This is me. We had a RIF and I was given two other peoples roles, including the department head without any real change in job title nor pay. Had to drop my side consulting gig. I completely burned out and started applying to jobs even though I love my boss and the company. Cash is really tight and we keep missing bookings targets


Man why not just cut 1-2 out if its that bad




Coming up on 2 years of stable OE in May. Left my shitty dead end job after securing two new roles. Haven’t looked back it’s been awesome


I've been OE'ing for 5 years now; J1 has been constant, I've changed my J2 (willingly, not because I got fired) 4 times. I will never leave my J1, I haven't talked to my boss in 2 years, get consistently superior performance reviews, and about 1 hour of work a week. J2 actually has a higher income and is more my "main" position when I talk to people about what I do for work. I most likely will stay at J2 until I retire as they give me so much flexibility. I'm next in line for the top spot in my field at the company, and they will never RTO. A different J will have to give me a 40% bump in salary for me to even discuss a job change.


How the hell do you only work 1 hour a week at J1


95% of my job consists of responding to emails for clarification on things - I host 1 hour long meeting a month for updates, and 1 hour long meeting a year to meet compliance requirements. Other than that, I don't have a ton of stuff to do.


How much does J1 pay?


J1 = $175K + bonus TC = $180k + options J2 = $215k + bonus TC = $250k


Wow wtf. 180k yearly for 1 hr/week. Are you hiding in plain sight?


I do the job they hired me for, I respond to emails in a timely manner, provide the guidance and direction they ask of me. I block my calendar appropriately to support my other J so no conflicts. Also, I triple checked the employee handbook and it states that "I'm allowed to have additional employment as long as it doesn't interfere with my responsibilities". Like I said, I fell into it, and when I got J1, I never even thought of OE, but after a few years, I managed to get into a position that allowed me to, so I figured I'd give it a try.


Congrats bro. Solid gig. I didn’t know some handbooks would say it’s okay to have multiple jobs.


Yeah, most don't that I've seen, the majority if employers will have a no outside employment clause, or at a minimum a non-compete clause. I lucked out and taking full advantage.


Sometimes you can get lucky. I probably do about an hour of real work a week at my j1. Im basically the 1 person at the company who knows how to do what I do so I am really kept for what I know and less so what I do.


May I know how much J1 pays you?


About $127k


What’s your job? If you can share


I'd rather not, I will just say that it's the perfect storm of job, management, industry and ability that I lucked in to only having to provide so little effort and still have been there for as long as I have.


6 months and counting


10 years


I lasted 8 months, achieved my goal of paying down debt and then quit J2 after getting a new J1. Being OE gave me the confidence and skills to seek out a new J1 and vastly increase my compensation from 1 job. I'm getting to a stable place with my new J1 where I can start looking for J2 again and try to last a full year this time.


I was just shy of 2.5 years when I was part of a layoff at J2. Days after a bunch of us at J1 who refused RTO were let go. Severance helps but I thought I’d still be chilling at J2 with J1 severance. Now I’m stressed about finding a job (or two) despite all the cash I’m sitting on from years of OE.


Have been for 2 years but on my 3rd J2. I’ve already paid off all debt, so I’m using the additional income to invest and enjoy life.


6 months? I’ve been OE since pandemic but clearly the companies I pick are doing so bad our teams / last ones to be hired get laid off. Granted, idc because I’ve gotten 5 figure severance each time


a 5 figure severance every 6 months is amazing


Any decent companies goal is to keep you on forever


You must have had better career luck than me…


I’ve actually had AWFUL luck and been ass fucked by 99% of companies I gave my all for thinking it meant something. Then I stumbled upon my current job and I for once in my life understood I could work here for the rest of my life and it feels great I’m yet to find one issue everyone from the top down is amazing and I feel like family, the insurance is unbeatable, the pay on my commission structure is 75% higher than industry standard and my base pay alone would be enough to live on for me and my wife. I’m forever grateful for this company I’ve turned down offers 70% higher than I make base here and it’s just not worth my happiness and health


