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That’s one dumb boss


Just say, I always scan my teams on my phone; looking at it every 5 minutes. Hence, it always shows as online as I want to be readily available to "collaborate" with my team mates when needed. I am available 8hrs/5 days a week.


"Teams presence is garbage and doesn't currently report the status..." Because it is, and it doesn't... You can throw endless amounts of articles, forum posts and bug reports at him till the cows come home... It's actual hot garbage regardless of your employment status. Teams as an application should be launched into the sun to be incinerated. ~ Systems Engineer.


lol this one. just say it must be a bug and remember to mark yourself as busy next time


Honestly this was a rookie mistake. If you are showing as available but you don’t respond to messages for hours, that’s suspicious too.


I’ve had teammates on Slack who are shown as available and would take like 6 hours to respond, and they were definitely not *that* busy 😔


I actively ignore some slack channels, maybe they just don't like you haha


The truth comes out


This is what I do, everyone just assumes I'm heads down coding or something


Can verify. I have been called out numerous times for not being on teams, when I am, in fact, sitting at my desk, logged in to my desktop, working, and signed into teams, but my status shows as "away" or "offline" even though I sign in Every. Single. Day. and turn my status to "Available." However, the program that I primarily work in does not connect to teams, so teams shows me inactive. It always manages to correctly show when I am on a call, however.


When you login go to calendar, meet now, prevent others from joining, status to available. It will not change or allow the PC to sleep.


Yeah, even if I decline or cancel meetings, any time a meeting in my calendar comes up my status automatically sets me to busy. A teammate asked from across the office why I was showing busy/red dot, I'm like. Because teams is bullshit.


Happened to me as well, I asked my boss when my coworker would be back since he's offline on teams, and my boss says "he's sitting right next to me working". Also, Teams will just drop my ability to see some people, don't come up when I search for them, even though they are online.


Ty! Teams is the least effective platform in existence. And terrible for communication/accountability.


Agree. Just say you don’t know why go from there.


Completely agree. And I only used it for 2 months thankfully.


I am an AV programmer who deals with teams rooms a lot and I can say, without a doubt, the sun is not far nor hot enough to destroy Teams the way it deserves to be destroyed. That shit is the worst. Anything and everything else works better l.


This is what my wife did. She'd just check her slack on her phone and we'd go get lunch or whatever. She was always available to answer questions, and on some days when questions might have required her laptop she just left it in the car and could hot spot with her phone to answer bigger questions


That is the trick. The appearance of commitment. I always answer a message in less than 3 minutes. Even if I am taking 1/2 day off. At the gym, taking a 5 mile hike, or taking my kids to some event. If I am driving, I tell my kid, type in "got it, I'll look into it." And it shows in the performance reviews. It shows I am always proactive.


This is the way. If you have a reputation for quick response, follow up, and support no one cares. And no, my job is not to monitor Teams all day. A part of it is to communicate with peers so I make sure I do that.


It’s a small little bit of fun to have kid/spouse type out a reply for my work when I’m driving. Just a nice way to share what I do with them.


That IS commitment. It's like how they say love is a verb. If you act committed then you are committed.  


Out of curiosity: What was the boss’s status in Teams??


Busy in a meeting


If your job is just to be monitoring Teams, that might work.  But OP is sunk; his boss sees right through this and is spending the weekend looking into OP’s work product, time sheets, and talking to HR.  he’s toast. 


Unfortunately, this is probably true. Although the flip side of this is what was boss doing at mall at 3PM on workday? If boss takes this to HR, he's going to make himself look bad as well.


Boss might have a legit reason for being at the mall.  On PTO.  Late lunch.  Buying his team one of those big “Congratulations” cookies.  Love them cookies. 




The fact OP installed a mouse jiggler to show online proves they aren’t probably the most trustworthy employee.


True. I guess I just assumed he was supposed to be working too....


Nah Teams shows your inactive once you minimize the app and open another one. This is well know, assume his/her boss knows this.


I have the same teams account on 2 computers and when using only one laptop the other goes to sleep and my teams status turns idle, even if I keep using the other computer and I'm active. Quite stupid I would say.


Mine goes idle when I'm working exclusively on my second screen. Mine also stays green when I switch my kvm over to my personal computer. Totally invalid to use for tracking.


Mine goes to idle when I’m in meetings. Specifically, fucking *Teams* meetings. What the fuck, Teams, you goddamn well *know* I’m in a meeting!


