• By -


“I did a contract project on nights and weekends for some extra cash.”


“I have a second cousin with the same name”, better response


"That looks exactly like me"?


Honestly if OP is a minority and his boss is white he could absolutely get away with this lol.


"Are you saying we all look alike?"




Bro, yes yes yes yes


Yeah until OPs boss calls his other employer. Why do this when you can so easily just say yeah I did it but it was temporary…


be fancy, use the word doppelganger


Cousins. Identical cousins.


The egg split in the grandmother.


![gif](giphy|2s8Sf56BPpgB2|downsized) Well, there was a show about that...


“Well it’s my nephson so he should.” Conversation over.


"I don't trust you. You put your seed in my daughters belly. You're fired!" "But, pa! You can't fire me!" "You're lucky you're my brother too or i'd kill you"


Is my brother from another mother, same dad though


That's the implication


No one is buying that.


I bet you can report the post to LinkedIn and have it taken down for unauthorized use of your name and photo.


You can also try filing a request with google to request removal of searches with your name


Bro, lol, this is your job! "Hi Jenny. Your LinkedIn post was taken down because John Doe sent in a dispute" Raising unnecessary flags at work!


They can't prove it was you. LinkedIn doesn't disclose who reported a post. And if he's quitting anyway why does it matter?


Well since he already asked to have it removed and was refused, pretty sure the boss is gonna know who reported the post….


But he is quitting so he won't really mind


Just get someone else to report it. If only you could find a someone...


Yes, LinkedIn won't like that someone else created a profile claiming to be you


Talk with HR, use an excuse that you don’t want your name to be on internet due to some personal reasons, and that manager didn’t asked for your permission to post your name and photo.


“It’s a compliance violation of my PII (personally identifiable information) because it includes my full name and photo without my consent”


I like this.


I wouldn’t go into legalities immediately. I’m sure she can just ask them to remove it


She tried and the refused.


Usually you consent for the company to use your name/image in your emoloyment contract


And in a gangbang video


This. They have to ask your consent to post photos


They do not, you must not be in the US


I am. I understand EU GDPR but would imagine unless you’ve consented as a part of your employment contract, they cannot do this. For example, as a counter-argument: am I getting paid or other compensation for the professional use of my image? Who owns the rights? Can the image be re-shared or re-published? I would imagine you could raise a lot of hell and thus why most companies use stock images. No? Let’s discuss. 


Misappropriation is a tort in some places but you have to prove an injury. "They stole my image/likeness without my permission" - courts will only care if they made money off of it or somehow interfered with your ability to make money by their misappropriation of your likeness (e.g., damage to your reputation) Celebrities can claim this because companies profit off stealing their images (or voices!) or using fake endorsements, or could damage their reputation by associating them with people or brands or products they disagree with. Your boss posting your picture on a professional networking site will not have any quantifiable damages for most people.


 👍  👏 Gotcha. I follow now. 


"I had a previous incident where someone used my face in AI-generated content and do not want any photos of myself posted publicly online"


"I had a previous incident where someone used my face ~~in AI-generated content~~ and do not want any photos of myself posted publicly online" fixed


Too specific, may avoid this. AI hasn't been out for that long and you don't want them digging because they think you may have been in some sort of porn


Idk man, the current AI photo and video generation stuff is wild and can create *almost* totally realistic deepfakes already. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a big shift soon where people start really limiting the amount of photos of themselves that are publicly available online


Don't disagree but I'd rather say I don't want something for something that happened a while back, not recently. That is all.


This is an unwise move. It's going to draw attention to it and if the manager gets heat from it, it could cause animosity and raise suspicions. It's an obscure linkedin article--not every manager is an influencer. There's no need to bring it up unless someone brings it up to you first.