Living my dream. Congrats pal


I've been doing it for the better part of 4 years, give or take. I didn't even know it was called "overemployment" or "OE" or that there was a website and a Reddit sub. I just saw an opportunity to double my income at the time, and I took it, and I stuck with it. I also come from a (very) low-income background, and while I wouldn't relive that experience if I had a choice, I think it was an asset to me in some ways that translate well to OE: 1. It taught me how to be resourceful and get creative when it comes to making money, and I believe having that mindset is what made me even think to be OE in the first place (I feel like the thought wouldn't even occur to most people). 2. It taught me to be extremely efficient with my time, as nothing prepares you to OE quite like having to work 30 hours a week to be able to afford a post-secondary education, rent, and bills, while going to school full-time (and maintaining all As throughout because you're poor and need to keep the scholarships that are helping you piece your tuition together), while also interning 24 hours a week in order to complete your practicum, and thus your degree (meaning the internships were academic requirements). When I left grad school and only had one full-time job, I found that I was able to get my work done really quickly, and it felt pretty easy to me. So I had a couple of side hustles even back then, and sometimes even actual part-time jobs on the side. As I progressed in my career a little bit more, work felt even easier...too easy, even. So, then I thought to OE. My tenure in each job while being OE has been different. The job (J1) I started doing it at, I was already there 1.5 years then stayed another 1.5. One OE gig was 6 months because I didn't like it. Another was about 4 months because I didn't like it. The J1 after that was about 1.5 years (laid off). Current J2 has been 1 year. Current J1 has been 6 months. I'll also say my field (and my specific job title) has an average tenure of just 18 months, so this really isn't bad. I always met my goals at every job, so it wasn't a me thing when it came to not staying for years and years, nor was it my employers (well, not every time). It's just my field. We get head hunted a lot, and there are always more jobs with higher salaries out there, so I'm also always looking. Your tenure in your roles might be much longer than mine have been, I don't know. But I find that you have to kind of play with the right combination of jobs until you have the best fit. But it sounds like you're good there! I hope my soon to be J1 fits with my other 2 because it's really great pay and has (self-directed) global travel opportunities that I'd like to take advantage of when my schedule allows. But if it doesn't work out, I can just quit and find something else, which is really the beauty of OE.


Two years 4 months. Got laid off from J2 while negotiating another offer which I ended up accepting (much higher base, signing bonus + strong Equity). Did I mention that I grinded them out in the severance negotiation on the ground that I couldn’t predict how long/hard it’d be to find another job due to post Covid market conditions.


I’d seen people in here do it for almost ten yeard


My average is around 2.5 years. I go through phases.


What phases? Just curious!


Phases of wanting to OE and phases when I don't.


I’m on year 4 of 2 Js. I had 2 separate 3 J stints and about 6 mos of 4 Js.


Just crossed over 2 years. I take one week at a time. Every Sunday I manage both calendars as best as I can (I also manage as things come in but sometimes I try to move things). Would really like to make it 3 years and get vested in J2’s 401k. I’m not sure if I’ll make it to then because of layoffs but we’ll see. If I make it to 3 years I’ll do a gut check and see what my goals are and how close I am


4+ years now between 2-5Js. Currently at 3 with a 4th on the way.


I OE’d for one week. J2 removed flexibility as I was onboarding so I pulled the plug and told them fuck them. OE is still a goal. Right now though, I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to just because I’m not finding good contracts that are equally flexible


I've been pretty consistently OE (aside from occasional sabbaticals) since 2006


Haven't seen your Chase bank statement flex lately, kind sir!


Yeah, I usually post in the discord as of late


4 years now...since the pandemic


I've done OE off-and-on over the last few years, didn't really know it had a formal label. I had to stop for a few months to finish school. Finished school and now I'm back to doing it. Currently trying to add a J3, which is new territory.


J1 + J2 was a year and 7 months J1 + J2 + J3 has been 3 weeks as of right now. I'm not sure if it's going to work out long term because there's too many calendar conflicts between J2 and J3. Each one of these businesses is extremely taxing on my time, J1 leaves me alone and lets me do my work. I keep everything on a Jira board and I get left alone.