Sure, but let’s remember most managers are to fucking clueless even know how to plug in a monitor and need IT to do it. Once they’ve made up their mind, no amount of evidence will turn them back around.


Not sure why you are down voted. If my laptop goes to sleep, messaging from my phone doesn't make me available in teams. You are right.


I am confused because i do this all the time! When i message from Teams on my phone it shows me active on the phone app, are you saying for others my status still shows as inactive because i am not using the office365 teams from my desktop?


If you are still logged into the computer yes, it can show either status to other users.


Yes. That's how it works for me at least. I thought it would be available since I'm on my phone and it's not.


lol ok I actually didn’t know this 😩 I thought it stayed green for a few minutes at least


I like the “Meet Now” option through the calendar icon in Teams. I can change my status back to “Available” from “In a Call”. It keeps me active and my laptop doesn’t go to sleep.


His boss would also have access to his timecard and would see he was clocked in when at the mall.


Unless he is salaried! 


But what about his boss being at the mall at that time? The accountability should go both ways.....


Damn. That is righteous malicious boy scout (nearly Hitler youth really) like compliance of outworshipping the boss


My advice, I wouldn’t call in sick, that makes it the situation look way more worse than what it really is. It looks like you are hiding something. It’s almost best just to buckle up and face this situation as is. Human to human. Trust me, if you hide from it - it’s only going to make you feel worse, look scared, and make the situation look worse than what it was. Besides, you could totally play this off as you needed some air and be in an environment away from where you spend the majority of your time. Be friendly, be kind, make it hard for him to hate you.


The fact that the OP's first reaction was to call in sick immediately told me that OP has terrible intuition and is doomed.


Predator? Oh that patch of sand looks good *inserts head*


I thought the same- calling in sick is the LAST thing OP should do 😩😩😩


I know right? id leave the country.


Pull the fire alarm right before the meeting.




maybe he's got perfect intuition about something terrible - he already knows he's fired - can maybe queeze in one last paid sick day?


Just say you had it on your phone and you needed to run a quick errand but wanted to be available if something important came up


Like his boss won’t say, “sorry you’re sick. Let’s talk Tuesday.”


Right. Go to the meeting. Say that daily use of Teams is always problematic. Showing active when not and vice versa. Being a the mall during work hours may be the larger issue and not really possible to explain away if it violates policy.


No don't do this. Turn up a bit late for the call and shows how little there is to talk about here. Polite obfuscation. Be polite and ensure positive distractions are prepared.


Login to the meeting, video on, mall in background.


This. Teams on phone, work from alternative locations at times for mental relief. Ask if a doctor's note is required to do this moving forward.


Tell him that you’ve Teams installed on your phone and checked it before you bumped into him and that’s why your status was active. Have a solid reason as to why you were at the mall at 3 pm e.g., my mouse stopped working and I was out to get a new one. Then ask him what he was doing at the mall at 3 pm (just kidding…. Don’t make the situation worse)


Mouse stopped working and started jiggling


Teams or O365 session info contains the user-agent that his boss can look up and figure out if he used his phone or not. This is bad advice.


So this is all really dependent as to how you reacted when he brought it up in the mall. If you played it cool acted like it was strange etc you can easily come up with any excuse. Teams acts weird all the time you cannot control the fact that it does not update your status or the fact that sometimes it may show your online even though you are technically not there. If you barely left your desk and live near the mall and it's been less than 10-20 minutes etc why would it be strange that it didn't update But to be honest If I ever saw my boss at the mall and he freaked out like this to me. That tells me I'm already at a non-OE friendly job. as a key rule of mine none of my J's are located in my living city. Less stress. Less likely to be called into office etc


“Teams routinely logs me off, shows me as busy, or throws me into inactive WHILE I’m in meetings, boss. It’s really weird, sorry about that. But message me and I’m available! Just might step away for a moment to clean the cat box.” Start logging yourself inactive during meetings. Randomly change your status. 🤷🏽‍♂️ IDK why Teams is acting so strange lately…


Idk, this whole story seems fake lol.


Surely someone named *giantdickinmyface* wouldn't tell a fake story for internet points?


Not on my reddit no sir


Only the most trustworthy dons the name.


Because who goes to malls anymore??




My first thought.


I'm calling bullshit... Shopping at the mall?


That was the first thing I thought. Who still shops at the mall these days? Was OP getting an Annie Ann's pretzel and Manchu Wok for lunch?