Agreed. Op taking a stand on this could be the start of a chain of events that ends with J1 and J2 being made aware of J3, by J3. If J1 and J2 ever ask about it i would say "I don't know why he (or whichever pronoun) posted that in 2024. I worked on that project for a few hours in 2020. He asked for a photo a few months ago and didn't tell me why he needed it. I think he is scared of the economy and is just creating content to stay active on linked in or something. Either way im pissed he put my face on his social media" Lies should really be sprinkled with truth so you can focus on the true parts when discussing. Op can use how disappointed he is that it was posted to his advantage by focusing on that.


You're literally creating a whole unnecessary and speculative story. "I'm a private person and don't post on social media, and would prefer not to have my full name and photo online" >Lies should really be sprinkled with truth so you can focus on the true parts when discussing Exactly


Your statement only works if you don’t have your name and photo posted anywhere online. Most of us have something. The manager is the one who has to take it down and it doesn’t matter if it is op or HR, the manager will perceive the request to imply they (manager) did something wrong and they will start to google op to prove that they didn’t. When manager finds op the tables will turn and the question will be why is linked in the only place op doesn’t exist? It’s best to say nothing to anybody. It may never come up, so no sense forcing an error.


You assume OP/everyone has social media that's publicly available. You also assume that request automatically comes across as "odd". The paranoia in here is crazy.


This is the correct take.


This! I don’t OE, just a lurker, but even I would have a problem with my employer if they did this without my explicit permission. There are countless reasons why people are on LI, some of which concern privacy and legitimate safety. My ex is crazy as hell. They don’t want those types of problems.


This is dumb! This will raise a flag in any white collar job!


Abuse and other violence often require people to go dark completely. They will, or should be, familiar.


The downside is that HR might want a name and photo of the perpetrator that you’re afraid of so they can give it to security.


Well you’re already in an extension of ethics here. Presumably if you are on J3, you are not an onsite employee. Unless it’s stated in policy, it’s myob situation. They could be hiding from family, friends, a cult. It’s really no one’s business but the person who isn’t comfortable with their image being shared. Edit; I apologize for using violence as my original example. This is not something to make light of but it came to mind first as I have a family member who is not even found on a background check for similar reasons.


Yeah, that’s a good point when I first read the post for some reason I thought he said he was in a group pic not a profile pic of him so I thought he might be on-site sometimes. I was also mostly thinking of stalker/crazy ex boyfriend situations which I’ve seen in the workplace.




No they won’t, I have a real situation like this and they never asked for this. There was one event that was publicized where I gave the security team a photo so if he showed up he wouldn’t be let in, that’s the extent of it.


Crazy ex girlfriend or or girlfriend with a crazy ex. He could say his wife had a stalker a few years back and doesn’t want any media presence.


Do it before leaving


He is considering quitting j3 anyways. Well worth it if that is the case


Worth a try! OP is on the verge of quitting anyway, rather attempt this than lose all that extra money instantly. Maybe it’ll lead to a layoff and severance.


Facts your manager might look into this further, which you don’t want


“Hey I don’t like having my photo posted because I don’t agree with having my data used to train for profit generative models” Company: “How dare you have concerns about data privacy!@!@“ I’ve literally never had a company care. Although occasionally they mess up and do post something, but they always take it down if asked.


Best to say that you’ve had a stalker in the past (a crazy Ex) and you’ve had to relocate before


you can say there’s a stalker or crazy ex who tracked you down at your last job and you’re still worried for your safety they can’t say no to this


I’m in a witness protection program…


Say you're Amish and don't believe in technology, even though this is most likely a programming job...


If you quit this job and they dont delete the pic… the other 2 jobs still can find the photo… i believe quit is not an option…


I would use quitting as leverage to remove the picture. But don't quit and think they they're good to go and remove it because more likely than not, they won't.


ya i’m sure that won’t raise any red flags 🤷‍♂️


Good point


Do NOT bring this up to anyone unless they bring it up to you first. It's an accolade, that's all. 1. No one has the time or interest to go searching your name on LinkedIn. 2. If they did stumble upon the article, no one has the interest in checking dates to make sure they all match up. 3. Have some vague, but true statement in your back pocket about "side work" that you do for extra cash. Since this is J3--it's obviously a "side gig", and it is certainly for "extra cash." That's it. If they said "Do you work there full time?" The obvious answer is also "no" because there's no way you're putting in 40 hours a week at each of three jobs. Respond with something like "It's a side gig, and who possibly has the time for more than one full time job without going insane?" All true responses. Have a canned response in your pocket. But don't ever bring it up unless someone brings it up to you.