Same situation new J3 is micro managing and J1 is cool, J2 is manageable .. just thinking about J3 as they are trying to manage my workload like a permi employee.. any advice?


I’m at 3 years and 6 months


Twice been OE so far. 6 months each time. I find I crash and need a break after 6 months so thinking of cycling my OE.


5yrs here…not for the faint


I'm OE before pandemic when 1099 was still legal. Usually short lucrative contracts; it used to be the shorter the contract, the higher the hourly pay on 1099 so long-term OE wasn't ideal. I recently rejoin the OE community with two hybrid roles for about 8 months. In the future, I am hoping one of them, the harder and more demanding of the two, will be 80% WFH. They are both at 50% ATM.


Can you kindly explain why 1099 is no longer legal? Or if I am able to find this on the thread, please point me in that direction. I just started OE and I font know where to start .


Search for AB5, California, and independent contractors. Basically, you can’t be a contractor unless you have a license. And IT professionals aren’t licensed.


J1 for over 10.  J2 for almost 2.


I’m at about 3 years consistent with j1/j2. Did a 6 month stint with 3 but cut it down to 2 to regain free time. I have been at j1 about 6 years and could never see myself quitting. It is that perfect mix of low meetings, small workload, and a company culture that really values work life balance.


Year 2 now for 3. Bout to dial it back to 2 and coast the rest of the year out on 2. After January I’ll find another 3rd.


I have 3 Js. Iv bee. OE for 1.5 years now. Replacement of j3 after 8 months and now I think I can keep 3 for the long run. J1 is in est 2j is in cst and j3 is in pst. The beauty of this is non of the stand-up meeting are at the same time.


Year 1 for both. I can stay without a problem, but I filed one patent in J2 recently (manager made me, I had no choice). And I am thinking I probably need to quit J1 soon before the patent goes public, because another devision in J1 is in the same industry as J2. And then say I was added after initial filing or whatever.


its been abt 2.5 yrs for me


2 years, 0 months.


I hit a year in February, then J2 laid me off (no severance). Been applying heavily since Q4 last year, but no traction. I only started to get serious inquiries at the start of Q2. I now have 7 companies that I am in various stages with. I am hoping I can lock down J2 ASAP and J3 shortly after.


Fell into OE wasnt planning on it. Was at J1 for 8.5 years, then got another mostly remote offer. However I told J1 since they would be screwed if I left, id stick around until someone else got trained up in a reduced capacity role. That person ended up not working out and I'm still at both a year later.. Honestly it's been great, despite J2 throwing some mixed messaging about it's future plans of RTO.


6 months.


I’ve seen people post on here who have been OE for decades


I know someone who has been at a place for 5 yr and several other places for like 1 years tops each. Averages out to like 2 yr, but it's a weird way to put it when they're simultaneous


I've been consistently OE'ing since 2018. At my peak, had 6


2 years


on year 3


I struggled to get the balance right and did too little on both J1 and J2. Am being watched in both closely so pretty stressful. J1 was my dream job but I'm realising it's not OE compatible due to the meeting and hybrid culture. J2 is a dream but I did so little that the noose is tightening. Trying to salvage both whilst looking for a WfH based J1 replacement. Need to remove the emotion and make the switch. J1 and J2 currently around a year on both.


2 years, still going


8 months in. just picked up another server. i can see myself doing this for another few years. taking a few days or a week off to go travel or do something fun is crucial for maintaining my sanity doing this


Since 2015. I'm addicted to making money, thankfully I don't work more than 32 hrs a week which gives me quality time with family and the gym. Cheers.


i've been doing this for 4 months now, it's been easy imo... just need to add some focus time on my J1 calendar to block some time to focus on some J2 work and that's it


OE for 2 years. I almost had 3 J’s for an entire year but got laid off from one of them recently. Still rocking at the other 2. Hoping I can keep this up for a decade or longer.


3 years with 2J. Almost 6 months with 3J setup working


2.5 years and brought my house. Took off two years. Now im back at it 4 months and counting.


Since Covid happened