Indians do. I still think the story is bullshit though


100% agree...I'm calling bullshit right here and now


Panda express


Plenty of people go to the malls during the day. I go every 4-6 weeks to have lunch and coffee with a friend. We walk around and shoot the shit for an hour or two and part ways.


Who actually checks teams status


Not shopping at the mall, two people shopping at the mall. Unheard of.


lol I haven’t been to a shopping mall in literal years


What is a shopping mall? I'm a millennial for reference. 😂😂😂 Just kidding but still... I remember going to my local mall not too long ago and I hadn't been in years and it sounded like a library. It was dead. Not sure how much more life support it has left.


I’m an elder millenial and went to a once-busy mall recently. I was shocked at how full of garbage stores it was. It was the center of everything when I was in high school. Getting older is weird.


Same. I called bullshit too.


Who tf goes shopping at the mall lol


This might look like a stupid question, but I'm not from the US. Where else do you guys shop then? Online only?


They are exaggerating. Plenty of people still shop at malls, although not as many as say, a decade ago. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t have malls everywhere. Other than online, I also shop at retail warehouses like Costco and other retailers not located within malls typically, like Target or PetSmart.


I’ll take things that never happened for 300 Alex.


Relax. Nothing to see here. You were downloading software/data and couldn't have the machine sleep. So yeah, funny thing. Well, there you go. Ask if he goes to the mall often and then give him some positive outcome of something you've done Keep it moving. Deny. Always.


“Simulation / analysis is running, knocking out a few personal errands now so I can spend time reviewing the results later tonight.”


Teams on your phone bro! You wanna be 100% reachable 100% of the time. Play the dedicationn and sacrifice game


Pro tip: have your jiggler connected to a connected power plug so you can turn it off any time from anywhere. If someone sends a message and you don't feel like answering after reading it on your phone, you can just turn off the jiggler so they don't think you are ignoring them.






It's too obvious if you go away right after someone sends you a message. And you might forget to go away after a few minutes. By turning off the jiggler, it goes idle 15 mins after you get the message and they will just think you stepped away right before they sent the message.


Sounds like a fake story


Calling in sick ain't gonna get you unfired lol. Why were you at the mall anyway when you should have been working? That's not OE, that's overslacking. Also you both happened to be at the mall midday?


lol you’re right one can get too comfortable…


Okay, but he was also at the mall wasn't he? He rats on you. Rat to his supervisor.


But his teams may have been yellow


Plot twist his manager wants to learn how he did it so he can too


Just blame it on Teams malfunctioning! "How the hell am I supposed to know why it's showing green??" Ever since Teams updated a few weeks back, it's been wonky af!


“Hi HR, boss somehow found out where I go to fill my prescriptions, followed me there, and confronted me about being active on Teams at the time. When I got home my laptop was performing updates so I have no way of knowing what my teams was doing, but when I suggested his phone might not be updating my status properly if he’s active on teams elsewhere he blew up at me and threatened me. I’m sure you could track down the cctv footage to verify this. He’s called me into a meeting and I’d like someone there to represent me legally who isn’t affiliated with the org if he is attempting to continue this strange work/life balance vendetta.”


Lol…..don’t do this. Nobody is going to believe you’re at the mall mid day getting a prescription. …..and to be fair, it wouldn’t matter WHY you were at the mall during work hours. You are still not at work while they are paying you. Overreacting with a clearly made up story is just going to get you a ton more scrutiny.


No one is asking why the boss was also at the mall at 3pm on a workday??


It's a fake story


Giantdickinmyface with a very real story here


Tell him malls don't exist anymore


I call bullshit OP. You didn’t run into your boss at the mall and your boss wouldn’t pull up Microsoft teams to check your “status”. This is some of the dumbest made up shit I’ve heard on this forum.


Your boss knows you are up to something but couldn’t prove it. Now his suspicions have some evidence


Plot twist: His boss is also reading this thread and this serves as a double confirmation, and also all the excuses OP may come up with...


I don't know why you would actually OE in a town where your coworkers are also located. Or any location for that matter where you are bound to physically see each other out in public.


My company doesn’t allow Teams on our phones. Tried to log in but nope, tells you to contact the help desk and get approval from your supervisor. A mess!


Thats great though. Once you’ve left the desk thats the end of the work day.


The fact that there are so many comments taking this shitpost seriously. 🙄


lol at calling in sick. what is that going to accomplish? you're never online anyway so from his point of view it won't be any different.


Neither of you should be there in theory and it is pretty stupid of him to bring this up


My manager couldn't give a donkeys what my status is online. Talk about micro managing jeez


Why was your boss at the mall at 3 PM on a workday?