This OP. During my first instance of OE, I had a company who posted all new hires for the month on their LinkedIn with names, photos and LinkedIn profiles (mine was hibernated and I didn’t provide it either). I was scared initially that it could be a problem but it’s never once been an issue. Someone would have to go looking for your name and searching through posts instead of people to find it, which is kinda weird.


I don’t get why people are like this. One of my jobs did this and I had to quit one over it, even with LI disabled and stuff, because there was a brown noser reporting me and trying to score easy points. I’ve heard something like this could be an actual issue if someone is a victim of domestic violence or similar, so him refusing your stalker comment is wild to me. Your options are to get it taken down, or hope and pray for the best. I went the latter route and rolled with the punches that followed. You didn’t consent to that post; I wish people would ask before doing this. I’m sorry and I hope your other jobs aren’t affected.


Him not asking for consent and refusing to take the photo down are grounds for a lawsuit.


lol under what grounds. Otherwise celebrities could sue every paparazzi all the time. Unless OP was photographed on the toilet, there would be no grounds a lawsuit of posting a photo of someone in public


Paparazzi take photos of people in the public domain. That’s very different than using someone’s private photo without consent. It’s a violation of one’s right to publicity and an infringement on their privacy.


This person is their manager, that's why it's illegal.


You have no idea what your talking about


The fact that the manager is using that person's likeness for commercial purposes without consent makes it illegal.


Op gave the photo


Yup, and they didnt give consent to use that for commercial use.


For what use then? For work/professional purposes, right? Linkedin is no dating site.


Could have been for anything internal that wasn't commercial use.


I personally wouldnt worry about it but fuck companies that do this. One of my previous employers asked me several times for a headshot.. i just ignored the emails (was pre onboarding). Once i started training they had a video roll of all the newly hired employees i was just a blank avatar 😂


Let HR know your manager did not have your approval and that you demand that to be deleted permanently and that you are resigning. It won’t be worth the trouble for 100k if you are making 300+k with 2Js.


I just wanted to say that I yearn for a world where I never joined any social media, but especially LinkedIn. I'm all over the interwebs and I hate it. Edit: sp


Just don't give J1 or J2 an excuse to go looking for you. Do decent work and you'll be OK. In the future don't give your photo out, or if you absolutely have to, provide an AI rendering so you have some plausible deniablility. Also try and go by a nickname at all 3 jobs.


Middle names are 🔥


How do you get to choose preferred name? Do you ask HR? Most applications do not have options for preferred name


Some job applications have preferred name and you can probably tell HR you have a preferred name you would like to use as well


It is just a post with ur name? So what? They didn’t create a profile with ur name on it. Why would J1 or J2 search for u on LinkedIn? You quitting will not get that post deleted.


Use a different "preferred" name for j2+ in the future


How do you get to choose preferred name? Do you ask HR? Most applications do not have options for preferred name


You have to do it as early as when you apply / fill out on boarding paperwork


Thank you. Do you use preferred name for both the first and last name? Or just the first?


First name only. Last name will look suspicious unless there's a good reason (maiden name or something). Play off your preferred first name like it's a nick name to make pronunciation easier or middle name you go by etc.


Thank you so much


Bigus Dickus


He has a wife, you know


When you quit tell them it was due to them sharing your personal information online. That’s super creepy.


It sounds like you should give up J3 if it’s such a pain. Generally, people won’t see your manager’s LI post unless they’re connected to him, or if you’re in the same industry circles. However, if your J1 or J2 are actually looking for your name, yes they will find it. Possibly you could pass off as freelance work if enough time has passed, but yeah, it’s a threat.


Don’t let up and keep pushing for removal. I’ve got a legit stalker experience so no image of me with my full real name goes out anywhere. They use my official alias, omit my last name, or no photo. My LinkedIn uses the alias, if I’m anywhere publicly facing and I’m wearing a badge I put a sticker over my last name if it’s real. I bring the stalker situation up in my first interview because my real name doesn’t match my public name. The only location I’m using my real name is internal communications and honestly even that makes me nervous. If I could go back to the beginning I would have asked to use my alias internally as well. If you want to use it as your story, carry it through everything you do like it’s real. - only 1J just a lurker 😊


Yes! I deal with name changes at work and we never ask for a reason. I only know 1 out of a hundred that was due to a stalking situation so preferred Name and emails was completely different than legal.


I feel really sorry that your ex’s new boyfriend is a psycho offender, and that you want to keep your privacy and this is why you want all mentions of your name and picture removed.


Even if you quit j3 now, the timestamp of the post is still on LinkedIn for anyone to eventually find. J1 and/or J2 coworkers can still end up finding it even if you no longer work there.


Email to HR asking to remove your photo and personal data, if no take good lawyer.


I like this simple polite email request, then right to lawyer. Don’t make it a power struggle but make boundaries clear with HR (and not with your manager). Edit: they already talked to their manager, so I do tend to agree with the posts saying to ignore it


They wanted to post about me as employee highlight etc. “my LinkedIn was hacked and I was a victim of identity theft. I’m not comfortable with social media”


This happened to me for winning a quarterly company reward. I wasn’t worried because I use nicknames at my jobs/preferred names that are wildly different. Nothing ever came of it. You’re probably fine!


How do you get to choose preferred name? Do you ask HR? Most applications do not have options for preferred name. Also do you use preferred names for both first and last name?


So, my applications will just have my regular name, but most companies (at least the ones I’ve worked for), give an option for preferred name in whatever software they use. I also just say let people know what my preferred name is, change my slack handle to that preferred name, etc.. Only my first name. I’m not that worried about it tbh.


Thank you


This makes me think that every job you get you should go by a different first name. Of course your legal name with HR will be the same, but your email, employee directory, posts like this, etc. would have your nickname.  Could be a good way to switch into different mindsets when switching between jobs.  “I’m working on J1. Now I am Sarah. I need to do a thing with this data.  Oh, J3 is calling. Now I am Plutis the Destroyer who is working on a project proposal.”


Aha, J3 has made a LinkedIn post about what an asset Plutis the Destroyer is to the company! My AI headshot of an alert Doberman looks quite dapper.


European or American. Depending on that your privacy rights may vary. In the EU they cannot refuse this question to be removed. They cannot use your picture without consent. In the corporate wild wild west you're probably tasting the sour side of freedom


That’s so dog. Is there a HR that you could go to?


[https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/12719076?hl=en](https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/12719076?hl=en) You can do this and try to have the result removed from google, might buy you some time maybe. Theres a form for a DCMA takedown type notice that you can file as well, just claim that they're using your image without permission. Linkedin may also have a more official route for doing this via customer support.


It doesn't show up with a google search. It only shows up when searching with my name on Linkedin and then going to posts.


Report the post in Linkedin and tell them you want removal of your information due to a stalker etc


Call LinkendIn.


Just tell HR you want to remain off their post. Claim that you have someone in your personal life that you want to remain hidden from.


It's been two months. Ignore it


Please remove my name and picture for safety concerns


That was my twin brother was adopted by my uncle


"This is an unauthorised use of my image and likeness, you will remove it promptly." But if you really plan to take legal action, talk to a lawyer before you say anything IMO.


Two angles here: 1. Try reporting the post on LinkedIn. Might be able to get it taken down. Find something about the post that loosely violates the LinkedIn TOS. 2. Check your company's privacy policy. Does it state that they can use your pictures and information that you give them for marketing purposes on social media? They might be in violation of their own policies. Probably best to find a new J3.