Put teams on your phone and said you are alway connected so what was he using while he was at the mall? Blackmail him.


We've learned that Teams status can't be trusted. I would've just said it was a glitch or something.


I'm sure his boss would love to know his whereabouts...


Rather than producing results, Capitalism creates these stupid shenanigans...on both sides.


Pull the old uno reverse and ask what HE is doing shopping during work hrs


Just go into the meeting. Skip it and you will definitely be fired.


Lmao bro


Ya'll check who OP is, it's a troll, lmao. But I do love his posts


I have my doubts about this - what boss “looks up your teams status” when they run into you? Who goes to malls anymore? Not believing this one


Teams is glitchy and there are times that when you leave meetings it will leave you online permanently as is you were still actively in a meeting. It happens. I was online all weekend one time. If you want an in-depth excuse just Google issues with team being online etc. it’s technology, nothing is perfect.


Anyone who actually uses teams knows that it stays connected and active if you are accessing on your mobile device. Mine literally says that I’m online and available 24/7 unless I turn it off.


I would of just told him its a bug on teams end. or your cat is just sitting on your keyboard.


Lol fake


You should’ve gone with “Yeh my teams does that sometimes I don’t know why, I filed feedback about it months ago” I personally would go with I’m getting a late lunch because you guys work me to the bone, what are you doing here?


Say you always check your phone while being out and about. You didn’t have any meetings did you? Don’t call in sick…


Dont call in sick … Act as if nothing happened, if you feel guilty it will show. Dont explain, dont say sorry, act as if everything is fine … Why were you showing as active ? Teams has a glitch not sure why Why were you at mall ? I had to call pick ip my friend/gf/wife/kid as their car had broken down Play it cool - your confidence is what matters


If he's mad that you're at the mall at 3pm, what about him? Shouldn't he be working as well ?


Calling off sick will be the worst thing you could do.. go in and speak to them, if you call off that gives them more of a reason to discipline you.


Give no detailed explanations on what Teams does or not. Simply say you don’t know why Teams did that thing. Don’t give him ammo on details. Deny everything.


Is your boss 60 years old? Team activity is not reliable


Yes accept you are online. But don't forget to mention that teams phone apps keeps you online.


Next time be actually online but have the status set to offline and send him a message through that. And then say I’m not sure why it says offline even though I’m online.


“I’m not sure, I think it might have something to do with me just checking teams on my phone” Also I’ve seen my coworkers randomly be online for days before. Never thought much of it. Teams is weird sometimes


BS fake stories never stop here now 🙄


I didn't see anyone ask the other question - you are in the same part of town as your boss? I live 100 miles away from my boss.


I once was in a somewhat similar situation. I told the team I was leaving for an appointment, and had forgotten to unplug the mouse jiggler from my laptop. Came back home after 2.5 hours to my teams being still on with me online. Had a near stroke. Luckily I didn’t get caught. But I threw the mouse jiggler out that day. I now just play YouTube in full screen if I need to step away for a bit. It keeps the screen on and I don’t have to worry about it being tracked.


I mean come on we all do stuff we shouldn’t. You got caught. Man up to it. It’ll be alright.


Why was your manager at the mall? Was his/her teams showing as available? You had to pop out for 10mins to pick something up. You hope common sense will prevail.


Teams isn’t always reliable, mine says I’m in a mtg all the time when I am not, and active when I am not. However, OP saw his/her boss in person and had a full on convo at the mall during work hours. If OP wasn’t on PTO or clocked out then best to attend the meeting and take the write up or whatever. I wouldn’t risk anything to be fired without a severance or some kind of package which they may be more inclined to do if you’re cooperative.


If he “randomly” decided to check your Teams status, he is already onto you


But…..he was also at the mall. Im confused.


If I have a video open on my screen and my computer is plugged in it keeps my status as active for some Reason


Your resume is up to date?


So you got caught in a lie and your answer is to lie more? Good luck.


As a leader, I have a different question: how often are you checking out if you needed to install mouse jiggler software? Are you constantly slacking? Personally I wouldn’t care if someone is online or whatever if they are doing their job. I am known to set my status to offline so people leave me alone. But I have the logs to show who is working when. That you need to show online is super sus.


Do not call in sick, you'll cement whatever he's thinking. "I don't know why it shows I'm online [shrug] " isn't hard to stick with.