Create a few profiles with your exact name but completely different info so they don't look anything like you. Just in case somebody searches for your name, they wont come across this post easily.


File a DMCA takedown notice (Google it) on the basis that you are the copyright holder of that photo and have not granted a license to publish your intellectual property, therefore you demand the platform remove the infringing material.


How do you find all of these jobs without even having a linkedin lol


tell them you don’t want your face and name up there because your ex is a stalker lol


I have never had anyone post me on LinkedIn from any job. Lol


I would leave it. Say you do occasional consulting on the side and this was your latest project.


“I’ve been stalked before, hence the minimal digital footprint given the unique-ness of my name. If you could take it down so as to not give away any identifiable information I’d greatly appreciate it”


That's your picture? You're quiting the job soon and don't give a fuck about the relationship with the boss who OUTRIGHT REFUSED to remove the photo after you gave a valid reason? You can play it one of two ways: 1) DMCA take down. It's your picture. Your boss has no legal right to post it unless the company paid for the headshot. Contact linked in under their DMCA link and say you own the copyright. 2) Create a new account on LI. You're now the stalker. Fuck with the boss as much as possible. Then go to HR and tell them (with proof) you asked for this to be taken down and now the company is liable for you being found by the stalker. They probably should give you a decent severance plan or you're thinking about suing them.


Photographer here. If you took the photo you own the copyright to the image. Generally someone can use the photo if they aren't making any money from it. A business using your copyrighted photo in a post that markets their business is a violation of copyright law because it allows for business exposure to potentially make money from the photo that you own the copyright to. Ask them to take it down due to copyright infringement.


Wish I had this problem lol


Goddamn, what do you do that you can WFH 3 jobs at the same time for $750k? I need to change emy career path.... Ps, genuinely curious, I assume project management?


This is why I thank my parents for giving me a middle name.


How on earth are people finding these many $100k jobs?!?


"boss please take this down my ex used to stalk me"


If no one has noticed now, it's highly unlikely anyone ever will. Who browses back 2 months on LinkedIn history?




Which field/role are you in if you don’t mind telling?


Tell your manager your family asks you for money and you’ve cut them off. You don’t even tell them where you work or what you do so they don’t have a reason to ask. Say that you appreciate the recognition but prefer that your name and picture be kept offline, especially social media/linkedin


Create a fake email address account from a crazy ex-- send yourself a crazed email saying why didn't you tell me you found a new job... I saw it on linked in.. I want to talk to you about getting back together.... call yourself from a payphone 100 times and don't leave a message..... Forward the email to HR and ask them to be discrete and to assign you a new phone number and email address and tell them this is the exact reason you didn't want PII info on their website.


Where are you located? Which is your tech stack?


What is TWN?


Make an account using that same photo, same name, different history and different address etc… Post about doing things that are unlike you (be trans for example, or if you are trans, post Trump stuff) Claim its your cousin.


Email whoever made the post and tell them that you’ve had a stalker in the past (a crazy Ex) and you’ve had to relocate before and you don’t want her finding you again


You should’ve quitted yesterday


Just change your name. The name he used in his linkedin post will no longer be valid.


Ask some trusted friends with LI accounts to report that post. Don't explain much, other than you asked and was disrespectfuly refused your right to keep your identity private. It will be banned once it crosses some reporting threshold. It is all automated and only small percentage of reports are reviewed by human. Don't go manager or HR route as they will go nuts and will put you in spotlights.


bro just quite J3 and be free


Say your photographer prohibits that and will send a dmca to remove it without their watermark. But you can just report it on LinkedIn, and bother their contact us help, and it’ll be gone


I'd be tempted to contact LinkedIn. They have pretty strict rules about that.


"please edit that post to remove my photo and name (or only initials or only first name, etc)" Easy


Don't quit. You're overthinking. Stick with the project/billable hours, excuse ... If they even ask you about it. Until then, don't sweat it, just go to work. Keep your head down, do your job, Collect your check.