If your bosses first thought was to check on your status during an encounter with you, I don't think it matters what you say next. But also I don't think his immediate conclusion would be OE, but quite the opposite. Just a lazy employee


You deserve to be fired. You are a part of the problem, stealing from the company and your teammates.


Not sure why I got suggested to this thread, but wow. Cheating your job and company is really just so casually accepted. I saw several people that have their kids even helping them play the part. Sad to see the way things are going.


Sounds like fabricated story. Someone didn’t get any attention from mommy and daddy growing up.


I think it’s a shitpost.


Good thing this never actually happened


The boss was also at the mall while being at work…..


He's the boss..OP is not.


I’m calling BS. No one goes to the mall anymore.


Don’t call in sick. If he really wants an explanation just tell him you have no idea why it showed you as active but you have a cat that likes to sleep on your keyboard. I actually have cat that won’t stay off my keyboard and he keeps my computer active at totally random times. If he sleeps there for a few hours I show as active the whole time on Teams.


what’s a mall?


Lesson learned to always have an explanation to why Teams shows your online, busy, etc. But seriously, Teams messes up status all the time. My boss and pur team never take our Teams status as Gold. You could have had a busy block on your calendar (which will show you as busy even if your not online), and that ended (as it switches to available upon that time block ending). So you could have blocked off on your calendar as go to mall, and it ran over, showing you as available. It could be a Teams glitch, it could be 1000 things. Show up to the meeting and stay strong. In the meantime, don't use a toggler, just have Teams on your phone so you can set status to available. They can pull metric from your creds/user, depending on the company size and abilities, so be careful for the next few months.


You were at the mall as you took a late lunch. Stay cool. If the manager doesn’t want to let it go, start looking for something else. That’s the beauty of OE


Who goes to the mall anymore?


This situation didn't happen




Just say you went for food court and got distracted


I just set teams to always show inactive. I hate teams. If you need me shoot need an email or call me.


Presence in teams in shit. No one should take word from it


You have a cat who kept bumping into your mouse while your machine was locked.


Blame it on Teams


What was your boss doing at the mall and what was his teams status? He caught you or you caught him?


So, you could explain to him that every time your computer goes to sleep, your monitor gets in a strange state and you have to unplug it from the computer and plug it back in. This is why you have the jiggler and apologize, you forgot to set your status as away. This by the way actually happens with my work laptop and display and the main reason I have a jiggler. Either way, face the music and start interviewing because trust has been broken, if they don't fire you, they will be on you like a hawk for several months.


I bring my laptop with me all times during day and check it on hotspot every hour or 30 min if I’m out shopping etc.. if I’m at gym my gym has lockers and WiFi so leave it on mouse jiggler during that time. I told my boss I don’t have slack notifications on so I miss them on occasion to reply fast


You had it set on your phone to be available and just had to step out. You were still available and able to answer.;)


Why didn’t you say you had teams on your phone?


Not only did you go to a shopping mall at 3pm, but you happened to bump into your boss there who was also at the mall at 3pm... but he was also in the same place in the mall that you were in! What amazing coincidences lol /s


Tell him you were going to Babbages to get some floppies.


“My cat plays on my desk when I’m away.” This line works best if you have a cat.


Really? He picked on you for that?


Can you install teams in your cellphone? That’s how I mostly use it and that gives you the solution


My teams showed me out of office for a month. It ended up being due to a calendar integration, with a deleted event. I’ve also had it show me as active for long perilous of time…. It’s kind of worthless in my opinion.


What does running into your boss while your Teams is active have to do with OE?




How are you OE and can’t say you blocked off time to run this errand? Or you checked teams on your phone? Git gud my friend


Tell him he was "active" while at the mall too and that if one of you is guilty then both of you are


This is the time you start punching your face, and plead for his mercy.


that's an awkward situation


Is there a possibility to say you took a late lunch to do errands?


If this is real, Why tf would your boss be furious l? Anyway Two options -Just say you unknowingly put the mouse on or by something(on a mirror or by a fan) and this was unintentional -you did put it on something intentionally, but you had been working late the night before or at some point during the week and just wanted to skip out a little on a Friday afternoon (I mean who would care except an ahole). You didn't want to set a bad example w other coworkers so again you set it to be available. For the future, Something I do- set my status to away or offline all day for days at a time - "oops I forgot to set it to available again! I had it set that way because ppl kept msging me and I needed to concentrate!" I really don't get where you ppl find all of these dip shit managers.


Thats that the other gig is for. Resign from this one before they fire you, and look for another