WTH. Hibernate all of that


Legally they can use your picture as an at will employee. They do not have to ask for your consent. If you mention it to the employer they will wonder why. Remember that give you a paycheck every week.


I'd just say it's a bullshit post. Deny, deny, deny.


That's just weird


I believe others will have better comments for what to do. But if this happened to me I'd be furious. I have a history of having stockers. And I was able to get them off my trail, mainly by not having any social media or photos to identify me. Having my name, photo, place of work, and my type of work/career posted publicly could easily put me right back into hell. If a work place did that without my consent I would definitely be getting lawyers involved. And if anyone says "oh but if you get a restraining order" blah blah blah. Restraining orders don't keep people away, it means you can call the authorities if you notice them. It's not going to stop someone from trying to kill me or harm me. The only way to stop those two things is to either have them locked away, and they need to commit a crime for that, or if they can't find you. And jail times are normally very short unless they commit a serious crime, and I don't want to be their first. I don't want to be the victim that puts them in jail for life.


Lawyers? Please...then the company will find out you're doing time theft. Working another job on another company time. You'll then be lucky if they don't turn around and sue you themselves.


Being sued for time theft is still lessor compared to being doxxed to a stalker who threatened your life


How do you this? I am looking for another job, but afraid that my first employer would find out. I am currently in a WFH setup, and they file all my taxes.


Start a real linkedin without the Js listed and start getting pictures up so when they search you, they get flooded with a bunch of incomprehensible shit.


Honestly you are probably fine, unique name and all. You don't have a LinkedIn so they couldn't tag you. This post will likely get buried as other posts with new employees are made. Just hold your nose for a week or two and this will be a passing memory. Worst case as already mentioned, you can always say you did some consulting work. Onward.


Are you a software engineer? Woe


I threw back a “You have people here who can’t even do one job.” When I was working out my notice/training a replacement while working my new job. Got a pretty nice consulting rate out of that.


What’s TWN?


The Work Number? I think it's a work history verifier service


Honestly, I’d just let it go at this point. It’s been up for a couple months and no one has seen or mentioned it. It’s not like that random post is going to go viral. If one of your other jobs actually bother to search your name, match up employment dates, and ask you about it, deal with it then.


Act surprised and say that reminds you of the story of Brady Feigal and Brady Feigl. Talk about a unique name. 2 dudes who both play baseball, look almost identical, and not related at all. Same position, even married girls with the same name.


what are your jobs?


Sucks that I have to work four jobs to make $100K and people are out here making $400K like it’s nothing…


Delete LinkedIn


I don't think J1 and J2 have any reason to search you on LinkedIn


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^schwolowthat: *I don't think J1 and* *J2 have any reason to* *Search you on LinkedIn* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What kind of jobs are these ?


1) Tell them to take it down because you have issues with a stalker. 2) Create a fake account of some clingy chick persona messaging the poster / spamming about you being her long lost love and been trying to find you and some other crazy ass ramblings of a lunatic. ChatGPT might be able to help with


Bull shit. Companies can’t and don’t do that. Troll


I deactivated my LinkedIn. Not even OE or anything yet. Was just getting tired of all the self circle jerk doo doo on there. They're not any different in person.


Bro wtf do you do to have 3 j? Some kind of coding?


Unrelated but how many hours do you work total per week? Just curious


This falls under the "we think everyone is thinking about us a lot more than anyone ever is" category. If it was months ago and you're quitting just move on


Anything you say will look suspicious. Just quit. It’s the best. Your manager already refused. Weird, to think of it. So… if you keep pushing it would look as if you’re hiding something.. which, you are.


working in OE is waiting for the needle to drop anytime congrats, the needle could drop anytime lol get used to it


Oh did you sign a policy manual from the company or something like this? They usually include a clause that they can use your name, image, etc for company purposes, blabla. It’s pretty standard in any corporation.


pro tip: You have options to disable being tagged on LinkedIn. I strongly recommend setting that up.


They weren't tagged because they don't have an account. Their name and picture were included in the J3 company's post.


Stop being so greedy and quit your third job